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Faire Virgin, to redeeme her deare,

Brings Arthure to the fight:

Who slayes the Gyaunt, wounds the Beast,
And strips Duessa quight.


Ay me, how many perils doe enfold

The righteous man, to make him daily fall,
Were not that heavenly grace doth him uphold,
And stedfast Truth acquite1 him out of all!
Her love is firme, her care continuall,

So oft as he, through his own foolish pride

Or weaknes, is to sinfull bands made thrall:

Els should this Redcrosse Knight in bands have dyde, For whose deliverance she this Prince doth thether guyd.


They sadly traveild thus, untill they came

Nigh to a castle builded strong and hye:

Then cryde the Dwarfe, "Lo! yonder is the same,
In which my Lord, my Liege, doth lucklesse ly
Thrall to that Gyaunts hatefull tyranny:

Therefore, deare sir, your mightie powres assay.'
The noble Knight alighted by and by

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From loftie steed, and badd the Ladie stay,
To see what end of fight should him befall that day.

1 Acquite, deliver.


So with his Squire, th' admirer of his might,
He marched forth towardes that castle wall;
Whose gates he fownd fast shutt, ne living wight
To warde1 the same, nor answere commers call.
Then tooke that Squire an horne of bugle small,
Which hong adowne his side in twisted gold
And tasselles gay; wyde wonders over all
Of that same hornes great vertues weren told,
Which had approved bene in uses manifold.


Was never wight that heard that shrilling sownd,
But trembling feare did feel in every vaine :
Three miles it might be easy heard arownd,
And ecchoes three aunswer'd it selfe againe :
No faulse enchauntment, nor deceiptfull traine,
Might once abide the terror of that blast,
But presently was void and wholly vaine:
No gate so strong, no locke so firme and fast,
But with that percing noise flew open quite, or brast.2


The same before the Geaunts gate he blew, That all the castle quaked from the grownd, And every dore of free-will open flew. The Gyaunt selfe dismaied with that sownd, Where he with his Duessa dalliaunce fownd, In hast came rushing forth from inner bowre, With staring countenance sterne, as one astownd, And staggering steps, to weet 3 what suddein stowre Had wrought that horror strange, and dar'd his dreaded



1 Warde, guard.
2 Brast, burst.

3 Weet, learn.

4 Stowre, danger.


And after him the proud Duessa came,
High mounted on her many-headed Beast;
And every head with fyrie tongue did flame,
And every head was crowned on his creast,1
And bloody mouthed with late cruell feast,
That when the Knight beheld, his mightie shild
Upon his manly arme he soone addrest,
And at him fiersly flew, with corage fild,
And eger greedinesse through every member thrild.


Therewith the Gyaunt buckled him to fight,
Inflamd with scornefull wrath and high disdaine,
And lifting up his dreadfull club on hight,
All armd with ragged snubbes and knottie graine,
Him thought at first encounter to have slaine.
But wise and wary was that noble Pere;
And, lightly leaping from so monstrous maine,2
Did fayre avoide the violence him nere ;

It booted nought to thinke such thunderbolts to beare;


Ne shame he thought to shonne so hideous might:
The ydle stroke, enforcing furious way,

Missing the marke of his misaymed sight,
Did fall to ground, and with his heavy sway
So deepely dinted in the driven clay,

That three yardes deepe a furrow up did throw:
The sad earth, wounded with so sore assay,
Did grone full grievous underneath the blow;

And, trembling with strange feare, did like an erthquake show.

VII. 9.

1 Creast, crest.

2 Maine, blow.

- It booted nought, &c.] It was useless to think or attempt to sustain so heavy a blow.


As when almightie Iove, in wrathfull mood,
To wreake the guilt of mortall sins is bent,
Hurles forth his thundring dart with deadly food,1
Enrold in flames, and smouldring dreriment,2
Through riven cloudes and molten firmament;
The fiers threeforked engin, making way,
Both loftie towres and highest trees hath rent,
And all that might his angry passage stay;

And, shooting in the earth, castes up a mount of clay.



His boystrous club, so buried in the grownd, He could not rearen up againe so light, But that the Knight him at advantage fownd; And, whiles he strove his combred clubbe to quight Out of the earth, with blade all burning bright He smott off his left arme, which like a block Did fall to ground, depriv'd of native might; Large streames of blood out of the truncked stock Forth gushed, like fresh-water streame from riven rocke.

- XI.

Dismayed with so desperate deadly wound,
And eke impatient of unwonted payne,
He lowdly brayd with beastly yelling sownd,
That all the fieldes rebellowed againe :
As great a noyse, as when in Cymbrian plaine
An heard of bulles, whom kindly 4 rage doth sting,
Doe for the milky mothers want complaine,

And fill the fieldes with troublous bellowing:
The neighbor woods arrownd with hollow murmur ring.

Food, vengeance. 2 Dreriment, terror.

3 Quight, disengage.

Kindly, according to nature.


That when his deare Duessa heard, and saw
The evil stownd that daungerd her estate,
Unto his aide she hastily did draw

Her dreadfull Beast; who, swolne with blood of late,
Came ramping forth with proud presumpteous gate,
And threatned all his heades like flaming brandes.
But him the Squire made quickly to retrate,

Encountring fiers with single sword in hand;

And twixt him and his Lord did like a bulwarke stand.


The proud Duessa, full of wrathfull spight
And fiers disdaine, to be affronted 2 so,

Enforst her purple Beast with all her might,
That stop out of the way to overthroe,

Scorning the let3 of so unequall foe:

But nathëmore 4 would that corageous Swayne
To her yeeld passage, gainst his Lord to goe;
But with outrageous strokes did him restraine,
And with his body bard the way atwixt them twaine.


Then tooke the angrie Witch her golden cup,
Which still she bore, replete with magick artes;
Death and despeyre did many thereof sup,
And secret poyson through their inner partes ;
Th' eternall bale 5 of heavie wounded harts:
Which, after charmes and some enchauntments said,

1 Stownd, misfortune.

2 Affronted, encountered.
Let, hinderance.

4 Nathëmore, not the more.

5 Bale, misery.

XIV. 1. Her golden cup.] "Having a golden cup in her hands, full of abominations."-REV, xvii. 4.

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