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voice is situated between the middle and the superior registers, as happens very frequently. The pitch may be varied half


Original plate. Exercises for the limberness and control of the voice

a tone at a time to two or three tones, higher or lower, and back in the same way.

The object of the exercises in Plate No. 16 is the quick adjustment and limbering of the controlling force. The whole power being applied through a complete relaxa

tion of the power-producing muscles and the thorax, the voice is made to trill by a quick change of the adjustment. This is made easy by the oscillation obtained through the limberness of the controlling force. The exercises should be started with great precision in the attacks and at a definite pitch.

With practice the speed may then be increased as strength and flexibility of the organs are acquired, without reducing the size of the the resonance chamber. Each attack should be made precise, and the change of adjustment with an open throat, as practiced in the exercises for controlling the power, may be accomplished without in any way impairing the quality of the modulations. This will be helped by imitating the sound of a bell with the pronunciation of the words ding and dong, and, on the soft vibrations of these sounds as they end, adding the sound of the vowels

in trilling without changing the place of the resonance which is necessary for imitating the vanishing vibrations in the sound of a bell.

While it is true that strength and flexibility of the muscles are gained by exercise, it is equally true that the nervous system and the muscular force, like everything else, can be ruined by too much exercise. Reason and common sense must be used. Fatigue is Nature's way of warning us. When it comes we should comply with her wishes by taking sufficient rest.


When is the voice at its best?

What should be the mental condition with respect to the practical use of the voice? Name three points of special importance in the practical use of the voice.

What is the paramount consideration in the development of the voice?

What are the usual results of having some weak tones in the voice?

How can the weak tones of the voice be made equal to the others?

How should you begin the exercises in trilling?

When should you increase the time in practicing the trilling exercises?

Against what should you be guarded in increasing the time in trilling?

How do you imitate the sound of a bell in trilling?

What is fatigue?



Nature intended the tongue, the teeth, and the lips for a special purpose in the welfare of the Ego. As far as the musical quality of the tones is concerned, they are undesirable; but, as they are otherwise necessary, Nature could not remove them, so man has ingeniously utilized them for the articulation of his musical tones.

Since, in civilized nations, the voice is used mostly for the purpose of uttering words, the tongue, the teeth, and the lips are to some extent considered as parts of the vocal organs. As such, they are called the articulating organs, and it becomes pertinent to have them trained for the clearest possible articulation of the sounds

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