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Third Session, Fourth Parliament, 43-44 Wictoria.



Abstinence and Benefit Society, St. Bridget's Total, 36 Victoria,
c. 72, amended............................................................ 368
Agriculture and public works, division of the department of..... 16
Art Association of Montreal, act amended............................... 367
Asile des Servantes Catholiques de Montréal, incorporated............ 366
Asylums, Lunatic............................................................... 107
Assembly, Leg. and Leg. Council, employees of....................... 132
Assembly Leg., Internal Economy, 39 Victoria, c. 12, amended... 132
Association of Accountants in Montreal, incorporated............... 404
Association of Montreal, Arts, act amended........ .................... 367
Accountants in Montreal, Association of incorporated................ 404
Assurance Companies, Mutual, 42-43 Victoria, amended .......... 156


Beaupré, St. Anne de, Rev. Redemptorist Fathers at, incorporated 375
Beet Sugar Company, by-law confirmed......... ....................... 406
Bar, admission of G. A. Hughes........................................... 437
“ admission of H. Jeannotte dit Lachapelle........................ 438
“ admission of J. A. Lemay............................................. 439
“ admission of L. H. Pignolet.......................................... 436
“ admission of R. P. Vallée............................................... 440
Brandon, part of St. Gabriel de, annexed to the county of Maski-
nongé............ ........................................................... . 151
Bridges, protection of toll.................. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------- 145
Cadastre, laws amended...................................................... 125
Catéchistes de St. Viateur, Clercs Paroissiaur ou, at Joliette......... 379
Champlain and St. Lawrence railway company, Lake............... 253
Charter of the city of Montreal, amended...... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 309
Chemical Company, Orford, incorporated....................... ...... 422
Chevalier P. R., deed from J. Jones to G. Crébassa and, authen-
ticated.................. ...... ... ......................... ................. 433
City of Montreal, charter of the, amended.............................. 800
Civil procedure, code of amended................................. 143–144
Clercs Paroissiaur ou Catéchisles de St. Viateur at Joliette........... 379
Club, Quebec Garrison, incorporated............. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 899
Club, Racket, Quebec, incorporated....................................... 397
Club, Ristigouche Salmon, incorporated................................. 393
Code, municipal, amended....................... ........................... 144
Code of civil procedure, amended................................... 143–144
Collège de Monnoir, name changed........................................ 363
College, Presbyterian, Montreal, new name given.................... 365
Colonial Mining Company, incorporated........ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... • * - - - - 424
Colonization societies, acts amended...................................... 120
Commis Marchands de Montréal, Union des, incorporated.............. 400
Common Gaols, employment of prisoners in........................... 133
Community of the Rev. Redemptorist Fathers at St. Anne de
Beaupré, incorporated.................................................. 375
Companies incorporated under imperial statutes..................... 154
Companies, Mutual Insurance, 28 W., c. 13, and c. 68, C. S., L. C.,
amended............................. ...................................... 158
Companies, Mutual Assurance, 42-43 W., c. 39, amended............ 156
Company, Beet Sugar, by-law respecting, confirmed................. 40t;
*: Colonial Gold Mining.......................................... 424
... Gas and Water, Sherbrooke, incorporated................. 426
4. Graphic, capital stock, reduced.............................. 368
4. Huronian Mining and Smelting, incorporated ............ 41%
t- International Mining, incorporated.............. ........... 417
44 Jacques-Cartier Union Railway, incorporated........... 248
-- Lachine and Pointe-Claire Loop-Line Railway, incor-
porated............................. ‘. . . ...... ...... ... ...... 25.5
** Lake Champlain and St. Lawrence IRailway............ 253
** Le Crédit Foncier Franco-Canadien........................... 280
** Loan and Landed Credit, privileges confirmed......... 279
-- Navigation, Longueuil, 29 W., c. 86, amended.......... . 265
** Orford Chemical, incorporated............................... 422
44 Quebec and Lake St. John Railway, acts amended.... 226

to Quebec Gas, act amended.................................... 431

Company, Richelieu River Hydraulic and Manufacturing, acts

amended.............. ..................................... - 417

** South Eastern Railway, acts amended..................... 245

4 : South Shore Railway and Tunnel, incorporated........ 228

... Steam Supply, Montreal, incorporated..................... 411

4. St. John and Sorel Railway, incorporated................. 260

* . The St. Lawrence River Tunnel, incorporated.......... 237

“. . Turnpike Itoad, Laprairie, 42-43 W., c. 52, amended. 265

Connolly James, sale of real estate substituted by, authorized.... 389

Consolidated Municipal Loan Fund...................................... 100

Consolidation of the Statutes........ .............. ........ ............... 15

Constitution of the Superior Court, law respecting the, amended. 18
Construction, d'Hochélaga, Société de, 41 W., c. 41, fed confirmed. 266
Construction, St. Jacques, Société de, 40 W., c. 81, fed. confirmed... 273

