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During the year the entire militia have been furnished with new army blouses and fatigue caps, drawn from the general government, and charged against the amount placed to the credit of the State. Cap devices have been purchased of the army standard for all arms of the service, and issued. The clothing of the force is of good quality and in good serviceable condition. That in which it is most lacking, and for the want of which it would suffer should Massachusetts be called upon to meet the troubles experienced by sister States during the past year, is a sufficient field equipment, without which no troops can effectively take the field. This is deemed imperative, and an appropriation for this purpose is urgently recommended.

In Table No. 5, in appendix to this report, may be found the property account, showing in detail the military property of the State, together with that of the United States for which Massachusetts is accountable. A careful inspection of property by this department each year has resulted in better care on the part of those responsible, and a consequent lessening of losses.

Fire in the woods adjoining the arsenal grounds communicated to a pile of tent floors, by which seventy-five floors were destroyed.

An addition has been made to the storehouse at the camp ground, to fully accommodate the companies, as required by law, and a small hose house erected for the keeping of fireextinguishing hose.

Fire in the armory of Company I, Sixth Infantry, Concord, Mass., caused considerable damage to the clothing of the company, necessitating the replacement of the damage.

The soldiers' burial lot in Dedham, in charge of this office, has received attention and is in proper condition.


The condition of the camp ground has required but a small amount of expense. An effort was made to obtain bathing facilities by utilizing a brook running through the State prop

erty and that of abutters, but, the price proving excessive, by the advice of the Surgeon General the existing water supply was called into use, and the facilities for bathing supplied in a manner perhaps not all that could be desired, but sufficient for actual demands. If possible, a pond should be made near the present bathing house (which was erected with this end in view), of sufficient area to furnish suitable bathing during established hours.


The armories erected under chapter 366, Acts of 1888, are in the condition expected of new buildings, viz., good. In the city of Lawrence one is now in process of erection which will be completed in January. Already arrangements have been made to furnish the same in accordance with law.

There has been expended from appropriation for expense of armories, viz., for janitors' service, heating and lighting, furnishings, repairs and incidentals, the following amounts: South Armory, Boston, $3,816.93; East Armory, Boston, $3,601.73; Worcester, $2,326.24; Lowell, $1,904.93; Fitchburg, $1,352.15.

So long as sections 90-97, chapter 411 of the Acts of 1887, remain in force, the military authorities have no control over the quartering of troops, the cities and towns in which troops are located furnishing quarters, leaving to this department the power only to reduce the rent when unfit or insufficient accommodations are provided. The recommendation that before an armory is assigned the approval of the Adjutant General shall be obtained and the amount of rent to be paid determined, is renewed. As the law now stands, change in the location of armories can be made without the sanction of the military authority (and sometimes is), - a measure in itself, from a military stand-point, pernicious.

There have been paid to cities and towns, as rent for armories provided during the present year, $34,758.24.

This office has been notified of changes in armories in Beverly, Chelsea, Waltham and Marblehead, and the one in Brockton has been enlarged and improved.


The accounts of the year have been prepared and certified to the auditor for audit and payment. The following is the expenditure for pay, transportation, supplies and expenses of the militia, $163.372.85; on State camp ground, $995.48. The sum of $870.11, accruing from sales of condemned military property, has been turned into the State treasury, from which $803.02 has been expended on the camp ground.

On January 1 there was standing to the credit of Massachusetts, from the apportionment of the annual United States appropriation for arming and equipping the militia, $19,570.13; adding thereto the July allotment, $12,797.90, the total amount available was $32,368.03, from which has been drawn supplies amounting to $27,555.50, leaving an amount to our credit of $4,812.53. The amount due to the credit of Massachusetts from the allotment of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1894, will be about $12,000.

The navy department, from the appropriation by Congress for the equipment of the naval militia, placed to the credit of Massachusetts $3,690.07, from which appropriation the Naval Battalion, M. V. M., has been supplied with its armament. The navy department has also provided for the use of the battalion the iron-clad coast defence vessel "Passaic."

The allowance by the navy department for the naval militia is liberal, and the amount apportioned to our naval battalion, of two hundred and twenty-five officers and men, is nearly one-half as much as that apportioned by the war department for fifty-six hundred officers and men of the State militia. All appeals to Congress by the States for the appropriation to the war department of a sum more commensurate with the needs of the service have thus far proved unavailing, and the States still continue to bear the greater expense and burden in the maintenance of a defensive force for the country.


There has been expended in this branch of the office, for clerical assistance, books and stationery, $5,550. The usual

routine work alluded to in former reports has prevailed; many corrections have been made in the records of soldiers, and a complete index of names provided for, which will be prepared and completed in a few months.


The expense in preparation of the record of naval officers, sailors and marines during the year is $1,982.25.

The compilation of the naval records is being effected with all possible despatch. The records of one hundred and fortythree enlistments from Massachusetts, hitherto unknown to the office, have been obtained, and the names of many volunteer officers, residents of Massachusetts, have been added to the list, together with the record of many enlistments at other stations, and of those enlisting before 1861, whose service continued during the war.


That the changes in the militia laws, rendered necessary by a change in drill regulations adopted for the government of the army, may be made as early as possible in the interests of the militia.

That the advisability of the issue of leggings to the militia be considered.

That the State force should at the earliest possible day be placed on such a proper footing as to equipment as will render it equal and effective to any call.

That, by the excavation of a pond on the State camp ground (a measure practicable), bathing facilities may be furnished the troops.

In Memoriam.

The militia has been called to mourn the loss of two valuable officers during the year.

Col. William M. Strachan, Ninth Infantry, departed this life Oct. 31, 1892. Nearly all his lifetime he had been a soldier, serving his country and State with fidelity. He has answered the last call, leaving behind memories of soldierly

qualities which may well be emulated and kindly virtues which will long remain.

Capt. Stillman B. King, Troop D, First Battalion Cavalry, died Dec. 7, 1892. Quiet in his demeanor, he performed his duties without ostentation, endeared himself to his command, and has left many friends who mourn his loss.

The various reports required from the Surgeon General, Inspector General and commanding officers will be published with the printed report, to which your Excellency's attention is respectfully invited.

Respectfully submitted,


Adjutant General.

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