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munerations and Expenditures being annually returned to Parliament; and the Commiffioners of the Navy, and the Treasurer of the Navy refpectively, fhall Quarterly caufe an Account to be fent of the Amount of fuch Expences to the faid Board of Directors of the faid Royal Hofpital, who fhall immediately cause the fame to be paid to the Order of the faid Commiffioners and Treasurer respectively. LXVII. Provided always, and it is hereby declared and enacted, That, from and after the paffing of this Act, all Fees heretofore paid by the faid Royal Hofpital at the Navy Office, for tracing the Services of Perfons claiming Shares of Prize or Bounty Money, shall ceafe, and be no longer due or payable.

LXVIII. And be it further enacted, That no Perfon employed by Greenwich Hofpital in executing the Regulations of this Act, fhall act as an Agent for Prizes, or be concerned directly or indirectly in the Bufinefs thereof, under the Penalty of Five hundred Pounds. LXIX. And be it further enacted, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall falfely make Oath to any of the Matters hereinbefore required to be verified on Oath, or fuborn any other Perfon fo to do, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall fuffer the like Pains and Penalties as are incurred by Perfons committing wilful and corrupt Perjury; and that if any Perfon or Perfons fhall counterfeit, erafe, alter or falfify any Commiffion for War or Letter of Marque, or any Warrant for making out the fame, or any Certificate required or directed by this Act to be given for obtaining the fame, or shall publish or make use of any fuch Commiffion for War, or Warrant for making out the fame, or any Certificate as aforefaid, knowing the fame to be counterfeited, erafed, altered or falfified, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum of Five hundred Pounds.

No Fees paid

for tracing Ser vices of Perfons claiming Shares,


No Perfon employed by G. H. to act as Prize Agent. Penalty.

Perjury, &c.

Perfons counter-
feiting, &c. any
Commiflion for
War, &c.


Not delivering

LXX. And be it further enacted, That all and every Person and Perfons hereby directed to tranfmit or deliver all or any of the Ac- Accounts. counts before mentioned, who fhall refufe or neglect to tranfmit or deliver all or any fuch Account or Accounts to the Treasurer of the faid Hofpital, or his faid Deputy or Agent, within the time before limited and appointed, in Manner and Form as herein before mentioned, fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum of One hundred Penalty. Pounds, and shall pay the Expence of any Application to any Court to compel the Production and Delivery of the fame.


LXXI. And be it further enacted, That if any Fraud, Collufion Frauds in Acor Deceit fhall be wittingly or willingly made, ufed, committed, counts. mitted or done or fuffered in making, ftating or balancing fuch Accounts, then every Perfon or Perfons who fhall be thereof duly convicted, and his and their Aiders and Abettors, fhall forfeit and pay, for every fuch Offence, the Sum of five hundred Pounds.


LXXII. And be it further enacted, That, from and after the paffing of this Act, the Proceeds of all Captures made prior to the First Day of January One thousand eight hundred and five, in this any former War, which fhall not have been already advertifed for Diftribution, fhall be diftributed under the Regulations of this Act, and the forfeited and unclaimed Shares be accounted for and paid to the Treasurer of Greenwich Hospital within the fame Period, and in like manner as by this Act is directed; and that the Agents for all Captures made previous to the First Day of January One thoufand eight hundred and five, in this or any former War, and which have already been advertised for Diftribution, fhall render Accounts, and pay the forfeited and unclaimed Shares to the faid Treasurer of Greenwich

Gg 2

Penalty. Proceeds of Captures before 1st Jan. 1805, diftributed ac

cording to Act, and Agents to accordingly,

Registrars to

fend Account to Greenwich Hof

in Hand:

And to remit.

Greenwich Hofpital within Three Months after the paffing of this Act; any thing in any former Act contained to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding.

