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146. A further supplement to "An act relative to commissioners

for taking the acknowledgment and proof of deeds," ap-

proved April fifteenth eighteen hundred and forty-six... 310

147. An act to provide for the appointment of commissioners to
devise plans and make estimates for the opening, con-
struction and maintenance of one or more prominent ave-
Hues or highways in the county of Hudson....

148. An act to incorporate the city of Bergen....

149. An act to amend

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An act to regulate elections," approved

April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six.................... 351

150. An act to amend "An act to incorporate the town of Union,
in the township of Union, in the county of Hudson," ap-
proved March twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-





159. An act to authorize a subscription on the part of this state

to a new edition of Nixon's Digest of the Laws.....



160. An act to facilitate judicial proceedings in the county of

Hudson ...


161. An act to incorporate the trustees of the districts of the Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the state of New Jersey....

162. A supplement to an act entitled “An act to incorporate the Trustees of Camden Cemetery," approved February twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five..

163. A further supplement to an act entitled "An act to secure to mechanics and others payment for their labor and materials in erecting any building." approved March eleventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-three.

164. A further supplement to an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Hibernia Mine Railroad Company.".............. 165. An act to incorporate the Bergen Point and Staten Island Ferry Company....





.... 371

166. A further supplement to an act entitled "An act to ascertain by proper proof citizens who shall be entitled to the rights of Suffrage," approved April fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and the supplements thereto approved March fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and April eleventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven.... ... 37 167. An act to amend an additional supplement to

"An act to regulate Elections," approved April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, and the supplements thereto which said supplement was approved April second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven....

168. An act to incorporate the Woodbridge Town Hall and Improvement Company, of Middlesex County.....



169. An act to incorporate the Irvington and Connecticut Farms Horse Car Railroad Company.....

.... 378

170. An act to change the width of a certain part of Railroad Avenue, in the city of Jersey City......

.... 383

171. An act to fix the number of Chosen Freeholders of the county of Union.............

... 889

172. An act to incorporate the Everett Mills of Newark, New Jersey...


173. An act to incorporate the Salem Creek and Woodstown Canal Company


174. An act to incorporate the Citizens' Gas Light Company. of the city of Newark.....


175. An act to incorporate the National Lock Company of New Jersey...


176. An act to incorporate the Rahway Co-operative Building Association...




177. Supplement to an act entitled "An act for the more effectual organization of the Militia," approved April sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five...


178. An act to incorporate the Ridgefield Park Hotel Company 409 179. A further supplement to the act entitled "An act to revise

and amend the Charter of the City of Newark," approved March eleventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven....... 411 180. A further supplement to "An act to incorporate the Hainesport Boarding House Company," approved March eighteenth, anno domini eighteen hundred and fifty-eight. 413 181. A supplement to the act entitled "An act to prevent animals from running at large in the borough of Bordentown and in the city of Newark," approved April third, eighteen hundred and sixty-five....

182. An act concerning Roads in the township of Middletown,
in the county of Monmouth....
183. A further supplement to the act entitled "An act to incor-
porate the town of Orange," a proved January thirty-
first, anno domini eighteen hundred and sixty..




184. An act to regulate the system and practice relating to the employment of hacks, stages and vehicles for passengers in the city of Cape Island, in the county of Cape May.. 419 185. A further supplement to the act entitled "An act to incorporate the Elizabethtown Steam Manufacturing Company." approved March fourth, eighteen hundred and forty-six..

186. An act to authorize the grading of Central Avenue, in East Orange....

187. An act making an appropriation for lot of land and trestle work for landing coal at the State Lunatic Asylum, for the cost of erecting and improving outbuildings, and so forth.....

188. An act to facilitate the drainage of swamp and meadow lands in the township of Landis. in the county of Cumberland, and in the township of Beuna Vista, in the county of Atlantic.....





189. A further supplement to an act entitled "An act to incorporate the New Jersey Building Company," approved March eleventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-four...... 190. An act in respect to the collection of tolls upon the turnpike roads of this state....



