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P. 626, col. 2, 1. 39, Cales (22), Cadiz (19); 1. 43, Galdunum (W.), Galdum (22), Galdumon (19). P. 626, col. 2, 1. 49, Celties (22), Celta (19), Celts (W.).

P. 627, col. 1, 1. 38, fiftye (22), fyfleene (19). P. 627, col. 1, 1. 44, Slevius (22), Slanius (W.), Stanius (19).

P. 627, col. 1, 11. 51-52, As the Latine proverbe is (omitted by 22; in 19 and 73). W. reads as the

later proverbe is.

P. 627, col. 2, 11. 11-14, for being. Omitted by W.

would (22).

P. 628, col. 1, 1. 12, Isabell (22), Elizabeth (W., 19 and 73).

P. 628, col. 1, 1. 23, auncientrye (22, 73 and W.), auncestrie (19).

P. 628, col. 2, 11. 17-21, of the which... of the Gaules (19 and 73). Omitted by 22

P. 628, col. 2, 1. 37, Gaull (22), Gaules (19), Gald (73 and W.).

P. 629, col. 1, 1. 16. Cummurreeih (12), Cummerick (19), Camericke (73).

P. 629, col. 2, 1.5, winning (22), employing (W. and 73), empeopling (19).

P. 630, col.1, 1. 30, bolyes (W. and 19), bogges (22 and 73).

P. 630, col. 1, 1. 53, bolyes (22), boolying (W.), Bollinge (19 and 73).

P. 631, col. 1, 1. 28. Gaules (22 and W.), Africans (19 and 73).

P. 631, col. 1, 1. 56, besemeth (22), deserve (19). P. 631, col. 2, 1.6, encloseth (22), ensconceth (19). P. 631, col. 2, 1. 44, Beantoolhe (22), Monashutt (19 and 73), Monashul (W.).

P. 632, col. 1, 11. 42, 43, as have... that people. W reads as have been devised for that people; 22, taken for theyr reformation; 19, as have been devised for that people; 73, as have been devised for the reformation of the people.

P. 632, col. 1, 11. 26-28, I say... to be named (22). Omitted by W.

P. 632, col. 2, 11. 13, 14, Launlaider (W.), Landargabo (19), Layarrigabowe (22).

P. 632, col. 2, 1. 36, blunt (22), blynde (19 and W.).

P. 633, col. 1, 1. 1, approovaunce (22), apparance (19).

P. 633, col. 1, 11. 2, 3, Scota... • judgement (22), Scota be like an Egiptian word or carrie anie smacke of anie learninge or judgement (19).

P. 633, col. 1, 1. 9, owles or cats eyes (19), an owle or catt-is eyes (22).

P. 633, col. 1, 1. 15, Irish (W.), English (22). P. 633, col. 1, 1. 17, Farreehs. W. has Ferragh; 22 Farreels; 19 Ferrah; 73 Ferraghe.

P. 633, col. 2, 1. 50, clashing (19), lashing (22). P. 634, col. 1, 1. 1, joining (19), comming (22). P. 634, col. 1, 1. 35, oath (19), wealth (22). P. 634, col. 2, 1. 31, Lycanthropia (W.), Hicanthropia (22).

P. 635, col. 1, 1. 44, shavinge (19), shewing (22). P. 636, col. 2. 11. 47, 48, an other huge... upon them (22), and through other huge calamities which came upon them (19).

P. 637, col. 2, 11. 25, 26, Hernan, Shenan, Maugan (22), Heenan, Shenan, Mangan (W).

P. 637, col. 2, 11. 34-49, of which sorte... quite

Irish (22, 19 and 73). Omitted by Ware, who states that this passage is in the Lambeth MS.. and in the MS. belonging to the Marquis of Stafford.

