Page images

hand, spurns the sand with black hoof and horn, and tosses his mane of snow high. (Four lines, rhyming alternately.)

Where late the green ruins were blended with the rock's woodcover'd side, turrets rise in fantastic pride, and between flaunt feudal banners. (Four lines, rhyming alternately.)

Whate'er befall, I hold it true; when I sorrow most, I feel it, -better than never to have loved at all, 'tis to have loved and lost. (Tennysonian Stanza.)



Prose and poetry distinguished, p. 627.
Definition of rhythm, p. 627.

Critics differ as to whether poetry must be rhythmical, p. 630.

English verse, p. 633.

RHYME, p. 633.

Rules for Rhyme, p. 633

a. Vowel sounds and final consonants, p. 633.

b. Accent of rhyming syllables, p. 633.

c. Penultimate syllables, p 633.

d. Antepenultimate syllables, 633.

Words are changed to meet the requirements of rhythm :

1. By contraction, p. 634.

2. By expansion, p. 634.

Measures, p. 635.

a. Iambic, p. 635.
b. Trochaic, p. 636.
c. Anapæstic, p. 636.
Dactyls, p 636.
The pause, p. 636.
Variety is given by:

a. Introducing other feet, p. 636.

b. Appending syllables, p. 636.

c. Contracting the first foot, p. 637.

d. Varying the pause, p. 637.

e. Combining verses of different lengths, p. 637.

f. Introducing broken verses, p. 637.

Irregular measure, p. 638.

Heroic measure, p. 639.

The elegiac stanza, p. 640.

The Spenserian stanza, p. 640.

The sonnet, p. 640.

Romantic measure, p. 641.

The Tennysonian stanza, p. 641.

Iambic trimeters, p. 641.

Ballads and hymns, p. 642.

Anapestic measure, p. 642.

Exercises, p. 643.



ABBREVIATIONS: cr. stands for criticised; q. stands for quoted.

ABBOTT, E. A., q. xlix, lxxvi,
lxxxviii, ciii, evi, cxxv, cxxviii,
cxxix, cxxxi, cxxxvii, 291, 432,
507; cr. xlvii, lxxxi

Absolute phrases, lxxxix
Acceptance, notes of, 177
Accumulation of material, 238
Accuracy in details, 86, 148, 212-215
Acerbity of tongue, 39, 43
Acrostics, 480, 484
Acta Columbiana, 597
Adams, John, 363

Adams, John Quincy, 331; cr. 622
Adaptability of similes, 607
Adaptation, 83, 506, 510, 538
Addison, Joseph, 13, 133, 325, 354, 358,
416, 439, 466; q. xxii, lxxii, 49,
114, 280, 286, 295, 480; cr. xxviii,
xxxi, lviii, lxv, lxxxviii, ci, cxix,
cxxxvi, 232, 382, 394, 396, 417,


"Adeler, Max," 450; cr. 126

Adjectives, xviii, xxiv, xxv-xliii, lxii,
lxxiv, xcv

comparison, xxviii-xxxi
definite, xxxv-xl
demonstrative, xxxv-xli
descriptive, xXV-XXXV

fitting, xxvi, xxvii, cxi, cxii
for adverbs, xxxii
indefinite, xl, xli
numeral, xli-xliii-
Adjective sentences, ci-cviii
Advantages of discussion, 62
Adverbs, lxii, lxxvi-xciii, xcv
for adjectives, xxxi
Adverb phrases, xxv, lxii
Adverb sentences, cviii
Esop, 321; q. 13, 92
Esop's Fables, 619
Affectation, 348, 419

After-dinner speeches, 88, 133

Aim of argument, 67
Albany Argus, 629
Alexander, J Addison, q. 387
Alexander, P. P., cr. xxv
Alford, Henry, 164; q. xlix, lxvii, xc,
xci, ciii, cxvii. 3, 41, 374, 426;
cr. xxxii, 232, 294, 484

