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This is most base, and posterity will seek with surprise for the reasons of this difference. Let us settle the facts, and let us then trace the reasons.

When Washington, in precise conformity to the constitution, ratified the British treaty, (that measure the wisest, and most solid foundation of all our subsequent commercial and agricultural prosperity,) the opposition, the Geriys and Austins and McClenaghans and Madisons, did not limit their resistance to feeble resolutions. They were inspired with one sentiment; and acted with a spirit and unanimity, as if they had been influenced or actuated by one soul. They assembled in town meetings, and camp or field mobs; and not only declared that they would "kick the damned treaty to hell," but these patriots, who now denounce all expression of disapprobation as moral treason, actually hung both Washingto and chief justice Jay in effigy.

Not content with these proofs of respect for the constituted authorities, the minority in congress refused to make the appropriations to carry the national stipulations into effect. In other words, they attempted to violate the constitution-to invade the executive powersand to disgrace the nation in the eyes of the world.

When, at a subsequent period, the Excise upon Spirits was laid in support of a necessary Indian war, these same patriots, who are the very same individuals that have now passed a similar law to support an unjust and unnecessary war, did not limit their opposition to elegant and eloquent speeches in congress, or to well indited petitions to the State legisla-. tures, pledging their lives and fortunes in favour of an undefined course of measures; but, under the guidance and direction of secretary Gallatin,-the present keeper of a treasure, which does not exist except in the pockets of the people, of a treasure eaten up and consumed before it is collected,-assembled in force; shot General Washington's collector; burnt the house of Col. Lenox, the marshal; obliged the government to turn out twenty thousand troops; received a pardon; and were rewarded by the people with the highest offices of the state.

The late events have shewn, that the best people to keep order, and to suppress insurrection in the imprudent risings of the people, are your rebels themselves.

Thus it is said there are no people who are so good protectors of the property of honest men against robbers, as the robbers themselves. Now, forsooth, if, against acts plainly and manifestly unconstitutional, and oppressive Le


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yond description, there should be a gentle have too much property, and too great a love
whisper of disapprobation; if a poor fisher- for it; because they love money more than
man, forbidden to catch fish, should look awry | freedom.
at a collector; or a man, arrested on the high- 2dly. Because they have not so much per
way upon suspicion, should shake his head at sonal courage as their adversaries. They
marshal Prince, he would be treated as a a know that they have but 50,000 armed men in
this state, and their adversaries have 20,000,
and they think this fearful odds.


When, under Mr. Adams's administration, an attempt was made to raise a Land Tax of only two millions to carry on a war against France, who had passed an act for the indiscriminate capture of all American vessels, and had moreover demanded a bribe of fifty thousand pounds sterling as a condition of an audience, and who had put our ministers under the surveillance of the police, that is to say, taken them into custody, the Pennsylvanians rose in arms, and declared they would take the life of any collector who should attempt to collect it. In some of the states, south of Pennsylvania, they took a shorter method; they intimidated every man from accepting the office of collector, and the tax was for many years, and some of it to this day is unpaid.

When the Alien Law was passed, a law authorizing the President to send dangerous aliens out of the country, the Virginians, who always thought the constitutional rights of aliens much more sacred than those of citizens, (witness the present war for aliens, and the embargo, as a proof of their contempt for the rights of those who had the misfortune to be born in America,) the Virginians declared that act void. James Madison drew the resolutions; and a Virginian newspaper, edited at the seat of the Virginia government, declared that an hundred thousand free Virginians were ready to oppose the law by force.

These were Madison's principles, and such the conduct of his party against measures, moderate, constitutional, and just.

Now in deed we have a War not provoked by our enemy, unjust, impolitick, and ruinous; a war in which we expend more in one month, than Mr. Adams's war cost in one year.

We have an Embargo, which violates every principle of civil liberty, to which neither the slaves of Turkey or France would submit an hour.

Yet such is our love of order, such our fear of revolution, such the charm in the word Union, whose substance has been gone for ten years past, that we dare not speak out our wrongs in the language of freemen. So far from this, it has been considered a reproach to the " Boston assemblage" that it dared to tel! the government, that an infamous ex post facto law, if persevered in, " must and would be resisted," and Mr. Quincy's expression of "peaceably if we can, forcibly if we must," is to this hour quoted by one party as a rebellious and execrable sentence.

