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P. 401, bk. VI. c. viii. st. 50, 1.4, they (1596), shee (1609).

P. 402, bk. VI. c. ix. st. iv. 1. 9, time (1596), ? tine (Church and Upton).

P. 405, bk. VI. c. ix. st. 28, 1.6, th' heavens (1596). Some modern editions read the heaven. P. 405, bk. VI. c. ix. st. 36, 1. 3, addrest (1596), ?he drest (Church).

P. 406, bk. VI. c. ix. st. 36, 1.8, Oenone (Hughes), Benone (4to. 1596 and all old editions).

P. 406, bk. VI. c. ix. st. 45, 1. 9, bought (1596), ? sought (Church).

P. 407, bk. vI. c. ix. st. 46, 1. 5, did dwell (1611), did well (1596).

P. 407, bk. VI. c. x. st. 2, 1. 9, in the port (1609). The 4to. has on the port.

P. 409, bk. VI. c. x. st. 22, 1. 5, acidee. The 4to. has Ecidee.

P. 409, bk. VI. c. x. st. 24, 1. 7, froward (1611), forward (1596).

P. 410, bk. VI. c. x. st. 34, 1.9, her. Collier suggests ere before.

P. 411, bk. VI. c. x. st. 36, 1. 6, he (omitted in all old editions).

P. 411, bk. VI. c. x. st. 42, 1. 5, daily (1596), ? deadly (Church).

P. 411, bk. VI. c. x. st. 44, 1. 8, And (1609), But (1596).

P. 414, bk. VI. c. xi. st. 19, 1. 4, pretended ? protended (Collier). P. 414, bk. VI. c. xi. reviv'd (1609).

P. 417, bk. VI. c. xi. lifeful (1609).

P. 419, bk. VI. c. xii. praise (1609).

st. 24, 1. 1, reliv'd (1596),

st. 45, 1.4, lyful (1596),

st. 12, 1.8, loos (1596),

P. 422, bk. VI. c. xii. st. 40, 1. 7, learned (1596), gentle (1609).

P. 422, bk. VI. c. xii. st. 41, 1. 3, cleanest (1596), ? clearest (Child).

P. 429, bk. VII. c. vi. st. 53, 1. 6, unto (1609). The folio 1611 has unto unto.

P. 429, bk. vII. c. vi. st. 54, 1. 8, champain (1611), champian (1609).

P. 429, bk. VII. c. vii. st. 2, 1.3, feeble. The

[blocks in formation]

P. 430, bk. VII. c. vii. st. 9, 1.7, kinde. The folios have kindes.

P. 430, bk. VII. c. vii. st. 10, 1. 7, they :which they (1611).

P. 430, bk. VII. c. vii. st. 12, 1. 5, Peleus (1611), Pelene (1609).

P. 431, bk. VII. c. vii. st. 16, 1. 3, thy (1609), my (1611).

P. 432, bk. VII. c. vii. st. 28, 1. 3, bloosmes did (1609). The ed. of 1611 omits did.

P. 433, bk. VII. c. vii. st. 41, 1.5, rode (so all copies); the rhyme requires rade. P. 433, bk. VII. c. vii. st. 41, 1. 7, Idæan (Upton). The folios read Ioan.

P. 435, bk. VII. c. vii. st. 55, 1. 7, saine (1609), faine (1611).

P. 436, bk. VII. c. viii. st. 1, 1. 7, to cast (1609), and cast (1611)

P. 436, bk. VII. c. viii. st.2, 1. 8, Sabaoth (1611), Sabbaoth (1609).

P. 436, bk. VII. c. viii. st. 2, 1. 9, For that Mr. Collier suggests thou. But there should perhaps be no comma after God, and the sentence will be an optative one signifying 'O may that great God of hosts grant me the enjoyment of that rest eternal. Perhaps Sabaoths sight is an allusion to the ancient interpretation of the word Jerusalem, i.e. visio pacis.

