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Cohen, Hermann. Ueber das eigentümliche des deutschen geistes. (Berlin, Reuther, 1914.)

Francke, Kuno. German Ideals of Today and Other Essays on German Culture. (Boston, Houghton, 1907.)

Mackele. Warum sind die deutschen so verhasst? (Braunschweig, Westermann, 1915.)

Rohrbach, Paul. Der deutsche Gedanke in der Welt. (Düsseldorf, Lange. wiesche, 1912.)

Santayana, George. Egotism in German Philosophy. (N. Y., Scribner, 1916.) Sharp criticism by a writer of Spanish extraction. Seiling, Max. Das professorentum, "der stolz der nation?"

Mutze, 1915.)


Wundt, Wilhelm. . Die nationen und ihre philosophie. Ein kapitel sum weltkrieg. (Leipzig, Kröner, 1916.)

3. [§76] Doctrine of German Superiority.

Chamberlain, Houston Stewart. Deutsches Wesen. Ausgewählte aufsätze. (München, Bruckmann, 1916.)

Chamberlain, Houston Stewart. Foundations of the Nineteenth Century. Translation by John Lees. (N. Y., Lane, 1912.) Superiority of the "Germanic race," as shown in history. By an Englishman now a naturalized German subject. One of the principal texts of German racehistory.

Chamberlain, Houston Stewart. Kriegsaufsätze. (München, Bruckmann, 1914.) Essays on "German's Love of Peace," "German Freedom," "Germany's Hegemony as a World-State," etc.

Durkheim, E. Germany Above All. The German mental attitude and the war. (Paris, Colin, 1915.)

Engelmann, Max. Das Germanentum und sein Verfall.

Funcke, 19-.)


Lasson, Adolf. Deutsche art und deutsche bildung. (Berlin, Heymann, 1914.)


Nötzel, Karl. Der französische und der deutsche geist. (Jena, Diederichs.)
Seilliere, Ernst. Le comte de Gobineau et l'organisme historique.
Plon-Nourrit, 1903.)

4. [§77] German Theory of the State.

See §§163, 164 below.

Burgess, John W. The Reconciliation of Government with Liberty.


Y., Scribner, 1915.) Defence of the German system by an American specialist in constitutional law.

Dewey, John. German Philosophy and Politics. (N. Y., Holt, 1915.) Mühlestein, Hans. Der vorrang der deutschen staatsidee und ihr sieg in Europa. (München, Rosenlaui-Verlog, 1915.)

Roscher, Wilhelm. Politik: geschichtliche Naturlehret der Monarchie, Aristokratie und Demokratie. (2d ed., Stuttgart, Cotto, 1893.) Schmoller, Gustav von. Der deutsche Militar und Beamtenstaat.


Teubner, 1915.) The author holds that Germany owes its freedom from the dominance of a plutocracy, as in England, France and the United States, to the aristocracy.

Standinger, Franz. Kulturgrundlagen der Politik. (Jena, Diederichs,


5. [878] German Prophets.

(a) Bernhardi.

Bernhardi, Friedrich von. Germany and the Next War. Tr. by Allen H. Powles. (London, E. Arnold, 1912.)

Bernhardi, Friedrich von. Germany and England.

(N. Y., Dillingham,

1915.) A reply to critics of his Germany and the Next War.

(b) Frederick the Great.

Sladen, Douglas. The Confessions of Frederick the Great and the Life of Frederick the Great by Heinrich Von Treitschke. (N. Y., Putnam, 1915.) The "confessions" were written in French for his nephew, heir to the throne, and published in 1766, during his lifetime.



(c) Nietzsche.


Nietzsche, Friedrich. Beyond Good and Evil. Prelude to a philosophy of the future. Authorized translation by Helen Zimmern. (N. Y., Macmillan, 1907.)

Stewart, Herbert Leslie. Nietzsche and the Ideals of Modern Germany. (London, Arnold, 1915.) A judicious and scholarly examination of the question how far Nietzsche's philosophy is responsible for the temper of the Germany of 1914. Wright, Willard Huntington. 1915.)

What Nietzsche Taught. (N. Y., Huebsch,

[blocks in formation]

Hausrath, Adolf. Treitschke: His Doctrine of German Destiny and of International Relations. (N. Y., Putnam, 1914.)

