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Abortions, question of their resurrection,
136, 7.

Abraham, Christ the promised Seed of,
5, 8. His example cited, 296, 297,
298, 300, 303. actions of figurative,
409, 10. told no lie, 448. knew the
state of the world from Lazarus, 536.
Abstinence, required before Bap-
tism, 43. easier than moderation,
290, 299. from food &c. for ill ends,
545. practice of, a benefit due to
authority, 615.

Academics, most acute men, 99. St.
Augustine's work against, 99. St.
Augustine once inclined to, 597.
Accident, none distinct from substance
in God, 32.

Action, whether implied in permission,
396, 7, 421. always conceived in
the heart, 440. indifferent, takes its
character from motive, 440, 441.
some unconsciously prophetic, 456.
character determined by the intention,
506, unless rightly done, sin, 607.
Adam, see man, Paradise, sin, &c. all
born of, under condemnation, 116.
and Eve, 220. Job how unlike, 549.
Address, (imaginary) to a catechumen,
219-237. another, 238-242.
Admonition, desired by S. Aug. 512.
Adultery, marriage of the divorced is,
38. must be forsaken before Baptism,
43. committed unawares must be
corrected, 44. guilt of depends on
knowledge, 44. none would defend, 45.
inconsistent with repentance, 47,
72. Worse than things which John
required to forsake, 73. than dancing,
81. a work of the Devil, 83. included
indead works,' 52. as needful to
renounce as idolatry, 53, 54.


not been common even among bad
Christians, 70. question what amounts
to, 71. what is so, determined by
Christ, 66. what? 278, 283. com-
pared with fornication, 283. might be

justified on same grounds as lying,
439, 441. is evil, while even second
marriage is good, 357. some guilty of,
fear perjury, 468. penance done for,

Esop, Fables of, 445.

Etiology, explanation by, 582.
Affections, carnal, are wood, hay,
stubble,' 63, 64, 65, 127.

Africa, Catholic Church not limited
to, 181.

Agabus, foretold St. Paul's sufferings,


Agapes, 79. note f.

Age, qualifies to give counsel, 375.
flower of, brief, 376.
Aged, marriage, 277, 278.
Ages, seven: of which the last to be an
age of rest, 219.

six of them defined by S. Augustine,
228, 229.
Albertus Magnus, on relief of future
punishment, 152. note a.

Alexis, of Plato and Virgil thought
allegorical, 595.

Allegory, in real events, 389, 410, 449.
no lie if the thing figured is true,
389. Jacob's deceit was, 448. use
of, 449. explanation by, 582. in-
stances of, 584, 5.

Almighty, what He Who is, cannot
do, 563.

Alms, requisite in penitence, 128. con-
sidered in the Judgment, ib.


not cover sins not repented of, ib.
forgiveness a kind of, 129. other
kinds, ib. correction a kind of,
ib. The wicked vainly trust in,
130. did they alone cleanse, faith
needless, 131. first, mercy to our-
selves, 131. such cleanse inner man,
132. Forgiveness of offenders, a
kind of, 129. thought to atone for
most sins, 70. offered for the de-
ceased, 151. means of, not to be
gotten by sin, 442. a means of

[blocks in formation]

pardon, 458. given to Christ, 505.
to be done for a heavenly reward,


Almsgiving, advanced by Christianity,


Altar, prayers at the, 344. ministers
of, Christian Priests, 497. prayers
offered at the, 519.

Alternatives, 397, 401, 405–9.
Ambrose, St. Bp. of Milan, on the
death of Valentinian without baptism,
141, note p. heard by St. Augustine,

Analogy, explanation by, 582.
Ananias, appearance to St. Paul, 540.
Angel, St. Mary how saluted by, 109.
Temple may not be built to a,

