| Bhagevatula Satyanarayana Murty - Political Science - 1989 - 392 pages
...25 Journal of Social Issues 4, 75 (1969). He states, "The present review provides little evidence of the postulated existence of stable underlying attitudes...influence both his verbal expressions and his actions." Cited in Schramm, note 2 above, p. 217. 39. Schramm, note 2 above, pp. 218-220. He cites the views... | |
| George E. Marcus - Political Science - 1995 - 312 pages
...behaviors, these predictions were often wrong (eg, Wrightsman, 1969). Wicker (1969) concluded that there was "little evidence to support the postulated existence...influence both his verbal expressions and his actions" (p. 75). If the importance of attitude research lay predominantly in linking attitudes with behavior,... | |
| Irving B. Weiner, Donald K. Freedheim - Medical - 2003 - 696 pages
...(1969) reviewed 30 studies that examined attitude-behavior consistency and concluded that there was "little evidence to support the postulated existence...influence both his verbal expressions and his actions" (p. 75). Fortunately, since that time, researchers have identified several factors that influence attitude-behavior... | |
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