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agreed that, in all payments which may be made by individuals to the Agents of the British Post Office in Peru, on account of the rates of postage mentioned in this Article, the rial shall be received as equivalent to 6d.

XII. For every letter not exceeding the weight of half an ounce English, which, without passing through the the United Kingdom, shall be conveyed by the British packets from any foreign port at which they may touch, there shall be paid to the Agent of the British Post Office, at the port of dispatch the postage of 28.; and for letters of greater weight the charge shall be in conformity with the scale. laid down in Article IX.

But this stipulation shall not apply to letters conveyed between Peru and the following places, that is to say: Martinique, Guadaloupe, ports on the western coast of New Granada, and ports in the Republics of the Equator, Chile, and Bolivia.

XIII. The Government of Peru engages that the official correspondence which shall be sent from the British Consulate at Arica to Her Britannic Majesty's Legation in Bolivia, shall be carried by post through the Peruvian territory free from any postage charge in Peru, and that such correspondence shall always be forwarded by the first mail which shall be dispatched from Arica to Bolivia, after the

igual á la suma de 6 peniques Ingleses, queda acordado que en todos los pagos que se hagan por particulares al Ajente de la Estafeta Británica en el Perú, con motivo de los portes de cartas mencionadas en este Articulo, se recibirá el real como equivalente á 6 peniques.

XII. Por cada carta que no exceda del peso de media onza Inglesa, y que sin pasar por el Reyno Unido se conduzca por los vapores Británicos de cualesquiera puertos extranjeros en donde toquen, se pagará al Ajente de la Estafeta Británica en el puerto de despacho el porte de 2 chelines; y por cartas de mayor peso el porte estará en conformidad con la escala establecida en el Articulo IX.

Pero esta estipulacion no será applicable á las cartas trasmitidas entre el Perú y los siguientes puntos, á saber: la Martinica, la Guadalupe, los puortos en la costa occidental de la Nueva Granada, y los puertos de las Repúblicas del Ecuador, Chile, y Bolivia.

XIII. El Gobierno del Perú se compromete á que la correspondencia oficial que setrasmita desde el Consulado Británico en Arica á la Legacion de Su Magestad Británica en Bolivia, será llevada por el correo atravesando el territorio Peruano libre de todo gravamen postal en el Perú, y

que esa correspondencia será dirijida siempre por la primera balija que se despache desde Arica á Bolivia despues de la

arrival of the British mail-packet; llegada del vapor correo Bri

and that, in like manner, the official correspondence sent by Her Britannic Majesty's Legation in Bolivia to the British Consulate in Arica, shall be carried by post through the Peruvian territory, free of charge.

XIV. For all letters which may be forwarded to or from Peru, whether by the British packets or by private ships, whatever may be the destination of such letters, inland postage shall be paid in the Post Offices of Peru, according to a rate not exceeding that now established in the Republic for inland letters.

If at any time hereafter a reduction should be made in that rate, such reduction shall be extended to letters conveyed to or from Peru by British packets or private ships.

XV. No sea-postage shall be charged on letters which are brought by commanders of merchant-vessels, and which may be destined bona fide for the consignees and persons interested in the equipment or cargoes of such vessels. Such letters, however, must not exceed the weight of 6 ounces by any one vessel for each consignee or person interested in the equipment or cargo.

XVI. Newspapers published in the Spanish language, and sent direct from Peru to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or from one port in Peru to another, by the British mail

tánico; y que del mismo modo la correspondencia oficial remitida por la Legacion de Su Magestad Británica en Bolivia al Consulado Británico en Arica, se conducirá por el correo atravesando el territorio Peruano, sin gravamen alguno.

XIV. Por todas las cartas que sean dirijidas al Perú, o desde el Perú, bien sea por les vapores Británicos ó por buques particulares, sea cual fuere el destino de tales cartas, se pagará porte interno en las Estafetas del Perú, con arreglo á una tarifa que no exceda de la impuesta actualmente en la República á las cartas para el interior.

Si en cualquier tiempo futuro se hiciese alguna reduccion en dicha tarifa, la misma rebaja se hará extensiva á las cartas llevadas al Perú, ó remitidas del Perú, por vapores Británicos ó buques particulares.

XV. No se impondrá ningun porte marítimo á las cartas traidas por comandantes de buques mercantes, y que vayan dirijidas bonâ fide á los consignatarios y personas interesadas en el equipo ó cargamento de dichos buques.. Esas cartas no deben exceder, sin embargo, del peso de 6 onzas por cada buque, para cada consignatario ó persona interesada en el equipo ó cargamento.

XVI. Los periódicos publicados en idioma Español, y remitidos en derechura del Perú al Reyno Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, ó desde un puerto á otro del Perú, por los vapores

packets, shall be conveyed and delivered free from any charge for British postage.

In like manner, newspapers in whatever language, published in the United Kingdom conformably to the British laws which regulate their publication and circulation, shall, when sent direct from the United Kingdom to the Republic of Peru by the British mail-packets, be conveyed free from charge, and shall also be conveyed by the mails of the Republic, and be delivered free from any charge for postage.

Newspapers which may be sent by the British mail-packets direct from a British colony or possession to a port in Peru, shall be conveyed in the mails of the Republic, and be delivered free from any charge for postage. Newspapers which may be sent by the British mail-packets direct from Peru to a British colony or possession, or to any of the foreign ports at which such packets may touch, shall be subject to no higher charges than newspapers conveyed direct from one British colony to another, or from a British colony to any of the foreign ports at which the British packets may touch.