Alfred, King, and the Danes, 407
Alison, Archibald, cr. Ixvii, civ, 426
Allegory, 620
Allegro, L', 638
Allen, Dr., 440
Alliteration, 479
Alva the Butcher, 452
Ambiguity, xxxiii, cx, 571
Ambiguous pronouns, 413
American humor, 111-113
Amherst professor, an, 392
Anacharsis, q. 123
Anagrams, 481

Analyses of Chapters, 12, 31, 44, 61,
80, 90, 136, 149, 167, 195, 207,
241, 254, 275, 300, 330, 341, 352,
378, 398, 433, 447, 464, 490, 504,
518, 536, 546, 561, 584, 600, 625,

Analyses of descriptions, 244
Analyses of sections, xciv, cxii, cxl
Analysis, 522, 541

Analysis of essay-writing, 238-240
Anapestic feet, 636
Anapæstic measure, 642
Ancient Mariner, The, 439
And, cxix-cxxi
Andrieux, M., 570
Anglo-Saxon, 384
Angus, William, q. lii

Anne, Queen, 354, 466, 478
Annoyances of a wit, 129
Answering letters, 196
Anti-climax, cxxxvi

Antithesis, cxxxvii

Any, 431

Aphorisms, 486
Apiary, an, 383

Apostrophe, 603; use of, 259-262
Apothegms, 486, 487
Apothegms, Bacon's, 611
Appleton's Journal, 473, 630
Appositives, xxv, xlvii
Appreciation, 45, 139
Arblay, Madame d', q. 366
Argument, 519, 525, 526
Aristophanes, 365

Aristotle, 526, 529, 594, 595, 611, 612,
615, 620, 623; q. 101, 104, 226,

Armstrong, John, 549
Arnold, Matthew, q. 344; cr. 596, 621
Arnold, Thomas, 599
Arnolfo, q. 143

Arrangement, xviii, xx, xxi, xxiv,
xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxviii, xlvi
of phrases, lxxxix-xciii, cxii,

of observations, as follows: xviii,
xx, xxi, xxiv, xxvi, xxviii,
xxix, xxx, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii,
XXXIV, XXXV, xxxvi, xxxvii,
xxxviii, xli, xlii, xliii, xliv,
xlvi. xlvii, xlviii, xlix, 1, lv,
lvi, lvii, lviii, lix, lx, lxiv, lxv,
lxx, lxxii, lxxiii, lxxv, lxxvi,
lxxvii, lxxviii, lxxxii, lxxxiii,
lxxxiv, lxxxvii, lxxxviii, lxxxix,
xc, xci, xcvii, cii, civ, cvi, cvii,
cviii, cix, cxiii, cxvi, cxviii,
cxix, cxxi, cxxii, cxxiii, cxxiv,
CXXV, cxxvi, cxxvii, cxxviii,
cxxix, cxxx, схххі, CXXXV,
cxxxvi, cxxxvii

Art of Conversation, q. 33, 47, 48, 75,

Art of English Poesie, 371
Articles definite, xxxv

indefinite, xl

[blocks in formation]

Atlanta Constitution, q. 193

Atterbury, Francis, q. 13
Auburn Advertiser, q. 364
Augustine, q. 62
Ausonius, 623

Austin, Alfred, q. 588, 596, 630
Austin, Gilbert, q. 151
Authorized definitions, 353, 379
Author's proof, 499, 500
Authorship, 88, 143
Autumn, 495
Awkwardness, 313


Bacon, Sir Francis, 65, 346, 515; q.
xcviii, 136, 272, 274, 282, 284,
288, 439, 463, 594, 595, 607, 611;
cr. 220

Badinage, 127
Bain, Alexander, 320; q. xx, xxviii,
XXXV, xxxvii, xxxix, lviii, lxi,
lxx, lxxiii, lxxvii, lxxix, lxxxiii,
lxxxix, cvii, cxx, cxxi, cxxii,
413, 461; cr. 94, 98
Ballads, 599, 642
Ballantine, Serjeant, 579
Bank-checks, 186
Banter, 29, 127
Bantering compliments, 54
Barbarisms, 353
Barham, R. H., cr. lviii
Barrow, Isaac, q. 107, 136, 487
Bathos, cxxxv
Battle of Ivry, 642
Bautain, M., q. 319, 322, 323, 327, 334,
337, 338, 339, 340, 542
Baxter, Richard, 120, 445, 521
Beattie, James, q. 642
Beau, a, 489

