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Entitled to the noble and vertuous Gentleman, most worthie of all titles both of learning and chivalry, MAISTER PHILIP SIDNEY.

GOE, little Booke! thy selfe present,
As childe whose parent is unkent,
To him that is the president

Of noblenesse and chevalree:
And if that Envie barke at thee,
As sure it will, for succour flee
Under the shadow of his wing,
And, asked who thee forth did bring,
A shepheards swaine, say, did thee sing,


All as his straying flocke he feude:
And, when his honour has the redde
Crave pardon for thy hardy-hedde.
But, if that any aske thy name,

Say, thou wert base-hegot with blame,
Forthy thereof thou takest shame.
And, when thou art past ieopardee,
Come tell me what was said of mee,

And I will send more after thee.





His verie speciall and singular good friend E. K. commendeth the good lyking of this his good labour, and the patronage of the new Poet.

UNCOUTH, unkist, said the old famous poet Chaucer: whom for his excellencie and wonderfull skill in making, his scholler Lidgate, a worthie scholler of so excellent a master, calleth the loadstarre of our language: and whom our Colin Clout in his Eglogue calleth Tityrus the god of shepheards, comparing him to the worthinesse of the Roman Tityrus, Virgil. Which proverb, mine owne good friend M. Harvey, as in that good old poet it served well Pandares purpose for the bolstering of his bawdie brocage, so very well taketh place in this our new poet, who for that hee is uncouth as (sayde Chaucer) is unkist, and unknowne to most men, is regarded but of a fewe. But I doubt not, so soone as his name shall come into the knowledge of men, and his woorthinesse bee sounded in the trumpe of fame, but that hee shall be not only kist, but also beloved of all, imbraced of the most, and wondred at of the best. No iesse, I

thinke, deserveth his wittinesse in devising, his pithinesse in uttering, his complaints of love so lovely, his discourses of pleasure so pleasantly, his pastoral rudenes, his morall wisenesse, his due observing of decorum everie where, in personages, in seasons, in matter, in speech; and generallie, in all seemely simplicitie of handling his matters, and framing his wordes: the which of many things which in him be straunge, I know will seeme the strangest, and wordes themselves being so auncient, the knitting of them so short and intricate, and the whole period and compasse of speech so delightsom for the roundnesse, and so grave for the strangenesse And first of the wordes to speake, I graunt they bee something hard, and of most men unused, yet both English, and also used of most excellent authours, and most famous poets. In whom, when as this our poet hath bin much travailed and throughly read, how could it be, (as that worthie oratour

sayde) but that walking in the sunne, althouth for other cause he walked, yet needes he mought be sunburnt; and, having the sound of those auncient poets still ringing in his eares, he mought needes, in singing, hit out some of their tunes. But whether he useth them by such casualtie and custome or of set purpose and choice, as thinking them fittest for such rustical rudenesse of shepheards, either for that their rough sound would make his rimes more ragged and rusticall; or else because such old and obsolete wordes are most used of country folke, sure I thinke, and thinke I think not amisse, that they bring great grace, and, as one would say, authoritie to the verse. For albe, amongst many other faults, it specially be obiected of Valla against Livie, and of other against Salust, that with over much studie they affect antiquitie, as covering thereby credence and honour of elder yeares; yet I am of opinon, and eke the best learned are of the like, that those auncient solemne words, are a great ornament, both in the one, and in the other: the one labouring to set forth in his worke an eternall image of antiquitie, and the other carefully discoursing matters of gravity and importance. For, if my memorie faile not, Tully in that booke, wherein he endeavoureth to set forth the patterne of a perfect otator, saith that ofttimes an ancient worde maketh the stile seeme grave, and as it were reverend, no otherwise than we honor and reverence gray haires for a certaine religious regard, which we have of old age. Yet neither every where must old wordes be stuffed in, nor the common dialect and manner of speaking so corrupted thereby, that, as in olde buildings, it seeme disorderly and ruynous. But all as in most exquisite pictures they use to blaze and portraict not only the daintie lineaments of beautie, but also round about it to shadowe the rude thickets and craggy clifts, that, by the baseness of such parts, more excellencie may acrew to the principall: for oftentimes we find our selves, I know not how, singularly delighted with the shew of such naturall rudenesse, and take great pleasure in that disorderly order. Even so doo those rough and harsh tearmes enlumine, and make more clearly to appeare, the brightnesse of brave and glorious wordes. oftentimes a discorde in musike maketh a comely concordance: so great delight tooke the worthie poet Alceus to behold a blemish in the ioynt of a well shaped bodie. But, if any will rashly blame such his purpose in choise of olde and unwonted wordes, him may I more iustly blame and condemne, or of witlesse headinesse in iudging, or of heedless hardinesse in condemning: for, not marking the compasse of his bent, he will judge of the length of his cast: for in my opinion it is one of especiall praise of many, which are due to this poet, that he bath labored to restore, as to their rightful heritage, such good and naturall English wordes, as bave beene long time out of use, and almost cleane disherited. Which is the only cause, that our mother tongue, which truly of itself is both full inough for prose, and stately inough for verse, hath long time been counted most bare and barren of both. Which default when as some endevoured to salve and recure, they patched up the holes with peeces and rags of other languages, borrowing here of the French, there of the Italian, every where of the Latin; not weighing how ill those tongues accord with themselves, but much worse with Ours: so new they have made our English tong a gall maufrey,


