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117. An Act to extend, fo far as relates to the building of new Churches, an A&t of the Parliament of Ireland, paffed in the Thirty third Year of the Reign of His late Majefty King George the Second, intituled An Ad for reviving and amending an A& paffed in the Twenty third Year of His prefent Majesty's Reign, intituled An Aa for amending, continuing and making more effectual the feveral Aas now in force in this Kingdom for the more eafy Recovery of Tithes and other Ecclefiaftital Dues of fmall Value; and alfo for the more eafy providing a Maintenance for Parish Clerks, fo far only as the fame relates to the more eafy providing a Maintenance for Parish Clerks; and to encourage the building of new Churches. Page 536 118. An Act to grant to His Majefty certain Stamp Duties in Ireland, and to explain and amend an Act made in the Fifty fecond Year of His Majesty's Reign, for granting Stamp Duties in Ireland. 537 119. An Act to repeal certain Duties upon Letters and Packets, fent by the Poft within Ireland; and to grant other Duties in lieu thereof.



120. An Act to amend several Acts relating to the Revenues, Matters and Things under the Management of the Commiffioners of Cuftoms and Port Duties, and of the Commiffioners of Inland Excife and Taxes in Ireland.


121. An Act to repeal the additional Duties of Excife on French Wine imported and on Spirits exported from the Warehouses; and authorizing the Repayment of the additional Duty in refpect of French Wine found in Dealers' Stocks; and authorizing the Commiffioners of Excife Duties to repay or remit Duties paid on Liquors loft by accidental ftaving before Landing.


124. An Act to permit the Importation of Tobacco and Snuff into the Port of Plymouth.

123. An Act to amend an Act of the Thirty ninth and Fortieth Year of His prefent Majesty, to prevent Frauds and Abuses in the Trade of Hops.

122. An Act to alter the Mode of declaring the Value of Goods imported into or exported from Great Britain.




125. An Act to continue, until the End of the next Seffion of Parlia ment, an Act made in the Forty fixth Year of His present Majefty, for permitting the Importation of Mafts, Yards, Bowfprits and Timber for Naval Purposes from the British Colonies in North America.


126. An Act to alter and extend an A&t paffed in the Eighth Year of King George the Firft, for Relief of Shipwrecked Mariners and diftreffed Perfons, being His Majefty's Subjects, in the Kingdom of Portugal.


127. An Act to permit the Exportation to Foreign Parts from Scotland and Ireland of Linen Cloth, without Stamps. 128. An Act to amend the feveral Acts for regulating the Foundling Hofpital in Dublin.



129. An Act to grant to His Majefty Rates and Duties, and to allow Drawbacks and Bounties on certain Goods, Wares and Merchandize imported into and exported from Ireland, in lieu of former Rates and Duties, Drawbacks and Bounties. 130. An Act to continue, until Three Months after the ceafing of any Reftriction impofed on the Bank of England from iffuing Cafh in Payment, the feveral Acts for confirming and continuing the Reftrictions on Payments in Cash by the Bank of Ireland. 676


131. An

131. An A&t to provide for the better Execution of the Laws in Ire-
land, by appointing Superintending Magiftrates and additional Con-
ftables in Counties, in certain Cafes.

Page 677
132. An Act to repeal the Duty payable in Ireland on certain Houfes
or Tenements under the annual Value of Ten Pounds.
133. An Act for better enabling the Commiffioners of Stamps to
make Allowances for fpoiled Stamps on Policies of Infurance in
Great Britain, and for preventing Frauds relating thereto. Ibid.
134. An Act to continue, until the First Day of January One thou-
fand eight hundred and fixteen, and to amend feveral Acts for
allowing Importations from and Exportations to the Places within
the Limits of the Charter of the Eaft India Company, in Ships not
of Britifb-built; and for the better Maintenance and Care of
Lafcars and other Afiatic Seamen arriving in this Kingdom. 690
135. An Act to further explain and amend an A&t of the Fiftieth
Year of His prefent Majefty's Reign, for repealing certain Parts of
feveral Acts relating to the limiting the Number of Persons to be
carried by Stage Coaches in Ireland.
136. An Act for enabling the Commiffioners of the Northern Light-
houfes to purchase the Island and Light of May, at the Entrance
of the Frith of Forth; for enabling the Commiffioners of the Trea-
fury to advance a certain Sum of Money towards that Purpose;
and for amending several Acts in regard to the Northern Light-