P. 639, col. 2, 1. 24, head (W.), hand (22, 19 and 73).

P. 640, col. 2, 11. 4-12, Me thinkes. . . dislike of (19 and W.). Omitted by 22.

P. 640, col. 2, 1. 48, Tirtaus (W. and 19), Tyrreus (22).

P. 642, col. 1, 1. 12, Kearrooghs (22), Garrowes (19).

P. 642, col. 2, 11. 45-50, by reading... of folke (19), by reading those which you call Folkemotes the which builte by two sererall nations, the one by the Saxons, as the worde signifyeth in Saxone meeting of folke (22). of stones (19).

P. 643, col. 1, 11. 30-34, as ye Omitted by 22.

P. 645, col. 2, 1. 29, to P. 646, col. 1, 1. 41, This is truly... way toyither (22, 19 and 73). Omitted by W. P. 646, col. 1, 11. 52, 53. charge therof ... but the inconvenience (19), charge therof, nor any defect of zeale for reformation herof, but the inconvenience (22). ⚫ for ac

P. 649, col. 1, 11. 50-53, And this is... cursed (omitted by W.).

P. 649, col. 1, 1. 52, times not called amisse (19), times called banisse (22).

P. 656, col. 1, 1. 6. Jacques Geffray (22), Sequor Jeffrey (19), Signior Jeffrey (W.)

P. 658, col. 1, 1. 37, Magueeirhe (22), Macguire (73), Macknyre (19).

P. 658, col. 2, 1. 11, Tyrrelaghe O-Neale (22), Turlagh Levagh (19). Turlough Oneale (73). P. 658, col. 2. 1. 41, advise (22), devyce (19). P. 659, col. 2, 1. 28, Cummerreeighe (22), Comericke (19 and 73).

P. 659, col. 2, 11. 52, 53, Brin in the Brittons ... darke (22), Brin in the Britons language signifieth woodie, and Toll hillie (19 and 73).

P. 659, col. 2, 1. 58, Deurmuid-ne-Galh (22). Dermonigle (19).

P. 660, col. 1, 1. 36, Glan-Maleeirh (22), Glan Malor (19 and W.).

P. 660, col. 1, 1. 37, Ballinecorrih (22), Ballinecarre (19).

P. 660, col. 2, 1. 53, placing (19 and 73), plotting (22).

P. 661, col. 1, 1. 48, good spialls (22), good especialls (19).

P. 661, col. 1, 1. 51, bayte (22), bayjoning (19).
P. 663, col. 1, 1. 11. unto them where they

(22), unto them that they shal be brought and remored with such creete as they have into Leinster, where they, &c. (19).

P. 664, col. 1, 11. 52, 53, which amounteth ... acres (22). Omitted by W.

P. 672, col. 2. 1. 47, kinde of being bounde (19), kinde of living being bound (22).

P. 675, col. 1, 11. 37, 38, Alloonagh. Sascona, that is English (19).

dogge (22),

P. 676, col. 1, 1. 54, sparke. All the MSS. agree in this reading. Ware has peare, but sparke may be a provincial form of the O. Eng. sparthe, & battle axe.






GOOD Master G. I perceive by your most curteous
and frendly Letters your good will to be no lesse in
deed than I alwayes esteemed. In recompence
wherof, think I beseech you, that I wil spare neither
speech nor wryting, nor aught else, whensoever,
and wheresoever occasion shal be offred me: yea,
I will not stay, till it be offred, but will seeke it in
al that possibly I may. And that you may perceive
how much your Counsel in al things prevaileth
with me, and how altogither I am ruled and over-
ruled thereby: I am now determined to alter mine
owne former purpose, and to subscribe to your ad-
vizement being notwithstanding resolved stil, to
abide your farther resolution. My principal doubts
are these. First, I was minded for a while to have
intermitted the uttering of my writings: leaste by
over-much cloying their noble eares, I should gather
a contempt of myself, or else seeme rather for gaine
and commoditie to doe it, for some sweetnesse that
I have already tasted. Then also, meseemeth, the
work too base for his excellent Lordship, being
made in honour of a private Personage unknowne,
which of some yl-willers might be upbraided not to
be so worthie, as you knowe she is: or the matter
not so weightie, that it should be offred to so
weightie a Personage: or the like. The selfe former
Title still liketh me well ynough, and your fine
Addition no lesse. If these, and the like doubtes,
maye be of importaunce in your seeming, to frus-
trate any parte of your advice, I beseeche you
without the least selfe love of your own purpose,
councell me for the beste: and the rather doe it
faithfullye and carefully, for that, in all things I
attribute so muche to your judgement, that I am
evermore content to annihilate mine owne determi-
nations, in respecte thereof. And indeede for your
selfe to, it sitteth with you now, to call your wits
and senses togither (which are alwaies at call) when
occasion is so fairely offered of Estimation and
Preferment. For whiles the iron is hote, it is good
striking, and minds of Nobles varie as their Estates.
Verùm ne quid durius.

