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Mr. Belling informs us," that when the news came of Ormond's being routed by Jones at Rathmines, O'Nial affembled the chief officers of his army and addreffed them thus. "Gentlemen, to demonftrate to the world, that I value the fervice of my king, and the welfare of my nation, as I always did, I now forget and forgive the fupreme council, and my enemies their ill practices, and all the wrongs they did me from time to time, and will now embrace that peace which I formerly rejected out of a good intent." He fent his forces to Ormond, under Ever M'Mahon, bishop of Clogher, to whom the Marquis had given a commiffion to command them. "It must be acknowledged," fays Borlafe, from Clarendon," that this bishop performed and obferved the conditions very juftly, as he was punctual in what he promised, and applied himself with all dexterity and induftry to the advancement of his majesty's intereft; fo that, during his time, he restrained the clergy from making any acts, which might difcourage the people from their obedience to the king's authority." This bishop was afterwards taken prisoner in an engagement near Enniskillen, after having received many wounds; and ignominiously put to death, by the positive order of Sir Charles Coote, whom, within less than a year, he had relieved when in great extremity."

99 6

The Marquis of Ormond had received frequent warnings of the infidelity of Inchiquin's officers; and fome probable reafons for withdrawing his confidence from Inchiquin himself. His excellency, in a letter to that lord, November 16th, 1648, on occafion of the before-mentioned mutiny of these officers, told him plainly," that he was very unwilling to have any thing to do with them; and feemed to think that they had but delayed their defign, waiting for a more hopeful opportunity to accomplish their end, which he understood to be, to betray his lordship and himself to the independents."


4 MSS. Hiftory. 5 Hift. of the Irish Rebel. fol. 313. Id. ib. fol. 312. Clarendon. Irish Rebel. Cart. Orm. vol. iii.



The defection of these officers foon after to the parliament, to which Lord Broghill's treachery and artifice not a little contributed, fufficiently juftified these fufpicions. For in this favourable conjuncture of the acceffion of O'Nial's forces, the diftrefs of Cromwell's army, and the probability there was, by the advantage of a pafs, of cutting off his provifions, and of making his retreat to Dublin very difficult, without lofing a good part of his men; in these circumftances, I fay, on a fudden, and altogether, all the confiderable places in the province of Munster, as Cork, Youghall, Kinfale, Bandon-bridge, Moyallo, and other garrifons, C 2

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" Clarend. Cart. Lel. Hift. vol. iii. p. 357



In an engagement near Clonmell," this Lord Broghill had taken the titular bishop of Rofs prifoner, and promised to spare his life on condition that he should use his fpiritual authority with the garrison of a fort adjacent to the field of battle, and prevail on them to furrender. For this purpose he was conducted to the fort; but the gallant captive, unfhaken by the fear of death, exhorted the garrifon to maintain their post resolutely against the enemies of their religion and country, and inftantly refigned himself to execution. His enemies," adds my author, "could discover nothing in his conduct but infolence and obftinacy; for he was a papift and prelate." Lel. Hift. of Irel. vol. iii. p. 362-3.

Broghill's chaplain and panegyrift, Mr. Morrice, informs us, that while his lordship was engaged in a battle against the king's forces in Ireland, "orders were once given by himself to the chief commanders, to give no quarters that day to any in arms." Broghill's life prefixed to Orrery's State Lett.

These garrifons (fays Cox) by the means of Lord Broghill, &c. revolted all at once." Hift. of Irel.

p. 12.

"Dungarvan was delivered up to Cromwell the 3d of December, 1649, where he found my Lord Broghill, who partly by his own intereft, and the difaffection in the foldiers to Lord Inchiquin, had gotten in all the towns in Munfter, that had formerly been under the parliament; a service most considerable, and fuch as was of very great advantage to Cromwell, who was now in great ftraits where to take up his winter quarters for his fick and diftreffed regiments. His army, partly by leaving garrisons in feveral places he had taken in, being so much weakened and impaired, so as he brought not, of all the men he 'carried

under Lord Inchiquin, revolted to the English parliament; and thereby gave them a fafe retreat, free paffage, and neceffary provifions of all they wanted; as likewife harbours for their fhips, to bring every thing to them they could defire. This defection, in fo fatal a juncture of time, when the ftraits Cromwell was in by the winter, and want of provifions, had raised the fpirits of men; and when they looked upon themfelves as like to have at least, fome hopeful encounter with him, was not (adds my author) a loss, or a blow; but a diffolution of the whole frame of their hopes and defigns; and confirmed that spirit of jealoufy and animofity in the army, which no dexterity nor interest, of the lord lieutenant could extinguish or allay."