137. An Act for rendering the Payment of Creditors more equal
and expeditious in Scotland.

138. An Act to enable the Trustees appointed by an Act of the
Forty ninth Year of His prefent Majefty, for the Improvement of
the Paffage across the Frith of Forth, called The Queensferry, to
carry the fame into Execution.


139. An Act to rectify a Mistake in an A&t of this Seffion of Par-
ament, for raifing the Sum of Twenty four Millions by way of

140. An Act to amend feveral Acts of the Parliament of Ireland for
granting certain Annuities.
141. An Act to alter fo much of an A&t, made in the Fifty fecond
Year of His prefent Majesty, as relates to the Duties payable in re-
fpect of killing of Game.


142. An Act to permit the Exportation of Tea to the British Colo
nies in America, Guernsey, Jersey, Europe and Africa, without
Payment of Duty.
143. An Act to repeal the Duties granted by an A&t paffed in the
Eleventh Year of His prefent Majefty, for repairing, amending and
fupporting the several Harbours and Sea Ports in the Isle of Man,
and for granting new Duties in lieu thereof; and for giving further
Powers to the Commiffioners appointed under the said Act.
144. An Act for better fecuring the Stamp Duties on Sea Infur-
ances made in London, and for altering the Period for taking out
Stamp Office Certificates by Attornies and others in England.

145. An Act to take away Corruption of Blood fave in certain

146. An Act to alter the Punishment, in certain Cafes, of High



147. An

147. An Act for the better Regulation of the Drivers of Licenfed Hackney Coaches; for explaining and amending an Act paffed in the Forty eighth Year of His prefent Majefty, relating to Hackney Coaches; and for authorifing the licenfing of a limited Number of Hackney Chariots. Page 743 148. An Act for impofing an Excife Duty on Silk Handkerchiefs fold by the East India Company for Home Confumption. 149. An Ad to regulate, until the End of the next Seffion of Parliament, the Trade in Spirits between Great Britain and Ireland reciprocally. 754 150. An Act to confolidate and amend the Regulations contained in feveral Acts of Parliament, for impofing and levying of Fines upon Parifhes, Townlands and other Places, in refpect of the unlawful Diftillation of Spirits in Ireland.

769 151. An Act to repeal an Act paffed in the Fifty fecond Year of His prefent Majefty, for better regulating the Office of Agent General for Volunteers and Local Militia, and for the more effectually regulating the faid Office, and to make further Provifions for the Regulation of the Office of Agent General. 787 152. An Act to repeal certain Parts of an A&t made in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, for regulating the making, keeping and carriage of Gunpowder, within Great Britain. 792 153. An A&t to regulate the Payment of Drawback on Paper allowed to the Univerfities in Scotland.

793 154. An Act for further amending and enlarging the Powers of an A&t of the Forty fixth Year of His prefent Majefty, intituled An Ad for confolidating and rendering more effectual the feveral Ads for the Purchafe of Buildings and further Improvement of the Streets and Places near to Weftminfter Hall and the Two Houfes of Parliament; and for other Purposes therein mentioned. 794 155. An Act to repeal an A&t for eftablishing Regulations refpecting Aliens arriving in or refident in this Kingdom in certain cafes; and for fubftituting other Provifions, until the End of the next Seffion of Parliament in lieu thereof.