P. 436, bk. VII. c. viii. st. 2, 1. 9, Sabaoths (1609 and 1611) ? Sabbaths (Church).

P. 436, bk. VII. c. viii. st. 2, 1.9, Sabaoth God (1611), Sabbaoth God (1609).


P. 440, 1. 4, Noblesse (1579), noblenesse (1597).
P. 440, 1. 12, my (1579), thy (1611).

P. 441, col. 1, 1. 16, of few (1579), of a fewe (1597). P. 441, col. 2, 1. 25, coveting (1579), covering (1597).

P. 442, col. 1, 1.5, common. The 4to. (1579) has commen.

P. 442, col. 1, 1. 49, seene (1586), seme (1579 and 1581).

P. 442, col. 1, 1. 57, to be counted straunger: (1597), straungers to be counted (1579).

P. 442, col. 2, 1. 27, ungyrt (1579). All other old editions read unright.

P. 443, col. 1, 1. 24, as one that (1597), as that (1579).

P. 443, col. 2, 1. 21, rare (1579), rath (1597). P. 443, col. 2, ll. 1, 2 from bottom, thys 10. (1579), the tenth (1597).

P. 444, col. 1, 1. 13, more . . . then (1597), most. and (1579).

P. 444, col. 1, 1. 17, Invencion. The ed. 1579 has Invericion.

P. 444, col. 1, 1. 18, these (1597), his (1579). P. 444, col. 1, 1. 24, definition. The ed. 1579 has difinition.

P. 444, col. 1, 1. 35, Æglogues (1597). The ed 1579 reads Eclogues.

P. 444, col. I, 1. 40, containe (1597), conceite (1579).

P. 445, col. 1, 1. 4, Abib. All old editions read Abil.

P. 445, col. 2, 1.8, entraunce. The ed. 1579 has enrraunce.

P. 445, col. 2, 1. 13, itselfe (1597), self (1579). P. 445, col. 2. 11. 21, 22, of thone part thother (1579), of the one part... of the other (1597). P. 445, col. 2, 1. 25, Shepheards (1597), Shepheard (1579).

P. 446 (Januarie), Arg. 1. 1, him (1579), himselfe (1597).

P. 446, Arg. 1, 5, delights (1579), delight (1597). P. 446, 1. 34, bloosmes (1579), blossomes (1581). P. 447 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 1, who that hath (1597), who hath (1579).

P. 447 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 3 from bottom, counterfeicting (1579), counterfaiting (1597).

P. 448 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 1, Poesye (1579), Posie (1597).

P. 448 (Glosse), col. 1. 1. 3, notwithstanding. The ed. 1579 reads notwithstande.

P. 448 (FEBRUARIE), 1. 17, threttie (1579), thirtie (1597).

P. 448, 1. 52, youngth (1579), youth (1597).
P. 448, 1. 57, hast (1597), hath (1579).

P. 449, 1. 86, tadvaunce (1579), to advance (1597).
P. 449, 1. 142, overcrawed (1597), overawed (1579).
P. 450, 1. 181, oft (1579), of (1597).

P. 450, 1. 189, To this the (1579), To this this (1597).

P. 450, 1. 218, to the earth (1579), to the ground (1611).

P. 451 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 9 from the bottom, meanes (1611). All 4tos. read meane.

P. 451 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 11 from bottom, giveth (1597), geveth (1579).

P. 451 (Embleme), col. 1, 1. 10, wexe (1579), waxe (1597).

P. 451 (Embleme), col. 1, 1. 15, rash-headed (1579), raw-headed (1597).

P. 451 (Embleme), col. 2, 1. 8, God (1597), Gods (1579).

P. 452 (Embleme), col. 1, 1. 1, with him (1579), at him (1597).

P. 452 (MARCH), col. 1, 1. 4, nighes (to be pronounced as a dissyllable). The 4tos. read nighest, and fol. 1611 nigheth.

P. 452, col. 1, 1. 6, winters (1579), winter (1597). P. 452, col. 1, 1. 40, als (1579 and 1597), alas (1581 and 1586).

P. 453 (Wyllyes Embleme), 1. 2, Gods (Child). All old editions read God.

P. 453 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 9 from bottom, Goddesse (1597). The 4to. 1579 has Goddes.

P. 454 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 5, winged love (1597), wandring love (1579).

P. 454 (APRIL), (Arg.), 1. 2, herein (1579), here of (1597).

P. 454 (Arg.), 1.4, alienate (1579), alienated (1597). P. 455, col. 1, 1. 64, angelick (1579), angel-like (1597).

P. 456, col. 1, 1.135, finenesse (1597), finesse (1579). P. 456 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 12 from bottom, meanesse (1579), meannes (1597).