* Reprinted from Two other very commendable Letters, of the same mens writing: both touching the f resaid Artificiall Versifying, and certain other Particulars.-More lately delivered unto the Printer.-Imprinted at London by H. Bynnemann, dwelling in Thames streate, neere unto Baynardes Castell. Anno Domini, 1580. Cum gratia et privilegio Regiæ Majestatis.'

I pray you bethinke you well hereof, good Maister G. and forthwith write me those two or three special points and caveats for the nonce, De quibus in superioribus illis mellitissimis longissimisque Litteris tuis. Your desire to heare of my late being with hir Majestie muste dye in it selfe. As for the twoo worthy Gentlemen, Master Sidney and Master Dyer, they have me, I thanke them, in some use of familiarity of whom and to whome, what speache passeth for youre credite and estimation, I leave to your selfe to conceive, having alwayes so well conceived of my unfained affection and zeale towardes you. And nowe they have proclaimed in their apeway a generall surceasing and silence of balde Rymers, and also of the verie beste to: in steade whereof they haue, by authoritie of their whole Senate, prescribed certaine Lawes and rules of Quantities of Englishe sillables for English Verse: having had thereof already great practise, and drawen mee to their faction. Newe Bookes I heare of none, but only of one, that writing a certain Booke, called The Schoole of Abuse, and dedicating it to Maister Sidney, was for his labor scorned: if at leaste it be in the goodnesse of that nature to scorne. Suche follie is it, not to regarde afore hande the inclination and qualitie of him to whome wee dedicate oure Bookes. Suche mighte I happily incurre entituling My Slomber and the other Pamphlets unto his honor. I meant them rather to Maister Dyer. But I am of late more in love wyth my Englishe Versifying than with Ryming: whyche I should haue done long since, if I would then haue followed your councell. Sed te solara jam tum suspicabar cum Aschamo sapere: nunc Aulam video egregios alere Poëtas Anglicos.

Maister E. K. hartily desireth to be commended unto your Worshippe: of whome what accompte he maketh, your selfe shall hereafter perceive, by hys paynefull and dutifull Verses of your selfe.

Thus much was written at Westminster yester night: but comming this morning, beeing the sixteenth of October, to Mystresse Kerkes, to have it delivered to the Carrier, I receyved your letter. sente me the laste weeke: whereby I perceive you otherwhiles continue your old exercise of Versify ing in Englishe; whych glorie I had now thought shoulde have bene onely ours heere at London and the Court.

Truste me, your Verses I like passingly well, and envye your hidden paines in this kinde, or rather maligne, and grudge at your selfe, that woulde not once imparte so muche to me. But once or twice you make a breache in Maister Drants Rules : quoni tamen condonabimus tanto Poëtæ, tuæque ipsius marimce in his rebus autoritati. You shall see when we meete in London (whiche, when it shall be, certifye us) howe fast I have followed after you in that

Course beware leaste in time I overtake you. Veruntamen te solum sequar, (ut sæpenumero sum professus,) nunquam sanè assequar dum vivam.