or hodgepodge of all other speeches. Other some not so well seene in the Englisgh tongue, as perhaps in other languages, if they happen to heare an olde word, albeit very naturall and significant, cry out straightway, that we speake no English, but gibberish, or rather such as in olde time Evanders mothers spake : whose first shame is, that they are not ashamed, in their own mother tongue, to hee counted strangers and aliens. The second shane no lesse then the first, that what so they understand not, they streightway deeme to be senselesse, and not at all to be understoode. Much like to the mole in Aesops fable that, being blind herself, would in no wise be perswaded, that any beast could see. The last, more shamefull then both, that of their owne country and natural speach, which togither with their nurses milke they sucked, they have so base regard & bastard iudgement, that they wil not only themselves not labor to garnish and beautifie it, but also repine, that of other it should be embellished. Like to the dogge in the maunger, that himselfe can eate no hay, and yet barketh at the hungrie bullock, that so faine would feed: whose currish kinde, though it cannot be kept from barking, yet I conne them thanke that they refraine from byting.

Now, for the knitting of sentences, which they call the ioynts and members thereof, & for all the compasse of the speech, it is round without roughnesse, and learned without hardnesse, such in deede as may be perceyved of the least, understood of the most, but iudged onely of the learned. For what in most English writers useth to be loose, and as it were unright, in this authour is well grounded, finely framed, and strongly trussed up togither. In regarde whereof, I scorne and spew out the rakehelly rout of our ragged rymers (for so themselves use to hunt the letter) which without learning boast, without iudgement iangle, without reason rage and fome, as if some instinct of poetical spirit had newly ravished them above the meannesse of common capacitie. And being, in the midst of all their braverie, suddenly, either for want of matter, or rime; or having forgotten their former conceit; they seem to be so pained and travailed in their remembrance, as it were a woman in childbirth, or as that same Pythia, when the traunce came upon her. "Os rabidum fera corda domans, &c."

Nethlesse, let them a God's name feed on their owne folly, so they seeke not to darken the beams of others glorie. As for Colin, under whose person the authors selfe is shadowed, how farre he is from such vaunted titles and glorious shewes, both himselfe sheweth, were he sayth:


"Of muses Hobbin, I conne no skill."

"Enough is me to paint out my unrest, &c." And also appeareth by the basenesse of the name, wherein it seemeth he chose rather to unfold great matter of argument covertly then, professing it, not suffice thereto accordingly. Which moved him rather in Eglogues then otherwise to write, doubting perhaps his ability, which he little needed, or minding to furnish our tongue with this kinde, wherein it faulteth; or following the example of the best and most ancient poets, which devised this kinde of writing, being both so base for the matter, and homely for the maner, at the first to trie their habilities; and as young birdes, that be newly crept out of


of many, yet beeing knowne to fewe. These my present paines, if to any they be pleasurable or profitable, be you judge, mine owne maister Harvey, to whom I have both in respect of your worthines generally, and otherwise upon some particular and speciall considerations, vowed this my labour, and the maidenheade of this our common friends poetrie; himselfe having alreadie in the beginning dedicated it to the noble and worthie gentleman, the right worshipfull maister Philip Sidney, a special favourer and maintainer of all kinde of learning. Whose cause, I pray you, sir, if envie shall stirre up any wrongfull accusation, defend with your mightie rhetoricke and other your rath gifts of learning, as you can, and shield with your good will, as you ought, against the malice and outrage of so many enemies, as I know will bee set on fire with the sparkes of his kindled glorie. And thus recommend

good friend, and my selfe unto you both, as one making singular account of two so very good & so choise friends, I bid you both most heartily fare well, an commit you and your commendable studies to the tuition of the Greatest.