P. 457 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 32, deffly (1597), deafly (1579).

P. 457, col. 2, 1. 18 from bottom, behight (1611). The 4tos. 1579, 1581, 1586, 1597, read bedight.

P. 458 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 7, coronation (1579), carnation (1597).

P. 458 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 6, slea (1579), slay (1597). P. 458 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 9, of (1579), by (1597). P. 458 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 19, blinded (1579, 1581, 1586, 1597). Collier, who reads blended, is wrong in stating that Todd has no authority for printing blinded; fol. 1611 has blended.

P. 458 (MAYE), (Arg.), l. 1, fifte (1597), firste (1579).

P. 458, col. 2, 1. 19, no (1579), ne (1581).

P. 459, col. 1, 1. 54, great (1597), gread (1579). P. 459, col. 1, 1. 82, forsay (1597), foresay (1579). P. 460, col. 1, 1. 150, say I (1597, 1611), sayd I (1579).

P. 460, col. 1, 1. 159, witen (1579), twiten (1611). P. 460, col. 1, 1. 164, none (1579), no (1597). P. 460, col. 2, 1. 211, the (1579, 1581, 1586, 1597), her (1611).

P. 461, col. 1, 1. 273, forestall (1597), forstall (1579).

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P. 462 (Glosse), col. 1, 1.4, oracles (1579), miracles (1597).

P. 462 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 8, passengers (1579), persons (1597).

P. 462 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 1 from bottom. Algrind (1597), Algrim (1579).

P. 462 (Glosse), col. 2, 11. 32, 34, of whom Prometheus, in 1579 and 1581, but omitted in 1586. P. 462, col. 2, 1. 52, hys (1579), her (1581). P. 463, col. 1, 1. 2, and (1579), or (1586). P.463, col.1, 1.29, Tyranne (1579), Tyrant (1597)." P. 463, col. 2, 1. 15, agreeing (1597), a greeting (1597).

P. 463, col. 2, 1. 22, beware (1579), to beware (1597). P. 464 (JUNE), col. 1, 1. 16, shroude (1611), shouder (1579).

P. 464, col. 1, 1. 24, ravenes (1611), ravene (1579, 1581, 1586).

P. 464, col. 2, 1. 98, painfull (1579), plainefull (1581, 1586).

P. 465 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 4 from bottom, all is omitted in 1597.

P. 465 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 15, Lorde (1579), Lorde of (1597).

P. 465 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 16, noblesse (1579), noblenesse (1597).

P. 466 (Glosse), col. 1, 13, of (1597), of the (1581). P. 466 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 12, undermyne (1597), undermynde (1579).

P. 466 (JULYE), col. 2, 1. 35, witlesse (1597), weetlesse (1579).

P. 466, col. 2, 1. 58, hyllye (1579), holy (1597). P. 467, col. 1, 1. 69, forsayd (1597), foresayd (1579). P.467, col. 1, 1.77, recourse (1581), resourse (1579). P. 467, col. 1, 1. 99, a starre (1611). The 4tos. 1579, 1581, 1586, 1597 have the starres.

P. 467, col. 1, 1. 129, And (1586), As (1579, 1581). P. 468, col. 1, 1. 191, other (1579), others (1597). P. 468, col. 1, 1. 197, welter (1579), weltre (1597). P. 468 (Thomalins Embleme). The old editions have Palinodes Embleme.

P. 468 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 10, lapsus (1579), lapsu (1597).

P. 468 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 7, then (1597), and (1579).

P. 468 (Glosse), col. 2, 1.9 from bottom, that (1579), the (1586).

P. 469 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 17, of the (1597), of (1579).

P. 469 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 24, of a (1579), of the (1597).

P. 470 (AUGUST), (Arg.), 1. 2, choose (1579), chose (1597).

P. 470, col. 1, 1. 10, did passe (1597), didst passe (1579).

P. 470, col. 1, 1. 13, that mischaunce (1597), that newe mischaunce (1579).

P. 470, col. 2, 1. 46, hetheward, read hetherward. P. 470, col. 2, 1. 53, holy (1597), holly (1579). P. 471, col. 1, 1. 84, thy hart (1579), my hart (1597).