Beauty of style, 465, 483
Beck, Dr., 313

Beecher, H. W., 453; q. 114
Beers, E. L., q. 257
Belgarde, Abbé, q. 11
Belgrave, Lord, 368

Bell, Sir Charles, q. 152, 154, 156, 159,

553, 572

Bentham Jeremy, 360; cr. xxv

Bentley, Richard, 360

Berkeley, George, cr. civ

Berners, Lord, cr. 396

Berryer, Pierre Antoine, 554

Bible, The, q. 387, 454, 588, 603, 605

"Billings, Josh," q. 76

Biographical study, 239

Atlantic Monthly, 88, 502; q. 60, 146, Black ink, 194

345, 487; cr. 418

Attention, economy of, 457

Attention to the neglected, 51

Blackley, W. L., q. 81, 363, 365, 366,

613, 614, 619

Blackwood's Magazine, q. 18, 376

Blair, Hugh, q. xx, xxi, lxxxvi,
lxxxvii, cv, cxxix, 249, 466, 505,
506, 507, 510, 512, 513, 516, 520,
528, 592, 598, 603, 606; cr. xxiii,
xxix, xxxvi, lv, lviii, lix, lxvii,
lxxxii, lxxxvii, ci, cii, evi, cxviii,
cxix, cxxvii, 394, 416, 435

Blair's Rhetoric, 466

Bliss, Dr., 356, 357

Burke, Edmund, 43, 45, 279, 468, 539;
q. xcv, xcix, 120, 462; cr. lxxii,
385, 418, 452, 508
Burlesque, 223, 224, 228, 229
Burlesque age, 132
Burlington Free Press, q. 299
Burlington Hawkeye, q. 224, 230, 254,
376, 422, 495; cr. 126

Burney, Memoirs of Dr., 366
Burns, Robert, 366, 597, 611

Blunders, 350, 381, 383, 427; of the Business letters, 180–191

Block, Maurice, q. 487

press, 493-496

Bluntness, 451, 454

Boasting, 147

Boileau, Nicolas, 43

478; cr. 391, 416

[blocks in formation]

But, 432

Butler, Samuel, 611; q. lxiii, 152, 286,
623, 634, 635. See Hudibras.

Buttman, Prof., 109

Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, 344; q. Byron, Lord. 133, 139, 219, 249, 482,

Bossuet, James Benignus le, 344

598, 639, 640; q. xcv, 272, 643;
cr. 668

Cacophonous Couplet on Cardinal

Wolsey, 479

Cæsar, Julius, 467

Casura, the, 636

Bossuet and his Contemporaries, cr. Cairns, William, cr. xxv

[blocks in formation]

Calumny from raillery, 37
Camden, Charles, 481
Camden Post, 609
Campaign, The, 325

Campbell, George, 415, 616, 619;

xxx, xlv, lxv, cxxii, cxxxvii, 106,
128, 225, 226, 353, 358, 379, 384,
394, 395, 396, 412, 422, 482, 438,
441, 443, 446, 454, 460, 461, 486,
505, 513, 520, 529, 534, 535, 606,
620, 622; cr. xxx, xlvii, lxxx,
lxxxii, lxxxiii, ciii, 385, 392
Campbell, Thomas, 639; q. cii, 271
Candor essential, 247

Canterbury Tales, q. 348
Capitals, use of, xviii
Carelessness, 426

Carlyle, Thomas, 360; q. 285, 287,
288, 305, 343, 349, 360; cr. 471
Carnochan, Dr., 357
Carr, Dabney, 418

Carson, Dr. Alexander, q. 602, 624
Carte de visite, a, 430
Case, 391
Catullus, 439
Cento Verse, 482
Century, The, q. 206

Chalmers, Thomas, 452; cr. lxvii
Chambers's Journal, 439
Channing, William Ellery, q. 269, 286,
344, 514, 570

Chapman, George, 365
Character of the speaker, 509
Charles the Bold, 479

Chatham, William Pi, Earl of, cr.

