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Treason, viz. col. Wilmot, to the Tower; col. Ashburnham, to the Gatehouse; and col. Pollard, to the King's-Bench."

To pay this great sum we yet but
know of, from the old customers
From the new Customers
From the City

And, a month hence, from the old

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50,000 205,000

So that all the money we have yet in
view being gone, we are to provide 382,800
If the country trust the Billet, and
the Officers, from a Captain up-
wards, be at half-pay, it is thought

it will amount to


In the afternoon of this day the two houses had another conference, in which the earl of Bristol proposed to the commons, "That a total disbanding of the armies should be made, if they were provided for it at present; and the lords would be ready to give them all possible assistance for perfecting that great work: that if the commons would make out an estimate of what would be wanting for it, the peers would join with them most readily: for, until such time that a total disbanding and disarming be resolved on and declared, it was much to be doubted that there would be greater difficulty in raising money and getting credit; and therefore it was desired to employ all their joint endeavours for a total disbanding of the armies. If there be not a possibility presently to disband all the 5 regiments, it was held fit to be proposed to the Scots, that they, at the same time, at least, retire from the Tees homeward, and ship their field ordnance at Newcastle; and that the English likewise cause their ordnance to retire with the Train | The two Armies have already had of Artillery." In consequence of which, the commons went upon ways and means to effect this necessary work, and to raise money for payment of the armies; and a committee was appointed for that purpose.

Which taken out of the sum, will rest 322,800

State of the Debt due to the English and Scots Armies.] June 17. Sir John Hotham, member for Beverley, reported the State and Substance of the then National Debt, on the Army's Account, to be as follows: "The Parliament undertook to pay the Army and Garrisons upon 10th Nov. last, which, to 20th June, is 8 mon, and 7 days £.412,050 For disbanding, a month's pay 50,000

The King's Army hath had of this
Remains due to the King's Army..


The Treaty, from which time we pay
the Scots, begun Oct. 16th, which,
to 29th June, is 8 months 24 days 216,750
For Shipping.

Total due to the Scots is
The Scots have had.

Remains due to them, Shipping and

Due to the King's Ariny è contra

Total due to the King's Army and the Scots

To the Scots must presently be paid, of the Brotherly Assistance money And there must be, within 15 days, in Yorkshire, else the Sum will every day encrease

For the money provided by Subsidies, and
otherways, the State is conceived to be thus:
Upon the first six subsidies
Upon the last.
Upon the old Customers
Upon the new

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500,000 400,000



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There was owing to the Scots, besides this, 220,000/. for which. Security must be given them."

After the reading of this Account of the Public Debt, the house of commons ordered, "That all the Merchant-adventurers in town should have notice to attend tl committee for raising money, in order to borrow so much of them as would serve the present occasions, at 10 per cent. interest." Another conference was also desired with the lords, and a free debate concerning the disbanding of the armies.

Act of Tonnage and Poundage passed by the Commons.] The Bill For granting to the king a Subsidy of Tonnage and Poundage, and other sums payable upon inerchandize imported or exported,' was read a third time, passed, and ordered to the lords.

Proposal for a Poll-Tax to pay the Armies.] June 18. Sir John Hothani made another Report, from the committee for advancing Money, "That the proposition for making 220,750 Spanish money current was wholly rejected. 105,000 | Likewise, that it was proposed from the committee, that every

[ocr errors][subsumed][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

115,750 English Marquis
312,050 or

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60 0

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[ocr errors]


[ocr errors]

Baronets, and Knights of the Bath

[ocr errors]

30 0

20. O



Gentlemen that have 1007. per ann.
Every Bishop

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[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Every Dean.



Canon Resident

20 0

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


Every Parson, whose Living is 1007.

[blocks in formation]

Common Councilmen

Master and Wardens of the twelve

[blocks in formation]
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[ocr errors]

40 0

[ocr errors]


[ocr errors]

15 0


£. 10 0fect "That this house finding every day new discoveries, of secret councils and meetings of Jesuits and others, and of several plots and designs to disturb the peace of this kingdom and of Scotland; and that this house was persuaded it was foinented by our enemies abroad, who have correspondencies with such as are here amongst us they therefore desired their lordships to take such a course as they should think fit, that all these suspected persons might be staid and examined; and all letters, of that week, inward and outward, seized upon, 0and brought to their lordships for their peru2 10 sal." This request was wholly complied with by the lords.