Why is it that our Legislature, after declaring the embargo act unconstitutional, are afraid to add, that they will not submit to it? Is it a crime to refuse to submit to laws which are unconstitutional? or rather is it not the crime of Leze majestié against the people for the legislature to refrain from such a constitutional opposition?

What are the causes of this reluctance to do our duty? 1st. Because the federalists

do our duty ?

We are more united at this moment, than we were at the beginning of the revolutionary war; and much more so than when we suppressed Shays's insurrection. Yet we tremble at the shadow of danger. We shake at the rustling of the leaves.

When we shall have been as thoroughly fleeced as the Dutch-when our douaniers and spies shall have enriched themselves from our spoils, perhaps even we too, even the Yankees may hoist the "Orange cockade” and. declare themselves once more free.


We never see but one or two of the democratick papers; but are confident, the last news from Europe will revive the hopes of the party, in favour of the tyrant who governs France and America. We are confident, if it were true that Great Britain was left alone again, in the contest with France, that it would induce our rulers to continue hostilities, and to stop the contemplated negotiations for peace. This they would do, because men whose all is embarked in this war, will seize on straws rather than despair. They will be❘lieve, they may yet find their assumed enemy busily engaged in her defence, at home.

We feel bold to say, there is, at present, no grounds for such a calculation. A continental peace is by no means certain, until France is less dangerous to the tranquillity of Europe. A continental peace, to the exclusion of Eng land, is still less probable.

But admit, for a moment, the utmost that even the most sanguine democrat can expect that a peace is made, and England not included; how different, how essentially different will be her prospects and situation, from what they have been for many years! The powers of Europe will not make peace, but on the ground of their respective independence. They will not again unite with France, and obey her dictates. They will enjoy and maintain their commercial rights. They will insist on a free intercourse with Great Britain. The continental system, as Bonaparte called his chains, is broken up. It

has been tried and found intolerable. With the commerce of Europe, excepting the spot between the Rhine and Pyrenees, England can fight France forever, and grow stronger and more wealthy. The continental system was this Emperour's darling plan, as his only hope of weakening a nation, which was gaining, whilst he lost, by a contest with her. Peace, the only peace he can make with his continental enemies, will leave him exhausted, weakened, and alone, except America, to fight a thousand vessels of war, with scarcely a sailor, and a veteran triumphant army, with a

band of recruits.

His cause is hopeless, and ours no less so, if we continue our virtual alliance with Fifices

Our rulers have come in, at the close of a tremendous contest, to offer their pitiful cheer, to a combatant, whose bones are broken and whose nerves are cut asunder.

Let it again be understood that we make these remarks, not as grounded upon what are our expectations, as to events taking place, on the continent but as meeting and obviating the hopes of those, who wish to see Great Britain again left single-handed against France, in the belief that our war against her might then be protracted.

But when we look at the solemn stipulations, to which the allies are pledged, we cannot for a moment imagine, that a separate peace is probable. Humbled as is the tone of the once insolent, dictatorial, swaggering Bonaparte, he is not yet, we presume, reconciled to the idea of making those concessions, which will be essential to the security of Austria, and Prussia. He must give up his Iron crown; his dear people of Italy must be freed. Alexander nobly proffered independence to those who wished to throw off the yoke, and would exert themselves to re-establish their independence. Holland has roused at the proposal. We cannot suppose he, or Bernadotte, or Frederick, will prove themselves faithless. The revolution in Holland must be acknowledged; and it will be a bitter pill to give up this "integral part of the French empire."

All things considered, we are led to this conclusion; that, from every appearance of triumph on the part of the allies, if a peace take place, it must be such a one as they deem just and safe-that if Bonaparte will agree to such terms now, he is even more completely ruined than we had imagined.

WHAT American can read the two following sentences, in the speech of the French Emperour, without a blush-nay without a burst of indignation.

"The Republick of the United States of America, continues with success, its war with England." Then immediately

"I have acknowledged the neutrality of the nineteen Swiss Cantons."

Here is little Switzerland, bordering on France, a free and independent people, and the United States of America, separated from Europe, as Mr. Jefferson said in his jargon dialect, "by nature AND a wide ocean," still making common cause with the defeated tyrant!! When Bonaparte can have recourse to such drops of comfort, as our splendid successes in the west, his case must indeed be alarming. When we find our name mentioned among the last of his dependents, we ought to spurn the disgraceful encomium. Bonaparte never praises any nation but in proportion to its subservience to his will.



