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Power granted by Constitution-Act of April 2, 1792, establishing a mint and regulating

coinage-Act of May 8, 1792, copper coinage-Act of January 14, 1793, copper coinage- Act

February 9, 1793, in reference to foreign coins-Subsequent legal tender legislation as to foreign

coins-Act of March 3, 1795, regulating the mint and coins of the U. S.-Act of April 21, 1806,

punishment of counterfeiting-Act of June 25, 1834, gold coins of U S.-Act of January 18, 1837,

coinage revision-Act of March 3, 1849, coinage of gold dollars and double eagles--Act of March

3, 1851, coinage of three-cent silver piece--Act of February 21, 1853, relative to half and quarter

dollar, dime and half dime-Act of March 3, 1853, new coinage, assaying and regulation of dies-
Act of February 21, 1857, legal tender quality of foreign coins revoked, nickel cent, purchase of
bullion-Act of April 22, 1864, coinage of bronze cent, and legal tender of minor coins-Act of
March 3, 1865, coinage of nickel three-cent pieces, limited legal tender-Act of May 16, 1866, comage
of five-cent piece-Act of March 3, 1871, redemption of copper and other token coins--Act of
February 12, 1873, revising coinage laws--Act of January 29, 1874, coinage of foreign coins at the
mint-Act of June 22, 1874, Revised Statutes of the U. S.-Act of March 3, 1875, coinage of twenty-
cent piece-Act of April 17, 1876, issue of silver coins--Joint resolution, July 22, 1876, issue of
silver coins, purchase of silver bullion--Act of February 28, 1878, to authorize standard silver
dollar, purchase of bullion, monetary conference--Act of May 2, 1878, coinage of twenty-cent piece
prohibited--Act of June 19, 1878, assaying of bullion-Act of March 3, 1879, transportation of
securities, coin certificates--Act of June 9, 1879, redemption of silver coins, legal tender of silver
coins-Act of May 26, 1882, gold coin for gold bullion--Act of August 7, 1852, transportation of
silver coins--Act of August 4, 1886, issue of silver certificates, transportation of silver coin--Act
February 19, 1887, retirement and recoinage of trade dollar-Act March 2, 1989, disposal of
"silver profit fund"-Act July 14, 1890, purchase of silver bullion, issue of coin certificates--Act
of September 26, 189), amendment of section 3510, Revised Statutes--Act of September 26, 1890,
discontinues the coinage of three-dollar and one-dollar gold pieces and three-cent nickel--Act of
February 10, 1891, counterfeiting--Act of March 3, 1891, exchange of gold coins for bars-Act of
November 1, 1893, purchase of silver bullion discontinued.


Act of July 17, 1861, authorizing the issue of Treasury and $50,000,000 demand notes-Act of

August 5, 1861, form and manner of issuing Treasury notes-Act of February 12, 1862, $10,000,000

additional demand notes-Act of February 25, 1862, issue of $150,000,000 legal tender United States

notes-Act of March 17, 1862, demand notes made legal tender--Act of July 11, 1862, additional

issue of $150,000,000 United States legal tender notes-Act of July 17, 1862, stamps received in pay-

ment of customs duties, fractional bank notes forbidden-Joint resolution January 17, 1863, non-

interest bearing United States notes authorized-Act of March 3, 1863, $150,000,000 additional legal

tender notes authorized, exchange of United States notes for interest bearing Treasury notes, issue

of gold certificates, $50,000,000 fractional currency-Act of June 30, 1854, Treasury notes bearing

interest, redemption of Treasury and United States notes, temporary loan-Act of January 28,

1965, issue of Treasury notes-Act of March 3, 1865, conversion of Treasury notes into bonds-

Act of April 12, 1868, retirement of United States notes--Act of March 2, 1867, issue of temporary

loan certificates in payment of compound interest notes-Act February 4, 18 8, suspension of

further reduction of the currency--Act of July 25, 1868, redemption and retirement of compound

interest notes--Act of March 18, 1869, to strengthen public credit--Act of July 12, 1870, redemption

of 3 per cent. temporary loan certificates--Act of June 20, 1874, amount of United States notes

fixed-Revised Statutes relating to currency--Act January 14, 1875, resumption of specie payments

--Actof May 31, 1878, further retirement of United States notes forbidden--Act of August 4, 1886,

issue of silver certificates.