McCabe, Joseph. Treitschke and the Great War. (N. Y., Stokes, 1914.) A study of Treitschke's influence on contemporary Germany, the historian being held largely responsible for the ideas and ideals which prevail in Germany to-day.

Treitschke, H. von. Germany, France, Russia and Islam. (N. Y., Putnam, 1915.) The essays which compose this book were printed between 1871 and 1895. They deal with a wide range of topics, chiefly in relation to Germany.

Treitschke, H. von. Politics. Translated by Blanche Dugdale and Torben de Bille, edited by A. J. Balfour, and American foreword by A. L. Lowell. (2 vols., N. Y., Macmillan, 1916.)

Treitschke, H. von. Politik. (Leipzig, Hirzel, 1899-1900.)

6. [$79] Prussian Militarism.

See $8159-162 below.

Bernhardi, Friedrich von. On War of To-day. Trans. by Karl von Donat. (N. Y., Dodd, Mead.)

Clausewitz, Gen. Carl von. On War: Translated by Col. J. J. Graham. (3 vols., London, Paul, 1908.)

Frobenius, H., Colonel. The German Empire's Hour of Destiny. (N. Y., McBride, Nast., 1914.)

The German Army from Within. By a British Officer who has served in it. (N. Y., Doran, 1914.)


Goltz, Major-General Baron von der. The Conduct of War. A short treatise on its most important branches and guiding rules. by Major G. F. Leverson. (London, Paul, 1899.) Hueffer, Ford Madox.

Prussian Culture.

When Blood Is Their Argument: An analysis of (N. Y., etc., Hodder, Stoughton, 1915.) Jerusalem, Wilhelm. Der krieg im lichte der gesellschaftslehre.

gart, Enke, 1915.)


(N. Y., Putnam, 1917.)

Johnson, W. Douglas. The Peril of Prussianism. Lamprecht, Karl. Krieg und kultur; drei vaterländische vorträge. (Leipzig, Hirzel, 1914.)

Lanoir, P. The German Spy System in France. Translated from the French. (London, 1910.)

Muirhead, John Henry. German Philosophy in Relation to War. (London, Murray, 1915.)

7. [$80] Criticisms of German Ideals.

Baldwin, James Mark. The Super State and the Eternal Values. (N. Y., Oxford Univ. Press, 1916.) Lecture delivered at Oxford University. Bomfirn, M. A. A Obra do Germanismo. (Rio, Bresnard Freres, 1915.)

Critique of the German spirit.

Durkheim, Emile. "Germany Above All.” The German mental attitude and the war. (Paris, Colin, 1915.)

Muret, Maurice. L'orgueil allemand; psychologie d'une crise. (Paris, Payot, 1915.)

Repplier, Agnes, and White, J. William. Germany and Democracy, the Real Issue. The views of two average Americans; a reply to Dr. Dernburg. (Phila., Winston, 1914.)


See §163 below.


1. [§81] Recent Germany.

Barker, J. Ellis. Modern Germany: Her political and economic problems, her foreign and domestic policy, her ambitions, and the causes of her successes and her failures. (4th ed., London, Smith, Elder, 1912.) Bérard, Victor. L'éternelle Allemagne. (2d ed., Paris, Colin, 1914.) Eastman, Max. Understanding Germany. (N. Y., Kennerley, 1916.) Howard, B. E. The German Empire. (N. Y., Macmillan, 1906.) A careful résumé of the political system of Germany from studies on the ground. Rose, J. H., Herford, C. H., Gonner, E. C. R., and Sadler, M. E. Germany in the Nineteenth Century. (2d ed., Manchester, Eng., Univ. Press, 1912.)

Wellman, Walter. The German Republic. (N. Y., Dutton, 1916.)

2. [$82] First-hand Views of Germany.

Bourdon, Georges. The German Enigma. Being an inquiry among Germans as to what they think, what they want, what they can do. Trans. by Beatrice Marshall. (London, etc., Dent, 1914.)

Bülow, Bernhard Heinrich Martin Karl, Graf von. Imperial Germany. Trans. by Marie A. Lewenz. (N. Y., Dodd, Mead, 1914.)

Collier, Price. Germany and the Germans from an American Point of View. (N. Y., Scribner, 1913.)

Dawson, Wm. H. What is the Matter with Germany. (London, Longmans. 1914.) By a writer who has long interested himself in German affairs.