This general defection of Inchiquin's forces feems to have given the first rise and occafion to the obnoxious proceedings of the congregation of bishops at Jamestown, they looking upon it, as a new and corroborating proof of Ormond's being privately connected with the English rebels. For, although his excellency had been fully apprised by the confederates,' of the ill affections, and actual revolt of several of the officers of thefe garrifons, before the general treachery now mentioned; yet he readily agreed to Inchiquin's fufpicious ftipulation, "that these garrifons fhould be entirely


9 Cart. Orm. vol. ii. fol. 10I-2. 19 Id. ib. vol. ii. fol. 102.

carried over with him, above five thousand horse and foot to Dungarvan." Borl. Irish Rebel. fol. 289. From Clarend.

Yet," the above-mentioned revolting garrifons had been fupplied by the Irish during the whole preceding fummer, to their exceffive charge." Orm. Lett. to the king. Carte's Collect. of Orig. Papers, vol. i. p. 419.

f" To fcreen Inchiquin, these revolting officers feized and made prisoners of his wife and children, whom, (adds my author) not without much difficulty, he got re-delivered to him." Borl. Irish Rebel. fol. 287.

And Ormond's afterwards fhewing particular favour and friendship to Inchiquin, was one of the causes of the people's diflike and fufpicion of him. " Some of the principal perfons (among the confederates) and with them some of the bishops,


left to his own difpofal; nor could Inchiquin ever after be prevailed upon to admit any of the Irifh forces, though actually in the king's fervice, into them."

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Before the peace of 1648 was concluded, the Marquis of Ormond, in order to induce the Prince of Wales to come over to Ireland, to take upon him the command of that army, told his highness, "that in all their judgments, his fpeedy accefs was become fo abfolutely neceffary, that there appeared little hopes that without it that army could be long contained from seeking its own security in a fubmiffion to the prevalent party in England; but that if his highnefs arrived fpeedily, the awe of his perfon might confirm fuch as were wavering. And not long before the marquis's return to Ireland, as lord lieutenant, about the end of September, 1648, Lord Inchiquin, by means of two of his colonels, Townshend and Derby, was faid to have sent over to the committee at Derby-house, fome propofitions for the furrender of the towns in Munster; upon which the committee at Derby-house, says Borlafe, fent back Colonel Temple with power to treat with the Lord Inchiquin ; but before his arrival there, Sir Richard Fanfhaw, the prince's fecretary, was come from

Cart. Orm. vol. iii. fol. 590.

under fhew of great confidence and truft, repaired to the lord lieutenant at Limerick, 1649, and declared unto him, that all that indifpofition and waywardness of the people proceeded from the prejudice they had against Lord Inchiquin, who had always, they faid, profecuted the war against them with the utmost rigour and animofity, and the places and perfons which had been most at his devotion, having treacherously revolted to the parliament, the people were not confident of him, and jealous that the marquis had too great a confidence in him; fo that if he would difmifs that lord, and discharge the troops that yet remained under his command, of which fome frequently ran away to the parliament, not only that city (Limerick) but the whole nation, would, as one man, be at his difpofal." Borl. Irish Rebel. fol. 303. From Clarendon. See what follows, ib. fol. 304 Some leading perfons applied to Inchiquin to take the command on him, as being of their ancient families; but 'tis certain that these hated both Inchiquin and Ormond, but on account of the former's family, would make choice of him as the leffer evil.

from the prince to Inchiquin, with a declaration of the prince's defign to fend the Duke of York into Ireland with fuch of the revolted fhips as remained in Holland, and to let him know the hopes he had, that by his affiftance and the army under his command, both he and his father might be reftored. This (adds my author) fo puffed up Inchiquin, that he would hear of no overtures from Derby-house, and made him abfolutely difavow that he had any knowledge of the propofitions fent over, though he was faid with his own hand to have interlined and approved them in feveral places.



The Marquis of Ormond defires leave to quit the kingdom.

HIS excellency, fo early as December 24th, 1649,


had requested, and fhortly after obtained the king's permiffion,' "to withdraw both himself and his majesty's authority out of the kingdom, if he fhould fee occafion." And the better to fecure his retreat on all fides, from a people whofe loffes under him, and jealoufies of him, were daily increasing, his friend Dean Boyle, privately procured him a pafs from Oliver Cromwell; which being afterwards discovered, by the ungenerous ufe that regicide made of it, his lordship returned it by a trumpet, with a letter informing him, that it was officioufly fought for and obtained by the Dean, without either his confent or privity."

His excellency's defire to withdraw himself out of the kingdom proceeded not, as has been already hinted, from the fuppofed refractory and difloyal behaviour of the Irish clergy, but from his own consciousness of the people's great mistrust of him, and their confequent averfion to his government. For, as he himself justly obferved

12 Borl. Hift. of the Irish Rebel. fol. 254-5.

Cart. Orm. vol. ii. fol. 121.

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