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Little Chapter, Fratres, p. 148. y. Hoc signum crucis erit in cœlo. Alleluia.

R. Cum Dominus ad judicandum venerit. All.

Ant. Mag. O crux, splendidior cunctis astris, mundo celebris,hominibus multum amabilis, sanctior universis: quæ sola fuisti digna portare talentum mundi: dulce lignum, dulces clavos, dulcia ferens pondera: salva præsentem catervam in tuis hodie laudibus congregatam. Alleluia, alleluia.

Hymn, Vexilla Regis, p. 54. y. This sign of the cross shall be in heaven. All. Ry. When the Lord shall come to judgment. All.

O cross, brighter than all the stars, famed throughout the world, lovely unto men, of all things the most holy, who alone wast worthy to bear the ransom of the world: O sweet tree, O sweet nails, that bear so sweet a burden, deliver the multitude this day assembled in thy praise. All. all.


Crucem sanctam subiit, qui infernum confregit, accinctus est potentia, surrexit die tertia. Alleluia.

Coll. Deus, qui in præclara salutiferæ crucis inventione, passionis tuæ miracula suscitasti: concede, ut vitalis ligni pretio, æternæ vitæ suffragia consequamur. Qui vivis et regnas.

Even He who broke the power of hell, humbled himself to the holy cross; he was girded about with power, and the third day he rose again. Alleluia.

O God, who by the glorious discovery of the saving cross, didst revive the miracles of thy passion; grant, we beseech thee, that through the ransom supplied by this tree of life, we may obtain election unto life eternal.

Com. of prec. Ant. O doctor, p. 105.
Com. of foll. Ant. Simile est, p. 111.

V. and R. Justum, p. 45. Y. and R. Specie, p. 47.

4. ST. MONICA, WIDOW. Double. All from Com. of Holy Women, p. 110. Coll. Deus, morentium consolator, et in te sperantium salus, qui beatæ Monicæ pias lacrymas in conversione filii sui Augustini misericorditer suscepisti: da nobis utriusque interventu, peccata nostra deplorare, et gratiæ tuæ indulgentiam invenire. Per,


O God, the comforter of them that mourn, and the salvation of such as hope in thee, who didst shew mercy to the pious tears of the blessed Monica, in the conversion of her son Augustin; grant to us through their united intercession the grace to deplore our sins, and to find pardon and favour with thee.

II. Vesp. from Lit. Chap. of following. Common of preceding. Ant. Manum, p. 112. V. and R. Diffusa, p. 47.

All from Com. of Virgins, p. 108.

Coll. Da, quæsumus omnipotens Deus, ut qui beatæ Catharinæ virginis tuæ natalitia colimus, et annua solemnitate lætemur, et tantæ virtutis proficiamus exemplo. Per, &c.

Grant, we beseech thee, almighty God, that we who celebrate the birthday to immortality of thy virgin, the blessed Catharine, may both rejoice in her yearly commemoration, and profit by the example of her great virtues. Through, &c.

II. Vesp. of following.


All from Com. of Apostles (Easter), p. 95, except Ant. Mag. In ferventis The blessed Apostle John olei dolium missus beatus being cast into a caldron of

Joannes Apostolus, divina se protegente gratia, illæsus exivit. Alleluia.

Coll. Deus, qui conspicis, quia nos undique mala nostra perturbant: præsta quæsumus, ut beati Joannis, apostoli tui et evangelista, intercessio gloriosa nos protegat. Per, &c.

boiling oil, through the divine grace protecting him, came forth unhurt. All.

O God, who seest that our evil inclinations hinder us on every side; grant, we beseech thee, that the glorious intercession of blessed John thy apostle and evangelist may always protect us. Through, &c.

I. Vesp. Com. of prec. Ant. Veni, p. 108. V. and Ry. Diffusa,

p. 46.