Angels, many things believed about,

89. one first gave rise to evil, 102.
fallen, not to be renewed, 103. those
who stood, assured of stedfastness,
104. number of, to be filled up from
mankind, 104, 123. number of un-
known, 104. They and men alone
capable of injustice, 93. do not wish
to be worshipped, 120. divers orders
of, 121. our ignorance about, ib.
appearances of, ib. Bodily or not,
121, 2. Satan imitates, 122. Christ
died not for, 122. reconciled to men
in Christ, 123. their knowledge, ib.
man raised again to be companion
of, 139. reprobate, eternally punished,
140. wills of thwart not God's will,
146. all are beneath Christ, 160.
men made like the, in the Resurrec-
tion, 185.cannot sin, 256. entertained
by Lot, 395. ministry of, to Lazarus,
521. free of both worlds, 537. may
communicate the events of this to the
dead, ib. blessed in clear knowledge,

Anger, darkens the mind's eye, 445.
attributed to God, 543.
Anima, animus, mens, 421.
Anna, and Susanna, 284, 306. more
blessed than Ruth, 356, unless Ruth
knew what would follow, 360. pro-
bably knew Christ should be born of
a Virgin, ib. Her long and early
widowhood, 366. her piety, 367.
recognised Christ with His Virgin
Mother, 360, 368.
Antiphrasis, is no lie, 448. instances
of, 449.

Antiquity, testimony of, to Religion,


Apocrypha, books of, 537. quoted, 519.
Apostle, God spoke in him, 510.
Apostles, common men chosen to shew
Christ's power, 12. prophesied of,
13. in what sense to call none father

on earth, 23. did they teach faith
before morals? 45, sqq. Must have
established rules as to breaking off
illicit marriages or not, 72. But in
other cases also, 73. all held the
same things needful for salvation,
58. allowed some things by way of
pardon, 133. not taught all orally by
Christ, 180. whether bound to live
of the Gospel, 412. Acts of the, a
place to find examples, 423, 452.
example of, no obligation not to la-
bour, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479. main-
tained by holy women and those
among whom they preached, 476,
477, 478, 479. words not to he de-
rided, 481. divided their provinces,
497. had power not to work, ib. to
live by the Gospel, ib. speak with
authority, 512. once of the world,
555. chosen not just but justified,
556. else had first chosen Christ, ib.
use the fourfold exposition, 582-4.
Acts of, rejected by Manichees, in-
consistently, 583. teaching handed
down from, 598. effect of their labours
on nations, 616.
Apostolic chair, succession from, 616.
and note, m.
Apparitions, in dreams, 529–541. of
the dead without their consciousness,
529, &c. as of the living, unconscious,
529, 530, 531, &c. 540. images
only, not of souls themselves, 530, &c.
produced by the ministry of Angels,
530, 534, 539. asking for burial,
529, 530. use of, ib. pointing out
places of burial, 529,530. foretelling
things future, 530, not to be denied,
529. instances of in sleep, 531. point-
ing out where things should be found,
531. seen when awake, 532. in
trances, 532, 533. Doctrines taught
by, ib. of Samuel to Saul, 537. of
St. Felix, 538. of Saints whether
themselves or angelic appearances
doubtful, 539, 540. of John the
Monk, 540. of Ananias to St. Pa il,
ib. John would have solved S. Aug.'s
difficulties, 541.

[blocks in formation]


Ark, unclean animals in, 82. even they
entered by the door, ib.
Army, of the virtues and of the vices, 250.
Artizans, singing at work, 493.
Ascension of Christ foretold, 10. wit-
nessed by Apostles, 12. of Christ's
Body, 24. of Christ, how followed,
118. in the Body, 179. how our
Lord prefigured, 455. of our Lord,
572, 573, 576.

Ashes, of Martyrs, thrown into the
Rhone, 523. scattered, 528.
Asper, a grammarian, 594.
Assent, some would suspend, 99. is
necessary to faith, ib.
Assumption of manhood by God the
Son complete, 108.