P. 471, col. 1, 1. 104, curelesse (Collier). All editions read carelesse.

P. 471, col. 2, 1. 162, debarres debars. of (1611).


. from (1579),

P. 471, col. 2, 1. 166, woodes (1597). The 4to. 1579 has woddes.

P. 471, col. 2, 1. 167, or (1579), nor (1597).

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

P. 472 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 4, shee, omitted in 4to. 1579, is supplied from the edition of 1597. P. 472, col. 2, 11. 14, 15, so... · partes (1579), omitted by 1597.

P. 473 (SEPTEMBER), col. 1, 1. 6, dirke (1579), darke (1611).

P. 473, col. 1, 1. 13, ripeth (1579), rippeth (1597).
P. 473, col. 1, 1. 22, I wene (1579), weele (1597).
P. 473, col. 1, 1. 24, estate (1597), astate (1579).
P. 474, col. 1, 1. 99, For-thy (1579), For they

P. 474, col. 1, 1. 112, whote (1579), hote (1597).
P. 474, col. 1, 1. 123, doen (1579), do (1597).
P. 474, col. 2, 1. 144, stay (1597), stray (1579).
P. 474, col. 2, 1. 145, yeed. The 4tos. have yeeld;
e folio 1611 reads yead.

P. 474, col. 2, 1. 158, walke (1579), talke (1611).
P. 474, col. 2, 1. 160, to (1597), two (1579).
P. 474, col. 2, 1. 162, privé (1579), privie (1597).
P. 475, col. 2, 1. 257, her (1579), his (1597).
P. 475 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 1 from bottom, Thrise.
The 4to. 1579 has These; fol. 1611 Thrice.

P. 477 (OCTOBER), col. 2, 1. 75, be forst to fayne (1579), to forst to faine (1597), to force to faine (1611).

P. 477, col. 2, 1. 79, thy place (1597), the place (1579).

P. 477, col. 2, 1. 80, doe (1579), doest (1597). P. 477, col. 2, 1. 103, weightye. The 4to. 1579 has wightye, the folio 1611 waightie.

P. 478, col. 2, 1. 12 from bottom, Arcadian. The 4to. 1579 has Aradian, 4to. 1597, fol. 1611 Arabian. P. 479 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 11, is. So all old editions (?) in.

P. 479 (Glosse), col.1, 11. 27, 28, from stately discourse (1579), to stately course (1597, 1611).

P. 479 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 32, wel knowen to be Virgile (1579), well knew noble Virgil (1597, 1611). P. 479 (Giosse), col. 1, 1. 38, flocks (1579), flocke (1597).

P. 479 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 2, by fire; omitted in 4to. 1597.

P. 479 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 13, layde (1597), lay (1579).

P.479 (Glosse), col. 2, 1.40, Petrárch, saying (1579), | Petrarchs saying (1597).

P. 479 (Glosse, col. 2, 1. 12 from bottom, had (1597), hath (1579).

P. 479 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 2 from bottom, is (1597), it (1579).

P. 480 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 8, forth (1579), out (1597).

P. 480 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 9. whom seeing Vulcane so faire (1579), whom Vulcan seeing so faire (1597, 1611).

P. 480 (NOVEMBER), (Arg.), 1. 2, albe (1597), albeit (1597).

P. 481, col. 1, 1. 78, you is not in 4tos., but occurs in fol. 1611.

P. 481, col. 1, 1. 85, hath displayde. The 4to. 1579 reads doth displaye.

P. 481, col. 1, 1. 98, heame (1597), heme (1579). P. 481, col. 1, 11. 98, 99, him (1597), hem (1579). P. 481, col. 2, 1. 115, colourd (1597), coloured (1579).

P. 483 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 17, enjoy (1579), receive (1597).

P. 483 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 25, dyed (1597), deyes' (1579).

P. 485 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 5, signe. Not in 1579, but in 1597.

P. 483 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 7, Atropos daughters. The 4to. 1579 reads Atropodas ughters.

P. 483 (Embleme), col. 2, 1.5, to (1579), of (1597). P. 484 (DECEM.), col. 1, 1. 29, recked (1611). The 4tos. read wreaked.

P. 484, col. 2, 1. 43, derring-doe. The 4to. 1579 has derring to, but derring doe is in the Glosse, p. 48% col. 2, 1. 1.

P. 484, col. 2, 1. 70, loathed (1579), loathing (1611) P. 484, col. 2, 1. 76, season (1579), reason (1611). P. 485, col. 1, 1. 89, t'enrage (1597), to tenrag (1579).