II. Vesp. Com. of following. Ant. Lux perpetua, p. 99.
V. and Ry. Sancti, p. 43.

7. ST. STANISLAUS, BISHOP AND MARTYR. Double. All from Com. of Martyrs (Easter), p. 99.

Coll. Deus, pro cujus O God, for whose honour honore gloriosus Pontifex Stanislaus gladiis impiorum occubuit: præsta quæsumus, ut omnes, qui ejus implorant auxilium, petitionis suæ salutarem consequantur effectum.


the glorious Pontiff Stanislaus was slain by the swords of the impious; grant, we beseech thee, that all who implore his protection may obtain the wholesome effect of their prayers. Through.

8. APPARITION OF ST. MICHAEL, ARCHANGEL. Gr. D. All as on Michaelmas Day, Sept. 29. Add Alleluia to Antiphons and Y. and R.

I. Vesp. Com. of preceding. Ant. Sancti, p. 99. . and R. Pretiosa, p. 43.

II. Vesp. Com. of following. Ant. O doctor, p. 105. . and Ry. Amavit, p. 45.

9. ST. GREGORY NAZIANZEN, BISHOP AND CONf. d. All from Com. of Conf. and Rp., p. 103. Ant. O doctor, p. 105. Coll. Deus qui, p. 105.

II. Vesp. Com. of following. Ant. Sacerdos, p. 104. V. and R. Amavit, p. 45. Then of SS. Gordianus and Epimachus, Martyrs. Ant. Lux perpetua, p. 99. Y. and R. Sancti, p. 43.

Coll. Da, quæsumus omnipotens Deus, ut qui beatorum martyrum tuorum Gordiani et Epimachi solemnia colimus,eorum apud te intercessionibus adjuvemur. Per, &c.

Grant, we beseech thee, almighty God, that we who celebrate the solemnity of thy blessed martyrs Gordianus and Epimachus, may be aided by their intercessions with thee.

10. ST. ANTONINUS, BISHOP AND CONF. Semi-d. All from Com. of Confessor and Bishop, p. 103. Coll. Sancti Antonini, Grant us, O Lord, to be Domine, confessoris tui at- assisted by the merits of St. que pontificis meritis adju- Antoninus, thy confessor vemur: ut, sicut te in illo and bishop, that as we acmirabilem prædicamus, ita knowledge thy wonderful in nos misericordem fuisse power in him, so we may gloriemur. Per, &c. glory in thy mercy towards ourselves. Through, &c.

II. Vesp. of following.



All from Com. of Confessor and Bishop, p. 103. In Hymn 3d verse changed.

Coll. Deus, qui ad conterendos Ecclesiæ tuæ hostes, et ad divinum cultum reparandum, beatum Pium Pontificem maximum eli

O God, who, in order to crush the enemies of thy Church, and to restore the divine worship, didst vouchsafe to choose the blessed

gere dignatus es: fac nos ipsius defendi præsidiis, et ita tuis inhærere obsequíis, ut omnium hostium superatis insidiis, perpetua pace lætemur. Per, &c.

Pius to the supreme Pontificate; grant us to be defended by his patronage, and so to cleave unto thy service, that, overcoming all the snares of the enemy, we may rejoice with perpetual peace. Through, &c.

I. Vesp. Com. of preceding. Ant. Amavit, p. 104. V. and R.
Justum, p. 45.

II. Vesp. Com. of following. Ant. Lux perpetua, p. 99.
V. and R. Sancti, p. 43.


All from Com. of Martyrs (Easter), p. 99.

Coll. Semper nos, Do- May the happy solemmine, martyrum tuorum nity, O Lord, of thy marNerei, Achillei, Domitillæ, tyrs, Nereus, Achilleus, atque Pancratii foveat, Domitilla, and Pancratius, quæsumus, beata solemni- defend us from evil, and tas, et tuo dignos reddat render us worthy to serve obsequio. Per, &c. thee. Through, &c.


Ant. Iste sanctus, p. 97. . and R. Gloria, p. 42. (In Easter, Ant. Lux perpetua, p. 99. Y. and R. Sancti, p. 43.) Coll. Da, quæsumus omnipotens Deus, ut, qui beati Bonifacii martyris tui solemnia colimus, ejus apud te intercessionibus adjuvemur. Per, &c.

Grant, we beseech thee, almighty God, that we who keep the solemn feast of blessed Boniface, thy martyr, may be assisted by his intercessions with thee.

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