Master and Wardens of the other. Companies, and such as have fined for Master or Warden

Every one of their Livery

[ocr errors]

Every Freeman of the twelve Com-

Every Freeman of the other Compa-
nies, except Porters and Watermen
Every Merchant Stranger, being a

Every Merchant Stranger at Sea

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at Land

English Merchants at Land, not free


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The Speaker's Speech to the King at presenting the Bill of Tonnage and Pounduge.] 0 10 June 22, p. m. This afternoon the king case to the house of peers, and, being seated on Othe throne, the commons were sent for; whose Speaker, on the presenting the bill for Tounage 5 O and Poundage, made a speech to the king; 50 which being answered from the throne, and 20 the bill, being passed, his majesty withdrew. 0 2 The Speaker's speech was as follows: 0 4





King's Serjeants



King, Queen, and Prince's Council


Doctors of Law and Physic.

If Papists

Every Man of 100!.

Every Man of 50. per annum

Every one that can dispend 207. per



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All other Persons above sixteen, such as receive Alms only excepted, to pay 6. per Head.

Recusants, double in all."

This Poll-Tax was agreed to by several solutions of the house, with some alterations and additions too tedious to mention; because they run through all orders and degrees of men, from the highest almost to the lowest, not omitting widows, who were each to pay a third part rated upon her husband's degree.

"Most Gracious and Dread Sovereign; oThat policy, which weighs the prerogative of the king and property of the subject in the same scales, increases the plenty of the crown and contentment of the people: the even poising of this beam enables both; the one being ordained for the preservation of the other. This principle is so riveted into the hearts of your subjects, by the acts of their ancestors and traditions of their forefathers, that it hath created a belief in them, that their wills are bound to a due allegiance; and their fortunes and estates, as well as their duty and Re-subjection, must bend to the commands of that sovereign power, with which God hath invested your sacred majesty. Compulsory obedience, advanced by the transcendent power of prerogative, is too weak to support the right of government: it is the affections and estates of your people, tied with the threads of obedience by the rules of law, that fastens safety and prosperity to the crown. The experiment of elder times, in the reigns of the most valiant, puissant princes, hath concluded this the sovereign preservative against the discases of distraction and confusion; and makes it manifest to the world, that the honour and glory of this throne is to command the hearts of freemen. This admitted, the permission of the least diminution, or any eclipsed June 21. The lords passed the bill for granting interposition between the honour and plenty Tonnage and Poundage to the king, and receiv- of the crown, contracts a scorn upon the nation. ed the other concerning Pluralities and Non-Several parliaments, in former times, have Residents. At the same time Mr. Hampden, who carried it, desired the lords to be as speedy as their conveniency would allow of in passing the three bills formerly sent up, viz. concerning the Star-Chamber, High Commission, and disarming of Recusants.

Bill against Pluralities and Non-residence.] A bill against Pluralities and Non-Residence was, this day, read the third time in the commons; and, being passed, was carried up to the lords for their assent. By this act it was provided, "That whosoever had two livings, should, before the 21st of Sept. next, resign one of them and that if any clergy-man should be absent, at one time, 60 days from his living, he should, ipso facto, forfeit it."

stampt the character of a free gift upon the fore front of this Aid; still offered by the people as a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the crown, for the safe conduct of your merchants, and provision of the navy; to strengthen your une doubted dominion over the seas, which hath Foreign Letters ordered to be stopped and exa-protected your allies, and is a terror to your mined by the Lords.] June 22. A message came enemies. Our hopes were long since to have up from the commons to the lords to this ef- settled this, for the measure and the time:

Ten Propositions of the Commons relat

and with this to have presented to your sacred | in this, I will leave you with this assurance, majesty the triumphant palm of tranquillity in that I never had other design, but to win the all your kingdoms: but, as a ship floating upon affections of my people by the justice of my a rough sea, we have been cast upon the rocks government." of fear and dangers, and tossed on the billows of distraction and distrust of church and coming to the State of the Kingdom.] June 23. monwealth; where we yet remain, hopeless A paper of Instructions, given by the earl ever to pass through that narrow channel of Montrose, the lord Napier, and the lairds which leads to the haven of peace, unk ss we of Keir and Blackhall, having been read in be speedily steered on by the hand of your the house of commons, that body came to sacred wisdom, care, and providence. In the several Resolutions concerning the Security of midst of all these troubles, and the several Scotland. A committee of seven were apopinions which have been amongst us, no pointed to withdraw immediately into the division had power to distract any one of us court of wards, to prepare heads for a confefrom the care and duty we owe to your sacred rence with the lords about that, and other buperson. And, to that end, am I now sent by siness of the nation. the commons of England, to present this as a mark only, whereby your sacred majesty may view the inward duties of our hearts; until time and opportunity will give leave for a further expression of our duties and affections. The acceptation of this gift will glad the hearts of your people, and your approbation (by the royal assent to this bill, being the largest for the measure which was ever given) will join wings to our desires and hopes; which shall never return without that live leaf which may declare that the waters are abated, and that your sacred majesty may have full assurance of the faith and loyalty of your subjects."

The King's Answer.] The King's Answer was as follows:

June 24. The heads for a conference being read in the house by Mr. Pym, and agreed to, a message was sent up to the lords by sir John Hotham, to desire one immediately. The report of this conference was made in the upper house, that day, by the bishop of Lincoln, to this purpose: "Mr. Pym told their lordships, that he was commanded by the house of commons to present unto them their continued care and endeavour for the good of the kingdom; that as their affections were united with them to one great end, to serve God, the king, and the commonwealth, so their counsels might jointly co-operate thereunto: that there was but one end, and one foundation of all these affections and counsels, howbeit they spread themselves into many and "I do very willingly accept of your offer several branches; for they were all so united made at this time, as a testimony of your and weaved with the duties which we owe to love and that dutiful affection you owe ine; our God, our king, and our common-wealth, and I no way doubt but that you will perform that we cannot duly and truly serve God, but what you have intimated unto me, in per- thereby we serve our king; nor serve God fecting the other bills when you have leisure. and our king as we ought, without our service Likewise, in passing this bill, you cannot but to the commonwealth: but, as a way to this see a great testimony of the trust and confi- common and general end, he was to make dence I have in your affections; as, since this unto their lordships several Propositions. Bcparliament begun I have omitted no occasion, | cause they had lately found out very maligwhereby I may shew such affection to my peo nant and pestiferous designs, set on foot, or ple, as I desire my people should shew to me; plotted, to trouble the peace of the kingdom; and not only so, but likewise in eschewing all the which, though they were prevented, yet occasions of dispute, in seeking to remove jea- were still pursued; which was the reason the lousies; and for this particular bill, you can- house of commons did present unto their lordnot but know that I do freely and frankly ships these Propositions, in ten several heads, give over that right, which my predecessors which have their branches and subdivisions have esteemed their own, though I confess made under them: disputed, yet so as it was never yielded by any oue of them: therefore, you must understand this as a mark of my confidence in you, thus to put myself wholly upon the love and affections of my people for my subsistence; and therefore, I hope, in the perfecting this you have begun, you will go on the more chearfully. And as for those rumours, which have bred suspicions concerning the Army, though I have heard some loose discourses touching it, which I never understood otherwise than as having relation to the Scots Army, or preventing of insurrections; yet they were so slight of themselves, that they vanished, by their own lightness, within few days after they were born. Wherefore, having shewed you my clearness


"Concerning Disbanding of the Armies.

I. "This in the first front, because it was first to be done and make way for all the rest; and this had 4 several branches. 1. The house of commons desired the 5 regiments to be disbanded, according to a former order agreed upon by both houses. 2. The commissioners for the Scots to be desired to withdraw some of their troops from the Teese. 3. That their lordships would join with the house of commons in an humble motion to his majesty, to declare the 5 regiments to be disbanded, and the rest of the army as soon as money can be provided; and for the punishment of those

who shall refuse to disband, if any such there be. 4. That the lord general should be intreated forthwith to repair to the army, on the 30th inst. at the farthest; at which time the money would be there. And that the lord Newport, master of the ordnance, be also there, to take care of that and all other things under his charge."

find them out of himself; otherwise it will cause the house of commons to reduce this petition to names of particulars.-Therefore they desired your lordships to commend it to his majesty, That he would put the offices of the kingdom and his own into such hands, as his maj. and the parliament may confide in." "Concerning the Queen's Majesty in several Branches.