Francke, Kuno. The German Spirit. (N. Y., Holt, 1916.) By a GermanAmerican loyal to his adopted country.

Fullerton, George Stuart. Germany of To-day.

Merrill, 1915.)

(Indianapolis, Bobbs

A defence of Germany, by an American philosopher. I Accuse. (N. Y., Doran, 1915.) Indictment of German government by a German.

Tower, Charlemagne. Germany of To-day. (N. Y., Holt, 1913.) By a former minister of the U. S. to Germany.

Wylie, Ida A. R. Eight Years in Germany. (London, Mills & Boon, 1914.)

3. [§83] German Constitution.

Krueger, Fritz Konrad. Government and Politics of the German Empire. (Yonkers, World Book Co., 1916.) Elementary treatise on the German political system, from a German point of view. Contains useful bibliographies.

Laband, Paul. Deutsches reichsstaatsrecht. (6th ed., Tübingen, Mohr, 1912.) The standard work on German constitutional law.

Schröter, A. Deu deutsche staatsbürger. (Leipzig, 1912.) An account of the modern German political spirit and institutions from the German standpoint.

Zorn, Philipp. Das staatsrecht des deutschen reichs. I. Band. Das Verfassungucht. (Berlin, Guttentag, 1895.) II. Band. Das verwollingsrecht. (Berlin, 1897.) Two valuable volumes, by a leading authority on constitutional law in Germany.

4. [84] German Emperor.

Francke, Kuno. "The Kaiser and His People," in Atlantic Monthly, vol. 114. (Oct., 1914.)

Gauss, Christian. The German Emperor as Shown in his Public Utterances. (N. Y., Scribner, 1915.) Official version in full of many of Emperor William's addresses and proclamations, with an explanation of the circumstances under which each was delivered or to which it refers.




Kennedy, J. M. The War Lord: A Character Study of Kaiser William II,

by means of his speeches, letters and telegrams. (Palmer.) Lindau, Paul. Der Kaiser. By a leading German political writer.

Lucas, E.. V. Swollen-headed William. Painful stories and funny pictures after the German.

(N. Y., Dutton.)

McCabe, Joseph. The Kaiser: His Personality and Career.

Unwin, 1913.)

Perris, George Herbert. Germany and the German Emperor.
Melrose, 1912.)



Saunders, George. The Last of the Huns. (London, Routledge, 1914.) Schwering, Count Axel von. The Berlin Court under William II. (N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls, 1915.)

Topham, Anne. Memories of the Kaiser's Court. (N. Y., Dodd, Mead, 1914.)

Wilhelm II, German Emperor. The Kaiser's speeches, forming a character portrait of Emperor William II. Trans. and edited with annotations by Wolf von Schierbrand. (N. Y., etc., Harper, 1903.) Wilhelm II, German Emperor. Kaiserreden. Ed. by A. O. E. Klaussmann. (Leipzig, Weber, 1902.) The Emperor's speeches, letters and telegrams.

Book of William. With apologies to Edward Lear, author of "The Book of Nonsense." (London, Warne, 1914.)

5. [§85] Germany's Economic Development.

Chantriot, Emile. L'Allemagne et sa situation économique, avec une préface de M. Wilhelm Foerster. (Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1910.) Dawson, William Harbutt. Industrial Germany. (London, Glasgow, Collins, 1913.)

Helfferich, Karl. Germany's Economic Progress and National Wealth, 1888-1913. (N. Y., Germanistic Society, 1914.)

Millioud, Maurice. The Ruling Caste and Frenzied Trade in Germany. With an introduction by the Right Hon. Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart. (Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1916.)

Rohrbach, Paul. Germany's Isolation. An exposition of the economic causes of the war. (Chicago, McClurg, 1915.) Trans. of Der Krieg und die deutsche Politik.

Schmoller, Gustav von. Die wirtschaftliche Zukunft Deutschlands und die Flottenvorlage. Handels und Machtpolitik, Stuttgart, Cotta, 1900.)


1. German Policy in Europe.

(a) [§86]


Alldeutscher Verband. Flugschriften des Alldeutschen Verbandes. (München, Lehmann, 1896Publication of the Pan-Germanic organization.


Andler, Charles. Pan-Germanism, Its Plans for German Expansion in the World. (Paris, Colin, 1915.) Studies and Documents on the war. Andler, Charles. Le Pangermanisme Philosophique. (Paris, Conard, 1915.) Andler's volumes (five in French and one in English) constitute the most comprehensive account of Pan-Germanism in its several phases, and give copious extracts from the principal Pan-Germanist writings.