156. An Act to amend the feveral Acts for the Encouragement of Learning, by fecuring the Copies and Copyright of Printed Books, to the Authors of fuch Books, or their Affigns. 817 157. An Act for the better Regulation of the Conduct of the Bufinefs of the Office of Works, and the Expenditure thereof. 823 158. An Act to continue, for One Year, certain Acts for the better Prevention and Punishment of Attempts to feduce Perfons ferving in His Majefty's Forces by Sea or Land from their Duty and Allegiance to His Majefty, or to incite them to Mutiny or Dif




159. An Act for the better Regulation of the feveral Ports, Harbours, Roadfteads, Sounds, Channels, Bays and Navigable Rivers. in the United Kingdom, and of His Majefty's Docks, Dock Yards, Arfenals, Wharfs, Moorings and Stores therein; and for repealing feveral Acts paffed for that Purpose. 160. An Act to enable His Majefty to fettle an Annuity upon Her Royal Highnefs the Princess of Wales, during the Joint Lives of His Majefty and of Her Royal Highness. 161. An A&t for fettling and fecuring an Annuity on Arthur Duke of Wellington and his Heirs; and for empowering the Lord




High Treafurer or Lords Commiffioners of the Treafury to advance, out of the Confolidated Fund of Great Britain, a Sum of Money in lieu of fuch Annuity, to purchase an Estate, in order to accompany the faid Title, in Confideration of the eminent and fignal Services performed by the faid Duke of Wellington to His Majefty and to the Public; and for making further Provifion for the Difpofal of a Sum of Money granted by an Act of the laft Seffion of Parliament, for purchafing an Eftate for the faid Duke, then Marquis of Wellington. 842 162. An Act for fettling and fecuring an Annuity on Lord Beresford, and the Perfons to whom the Title of Lord Beresford fhall defcend, in Confideration of his eminent Services. 860 163. An Act for fettling and fecuring an Annuity on Lord Combermere, and the Two next Perfons to whom the Title of Lord Combermere shall defcend, in Confideration of his eminent Services. 862

164. An A&t for fettling and fecuring an Annuity on Lord Exmouth, and the Perfons to whom the Title of Lord Exmouth fhall defcend, in Confideration of his eminent Services. 865 165. An A&t for settling and fecuring an Annuity on Lord Hill, and the Perfons to whom the Title of Lord Hill fhall defcend, in Confideration of his eminent Services. 867 166. An Act for fettling and fecuring an Annuity on Lord Lynedoch, and the Perfons to whom the Title of Lord Lynedoch shall descend, in Consideration of his eminent Services. 870 167. An A& for applying a certain Sum of Money arifen or to arise from certain Duties granted to His Majefty during the Continuance of the present War, and for applying certain Monies therein mentioned for the Service of the Year One thoufand eight hundred and fourteen; and for further appropriating the Supplies granted

in this Seffion of Parliament. 872 168. An Act to amend the Laws respecting the Atteftation of Inftruments of Appointment and Revocation, made in exercise of certain Powers in Deeds, Wills and other Inftruments. 885 169. An Act for making certain Regulations refpecting the Poftage of Ship Letters, and of Letters in Great Britain. 886 170. An A&t to repeal certain Provifions in Local Acts, for the Maintenance and Regulation of the Poor; and to make other Pro, vifions in relation thereto.

890 171. An Act to empower the Commiffioners of His Majefty's Treafury to reftore Seizures or remit or mitigate Fines, Penalties or Forfeitures, incurred concerning any Laws relating to the Cuftoms or Excife, or Navigation and Trade of Great Britain. 894 172. An Act for repealing the Duties payable in Scotland upon Diftillers' Wafh, Spirits and Licences, and for granting other Duties in lieu thereof. 173. An Act to alter and amend certain of the Powers and Provifions of feveral Acts paffed for the Redemption and Sale of the Land Tax; and for making further Provifion for the Redemption thereof.

174. An A&t for letting to farm the Poft Horfe Duties.




175. An A&t to explain and amend feveral Acts relating to Spiritual Perfons holding of Farms; and for enforcing the Refidence of

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fuch Perfons on their Benefices in England, for One Year, and


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