Coroner's Inquests.............................................................. 29
Corporations, General Clauses Act, Town, 40 W., c. 29, amended. 158
Council Leg. and Leg. Ass. employees of.............................. 132
Court, law respecting the constitution of the Superior, amended 18
Court of General Session of the Peace, terms of the Q. and M..... 19
Court of Queen's Bench, law respecting the, amended............ 18
Crébassa J. G. and P. R. Chevalier, deed from J. Jones, to,
authenticated...................... ....................................... 433
Credit Company, Loan and landed, privilege confirmed............ 279
Crédit Foncier Franco-Canadien, incorporated.......................... 280
Creditors, protection of Hypothecary..................................... 140
Delisle, A. M., power of the testamentary executors of.............. 382
Department of Agriculture and Public Works, division of the.... 16
Deposits, judicial and other................................................. 22
District of Ottawa, Judicial, division of................................. 20
District of Pontiac, Judicial, erection of.................................. 2)
Division of the Department of Agriculture and Public Works.... 16
Economy, Internal, of Legislative Assembly........................ ... 132
Education, Book depository in connection with department of... 123
Election Act, Quebec, 38 Victoria, c. 7, amended...................:... 123
Employees of Leg. Ass. and Leg. Council.............................. 182
Employment of prisoners in common gaols............................. 139
Executor of the will of R. Knox, powers defined.................... 390

Franco-Canadien, crédit foncier, incorporated................. - - - - - - - - - - - 280


Gagné, J. E., name confirmed........ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 441
Game Laws, 40 W., c. 21, amended......................................... 145
Gaols, Common, employment of prisoners in.................... ...... 139
Garrison Club, Quebec, incorporated..................................... 399
Gas and Water Company, Sherbrooke, incorporated................. 426
Gas Company, Quebec, act amended.............". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431

General Clauses Act, Town Corporations, 40 W., c. 29, amended. 158
General Sessions of the Peace, terms of the Court of, Q. & M..... 19
Gold, Colonial, Mining Company, incorporated.................. ... 424

Graduates' Society of McGill University, incorporated.............. 362
Graphic Company, capital stock reduced................................ 368
Grenville, Township of 42-43 W., c. 46, amended...................... 146

Heirs Quesnel, powers of defined......................................... 386
Hochelaga, Société de construction d', 41 W., c. 41, fed. confirmed. 266
Hughes, A. G., admission of, as an advocate............................ 437
Huronian Mining and Smelting Company, incorporated............ 419

Hydraulic and Manufacturing Company, Richelieu river, acts
amended............................................................ ...... ... 417
Hypothecary creditors, protection of...................................... 140


Inquest, coroners’........................ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29
Inspection of registry offices................................................. 125.
Instruction, public, laws amended, book depository................. 123

Insurance companies, Mutual, 23 W., c. 13, and c. 68, C. S. L. C.,
amended.................................................................... 158
Internal Economy of the Leg. Ass., 39 W., c. 12, amended......... 132
International Mining Company, incorporated ........................ 417
Investment trust, Montreal, company incorporated.................. 155
Iberville, St. Joseph's Union of St. Jean d', 31 W., c. 51, amended. 403
Iberville, Town of 22 W., c. 64, amended............................... 361
Imperial Statutes, companies incorporated under,.................... 154
Incorporated Companies under Imperial Statutes.................... 154
Incorporation of La Société St. Jean-Baptiste de Lachine ............ 37.2
44 of the Asile des Servantes Catholiques de Montréal... 366
4: of the “Association of Accountants in Montreal... 404
*: of the “Colonial Gold Mining Company”............ 424

it. of the Community of the Rev. Redemptorist
Fathers at Ste. Anne de Beaupré.................. 375
to of the Crédit Foncier Franco-Canadien................. 280

o of “The Graduates Society of McGill University. 362

Incorporation of “The Huronian Mining and Smelting Com-

Pany"....................................................... 419

4 : of the International Mining Company........ ........ 417

of the Jacques-Cartier Union Railway Company. 248
of “The Lachine and Pointe Claire Loop Line

Railway Company .................................... 255
& 4 of the Montreal Investment Trust..................... 155
-- of the “Montreal Steam Supply Company”......... 411
-: of “The Orford Chemical Company”.................. 422
* - of the Presbyterian College, Montreal................ 365
** of “The Quebec Garrison Club”....................... 399
-- of “The Quebec Racket Club”......................... 397
** of the “Redemptorist Fathers of the Province of

Quebec "................................................... 376
-- of the “Ristigouche Salmon Club ".................... 393

of “The Sherbrooke Gas and Water Company”... 426
of the Société St. Jean-Baptiste de Salaberry de

Valleysield ................................................ 370
++ of the Saeurs des Petites Ecoles de Rimouski........... 377

of the South Shore Railway and Tunnel Company. 228
of “The St. John and Sorel Railway Company "... 260
of “The St. Lawrence River Tunnel Company”... 237

. . . of Union des Commis-Marchand de Montréal........... 400

Jacques-Cartier, Union Railway Company, incorporated........... 248
Jeannotte dit Lachapelle, H., admission as an advocate............ 438

Jones J., deed from, to J. G. Crébassa and P. R. Chevalier, authen-

ticated....................... .............................. .......... ....... 433
Judicial and other deposits................................................. 22
Judicial District of Ottawa, divided into two districts............... 20
Judicial District of Pontiac, erected...................................... 20
Knox, Robert, power of the executor of the will of defined ...... 390

Lachapelle, H. Jeannotte dit, admission as an advocate........... 438
Lachine and Pointe Claire Loop Line Railway Company, incor- . . .
porated.............................................................. - - - - - - - - 255
Lachine, Société St. Jean-Baptiste de, incorporated.................... 372
Lake Champlain and St. Lawrence Junction Railway Company. 253
Lake St. John Railway, Quebec and, act amended.................. 226,
Land Surveyors, c. 77, C. S. C., amended.............................: 138

Laprairie, Turnpike Road Company, 42-43 W., c. 53, amended..... 265;
Leg. Ass, and Leg. Council, employees of.............................. 132

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