And nowe requite I you with the like, not with the verye beste, but with the verye shortest, namely, with a few lambickes: I dare warrant they be precisely perfect for the feete (as you can easily judge), and varie not one inch from the Rule. I will imparte yours to Maister Sidney and Maister Dyer at my nexte going to the Courte. I praye you, keepe mine close to your selfe, or your verie entire friendes, Maister Preston, Maister Still, and the reste.

[blocks in formation]

And if I waste, who will bewaile my heavy chaunce? And if I starve, who will record my cursed end? And if I dye, who will saye: this was Immerito?

I thought once agayne here to haue made an ende, with a heartie Vale of the best fashion: but loe an ylfavoured myschaunce! My last farewell, whereof I made great accompt, and muche marvelled you shoulde make no mention thereof, I am nowe tolde (in the Divels name) was thorough one mans negligence quite forgotten, but shoulde nowe undoubtedly have beene sent, whether I hadde come, or no. Seeing it can now be no otherwise, I pray you take all togither, wyth all their faultes : and nowe I hope, you will vouchsafe mee an answeare of the largest size, or else I tell you true, you shall bee verye deepe in my debte: notwythstandyng thys other sweete, but shorte letter, and fine, but fewe Verses. But I woulde rather I might see youre owne good selfe, and receive a Reciprocall farewell from your owne sweete mouth.

Ad ornatissimum virum, multis jam diu
sui, mox in Gallias navigaturi, evtuxeîv.
Sic malus egregium, sic non inimicus Amicum;
Sicque novus veterem jubet ipse Poëta Poëtam,
Salvere, ac cœlo, post secula multa secundo
Jam reducem, cœlo mage, quàm nunc ipse, se-

Utier. Ecce Deus, (modò sit Deus ille, renixum
Qui vocet in scelus, et juratos perdat amores)
Ecce Deus mihi clara dedit modò signa Marinus,
Et sua veligero lenis parat Æquora Ligno:
Mox sulcanda, suas etiam pater Eolus Iras
Ponit, et ingentes animos Aquilonis-
Cuncta viis sic apta meis: ego solus ineptus.
Nam mihi nescio quo mens saucia vulnere,

Fluctuat ancipiti Pelago, dum Navita proram
Invalidam validus rapit huc Amor, et rapit illuc.
Consiliis Ratio melioribus usa, decusque
Immortale levi diffessa Cupidinis Arcu.
Angimur hoc dubio, et portu vexamur in ipso.
Magne pharetrati nunc tu contemptor Amoris,
(Id tibi Dii nomen precor haud impune remit-

Hos nodos exsolve, et eris mihi magnus Apollo.
Spiritus ad summos, scio, te generosus Honores
Exstimulat, majusque docet spirare Poetam.
Quàm levis est Amor, et tamen haud levis est
Amor omnis.

Ergo nihil laudi reputas æquale perenni,
Præque sacrosancta splendoris imagine tanti,
Cætera, quæ vecors, uti Numina, vulgus adorat,
Prædia, Amicitias, urbana peculia, Nummos,
Quæque placent oculis, formas, spectacula,

Conculcare soles, ut humum, et ludibria sensus.
Digna meo certè Harveio sententia, digna
Oratore amplo, et generoso pectore, quam non
Stoica formidet veterum Sapientia vinclis
Sancire æternis sapor haud tamen omnibus

Dicitur effæti proles facunda Laërtæ,
Quamlibet ignoti jactata per æquora Cœli
Inque procelloso longùm exsul gurgite ponto,
Præ tamen amplexu lachrymosæ Conjugis, Ortus
Cœlestes Divûmque thoros spreviese beatos.
Tantùm Amor, et Mulier, vel Amore potentior.