Atoms, soul not formed of, 587.
Augustine, St. discoursed on the Creed
before Council at Hippo, 15. Oc-
casion of his writing on Faith and
Works, 37. his work on the Letter
and Spirit, 57. his exposition of sal-
vation by fire, 62, &c. 84. would
rather hear others speak, 62. how he
escaped danger by a mistake, 95.
wrote, on his conversion, against the
Academics, 99. his letters on the
perpetual virginity of St. Mary, 108.
his book on Faith and Works, 126.
his complaint (in commenting on the
Epistle to Galatians,) 135. his
opinion about infants, 141. of the
number of the saved, 142 when
consecrated Bishop, 159. wrote on
the Christian Conflict in a humble
style, 159. his feelings when dis-
coursing to others, 188. listened to
with eagerness, 189. his beautiful
advice to those who are catechizing,
205, 206. his condescension in dis-
course implied, 209. recommends that
the catechumens should sit, 210. re-
lates a personal anecdote, 210. how
he felt while catechising, 214, 215.
how he catechized, 215. expresses
doubt on a point connected with mar-
riage, 292. not at variance with
Council of Carthage, 353. his many
engagements, 353. his books on mar-
riage and virginity, 369, 384. wrote
against Faustus, 369. works of, on
Divine grace, 372. his works on Lying
of different dates, 382. uses a homely
style in practical matters, 383. his
avocations, 426. life laborious, (bodily
infirmity) 509, 510. did what he ex-
horted others to do, 511. found a
Bishop's life more laborious than a
Monk's, 510. not submitting to man's
judgment, 511. desired to be ad-
monished, 512. visited nightly by his
mother while she lived, 534. not after


her death, 534. never completed his
Retractations, 543. when ordained
Priest, 577. his early love of truth,
578, 581. his prayer for Honoratus,
578. how led into Manicheism, ib.
nine years in it, ib. tempted by
discussions, 579. only a 'Hearer,'
ib. did not then give up the world,
ib. helped to mislead Honoratus,
ib. his hopes at that time earthly,
580. contrast afterwards, 580. his
eyes weak from past delusions, 581.
his book De Spiritu et Litera,' 586,
note c. his belief about the Old
Testament, 590. young when led into
error, 590, 91. his way of search for
true religion, 598. disappointed in
Faustus, 596, 7. tended at times
toward Academics, 597. his prayers
for help, ib. hears St. Ambrose, ib.
becomes a Catechumen, ib. his pur
pose of writing further to Honoratus,

Aurelius, Bp. of Carthage, desired S.
Aug. to write on the work of Monks,
470, 511.

Authority, see Faith. of doctrine to be
strictly guarded, 402, 431-3. neces-
sity of in religion, 598. source of what
we believe, 604. lovers of truth be-
lieve, 605. for doctrine same as for
belief in Christ, 610. some probable
a priori, 613. shewn by miracles on
multitudes, 614. brought to bear on
life through numbers, 615. seat of in
Catholic Church, 616.


Babylon, meaning of the word, 226. the
Church imprisoned there, 226, 227.
represents the world, 459.
Bagaia, Council of, 159.
Ball, pleasure of playing with, 378.
Baptism,(see Regeneration, Type) some
put it before instruction in duty, 37. of
persons unlawfully married, 38. of
those living in other sin, ib. absti-
nence and continence in preparation
for, 43. much more sin to be forsaken
before, ib. instruction of life should
precede, except in the approach of
death, ib. remission of sins in, ib.
preparation for, best time for in-
struction, ib. Did the Apostles give,
before teaching duty? 45, sqq. of
the Eunuch, 48, 54. profession re-
quired in, longer than his, 48. Creed
taught before, 51. principles taught
in, 52. makes us temples of God, 54.
not named by our Lord to the young

