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John's (St.) Oxon. Bruno's Comment 170.
Lambeth. Athanasian Creed 193, 200, 207.
Leipsick. Bruno's with Hampole 173.

Magd. Cambr. Wickliff's N. Testament 177.

Magd. Cambr. Athanasian Creed old English 176.
Magd. Oxon. Hampole's Comment 173.
Merton. Oxon. Bruno's Comment 170.

Norfolk I. Athanasian Creed 193.

Norfolk II. Athanasian Creed 195, 206.

Norfolk III. English Gospels 176.

Palatine. Greek Copy of the Creed 211, 217.

Patrick Young. Greek Copy of the Creed 214.

Regius Paris 1. Athanasian Creed 191.

Regius Paris II. Greek Copy of the Creed 213.

Sarum. Saxon Version of the Creed 207.

Sidney. Cambr. Hampole's Comment on the Psalms, English 179.
Thuanus. Athanasian Creed 196.

Treves. Athanasian Creed 187, 250.

Trinity Coll. Cambr. Bruno's Comment 169, 170, 202, 206.

Trinity Coll. Cambr. Wickliff's Comment 178.

Trinity Coll. Cambr. Rythmus Anglicus 160.

Trinity Coll. Cambr. Hampole's Comment on the Psalms 178.
Vienna I. Athanasian Creed 191, 225.

Vienna II. Greek Creed 211.

Vienna III. Greek Creed 212.

Vienna IV. German Version 206, 224.

Usher I. Athanasian Creed 183.

Usher II. Book of Hymns 214.

Wurtzburgh, Bruno's Comment 169, 200.
York. Bruno's Comment 170, 171.


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QUERY I. Whether the term GOD in the singular number can be proved to be used, in any one place of the Scripture, to denote more Persons than one?

ANSW. I. It is not necessary for the defenders of the received doctrine of a coessential Trinity to assert, that the term GOD, in the singular number, can be proved to be used in Scripture to denote more Persons than one: for as the Arians suppose Father and Son to be two Gods, though they are never called two Gods, or Gods in the plural number, through the whole Scripture: so the Catholics may as well suppose that Father and Son are one God, though the term GoD could not be proved to be used to denote more Persons than one. Or if it be said, that the Arians do not suppose Father and Son to be two Gods, whatever pleas they allege to clear themselves of Ditheism will as effectually clear the Catholics of Tritheism; so that the Catholics will stand at least upon as good a foot as the Arians.

2. It is not necessary even so much as to suppose that the term God is ever so used. For admitting that the term GOD in Scripture is always used to denote one Person only, all that follows is, that one Person only is spoken of, whenever the term GoD is used. Not that there are not other Persons essentially and coeternally included in him and with him. It may be the method of Scripture,

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