191. An act to incorporate the Elm Ridge Cemetery Company. ib. 192. An act for the protection of parks and other public grounds 428 193. An act to incorporate the Cedar Lawn Cemetery Association of the city of New Brunswick..... 194. An act to confirm the proofs and acknowledgments of deeds and other writings taken by Augustus Blackwell, late a


Chapt 'r.


commissioner to take the proof and acknowledgment of deeds, and so forth, in and for the county of Hunterdon. 432 195. An act to consolidate the railroad lines of West Jersey... 433 196. An act for the relief of Anette Bierwirth............

197. An act to incorporate the Manchester and Camden Railway Company....


437 198. A further supplement to an act entitled "An act relative to commissioners for taking the acknowledgment and proof of deeds." approved April fifteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six...

... 447

199. An act to authorize the sale of lands of the First Congregation of the Presbyterian Church at Springfield, in the county of Union.....

200. A further supplement to the act entitled "An act revising and amending an act to incorporate the city of Paterson," approved March fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty


201. An act to prevent cattle and sheep from running at large in the township of Fairfield, in the county of Cumberland.....

202. Supplement to the act entitled An Act to complete the Geological Survey of the State," approved March thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four....




... ib.

203. An act to incorporate the Masonic Association of the city of Paterson....

204. An act to incorporate the Empire Brick Manufacturing Company...



205. An act to authorize the trustees of St. James Church, Knowlton, and the rector, wardens and vestrymen of St. James Church, Knowlton, to make sale of certain lands.. 461 206. An act to incorporate the Franklin Gold Company of Colorado......

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207. An act to incorporate the Scotch Plains Mutual Theft De-
tecting Society....
208. A further supplement to the act entitled An act creating
the office of comptroller of the treasury, and defining the
duties thereof," approved March seventeenth, eighteen
hundred and sixty-five.....



.... 465

209. A supplement to an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Ridgefield Park Railroad Company," approved April fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven...


210. A further supplement to the act entitled “An act to incorporate Jersey City," approved March eighteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-one...


211. An act to appoint commissioners to superintend the drainage of certain lands lying in the township of Passaic, county of Morris...



212. A further supplement to an act entitled "An act to authorize the construction of works for supplying Jersey City and places adjacent with pure and wholesome water,” approved March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty


213. An act to enable the Camden and Amboy Railroad and
Transportation Company to lease the Camden and Bur-
lington County Railroad, and the Vincentown branch of
the Burlington County Railroad..

214. A supplement to an act entitled "An act to incorporate
the Ridgefield Land and Building Company." approved
April fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven...
215. A supplement to an act entitled "An act to incorporate the
Phoenix Manufacturing Company," passed November
eighteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty-four.....
216. An act to authorize the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal
Church of Flemington, New Jersey, to sell and convey
certain real estate....

217. An act to incorporate a hotel company in the city of Perth Amboy, New Jersey....








218. A supplement to an act entitled "An act to authorize the inhabitants of the township of Manalapan, in the county of Monmouth, to raise bounty money, and to legalize the acts of said township for bounties paid heretofore," approved March tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five.... 479 219. A supplement to an act entitled "An act to alter and amend the charter of the eity of Bordentown, in the county of Burlington,"


220. An act to authorize Charles Bennett to sell real estate held in trust.....


221. An act in relation to dead bodies.....


222. A supplement to an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Orange Gas Light Company," approved February seventeenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven....


223. An act to repeal an act entitled "A supplement to an act entitled 'An act concerning inns and taverns,'" approved April seventeenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine...... 224. An act to incorporate the Seven Mile Beach Railway Company...



225. An act to incorporate the Bartlett Zinc Company...... 226. A further supplement to an act entitled "An act to incorporate the city of Burlington,"...



227. An act to incorporate the United States Rubber-coated Leather Company...


228. An act to incorporate the board of education of Gloucester City


229. A further supplement to an act entitled "An act authoriz

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