Tu tamen illudis: tua Magnificentia tanta est:
Præque subumbrata Splendoris Imagine tanti
Præque illo Meritis famosis nomine parto
Cætera, quæ Vecors, uti Numina, vulgus adorat,
Prædia, Amicitias, armenta, peculia, nummos,
Quæque placent oculis,formas, spectacula, Amores,
Quæque placent ori, quæque auribus, omnia

Næ tu grande sapis, Sapor at sapientia non est :
Omnis et in parvis benè qui scit desipuisse,
Sæpe superciliis palmam sapientibus aufert.
Ludit Aristippum modò tetrica Turba Sophorum,
Mitia purpureo moderantem verba Tyranno
Ludit Aristippus dictamina vana Sophorum,
Quod levis emensi male torquet Culicis umbra:
Et quisquis placuisse Studet Hieroibus altis,
Desipuisse studet sic gratia crescit ineptis.
Denique laurigeris quisquis sua tempora vittis,

Insignire volet, Populoque placere faventi,
Desipere insanus discit, turpemque pudendæ
Stultitiæ laudem quærit. Pater Ennius unus
Dictus in innumeris sapiens: laudatur at ipsa
Carmina vesano fudisse liquentia vino:
Nec tu pace tua, nostri Cato Maxime sæcli,
Nomen honorati sacrum mereare Poëtæ,
Quantumvis illustre canas, et nobile Carmen,
Ni stultire velis, sic S[t]ultorum omnia plena,
Tuta sed in medio superest via gurgite, nam Qui
Nec reliquis nimium vult desipuisse videri,
Nec sapuisse nimis, Sapientem dixeris unum.
Hinc te merserit unda, illinc combusserit Ignis;
Nec tu delicias nimis aspernare finentes.
Nec serò Dominam,venientem in vota, nec Aurum,
Si sapis, ablatum, (Curiis ea, Fabriciisque
Linque viris miseris miseranda Sophismata:

Grande sui decus ii, nostri sed dedecus ævi :)
Nec sectare nimis. Res utraque crimine plena.
Hoc bene qui callet, (si quis tamen hoc bene callet)
Scribe, vel invito sapientem hunc Socrate solum.
Vis facit una pios: Justos facit altera: et altra
Egregiè cordata, ac fortia pectora: verùm
Omne tulit punctum, qui miscuit utile dulci.
Dii mihi, dulce diu dederant: verum utile nun-


Utile nunc etiam, ô utinam quoque dulce dedis


Dii mihi (quippe Diis æquivalia maxima parvis)
Ni nimis invideant mortalibus esse beatis,
Dulce simul tribuisse queant, simul utile: tanta
Sed Fortuna tua est: pariter quæque utile, quæque
Dulce dat ad placitum : sævo nos sydere nati
Quæsitum imus eam per inhospita Caucasa longè,
Perque Pyrenæos montes, Babilonaque turpem.
Quòd si quæsitum nec ibi invenerimus, ingens
Equor inexhaustis permensi erroribus, ultrà
Fluctibus in mediis socii quæremus Ulyssis.
Passibus inde Deam fessis comitabimur ægram,
Nobile qui furtum quærenti defuit orbis.
Namque sinu pudet in patrio, tenebrisque pu-


Non nimis ingenio Juvenem infœlic evirentes Officiis frustra deperdere vilibus Annos, Frugibus et vacuas speratis cernere spicas.

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I was minded also to have sent you some English verses or Rymes, for a farewell: but by my trot I have no spare time in the world, to thinke on such Toyes, that you know will demaund a freer head, than mine is presently. I beseeche you g all your Curtesies and Graces let me be answered ere I goe which will be (I hope, I feare, I thinke the next weeke, if I can be dispatched of my Lorde. I goe thither, as sent by him, and maintained moz what of him and there am to employ my time, ny body, my minde, to his Honours service. with many superhartie Commendations and R commendations to your selfe, and all my frien is with you, I ende my last Farewell, not thinking any more to write unto you, before I goe: an withall committing to your faithfull Credence the eternall Memorie of our everlasting friendship, te inviolable Memorie of our unspotted friendshippe the sacred Memorie of our vowed friendship: which I beseech you Continue with usuall writings, as you may, and of all things let me heare some Newes from you. As gentle M. Sidney, I thanke his good Worship, hath required of me, and so promissi doe againe. Qui monet, ut facias, quod jam foes; you knowe the rest. You may alwayes send ther most safely to me by Mistresse Kerke, and by nove other. So once againe, and yet once more, Farewell most hartily, mine owne good Master H. an love me, as I love you, and thinke upon poore In merito, as he thinketh uppon you.