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LXXIII. And Whereas divers Sums of Money are now remaining in the Hands of the Registrars of the High Court of Appeals, High Court of Admiralty, and of the feveral Courts of Vice Admiralty refpectively, arifing from Prizes which have been finally adjudged to the Captors, and which have not been claimed by them, or any Perfon or Perfons on their Behalf;' Be it therefore enacted, That the Registrars of the faid High Court of Appeals, of the High Court of Admiralty, and of every Court of pital of Money Vice Admiralty in His Majefty's Dominions, fhall, within Three Months, fo far as relates to the High Court of Appeals and the High Court of Admiralty, and with refpect to Courts of Vice Admiralty in the East Indies, within Two Years, and with refpect to fuch Courts in any other Parts of His Majefty's Dominions, within One Year next after the paffing of this Act, render or tranfmit to the Treasurer of the faid Royal Hofpital at Greenwich, or his Deputy, an Account of all Sums of Money which had been paid into the faid Courts as aforefaid refpectively, up to the First Day of January One thousand eight hundred and twelve, and which at the time of rendering fuch Account shall remain in their Hands refpectively; and at the fame time pay over or remit to the faid Treasurer of the faid Royal Hospital all fuch lat mentioned Sums of Money; and that the Receipt of the said Treasurer of the faid Royal Hofpital, or his Deputy, to the Registrar paying fuch Money, fhall be a good and effectual Difcharge to fuch Regiftrar, to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever; and with refpect to all Monies which have been fo paid to the faid Registrars refpectively, fince the First Day of January One thoufand eight hundred and twelve, or which shall hereafter be fo paid, and which shall have remained in their Hands refpectively for the Space of Twelve Calendar Months after the Prize or Prizes, from which fuch Monies fhall have proceeded, thall have been finally adjudged to the Captors, unclaimed by the faid Captors, or by any Perfon or Perfons on their behalf, it Judges to order fhall be lawful for the Judge or Judges of the faid Courts refpectPayment of un- ively, upon Application by the Treafurer of the faid Royal Hofpital, or his Deputy, to order Payment thereof to the faid Treasurer or his Deputy; which feveral Sums, when fo paid to the faid Treasurer or his Deputy as aforefaid, fhall be diftributed among the Captors, or their legal Reprefentatives, by the Treasurer and Clerk of the Cheque of the faid Hofpital, in like manner, and subject to the fame Regulations, so far as the fame can be made applicable, as in cafes of Distribution by the Agents of the Captors.

claimed Money which is to be diftributed.

Treafurer and

Clerk of Cheque may iffue Precepts to licenfed Perfons to ac

count for Prize or Bounty Movies.

LXXIV. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Treafurer and Clerk of the Cheque of the faid Royal Hofpital, from time to time as they fhall fee Occafion, to iffue Precepts under their Hands, directed to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall be licensed as hereinbefore mentioned, and whom they may have reafon to believe have received Prize or Bounty Monies upon Orders executed fince the paffing of this Act, requiring him or them, within Two Calendar Months next after the time at which fuch Precept fhall have been ferved, to deliver or tranfmit upon Oath to the faid Treasurer and Clerk of the Cheque of the faid Royal Hofpital, according to the Directions contained in the faid Precept (which Oath any Juftice of the Peace or Magiftrate, or the Treafurer or Deputy Treafurer of the


faid Royal Hospital for the time being, is hereby authorized
minifter), an Account of all Monies which may have been received
by fuch Perfon or Perfons upon Orders executed fince the paffing
of this A&t; and in cafe the fame, or any Part thereof, fhall have been
paid over, then to whom the fame, or any Part thereof, has been fo
paid over as aforefaid, and shall at the fame time pay or remit to the
Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer of the faid Royal Hofpital, as may
be required by fuch Precept, fuch Part of the faid Monies as fhall
remain in his or their Hands unpaid, to the Parties beneficially entitled
to it, or to their Ufe; and in cafe fuch Monies fhall not be paid over
or remitted to the said Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer within the time
limited by this Act, the fame fhall be recoverable from the Perfon
detaining the fame, by Action for Money had and received, or other-
wife, in the Name of the Commiffioners and Governors of the faid
Royal Hofpital, and the fame, when fo paid in or recovered, shall be
for the Ufe of the Parties beneficially entitled thereto, and be other-
wife applied as forfeited and unclaimed Shares of Prize and Bounty
Monies are by this Act directed to be applied; and in cafe any fuch
Perfon or Perfons upon whom any fuch Precept shall be served as
aforefaid, fhall neglect or refufe to deliver or tranfmit fuch Account
within the time hereby limited, he or they fhall, for every fuch Offence,
forfeit and pay to the Ufe of the faid Royal Hofpital the Sum of Penalty.
Twenty Pounds, to be recovered by Action of Debt, to be brought
in the Name of the faid Commiffioners and Governors of the faid
Royal Hospital, in either of His Majefty's Courts of Record at Weft-
minster, unless fufficient Caufe fhall be fhewn to the Satisfaction of the
Board of Directors of the faid Royal Hofpital, why fuch Precepts
have not been complied with.

ed, &c.

LXXV. And be it further enacted, That in cafe any fuch Perfon Precepts on or Perfons as aforefaid, upon whom any fuch Precept or Precepts as Perions repeataforefaid shall have been served, shall neglect or refufe to pay Obedience thereto, and shall in confequence thereof pay the Penalty incurred by fuch Difobedience, it shall nevertheless be lawful for the faid Treasurer and Clerk of the Cheque of the faid Royal Hofpital, and they are hereby empowered to repeat fuch Precept or Precepts until the Accounts thereby required fhall have been duly rendered and delivered; and fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall be, and is and are hereby declared to be liable to a separate Penalty of Twenty Pounds, for every Precept Penalty. to be ferved upon him or them, to which due Obedience fhall not be paid, to be recovered in manner aforefaid.