P. 485, col.2, 1.145, gather together ye (1597), gather ye togither (1579).

P. 486 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 7, or (1579), of (1597). P. 486 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 21, nor (1579), or (1597, P. 486 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 27, leapes (1579), heape (1597).

P. 486 (Glosse), col. 1, 1. 41, in (1579), in the (1597).

P. 486 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 16, knewest (1579), knowes (1597).

P. 486 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 20, our (how our it 1579), how is omitted by 1597.

P. 486 (Glosse), col. 2, 1. 23, Thus. The 4to. 1579 has This.

P. 486 (Embleme), col. 1, 1. 3, of Poetry (in 1579). is omitted by 1597. P. 486 (Embleme), col. 1, 1. 8, nec . . . nec. 80 in all the 4tos. Some mod. editions read non ...


P. 486 (Embleme), col. 2, 1. 2, hath (in 1579) is omitted by 1597.

P. 486 (Embleme), col. 2, 1. 5, quod (1597), que (1579).

P. 486 (Epilogue), col. 2, 1. 1 from bottom, despise (1579), displease (1597).


P. 493, 1. 361, to (1591), do (1611). P. 493, 1. 363, covetize. The edition 1591 reas covertize.

P. 494, 1. 414, made (1591), ? had (Jortin). P. 494, 1. 447, For he that now, &c. (1591), For, such as now have most the world at will (1611). P. 494, 1. 451, him that (1591), such as (1611). P. 494, 1. 454, O let the man (1591), O let not those (1611).

P. 494, 1. 455, Nor alive, &c. (1591) Alive nor dead be of the Muse adorned (1611).

P. 494, 1. 499, brickle (1591), brittle (1611). P. 495, 1. 541, Ocean (1611), Occæan (1591). P. 495, 1. 551, which (1611). The ed. 1591 reads with.

P. 495, 1. 571, Was but earth, &c. (1591), Was but of earth and with her weightinesse (1611). P. 495, 1. 574, worlds (1611), words (1591). P. 496, 1. €47, bred was (1611), was bred (1591). P. 496, 1. 664, the earth (1591) th' earth (1611). P. 496, 1. 675, worldes. All old editions read worlds.


P. 498, 1. 113, anew, (?) in rew.

P. 499, 1. 126, of sin. Some mod. editions read to sin.

P. 500, 1. 232, singults (1611), singulfs (1591).

P. 501, 1. 401, that winged God (1591), the winged God.

P. 503, 1. 576, Poetresse (1591), Poetesse in some mod. editions.

P. 503, 1. 600, living (1611), loving (1591).


P. 504, 1. 23, waves (1591), ? wave.

P. 505, 1. 122, heart (1611). The ed. 1591 has hear.

P. 506, 1. 149, Ascræan. The ed. 1591 reads Astræan.

P. 508, 1. 340, not (1611) is omitted by 4to. 1591.
P. 508, 1. 343, fire (1591), fier (1611).

P. 508, 1. 387, throat. The 4to. 1591. reads threat.
P. 508, 1. 406, fluttering (1611), flattering (1591).
P. 509, 1. 417, waladay (1591), weladay (1611).
P. 510, 1. 536, subtile (1611), slye (1591).

P. 510. 1. 575, billowes. The 4to. 1591 reads billowe.

P. 510, 1, 588, Hercæan (1591) ? Egean.


P. 513, 1. 53, Gossip (1611), Goship (1591).

P. 529, 1. 270, Tethis (1591), Thetys (1611).
P. 529, 1. 272, dimned, read dimmed.
P. 531, 1. 414, stackes (1611), stalkes (1591).