[blocks in formation]

Británicos, serán llevados y entregados libres de todo gravamen por parte de la Administracion de Correos Británica.

De igual manera, los periódicos en cualquier idioma, publicados en el Reyno Unido con arreglo á las leyes Británicas que regulan su publicacion y circulacion, cuando se remitan en derechura del Reyno Unido á la República del Perú por los paquetes Británicos, serán conducidos sin gravamen alguno, y tambien lo serán por las malas de la República, y se entregarán libres de todo gravamen de porte.

Los periódicos que se remitan en derechura por los paquetes Británicos desde una colonia ó posesion Británica á un puerto del Perú, se llevarán en las balijas de la República, y se entregarán libres de todo gravamen postal.

Los periódicos que se remitan en derechura por los vapores Británicos del Perú á una colonia ó posesion Británica, ó á cualquiera de los puertos extranjeros en donde arriben dichos vapores, no estarán sujetos á derechos mas altos que los que paguen los periódicos llevados en derechura de una á otro colonia Británica, ó desde una colonia Británica para cualquiera de los puertos extranjeros en donde puedan arribar los vapores Británicos.

Cuando los periódicos se conduzcan por buques particulares entre el Perú y el Reyno Unido, ó entre el Perú y una colonia ó posesion Inglesa, la Estafeta Británica cobrará 1 penique por el despacho de cada periodico, é

its despatch, and the same sum igual suma por su entrega.

on its delivery.

When newspapers are conveyed by private ships from a British colony or possession to a port in Peru, the sum to be levied on their delivery in the Republic, shall not exceed 1d. sterling for each newspaper.

XVII. It is hereby declared, in order to avoid any interpretation contrary to the intentions of the 2 Governments, that the advantages which either party may derive from the stipulations contained in the present Convention, are to be understood as being enjoyed in virtue of, and in return for, the reciprocal obligations which it has hereby contracted.

XVIII. The present Convention shall come into operation at the expiration of 6 months after the exchange of the ratifications thereof. The Convention is concluded for 5 years from the date of the exchange of the ratifications, which shall take place at Lima as soon as possible within 12 months. After the expiration of the said 5 years the present Convention shall continue in force for 5 years more, and so on successively, until either of the 2 parties shall make notification to the other of its wish to the contrary; and such notification must be made at least 12 months before the expiration of each period of 5 years.

In witness whereof the respective parties have signed the present Convention, and have affixed thereto their respective seals.

Cuando se remitan los periódicos por buques particulares desde una colonia ó posesion Británica á un puerto del Perú, la cantidad que se ha de cobrar á su entrega en la República no pasará de 1 penique esterlino por cada periódico.

XVII. A fin de evitar toda interpretacion contraria á las intenciones de ambos Gobiernos, se declara aquí, que las ventajas que resulten á cualquiera de las partes de las estipulaciones contenidas en el presente Convenio, se ha de entender que las que gozan en virtud y en retribucion de las reciprocas obligaciones que dicha parte contráe desde ahora.

XVIII. La presente Convencion empezará á rejir al cabo de 6 meses del canje de las respectivas ratificaciones. Queda celebrado el Convenio por 5 años contaderos desde la fecha de las ratificaciones, que se verificarán en Lima lo mas pronto posible dentro de 12 meses. Al cabo de dichos 5 años continuará en vigor el presente Convenio por 5 años mas, y asi para lo sucesivo, hasta tanto que cualquiera de las 2 partes notifique á la otra que desea lo contrario; y esa notificacion deberá hacerse al menos 12 meses antes de la espiracion de cada periodo de 5 años.

En testimonio de lo cual, las respectivas partes han firmado este Convenio, y lo han sellado con sus respectivos sellos.

Done at Lima, the 13th day of

August, 1851.


(L.S.) J. Cмo. TORRICO.

Hecho en Lima, el 13 de
Agosto, 1851.


TREATY of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, between Great Britain and the Sandwich Islands.-Signed at Honolulu, July 10, 1851.

[Ratifications exchanged at Honolulu, May 6, 1852.]

HER Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, being desirous to maintain and improve the relations of good understanding which happily subsist between them, and to promote the commercial intercourse between their respective subjects, have deemed it expedient to conclude a Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, and have for that purpose named as their respective Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, William Miller, Esq., her Consul-General for the Islands in the Pacific Ocean;

And His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, Robert Crichton Wyllie, Esq., his Minister of Foreign Relations, Member of his Privy Council of State, and of his House of Nobles;

Who, after having communicated to each other their full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles:

ART. I. There shall be perpetual friendship between Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, her heirs and successors, and the King of the Hawaiian Islands, his heirs and successors, and between their respective subjects.

II. There shall be, between all the dominions of Her Britannic Majesty and the Hawaiian Islands, a reciprocal freedom of commerce. The subjects of each of the 2 Contracting Parties, respectively, shall have liberty freely and securely to come, with their ships and cargoes, to all places, ports, and rivers in the territories of the other, where trade with other nations is permitted; they may remain and reside in any part of the said territories respectively, and hire and occupy houses and warehouses; and may trade, by wholesale or retail, in all kinds of produce, manufactures, and merchandize of lawful commerce; enjoying the same exemptions and privileges as native

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