Blondel, Georges. La guerre Européenne et la doctrine pangermaniste. (3d ed., Paris, Chapelot, 1915.) Chéradame, Andre. The Pan-German Plot Unmasked. (N. Y., Scribner,

1917.) On Germany's war aims and the menace of a German peace. Dampierre, Jacques, Marquis de. German Imperialism and International Law. [English edition of L'Allemagne et le Droit des Gens.] (London, Constable, 1917.)

Masaryk, Thomas G. "The Literature of Pan-Germanism," in The New Europe. I. (Oct. 26; Nov. 2, 9, 16, Dec. 7.)

The Pan-Germanic Doctrine. Being a study of German political aims and aspirations. (N. Y., Harper, 1904.)

(b) [§87] German Imperial Policy.

Andrillon, Capitaine Henri. L'expansion de l'Allemagne, ses causes, ses (Paris, Rivière, 1914.)

formes, ses consequences.

Dampierre, Jacques de. German Imperialism and International Law. (London, Constable, 1917.)

Grumbach, S. Das annexionistische Deutschland. (Lausanne, Pagot, 1917.) Lair, Maurice. L'Imperialisme allemand. (Paris, Colin, 1902.)

(c) [§88] Alsace-Lorraine.

Engerand, Fernand. Les frontières Lorraines et la force Allemande. (Paris, Perrin, 1916.)

Fischbach, O. Elsass-Lothringen. (Tubingen, 1914.) (Das offentliche recht der gegenwart, vol. XXII.) An extensive bibliography may be found here.

Jordan, David Starr.


dianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, 1916.)

A Study in Conquest, 1913. (In


Lichtenberger, Henri et André. La question d'Alsace-Lorraine.

Chapelot, 1915.)

Putnam, Ruth. Alsace and Lorraine from Caesar to Kaiser, 58 B. C.1871 A. D. (N. Y., etc., Putnam, 1915.)

2. Policy Outside of Europe.

(a) [§89] Germany as a World Power.

See §169 below.

Bernstorff, Graf J. H. A. H. A. von. The Development of Germany as a World Power. (Phila., 1910.)

Hettner, Alfred. Die ziele unserer weltpolitik. (Stuttgart, Deut. Verl.Anst, 1915.)

Beyens, Baron. Germany Before the War. Translation of L'Allemagne avant la Guerre Les Causes et les Responsabilities. (London, Nelson and Sons, 1916.)

Naumann, Frederick. Central Europe. Translation of Mitteleuropa by Christabel M. Meredith. (London, King, 1916.)

Reventlow, Graf Ernst zu. Deutschlands auswärtige politik 1888-1914. (Berlin, Mittler, 1916.)

Rohrbach, Paul. German World Policies. Trans. by Dr. Edmund von Mach. (N. Y., Macmillan, 1915.)

Rohrbach, Paul. Zum weltvolk hindurch. (Stuttgart, Engelhorns, 1914.) Weil, Georges. Le Pangermanisme en Autriche. (Paris, Fonte Moigne, 1914.)

Wirth, Albrecht H. Volkstum und Weltmacht in der Geschichte. (München, Bruckmann, 1901.)

(b) [§90] German Colonial Policy.

Le Sueur, Gordon. Germany's Vanishing Colonies. (London, Everett, 1915.)

Ohlinger, Gustavus. "Kiao-Chau" in World's Work. XXIX. (Nov., 1914.)

Reventlow, Graf E. zu. Deutschland zur see. Ein buch von der deutschen kriegsflotte. (Leipzig, Spamer, 1914.)

Solf, Wilhelm. Die deutsche Kolonialpolitik. (Berlin, Teubner, 1915.) Zimmermann, Alfred. Geschichte der deutschen kolonialpolitik. (Berlin, Mittler, 1914.)

(c) [§91] Germany in the Orient.

Becker, Carl. Deutschland und die Türkei. (Berlin, Teubner, 1915.) How Germany saved Turkey from decline and dismemberment. History of the relations of the two countries since 1888. Germany's object not territorial expansion but new markets.

Mittwoch, Eugene. Deutschland, die Türkei und der heilige krieg. (Berlin, Kameradschaft, 1915.)

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