Leycester House, this 5 [?16] of October, 1579
Per mare, per terras,
Vivus, mortuusque
Tuus Immerito.


GOOD Master H. I doubt not but yon have some
while restraineth your Penne, and wonted rea
great important matter in hande, which al th
nesse in provoking me unto that, wherein yours
nowe faulte. If there bee any such thing in hath
ing, I pray you hartily, lette us knowe, before al the
worlde see it. But if happly you dwell altoritber

Ibimus ergo statim: (quis eunti fausta pre- in Justinians Courte, and give your selfe to be decetur ?)

Et pede Clibosas fesso calcabimus Alpes.

Quis dabit interea conditas rore Britanno,

voured of secreate Studies, as of all likelyhood yo doe yet at least imparte some your olde, or ness Latine or Englishe, Eloquent and Gallant Poesis

Quis tibi Litterulas? quis carmen amore petul- to us, from whose eyes, you save, you keepe in a


Musa sub Oebalii desueta cacumine montis, Flebit inexhausto tam longa silentia planetu, Lugebitque sacrum lacrymis Helicona tacentem. Harveiusque bonus (charus licet omnibus idem, Idque suo merito, prope suavior omnibus unus,) Angelus et Gabriel, (quamvis comitatus amicis Innumeris, geniûmque choro stipatus ameno) Immerito tamen unum absentem sæpe requiret, Optabitque Utinam meus hic Edmundus adesset, Qui nova scripsisset, nec Amores conticuisset Ipse suos, et sæpe animo verbisque benignis Fausta precaretur, Deus illum aliquando reducat,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

manner nothing hidden. Little newes is here stirred but that olde greate matter still depending. His Honoure never better. I thinke the Earthquake was also there wyth you (which I would gladly learne) as it was here with us: overthrowing divers old buildings and peeces of Churches. Sure verje

* Reprinted from Three proper and wittie familiar Letters: lately passed betwene two Universitie men touching the Earthquake in Aprill last. and our English refourmed Versifying.-With the Preface of a wellwiller to them both.-Imprinted at London by H. Bynneman, dwelling in Thames streate, neere unto Baynardes Castell. Anno Domini, 1580.-Cum gratia et privilegio Regiæ Majes tatis.'

[ocr errors]

straunge to be hearde of in these Countries, and yet I heare some saye (I knowe not howe truely) that they have knowne the like before in their dayes. Sed quid vobis videtur magnis Philosophis? I like your late Englishe Hexameters so exceedingly well, that I also enure my Penne sometime in that kinde: whyche I fynd indeede, as I have heard you often defende in worde, neither so harde, nor so harshe, that it will easily and fairely yeelde it selfe to our Moother tongue. For the onely, or chiefest hardnesse, whych seemeth, is in the Accente: whyche sometime gapeth, and, as it were, yawneth ilfavouredly, comming shorte of that it should, and sometime exceeding the measure of the Number, as in Carpenter, the middle sillable being used shorte in speache, when it shall be read long in Verse, seemeth like a lame Gosling that draweth one legge after hir: and Heaven being used shorte as one sillable, when it is in verse stretched out with a Diastole, is like a lame dogge that holdes up one legge. But it is to be wonne with Custome, and rough words must be subdued with Use. For, why a Gods name, may not we, as else the Greekes, have the kingdome of oure owne Language, and measure our Accentes by the sounde, reserving the Quantitie to the Verse? Loe, here I let you see my olde use of toying in Rymes turned into your artificial straightnesse of Verse by this Tetrasticon. I beseech you tell me your fansie without parcialitie. See yee the blindfoulded pretie God, that fea thered Archer,

Of Lovers Miseries which maketh his bloodie


Wote ye why, his Moother with a Veale hath Coovered his Face?