II. "That his majesty would be pleased to allow a convenient time, before his journey into Scotland, that the army might be first dis- IV. "That his majesty would be graciously banded; and that some of the important at pleased, by advice of his parliament, to perfairs, now depending in parlianrent, may be suade the queen to take some of the nobility dispatched before his majesty's journey. This and others in trust into her service, in such Proposition he backed with these 4 reasons: places as are now in her disposal; because she 1. The safety of his majesty's person. 2. The has shewed herself ready to do any thing for -removing of the jealousy of his good subjects. the common good of the kingdom. Of th 3. The cutting off the hopes of those who are kind are, 1. That no Jesuit be entertained in ill-affected, and have any design of disturbing her majesty's service, nor any Priest, native the peace of the kingdom, by means of the of his majesty's dominions. The reason c army. 4. The great advantage in his majesty's this is, that the Jesuits are banished out of: own affairs, and contentment of his people, if, other courts of Catholic princes; and it is before his going, the royal assent night pass against our laws that native Priests should be to divers bills, concerning the reformation of here. 2. That the college of Capuchins, the church and state, (of which some are al- Denmark-house, may be dissolved, and the ready sent up, others in preparation) with the persons sent out of the kingdom. The reasts bill intended for the further grant of Tonnage of which are, 1. Their being here is a scanda and Poundage, and other customs: and that to religion and a danger to our peace. 2. D some time might be employed to regulate the affection to the state, manifested in a letter king's estate and revenue; to free them of un- dated May 6th, in which many scandals are necessary burdens, and to employ them for the cast upon the parliament and the good subgood of the commonwealth. All these, he said,jects, under the name of Puritans, or disaffecto. required his presence in parliament.”

and injurious to the queen's person; and there upon the cardinal excited to some desig Concerning his Majesty's Council and Mi-against England. Next the letter of Frans

nisters of State.

III. "That his majesty nay be humbly petitioned to remove such evil counsellors, against whom there may be any just exceptions; and for the committing of his own business and the affairs of the kingdom to such counsellors and officers as the parliament may have cause to confide iu: because all the ill effects we feel are produced by these ill counsels, in all the 3 fundamentals before spoken of. 1. In matter of religion. 2. In the king's private estate. 3. In the good of the whole kingdom: all these 3, he said, were decayed; but those of another kind and allay had much prospered, of late, amongst us; as matters of Monopolies, of Projects, and new Inventions. Here he told your lordships a tale of a gardiner, who being demanded, why the weeds grew so fast and the flowers so thin in his ground-plot? answered, the weeds were the true children, but the flowers were but so many slips and bastards. So, said he, it is written,That kings shall be our nursing fathers, and queens our nursing mothers: hut we have found here, of late, by reason of evil counsellors, no nurses but hirelings of the publick state. These, therefore, are especially to be removed, for the reducing the kingdom to a better condition and posture. Howbeit, this request is by the house of commons recommended but in general, for this present, without pointing out or designing of particulars, in hopes the king will

Philips, wherein, by way of reproach on t
parliament, he writes, That the Protestation.
taken by both houses, is like the Scots cove
nant, but something worse.' And that dives
informations had been given of great quantitis
of gold transported by these priests. The 4
branch concerning the queen, was upon the
special occasion of his majesty's absence, the
your lordships would join with the house of
commons to advise the king, that some of the
nobility and others of quality, with a co
petent guard, might be appointed to attes
the queen; for the security of her royal pers
against all designs of the Papists, and othes
ill-affected to the peace of the kingdom. I
reasons given for this branch, were, 1. Tox
cure her from Popish attempts. 2. By t
watchfulness of those worthy persons, Priest
and Jesuits may be kept from court. He p
tested, that therein he intended nothing
disrespect: he said it was a blessed thing
be kept from temptation; and, to be rid
these flies, would gain the queen the love
the people in the king's absence."

Concerning the Prince and the rest of
Royal Issue.

V. "That some person of public trust, well-affected to religion, may, by consent parliament, be placed about the prince, may take care of his education, especial in inatters of religion; and that the like

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may be taken of the rest of his majesty's | reducing of these Propositions to effect the public good."