[blocks in formation]

man,56.old man to be put off before,and
new put on, 44. requires love to man
as well as to God, 51. Red Sea a figure
of, ib. of John, required repentance,
55. at any rate teaching of duties,
55, 6. publicans required to renounce
extortion for, 73. regeneration not
conferred in John's, 116. might
be received in sin, if ill livers were
'saved by fire,' 59. public offenders
not admitted to, unreformed, 60, 73.
to be refused to fornicators, 66, 69.
refused to harlots, stage-players, &c.
69, 70. received in sin saves not
without conversion, 69. may perhaps
be allowed in doubtful cases, 71.
symbol delivered in, ib. all sin re-
mitted in, 72. not needed, if repent-
ance not needed, 76. will not save
those who continue in sin, 80. insuf
ficient without Christian life, 81.
salvation not promised without, ib.
dancers not admitted to, 82. sin of
receiving unreformed, ib. Sacrament
of, death to sin, 113. new birth in, ib.
even infants die to original sin by, ib.
the likeness of Christ's death, 117.
all sin remitted in, 124. needful to
salvation, 131. case of those who die
without, 140, and note p. makes men
sons of God and the Church, 111.
saves not evil livers, 126. of the
Church, impudently held invalid by
Donatists, 183. of Heretics, not to be
repeated, ib. is of the Church only,
ib. of heretics, form of Godliness,'
ib. remits original sin, 258. puts
away all sin, 295. of children, 312.
remits from all sin, 347. supposed
case of lying in order to give, 466.
necessary for admission to Paradise,
533. at Easter, ib. in order to the
judgment, 573. makes men temples
of God the Holy Ghost, 574. remis-
sion of all sins in, 575. received, to
be guarded by good life, ib. washes
once for all, ib. why not repeated,

Baptized persons pray, 347.

Barnabas, simulation of corrected, 390,

[blocks in formation]

Son, ib. The Son also The Begin-
ning, ib. Godhead has none, 569.
Belief, see Faith. of historical facts,
604. implies objects unseen, 2. of
things on earth requisite, ib. a step
before understanding, 16. different
from opinion, 383. needed before un-
derstanding, 396. of a lie, not always
hurtful, 403, 430. of false doctrine, a
real misery, 430. in the heart, not
enough without confession, 438. of
historical facts, 604.

Bene-dictio better than bona dictio, 202.
Betrayal, sin of, 405, 6, 460. by silence,
407, 8.

Bible, see Scripture.

Bill of divorcement, 283.
Bimembris, instance of, 137.
Birds, their habits alluded to, 296.
who? 349. image of the proud, 498.
not to be imitated in all points, 499,
500, 501, &c. in cages, 500. not
imitated in picking food or flies, 501.

caught by want of water, 579.
Bishop, empowered to relax certain
excommunications, 353. addresses
another Bishop's flock by permission,
508, 516.

Bishop's life laborious, 509, 510. recent
increase of occupation, 509.
Bishops, represented in the Gospel by
fishers, 68. Catholic, overthrew
Priscillianism, 435. called upon to
judge and mediate in secular matters,
500. by Apostolic injunction, ib. to
be obeyed, 511. succession of from
Apostles, 616.

Blasphemy, worst in one who knows it
such, 434, 5, 457, 466. none can be
allowable, 465, 468. suggested by
Job's wife, 550.
Blessedness, called Right Hand of
God, 573.

Blessing, put for cursing, 449.
Blood, of Christ given the pardoned to
drink, 575.

Bodies of the married are holy, 288.
Body, (see Flesh. Christ.) palpable

after resurrection, 15. how acts on
the soul, 23. of Christ ascended, 24.
objections to this, ib. spiritual, what,
24, 25. lowest part of man, 34. less
quickly restored than soul and spirit,
ib. resurrection of, ib. renewed, will
not be flesh and blood, 35. human,
caused by God to walk on water,
36. may be raised by Him to
Heaven, ib. death of, a punishment,
102, 140. the Temple of the Holy
Ghost, 120. in what kind angels
have appeared, 121, 122. a weight
on the soul, 124. matter of, known to
God, 138. to be restored as a statue