Chaucer, Geoffrey, q. 348, 371, 485,
631, 639

Chesterfield, Earl of, 605; q. 128, 264
Chicago Herald, q. 235

Tribune, q. 224, 478

Children, imagination of, 307; ques-
tions of, 308; compositions, 309
Chinese idioms, 369; parable, 388
Choate, Rufus, 444, 506; q. 470
Chronograms, 480
Chrysostom, 445

Cicero, 236, 344, 360, 439, 463, 512, 520,
524, 527, 530, 532, 539, 566, 601,
607, 623; q. 505, 523; cr. 452
Cincinnati Commercial, q. 229
Circular letter, 171
Circumlocution, 420

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, q.


Classification, 243

Columbus, Christopher, 406
Combinations of words, 365
Comma, uses of, xxiii, xlii, lxxxix
compulsory use, 267-274
permitted use, 276-296
Commencement speeches, 306
Commendation, 45-55
Commonplaces, 306
Compactness, 193

Comparative degree, xxviii, xxix
Comparison, 323

Compelling dis ussion, 72
Complaint, 408

Complete images, 212, 250
Composition, xvii
Compositions, children's, 309; histori
cal subjects, 311; literary sub-
jects, 311; subjects generally,
306, 309; suggestions, 309;
topics, 312

Compression, 457, 460
Comte, Auguste, 320

Claude, Rev. John, q. 312, 443, 522, Comus, 366


Clauses, xxv

Clay, Henry, 488
Clemenceau, M., 514

Clemens, S. L. See "Twain, Mark."
Clifford, Justice Nathan, 514

Clifford, Professor, cr. 468

Climax, cxxiv, CXXXIV

Close observation, 212

of feeling as well as facts, 248

Clown age, 131, 132
Coarseness. 452, 454

Cobbett, William, 386; q. cxxvii, 414
Cobden, Richard, 440
Cocker, E., q. 265
Coleridge, J. T., cr. cxxv
Coleridge, S. T., 16, 249, 350, 437, 439,
612; q. xxvii, xliv. 22, 65, 96,
101, 117, 120, 128, 129, 134, 141,
144, 220, 252, 266, 269, 2.3, 344,
347, 356, 361, 366, 381, 384, 400,
408, 411, 434, 438, 439, 445, 451,
468, 474, 487, 505, 521, 587, 606,
607, 610, 617, 618, 620, 631, 632;
cr. xxxvii, lxxxii. cxxxix, 394,
421, 457, 469, 596, 618

Collard, Royer, 488
Collective words, xlii
College Courant, cr. cxiv

Collingwood, Lord,

Collocation, 427

q 198

Colloquies, Southey's, 491
Colon, use of, 274

Colton, C. C., q. cxxxiv, 280
Columbia College, 597

Concatenation, 482
Concede unessentials, 69
Conciliation, 524
Conciseness, 456
Conclusion, 519, 531
Condolence, notes of, 178
Confucius. q. 283, 286, 287
Congratulation, notes of, 178
Congreve, William, 139

Conjunctions, lxxxvii, cxviii, cxxviii,

Conjunction phrase, lxxiv
Connecticut Legislature, 350
Conservatives, 489

Consonants confounded, 155
Construction, grammatical, 353, 366,
368, 389, 411
Construction vs. criticism, 587
Contempt, 144
Contractions, 364
Contradiction not argument, 62
Conventional jokes, 110
Conventionalities, 10
too rigid, 173
Conversation, 1-170, 305, 325, 505
Cooke, G. W., 329
Copyrights, 503

Corneille, Pierre, 13, 17, 560, 583
Cornhill Magazine, q. 15, 59, 139, 142;
cr. xxviii, 619

Correcting proof, 497

Corrections, 194, 496

Countess of Pembroke, Epitaph on, 472

Cousin, Victor, 559

Cowden-Clarke, Mary, 456

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