Trust me, least he my Loove happely chaunce to beholde.

Seeme they comparable to those two, which I translated you ex tempore in bed, the last time we lay togither in Westminster?

That which I eate did I joy, and that which I greedily gorged,

As for those many goodly matters leaft I for


I would hartily wish, you would either send me the Rules and Precepts of Arte, which you observe in Quantities, or else followe mine, that M. Philip Sidney gave me, being the very same which M. Drant devised, but enlarged with M. Sidneys own judgement, and augmented with my Observations, that we might both accorde and agree in one : leaste we overthrowe one an other, and be overthrown of the rest. Trust me, you will hardly beleeve what greate good liking and estimation Maister Dyer had of your Satyricall Verses, and I. since the viewe thereof, having before of my selfe had special liking of Englishe Versifying, am even nowe aboute to give you some token, what, and howe well therein I am able to doe: for, to tell you trueth, I minde shortely at convenient leysure, to sette forth a Booke in this kinde, whiche I entitle Epithalamion Thamesis; whyche Booke, I dare undertake wil be very profitable for the knowledge, and rare for the Invention and manner of handling. For in setting forth the marriage of the Thames:

the Countrey, that he passeth thorough, and also describe all the Rivers throughout Englande, whyche came to this Wedding, and their righte names, and right passage, &c. A worke, beleeve me, of much labour, wherein notwithstanding Master Holinshed hath muche furthered and advantaged me, who therein hath bestowed singular paines, in searching oute their firste heades and sources: and also in tracing and dogging oute all their Course, til they fall into the Sea.

O Tite, siquid, ego,

Ecquid erit pretij?

But of that more hereafter. Nowe, my Dreames and Dying Pellicane, being fully finished (as I partelye signified in my laste Letters) and presentlye to bee imprinted, I wil in hande forthwith with my Faery Queene, whyche I praye you hartily send me with al expedition: and your frendly Letters, and long expected Judgement wythal, whyche let not be shorte, but in all pointes suche, as you ordinarilye use, and I extraordinarily desire. Multum vale. Westminster. Quarto Nonas Aprilis 1580. Sed, amabo te, meum Corculum tibi se ex animo commendat plurimùm: jamdiu mirata, te nihil ad literas suas responsi dedisse. Vide quæso, ne id tibi Capitale sit: Mihi certè quidemerit, neque tibi hercle impunè, ut opinor, Iterum vale, & quàm voles sæpè. Yours alwayes to commaunde,



alone, being growen by meanes of the Glosse I take best my Dreames shoulde come forth full as great as my Calendar. (running continually in maner of a Paraphrase) Therin be some coursed of E. K. and the pictures so singularly set things excellently, and many things wittily disforth and purtrayed, as if Michael Angelo were there, he could (I think) nor amende the beste, nor reprehende the worst. I know you wou'de lyke them passing wel. Of my Stemmata Dudleiana, and dressed you knowe to whome, must more adviseespecially of the sundry Apostrophes therein, adment be had, than so lightly to sende them abroade: howbeit, trust me (though I doe never very well) yet, in my owne fancie, I never dyd better. Veruntamen te sequor solùm: nunquam verò assequar.

EXTRACT FROM HARVEY'S REPLY.* But Master Collin Cloute is not every body, and albeit his olde Companions, Master Cuddly and Master Hobbinoll be as little beholding to their Mistresse Poetrie, as ever you writ: yet he peradventure by the meanes of hir special favour, and some personall priviledge, may happely live by Dying Pellicanes, and purchase great landes, and lordshippes, with the money, which his Calendar and Dreames have, and will affourde him. Ertra jocum, I like your Dreames passingly well: and the rather, bicause they savour of that singular extraordinarie veine and invention, which I ever fancied moste, and in a maner admired onelye in Lucian, Petrarche, Aretine, Pasquill, and all the most deli

*Reprinted from Three Proper and willie fami

I shewe his first beginning, and offspring, and all liar Letters, &c.'

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