P. 532, 1. 34, yongth (1591), youth (1611).

P. 533, 1. 149, champain o're he. The 4to. 1591 has champion he, but the fol. 1611 reads champaine o're he.

P. 534, 1. 250, dispacing. The 4to. has displacing.
P. 535, 1. 335, hayrie (1591), ayrie (1611).
P. 535, 1. 354, enfested (1591), ?enfesterd (Col-

P. 536, 1. 370, framde craftily (1611), did slily frame (1591).

P. 536, 1. 392, hateful (1591), fatall (1611). P. 536, 1. 431, yongthly. The 4to. has yougthly, but see p. 532, 1. 34.


P. 537, st. 3, 1. 11, did. The 4to. 1591 has doth.
P. 538, st. 8, 1. 12, native (1611), nature (1591).


P. 538, st. 2, 1.9, On. The 4to. 1591 reads one.
P. 538, st. 2, 1. 9, Afrike golds, ? Afrikes gold.
P. 539, st. 9, 1. 1, astonied. The 4to. 1591 reads

P. 513, 1. 67, lifted upon high (1591), lifted high astoined. (1611).

P. 513, 1. 87, worldës (1611), worlds (1591).
P. 515, 1. 264, thetch (1591), thatch (1611).

P. 516, 1. 340, carried (1591), ? cover'd (Collier).
P. 517, 1. 453, diriges (1611), dirges (1591).
P. 517, 1. 501, or (1591), ere (1611).

P. 518, 1. 629, she (1591), hee (1611).

P. 519, 1. 648, at (in 1611), omitted by 1591.
P. 519, 1. 734, gentrie (1591). This word must be
pronounced as three syllables (Todd). Perhaps
Spenser wrote genterie.

P. 519, 1. 735, lothefull (1591), ? slothefull (Collier).

P. 519, 1. 830, kindle. The 4to. 1591 and the fol. 1611 read kindly.

P. 522, 1. 997, whether. The 4to. 1591 has whither.

P. 522, 1. 1012, stopt. The 4to 1591 and fol. 1611 have stept.

P. 522, 1. 1019, whither. whether.

The 4to. 1591 reads

P. 524, 1. 1245, stal'd (1591), stall'd (1611).

[blocks in formation]

The following is an earlier version of The Visions of Bellay,' which is found in the 'THEATRE FOR WORLDLINGS.' A Theatre wherein be represented as wel the miseries and calamities that follow the voluptuous Worldlings, As also the greate joyes and plesures which the faithfull do enjoy. An Argument both profitable and delectable, to all that sincerely love the word of God. Devised by S. Iohn vander Noodt. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed. Imprinted at London by Henry Bynneman. Anno Domini. 1569.' 8vo. Then follow two pages of Latin verses- In commendationem operis ab Nobiliss. et virtutis Studiosissimo Domino, Ioanne vander Noodt Patricio Antuerpiensi æditi, Carmen.' and 'Doctor Gerardus Goossenius Medicus, Physicus, et Poeta Brabant. moder. in Zoilum Octastichon.' And a Dedication to Q. Elizabeth, dated At London your Majesties Citie and seate royal. The 25. of May. 1569.' and signed, 'Your Majesties most humble servant. Iean vander Noodt.

Next come Spenser's six Visions of Petrarch' (called Epigrams), with four additional lines at the end, and then follow the remaining poems, entitled 'Sonets,' with descriptive woodcuts.

Then follow 107 leaves of Prose, entitled 'A briefe declaration of the Authour upon his visions, taken out of the holy scriptures, and dyvers Orators, Poetes, Philosophers, and true histories. Translated out of French into Englishe by Theodore Roest.' The following is an extract. 'And to sette the vanitie and inconstancie of worldly and transitorie thyngs, the livelier before your eyes, I have broughte in here twentie sightes or vysions, and caused them to be grauen, to the ende al men may see that with their eyes, whiche I go aboute to expresse

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I saw hir rise, and with a larger dirin
Summy and the oogpes even of the best
And pleme the diodes, and with hir wig:


The place where is the temple of the Gods,
There was she lost, and solely I ar
Where tombling through the aire in kompe of fire.
All daming 3: we she fell upon the pisine.

I saw hir bodie vured all to dust,

And saw the foule that shannes the chereful
Out of hir ashes as a worme arise.

Then all astooned with this nightly ghost,

I saw an bilecus body bir and strong,
Long was his bear, and side did hang his hair,
A grisly forebed and Saturdelike face.
Leaning against the belly of a pot

He shed a water, whose outrashing streame
Ran flowing all along the creckie shoare
Where once the Troyan Duke with Turnns fought.
And at his feete a bitch Wolfe did give sucke
To two yong babes. In his right hand he bare
The tree of peace, in left the conquering Palme,
His head was garnisht with the Laurel bow.
Then sodenly the Palme and Olive fell.
And faire greene Laurel witherd up and dide.

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