the nest, by little first prove their tender winges, before they make a greater flight. So flew Theocritus, as you may perceyve hee was alreadie full fledged. So flew Virgil, as not yet well feeling his wings. So flewe Mantuane, as not being ful somd. So Petrarque. So Boccace. So Marot, Sanazarius and also diverse other excellent both Italian and French poets, whose footing this author everie where foloweth; yet so as few, but they be well sented, can trace him out. So finally flieth this our new poet as a birde whose principals be scarce growne out, but yet as one that in time shall be able to keepe wing with the best. Now, as touching the general drift and purpose of his Eglogues, I mind not to say much, himself laboring to conceal it. Only this appeareth, that his unstayed youth had long wandred in the common Labirinth of Love, in which time to mitigate and allay the heate of his pastion, or else to warne (as he saitb) the yong shep-ing the authour unto you, as unto his most speciall heards, his equals and companions of his unfortunate folly, hee compiled these twelve Aeglogues, which, for that they be proportioned to the state of the twelve moneths, he tearmeth it the Shepheards Calender, applying an olde name to a new work. Hereunto have I added a certaine glosse, or scholion, for the exposition of olde wordes and harder phrases; which maner of glossing and commenting, well I wote, will seeme strange and rare in our tongue: yet, for so much as I knewe many excellent and proper devises, both in wordes and matter, would passe in the speedie course of reading either as unknowne, or as not marked; and that in this kinde, as in other we might be equal to the learned of other nations; I thought good to take the paines apon me, the rather for that by meanes of some familiar acquaintance I was made privie to his counsaile and secret meaning in them, as also in sundrie other works of his. Which albeit I know be nothing so much hateth, as to promulgate, yet thus much have I adventured upon his friendship, himselfe being for long time farre estraunged; hoping that this will the rather occasion him to put foorth diverse other excellent works of his, which sleep in silence; as his Dreams, his Legends, his Court of Cupid, and sundrie others, whose commendation to set out were verie vaine, the things though worthie

Your owne assuredly to be commaunde!
E. K.

Post scr.

Now I trust, M. Harvey, that upon sight of your speciall friends and fellow poets doings, or else for envie of so many unworthy quidams, which catch at the garland which to you alone is due, you wil be perswaded to plucke out of the hatefull darknes those so many excellent English poems of yours which lie hid, and bring them forth to eternal light. Trust me, you do both them great wrong, in depriving them of the desired sun; and also your selfe, in smothering your deserved praises; and all men generally, in withholding from them so divine pleasures, which they might conceive of your gallar English verses, as they have alreadie done of your Latin poems, which, in my opinion, both for invention and elocution, are verie delicate and superexcellent. And thus againe I take my leave of my good M. Harvey. From my lodging at London this tenth of Aprill, 1579.

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are more rightly termed eclogai, as they would say, extraordinarie discourses of unnecessarie matter: which definition albe in substance and meaning it agree with the nature of the thing, yet no whit answereth with the analysis and interpretation of the worde. For they be not tearmed eclogues, but aeglogues ; which sentence this author verie well observing, upon good judgement, though indeede fewe goatebeards have to doe herein, neverthelesse doubteth not to call them by the used and best knowen name. Other curious discourses hereof I reserve to greater occasion.