"On Papists coming to Court. VI." 1. It is humbly desired that your lordships would join with them in a petition, that his majesty would be sparing in licensing Papists to come to court. 2. That if they do come, without licence, they may be punished severely, and the laws be put in execution against them. 3. That if any English woman, that is a Papist, be about the court, she may not reside there. 4. That no pension be given to any living beyond seas, which is of dangerous consequence. 5. That English ladies, Papists, be removed from court; and the king moved for his assent, that the persons of the most active Papists be restrained, as shall be necessary for the safety of the kingdom, be they lords or others."

"Concerning the Nuncios.

VII. "That it may be declared, by an act of parliament, that if any man shall presume to come to this kingdom, with instructions from the Pope or the court of Rome, that he shall be in the case of High Treason, and out of the protection of the king and the laws." "Concerning the Security and Peace of the Kingdom.

VIII. 1. That men of honour and trust be placed lord lieutenants in every county; and that direction be given to these lieutenants, to be careful in the choice of their deputies. 2. That the Trained Bands be furnished with arms, powder, and bullet; and that they be exercised and made ready for service. Also that an oath be prepared to pass both houses of parliament, to be taken by the lord lieutenants, deputy lieutenants, and other officers of Trained Bands, to secure their fidelity in these dangerous times. 3. That the Cinque Ports, and other ports of the king, dom may be put into good hands; and a list of those who govern them now may be presented to parliament, and those persons altered upon reason; and that special care be taken for reparation and provision of the forts. 4. That the lord admiral* (that noble lord, in whose honour the house of commons stands secure) be desired to inform the parliament in what case the Navy is; that if there be any defect, it may be provided for out of the money which is to come upon the bill of Tonnage and Poundage; and that if any suspected person have any command in any of his majesty's ships, he may be removed."



Orders relating to disbanding the Armies.] June 25. A committee of ten lords were sent to the king, to desire that his majesty would declare the disbanding of the five Regiments, &c. according to the tenor of the first of these Propositions; and this day the king's Answer was reported back to the house, "That his majesty gave way to their lordships desires, but wished them to take such care therein, and to the advice of both houses of parliament; that the disbanding be both honourable and safe:" adding, "That the Pope's nuncio should be presently sent out of the kingdom."

The Answer which the Scots Commissioners made to the request of both houses, about causing their army to retire from the river Teese, at the same time the English regiments were disbanding, was also reported to the lords: "That they would presently dispatch a messenger to their general, and they are confident that he will do accordingly, when he understands it: also that they agreed to a cessation of arms for 14 days longer; and, lastly, they desired that the Resolutions and votes of the house of commons, concerning an act of parliament of public faith, relating to the security of the money due to them, called Brotherly Assistance,' which was 220,000l. might pass with the consent of both houses.'


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The earl of Holland, lord general of the English army, reported to the house, " That, notwithstanding the king had given his consent for the disbanding the Regiments, he was of opinion the army could not well be disarmed, without some power to punish such as should mutiny, or refuse to be disbanded; therefore desired the house to take this into consideration." On this a Mutiny-Act, to punish such as should be refractory, was agreed to be proposed to the commons, which was only to serve the present purpose, and die with it: but the connons thought it better to desire the general to execute martial law on such persons; who answered, "That he would go down immediately, and take all the precautions possible; and though the disbanding armies might be irksome to some who delight in action, yet, for his part, he had rather see those armies turn their backs one to another than their faces, for the quiet of the kingdom."

June 26. Notwithstanding these precautions, the house of commons seemed to be uneasy about the disbanding of these forces; for this day it was resolved, "That this house IX. "That his majesty would be pleased to holds it fit the lords be moved to desire his give direction to his learned counsel to draw majesty, that a Proclamation may presently go a general Pardon, in such a large and bene-down, to declare, That those that should disoficial manner, as may be for the security of his subjects."

X. "A select committee of the lords to join with a proportionable number of the commons, from time to time, to confer about these particular courses, as shall be most effectual for

The earl of Northumberland, VOL, II,

bey the lord general, or their officers, in disbanding the Army, shall be punished severely, as in contempt of the king and parliament.' Likewise it was resolved, "That a command shall be given to the high sheriff of every county, the lord lieutenants, deputy lieutenants, and the justices of peace, to give aid and assistance to the safe conduct of such soldiers as

3 I

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