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May increase stock by preferred stock.

Repeals, etc.

insolvency of the corporation no holder of preferred stock shall be liable for the debts of the corporation until after the remedy against the common stockholders upon their double liability, as provided by law, shall have been pursued and exhausted, and then only for such amount as remains unpaid; but such liability shall in no event exceed the liability fixed by law for the common stock of such corporation. In case of the insolvency or dissolution of the corporation, the holders of the preferred stock shall be entitled to receive from the assets remaining after paying its debts and liabilities, the full payment of the par value of the stock, before anything is paid to the common stock.

Sec. 3263. Upon the assent in writing of three-fourths in number of the stockholders of any corporation, representing at least three-fourths of its capital stock, the corporation may, to increase its capital stock, issue and dispose of preferred stock, as is authorized in section 32354; and upon any such increase of stock, a certificate shall be filed with the secretary of state, as is provided in the preceding section.

SECTION 2. That said original sections 3235 and 3263 are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Passed May 12, 1902.


President of the Senate. 428G

Appropriation for Jesse B. Rinehart.

[House Bill No. 475.]


For the relief of Jesse B. Rinehart, former sheriff of Morrow county, Ohio.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: SECTION I. That there be and is hereby appropriated out of any money in the state treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $415.97, or so much thereof as may be required to pay the claim of Jesse B. Rinehart as costs in the case of the state of Ohio vs. Andrew L. Gano, tried at the February term A. D., 1902, of the court of common pleas within and for Morrow county, Ohio, which shall be paid by the auditor of state on a properly approved itemized cost bill. The auditor of state is hereby directed to issue his warrant on the state treasury in favor of the said Jesse B. Rinehart, former sheriff of Morrow county, Ohio, in settlement of said


[blocks in formation]

To interpret an act entitled "An act ceding to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over certain lands acquired for public purposes within this state, and authorizing the acquisition thereof," being House Bill No. 820, passed 6th day of May, 1902.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: SECTION I. That the act entitled "An act ceding to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over certain lands acquired for public purposes within this state, and authorizing the acquisition thereof," passed the 6th day of May 1902, shall not be so construed as to have a retroactive operation, or to apply to any land or lands acquired by the United States for any of the purposes mentioned in section I of said act, prior to the date of passage thereof.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Cession of

land to U. S. government;

interpretation reference to.

of act in

Passed May 12, 1902.

President of the Senate.

[House Bill No. 1059.]


To make appropriations for the last three-quarters of the fiscal year ending November 15, 1903, and the first quarter of the fiscal year ending February 15, 1904.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: SECTION I. That the following sums, for the pur- General poses herein specified, are appropriated out of any moneys appropriations in the state treasury to the credit of the general revenue 1904, fund not otherwise appropriated, subject to draft on and after February 16, 1903, to-wit:

for 1903 and

[blocks in formation]

Flags for state house..

For electric light and power plant for state
house, and power for elevators and ven-
tilating fans

And the governor, adjutant general and auditor
of state are hereby created a commission to
draw plans and receive proposals for build-
ing the above plant, and the sum of thirty
thousand dollars or as much of the same
as is needed is hereby appropriated.

Ohio National Guard.

30,000 00

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1,000 00

Expenses Ohio State Dairymen's Association..

Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society.

Expenses of society.

Field work, Fort Ancient and Serpent Mound..

For exhibit of the Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Society at Louisiana Purchase
Exposition, including packing, transporta-
tion and care of same while there...

Attorney General's Department.

2,500 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,500 00

[blocks in formation]

General appropriations for 1903 and 1904.


[blocks in formation]

Contingent expenses

For such purposes, two thousand dollars, or so
much as may be collected thereof, from
leases and privileges under an act passed
April 29, 1902, providing for the control
and management of lakes, reservoirs and
so forth, dedicated to the public for park
and pleasure resort purposes, to be expended
under the direction of the board of public
works, chief engineer and the Ohio canal.

For keeping in repair and for the improvement
of the Miami and Erie canal, all of its
earnings and balances; of this a sum not
to exceed twelve hundred dollars is to
be applied to the opening and repair of the
Gilead side cut.

600 00

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