Act of February 25, 1791, incorporation of the Bank of the United States--Act June 27, 1798, coun-

terfeiting--Act of April 10, 1816, Second Bank of the United States--Act of February 25, 1863, to

provide a national bank currency--Act of June 3, 1864, National Bank Act--Act of March 3, 1865,

formation of national banks--Act of July 13, 1836, tax on State banks-Act of March 2, 1867, certi-

ficates of temporary loans-Act of March 26, 1867, tax on county or municipal notes-Act of March

8, 1869, reports of national banks-Act of July 12, 1870, increase of national bank circulation-Re-

vised Statutes of the United States--Act of June 20, 1874, organization of national banks-Act of

June 23, 1874, destruetion of notes-Act of January 19, 1875, limitation of aggregate amount of na-

tional bank notes removed--Act of February 8, 1875, tax on notes other than national bank-Act

of March 3, 1875, printing of the notes-Act of February 14, 1880, conversion of national gold

banks--Act of July 12, 1882, corporate existence of national banks extended-Act of March 3,

1887, reserve cities--Act of July 14, 1890, 5 per cent. redemption fund.


Coins of the United States, authority for coining and changes in weight and fineness, total

amount coined, legal tender quality.

Fundamental Monetary law-Standard-H'story of the Free Coinage of Silver-How rupees are

estimated-Legal tender value of rupee-Coinage charge-Ravio-Gold not legal tender-Denomin-

ations, etc., of gold and silver coins of British India-Banks previous to 1861-Issues of present

currency notes-Geographical circles of issue--Exchange gold or bullion-Reserve invested in Gov-

ernment securities-Maximum limit-Amount of circulation-Estimated stock of money.

Minor British Colonies

same as England's-The Bermudas-Turk and Caicos

Except as noted monetary systems
Islands-Newfoundland-British Honduras, Banks of issue; Recent suspension of specie pay-
ments-Mauritius, Africa-The Gambia, Africa-Sierra Leone, Africa-Gold Coast, Africa-Gibral-
tar-Cyprus-British Guiana, Bank notes-Ceylon-The Straits Settlements, silver, legal tender;
Bank notes, banks bound to maintain specie; circulation--Hong Kong, silver dollar, Baux notes,
Banks, circulation-Cape of Good Hope.

THE LATIN UNION (France, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland and Greece)

Previous union-The money system-Ratio-Increase in supply of gold-Causes substitution

of gold for silver in the monetary systems-Formation of the Latin Union, 1865-To maintain

double standard -Each State to receive the coins manufactured by the others-Legal tender value

-First convention-Greece joins the Union-Union of last 15 years--Provides for free coinage of

both metals-Bimetallic--Depreciation of silver limits coinage--Compact prolonged five years--

Coins of each country to be received by the Treasuries of the Union--Union terminable upon one

year's notice--Balances due after termination of Union to be paid in gold or bills of exchange on

the debtor State--Latin Union changed to gold standard-Coinage of gold unlimited, silver

suspended-The ratio still 18 to 1-Coinage charges-Legal tender.

France-Bank notes- Bank of France and branches-Foundation charter, 1800-Renewal of Capital
--Note limitation, 4,000,000,000 francs - Legal tender--Estimated stock of money in France..

Belgium-National Bank of Belgium-Only joint stock company to issue notes--Individuals and

associations free to issue bank notes-State receives a share of bank profits-Government may

veto any measure - Branches and agencies-Note limitations-Amount of bank notes-Estimated

stock of money in Belgium.

Italy-State notes-Bank syndicate-Government borrows $200,000,000-Banks issue notes in repre-

sentation of amount loaned-Syndicate dissolved-Notes become a state debt-$70,000,000 state

notes outstanding-Bank notes-No state bank-Six banks of issue--Limitations on note issues-

Legal limit-Forced currency abolished-Additional notes to be covered by a second metallic

reserve-A fusion of banks in 1893-New bank of Italy-Limit of bank circulations-Notes beyond

limit may be issued when covered in full by metallic reserve-$235,000,000 bank notes outstand-

ing-Estimated stock of money in Italy.

Switzerland-Bank notes-Recent banks-Oldest banks-Federal law on issue and redemption

of bank notes-Bank of issues must have government authority-Amount of issue regulated by

the Federal Assembly-Metallic reserve - Circulation-Redemption of notes-The Confederation

hereafter to take charge of note issue-State bank decided upon, 1894-Plan of the bank-Incor-*

poration of present banks as branches-Obligatory acceptance of bank notes not decreed by Con-

federation except in case of war-Estimated stock of money in Switzerland.

Greece-Bank notes-Forced currency-Metallic reserves merely nominal-Irredeemable paper

money rules-Amount of bank notes-Government notes-Gold at a premium-Estimated stock

of money..


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