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the different parts of his farms, causing wheat, maize, po- CHAPTER tatoes, oats, grass, and other crops to succeed each other in the same field at stated times. So exact was he in this method, that he drew out a scheme in which all his fields were numbered, and the crops assigned to them for several years in advance. It proved so successful, that he pursued it to the end of his life, with occasional slight deviations by way of experiment.

Having thus arranged and systematized his agricultural operations, he now set himself at work in earnest to execute his purpose of planting and adorning the grounds around the mansion-house. In the direction of the left wing, and at a considerable distance, was a vegetable garden; and and on the right, at an equal distance, was another garden for ornamental shrubs, plants, and flowers. Between these gardens, in front of the house, was a spacious lawn, surrounded by serpentine walks. Beyond the gardens and lawn were the orchards. Very early in the spring he began with the lawn, selecting the choicest trees from the woods on his estates, and transferring them to the borders of the serpentine walks, arranging them in such a manner as to produce symmetry and beauty in the general effect, intermingling in just proportions forest tress, evergreens, and flowering shrubs. attended personally to the selection, removal, and planting of every tree; and his Diary, which is very particular from day to day through the whole process, proves that he engaged in it with intense interest, and anxiously watched each tree and shoot till it showed signs of renewed growth. Such trees as were not found on his own lands, he obtained from other parts of the country, and at length his design was completed according to his wishes.


The orchards, gardens, and green-houses were next replenished with all the varieties of rare fruit-trees, vegetables, shrubs, and flowering plants, which he could procure. This was less easily accomplished; but, horticulture being with him a favorite pursuit, he continued during

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CHAPTER his life to make new accessions of fruits and plants, both native and exotic. Pruning trees was one of his amusements; and in the proper season he might be seen almost daily in his grounds and gardens with a pruning-hook or other horticultural implements in his hands. Skilful gardeners were sought by him from Europe, whose knowledge and experience enabled him to execute his plans. Although relieved from public cares, he soon discovered, that the prospect, which he had so fondly cherished, of enjoying the repose of retirement, was much brighter than the reality. Writing to General Knox, he said, "It is not the letters from my friends, which give me trouble, or add aught to my perplexity. It is references to old matters, with which I have nothing to do; applications which oftentimes cannot be complied with; inquiries which would require the pen of a historian to satisfy; letters of compliment, as unmeaning perhaps as they are troublesome, but which must be attended to; and the commonplace business, which employs my pen and my time, often disagreeably. Indeed these, with company, deprive me of exercise, and, unless I can obtain relief, must be productive of disagreeable consequences." The applications, of which he complains, were chiefly from officers or other persons, who had been connected with the army, and who wished to obtain from him certificates of character, or of services rendered during the war, or some other statement from his pen, for the purpose of substantiating claims upon the government. His real attachment to all who had served faithfully in the army, as well as his humanity, prompted him to comply with these requests; but in many cases they were unreasonable, and in all troublesome, as they required an examination of his voluminous papers, and a recurrence to facts which often could not be easily ascertained. And then his correspondence on topics of public interest, friendship, and civility, with persons in Europe and America, was very extensive. Add to this, his private affairs, the keeping of accounts, and his letters of business. For more than two




years after the close of the war he had no clerk or secre- CHAPTER tary, and he was therefore incessantly employed in writing. At length this labor was in some degree lessened by the aid of Mr. Lear, who became his secretary, and resided in his family many years on terms of intimate friendship.

Mount Vernon.

The multitude of visiters at Mount Vernon increased. Visiters at They came from the Old World and the New. Among them were foreigners of distinction, particularly from France and other countries on the continent of Europe, bringing letters of introduction from the Marquis de Lafayette, Count de Rochambeau, Count d'Estaing, and some of the other general officers, who had served in America. The celebrated authoress and champion of liberty, Catherine Macaulay Graham, professed to have crossed the Atlantic for the sole purpose of testifying in person her admiration of the character and deeds of Washington. His own countrymen, in every part of the Union, as may well be supposed, were not less earnest in their good will, or less ready to prove their respect and attachment. Some came to keep alive friendship, some to ask counsel on public affairs, and many to gratify a natural and ardent curiosity. This throng of visiters necessarily demanded much of his time; but in other respects the task of receiving them was made easy by the admirable economy of the household under the management of Mrs. Washington.


His habits were uniform, and nearly the same as they His daily had been previously to the war. He rose before the sun, and employed himself in his study, writing letters or reading, till the hour of breakfast. When breakfast was over, his horse was ready at the door, and he rode to his farms and gave directions for the day to the managers and laborers. Horses were likewise prepared for his guests, whenever they chose to accompany him, or to amuse themselves by excursions into the country. Returning from his fields, and despatching such business as happened to be on hand, he went again to his study, and con

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