Lifts to Trea

LXXVI. And be it further enacted, That the Registrars of the Registrars of High Court of Appeals and High Court of Admiralty refpectively, Courts of Apfhall, on the Twenty fixth Day of March, the Twenty fifth Day of peal and Admi June, the Thirtieth Day of September and the Twenty fixth Day of fly to tranfie December in every Year, tranfmit to the Treasurer of the faid Royal furer of GreenHofpital, or his Deputy, and to the Treasurer of the Navy, a Lift wich Hofpital. of all the Prizes which fhall have been adjudged in their Courts refpectively, in the Three Months preceding, together with the Names of the capturing Ships and their Commanders, and of the Agents for the Captors, and the Dates of the Captures and Sentences refpectively.

LXXVII. And be it further enacted, That the Registrars of Registrars of every Vice Admiralty Court fhall, on the Twenty fixth Day of Vice Admiralty March and the Twenty fifth Day of June, the Thirtieth Day of Courts to trantSeptember and the Twenty fixth Day of December in every Year, girar of High

Gg 3


mit Lifts to Ke

Court of Ad. miralty &c. Quarterly.

Lifts hung up for public In(pection.

Registrars ne glecting.


Registrar ne

Returns of


or fo foon after each of fuch Quarter Days refpectively as any Ship fhall fail for England, tranfmit to the Regiftrar of the High Court of Admiralty, and the Treafurer of the Royal Hofpital at Greenwich, a Lift of all the Prizes which have been adjudged in their Courts refpectively during the preceding Quarter of a Year, together with the Dates of the feveral Captures, as far as the fame may appear, the Names of the capturing Ships and their Commanders, the Agents of the Captors, a Copy of the decretal Part of the Sentences upon the fame; and at the fame time deliver, or caufe to be delivered, a Duplicate of the fame to the Deputy of the faid Treafurer, refident at the Place where fuch Courts of Vice Admiralty are or fhall be established, or to which their Jurifdiction fhall extend; which Lifts fo to be tranfmitted to the Regiflrar of the High Court of Admiralty, fhall be hung up for public Infpection in the Registry at Doctors' Commons, together with fimilar Lifts of the Prizes adjudged in the High Court of Admiralty, and in the Court of Appeal; and in cafe any fuch Registrar of any Vice Admiralty Court fhall neglect or refufe to tranfmit fuch Lifts, or to deliver Duplicates thereof, at the times and in the manner aforefaid, every Perfon fo offending fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of Fifty Pounds.

LXXVIII. And be it further enacted, That in all cafes where the glecting to make Regiftrar of any Vice Admiralty Court fhall have neglected to make the Returns of Prizes proceeded against in the refpective Courts as required by Law, he fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay a like Sum of Fifty Pounds, unlefs the Returns fhall be tranfmitted in manner above required within Eighteen Months, fo far as the fame relate to the East Indies, and within Nine Months from every other Vice Admiralty Court in His Majefty's Foreign Dominions.


Treasurer of
Navy may ap

point Perton to

examine Ac

counts of


Certificates of Accounts allowed to be


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LXXIX. And Whereas it is expedient that Provifion should be made for the fpeedy and effectual Examination of all Accounts relating to Prizes taken by His Majefty's Ships, in order to infure the full Value thereof being duly accounted for to the Captors;' Be it enacted, That, from and after the paffing of this Act, it fhall and may be lawful for the Treasurer of the Navy to appoint a Perfon duly qualified to examine all fuch Accounts, and that every Prize Agent and every Perfon who fhall be authorized and empowered to receive and diftribute any Bounty Monies or other Monies for the Ufe or Benefit of the Officers and Crews of any of His Majesty's Ships of War, by reafon of any Capture or Seizure made by them, fubject to the Provifions of this Act, fhall, before he fhall exhibit his Account of Sales in the High Court of Admiralty, tranfmit a Copy thereof to the Treasurer of the Navy, in order to the fame being submitted to the immediate Examination of the Officer fo to be appointed by him.

LXXX. And be it further enacted, That when the Perfon fo to be appointed fhall have carefully examined the Accounts of any Prize Agent or other Perfon fo tranfmitted to him and fhall be fatisfied therewith, he shall give to fuch Agent or other Perfon Two Certificates figned by himself, fetting forth the Names of the Prize and of the capturing Ship or Ships, and the Amount of the Nett Proceeds for Diftribution, One of which Certificates fuch Agent or other Perfon fhall tranfmit to the Treasurer of Greenwich Hofpital, together with a Copy of his Accounts and Vouchers exhibited in the High Court of Admiralty.


LXXXI. And be it further enacted, That when fuch Agent or Scheme for other Perfon fhall deliver his Accounts for Examination as aforefaid, Diftribution to he fhall at the fame time deliver a Scheme for the Diftribution of the be delivered. Nett Proceeds to the Captors of the Prize in queftion, according to the following Forms:

For all Captures made prior to June 1808.

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