recast, 138. how called spiritual,
139. animal, is not soul, (anima,) ib.
of Christ called Flesh after resur-
rection, ib. of the wicked rises in-
corruptible but capable of suffering,
140. celestial in the resurrection,
160. chastening of the, 165. of the
just to rise in a better state, 166.
pain of, afflicts the bad, cleanses the
good, 166, 7. while in, we see not
some things, 167. brought to obe-
dience, by the soul obeying God, 171.
of Christ real, assumed through
soul, 174. not merely like the dove,
176. of Christ's risen, not to be judged
of as other bodies, 178. after resur-
rection will be heavenly, 185. may
be holy in marriage, 358, 9. of all
the Faithful is 'members of Christ,'
359. its peaceful members made the
soul's pattern, 265. soul to be pre-
ferred to, 394. purity of, depends on
soul, 394, 465. Priscillianists erred
concerning, 432. hurt only by the
pain of dying, not after death, ib.526,
528, 620. resurrection of, 520, 521.
faith in resurrection of, confirmed by
care for the dead, 521, 542. obtained
by the spirit, 525. not affected by the
treatment of the corpse, 520, 521,
526, 528. motions of, affect the mind,
524. an interest felt in, by us while
living, 526, 7, 9. overcome by the
Martyrs, 526. real good of, in the
life to come, 546, 7. to be restored
entire, 547. patience partly in, ib.
mangling of, in Martyrs, 548. a
creature of God, 574. Temple of
the Holy Ghost, ib. resurrection of,
576. not our object in religion, 592.
Bona dictio, Pagan; Benedictio, Chris-
tian, 202.

Boyhood, good and bad reasons for
preferring, 588. rashness incident to,

Bread, daily, prayer for, 154. breaking

of, at Troas, the Eucharist, 494, 5.
Breviary, Roman, on Feast of St.John
Baptist, 71, note d.
Bridegroom, Christ the, 14.
Burial, of Christ, 24. in the memorials
of martyrs,517,523,539,542. place of,
518. want of, does not affect the dead,
519,520, 522,525, 528, 529. a grief to
the living,528.external rites of, for the
comfort of the living, 520, 528, 542.
no benefit to the wicked, 520, 529.
care for, a duty, 521. why, 529. by
the Patriarchs and their children,
521. significative, 522. commended
in Scripture, 521, 2. rewarded, 522.
want of, and place of, does not hinder
resurrection, 520. or rest, 522, 5, 530.


place of, a benefit only as occasioning
prayer, 523, 4, 5, 542. to slight, irreli-
gious, 530. place of, naturally a sub-
ject of interest, 526, 7. loss of, how a
punishment, ib. only to cur feelings
while living, ib. how a kindness, 529.
Business distracting the mind unsuit-
able to preachers, 288.
But, force of, in the Lord's Prayer,155.
Butler, Analogy, 1.


Calling, each to remain in, 483.
Canaanitish Woman, had living faith,
65. her reply, 232.
Candidianus, bearer of S. Aug.'s book
on Care for the Dead,' 542. urged
S. Aug. to write it, ib.
Canticles, prophecy of Christ and the
Church, 14.

Care for the Dead, book on, occasion
of writing, 537, 542.
Caring for temporal things forbidden,

Caring not, by some limited to spiritual
wants, 471.
Carnally-minded like grass, 498.
Carthage, fourth Council of, 353. in.
troduction of monasteries into, 470.
divisions respecting them, ib.
Cassiodorus, his book, De Inst. Div.
Lit. 159, 577.
Catechising, (see Catechumen,) recol-
lection of, appealed to, 44. subjects
of, indicated in the Gospels, 55.
should strike hard at sin, 69. why
some things neglected in, 70. should
include points of duty, 82. difficulties
of, 187, 8. treated under three heads,
191. (1) Manner of narration :-
how Scripture is to be discoursed of,
191. charity must reign, 191, 208.
love to be the end proposed, 195. of
which S. Aug. gives an illustration
by his beautiful advice, 196, 200.
how it may be sometimes begun, 197.
may commence with Genesis, 197,
218. compared to golden links which
should just hold together the jewel-
truths of Scripture, 197, 8. (2) Pre-
cept and Exhortation:-resurrection
and judgment may follow narration,
198. to be general rather than par-
ticular, ib. of what duration, 199, 238.
how well-informed persons are to be
dealt with, 200. (3) Of cheerfulness
in the speaker-impeded by diffi-
culties of giving utterance to thought,
203. the condescension required in
talking to simple people is distressing

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