These twelve aeglogues, every where aunswering to the seasons of the twelve moneths, may be well For either they divided into three formes or rankes. be plaintive, as the first, the sixt, the eleventh, and the twelfth or recreative, such as all those bee, which containe matter of love, or commendation of speciall personages; or morall, which for the most part be mixed with some satyricall bitternesse ; namely, the second, of reverence due to olde age; the fift, of coloured deceyte; the seventh and ninth, of dissolute shepheards and pastors; the tenth, of contempt of poetrie and pleasant wittes. And to this division may everie thing herein bee reasonably applyed; a few onelie except, whose speciall purpose And thus much and meaning I am not privie to. generally of these twelve aeglogues. Now will we Ianuarie : speake particularlie of all, and first of the first, which hee calleth by the first monethes name, wherein to some he may seeme fouly to have faulted, in that he erroniously beginneth with that moneth, For it is well which beginneth not the yeare. knowne, and stoutlie maintained with strong reasons of the learned, that the yeare beginneth in March; for then the sunne renueth his finished course, and the seasonable spring refresheth the earth, and the pleasaunce thereof, being buried in the sadnesse of the dead winter now worne away, reliveth.

This opinion maintaine the olde astrologers and philosophers, namely, the Reverend Andalo, and Macrobius in his Holy Dayes of Saturne; which account also was generally observed both of GreBut, saving the leave of such cians and Romans. learned heades, wee maintaine a custome of counting the seasons from the moneth Ianuarie, uppon a more special cause then the heathen phylosophers ever could conceyve, that is, for the incarnation of our mightie Saviour, and eternall Redeemer, the Lorde Christ, who as then renewing the state of the decayed worlde, and returning the compasse of expyred yeares to theyr former date and first commencement, left to us his heyres a memoriall of his byrth in the end of the last yeare and beginning of the next. Which reckoning, beside that eternal monument of

our salvation, leaneth also upon good proofe of spe-
ciall iudgement.

For albeit that in elder tymes, when as yet the
count of the yeare was not perfected, as afterward
it was by Iulius Cæsar, they began to tell the Mo
nethes from Marches beginning, and according
to the same God (as is sayde in Scripture) com-
maunded the people of the lewes, to count the mo-
neth Abib, that which wee call March, for the first
moneth, in remembraunce that in that moneth hee
brought them out of the lande of Aegypt: yet,
according to tradition of latter times it hath been
otherwise observed, both in government of the
church and rule of mightiest realmes. For from
Iulius Cæsar who first observed the leape yeare,
which he called Bissextilem Annum, and brought into
a more certaine course the odde wandring dayes
which of the Greekes were called Hyperbainontes, of
the Romans Intercalares, (for in such matter of
learning I am forced to use the tearmes of the learned,)
the moneths have beene numbred twelve, which
in the first ordinance of Romulus were but ten,
counting but 304 dayes in everie yeare, and be-
But Numa Pompilius, who
ginning with March.

was the father of al the Romane ceremonies and
religion, seeing that reckoning to agree neither
with the course of the sunne nor the moone, there-
unto added two moneths, Ianuarie and Februarie;
wherin it seemeth, that wise king minded upon good
reason to begin the yeare at Ianuarie, of him there-
fore so called tanquam Ianua anni, the gate and en-
teraunce of the yeare; or of the name of the god
Ianus, to which god for that the olde paynims attri-
buted the birth and beginning of all creatures new
comming into the world, it seemeth that he there-
fore to him assigned the beginning and first entrance
of the yeare. Which account for the most part hath
hitherto continued: notwithstanding that the Egyp-
tians beginne their yeare at September; for that,
according to the opinion of the best rabbiues and
verie purpose of the Scripture itselfe, God made the
worlde iu that moneth, that is called of them Tisri.
And therefore he commanded them to keepe the
feast of pavilions in the ende of the yeare, in the
xv. day of the seventh moneth, which before that
time was the first.

But our author respecting neither the subtiltie of
the one part, nor the antiquitie of the other, thinketh
it fittest, according to the simplicitie of common
understanding, to begin with Ianuarie; it
perhaps no decorum that shepheards should be seene
in matter of so deep insight, or canvase a case of
so doubtful iudgement. So therefore beginneth he,
and so continueth he throughout.

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In this first Aeglogue Colin Clout, a shepheards boy, complaineth himselfe of his unfortunate love, being but newly (as seemeth) enamoured of a country lasse called Rosalinde: with which strong affection being verie sore travelled, he compareth his careful case to the sad season of the yeare, to the frostie ground, to the frosen trees, and to his owne winterbeaten flocke. And lastly, finding himselfe robbed of all former pleasance and delight, he breaketh his pipe in peeces, and casteth himself to the ground.

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