Of the most important events, which have occurred, since our former accounts, the following are the heads. Holland is revolutionized-the principal cities and fortresses are in the hands of the patriots-The French General Le Brun, has been obliged to decamp-à Dutch government has been organized-the Prince of Orange recalled, who entered Amsterdam on the 2nd of December, in solemn pomp, amidst the shouts and exultations of the emancipated Hollanders. English troops are going over to their assist


Naples has caught the spirit of regenerated Europe. The Neapolitans have declared themselves free, and passed laws, admitting the flags of all countries.

Switzerland has thrown off the French yoke, and been formally acknowledged neutral, by Bonaparte. They have raised a powerful army to defend their neutrality.

Davoust, who commanded the left wing of the Grand Army, at Hamburgh, has retreated with a part of his troops, into Denmark-but Denmark is negotiating for peace, with the allies.

The allied armies continue to increase their force all along the right bank of the Rhine.

On the south of France, Lord WELLINGTON has obtained fresh successes, against Soult, whom he has routed, and is making advances towards Bordeaux.

In a

The allies, thus investing the late all-powerful France, around almost the whole of her original bounds, have had the magnanimity to renew the propositions they made, when Bonaparte was in the heart of Germany. speech to the senate, humiliating, we will not only say singularly so for Bonaparte, but such as would appear pitiful, and whining in any petty prince-the mighty Emperour claims their pity and condolence; bemoans his unforeseen disasters, and informs them that be has accepted the proposition to treat for peace, with the allies. Some expect a speedy continental peace-perhaps the most sage conclusion, from all circumstances, is, that it cannot be effected, until all Europe is prepared to share for a time, in general security and repose.

DOMESTICK.-The report that Gen. Wilkinson's army had captured 900 British troops has been contradicted.

The Secretary at War has made a report relating to the failure of the American arms on the Northern frontier. The documents embracing this subject, will compose a volume of about 600 pages, 8vo.

ORDINATION.-On Wednesday, Mr. EDWARD EVERETT was ordained as Pastor over the Church and Congregation in Brattle-square, in this town The exercises were all such as to give high gratification to the uncommouly crowded audience-The introductory prayer was by the Rev. Dr. Lathrop-the sermon by the Rev. President Kirkland-the ordaining prayer by the Rev Dr. Osgood-the charge by the Rev. Dr. Porter-the right hand of fellowship by the Rev. Mr. Thacher, and the concluding prayer by the Rev. Dr.



To the Confidant.

EUROPEAN. During the first part of this week, the town was in great agitation, in consequence of the arrival of a vessel from Liverpool, reported to have brought very interesting intelligence; and expectation was much increased by a suppression for some days of what news there was. The secresy appears to have been enDear Sir-I AM one of three sisters, who have joined by Liverpool merchants; who appre- had the advantage of a polite education, and feel hending a continental peace, wished to pur-conscious that we are not without personal atchase American produce, to meet the great demand which would ensue, in that case, not knowing that we were compelled by a new embargo, to keep our produce at home.

tractions. We should like to intermix a little with the world, and sometimes appear at balls and publick places; but as we have neither father, brother, uncle nor cousin to attend us,

custom seeins to have denied us the privilege. We are not over anxious to get married; but wish that one of us at least might get a husband, merely to answer the purpose of a gallant. But we see no prospect of this, as we have no way of making acquaintance with the men. If we were to countenance visits from them, it would be regarded as improper in us; and, besides, every gentleman would probably be restrained by the hazard of being set down at once as a "mortgaged man." That social intercourse, you know, which permits acquaintance before the marriage contract, is not customary here; but is left for the parties to commence afterwards, when they have an opportunity to ascertain what kind of a bargain they have made.



one of us would be willing to take the chance for "better or worse" in this way, we have thought of the expedient of getting introduced into company by means of a sham brother or cousin, and securing the first man that offers. We have been discouraged from this plan, however, as we are told that in mixed circles there is a habit of distance prevails

that the men appear wrapt in a sort of stupid dignity in one corner; and the women in groupes, as if alarmed by a thunder-storm, or some other cause of apprehension, in another

that those of the men, who think any thing of themselves, are not disposed to offer civilities, where they are not expected; and the few, who make themselves cheap, are of course considered of no value. So that there seems

to be no chance of any thing but a blank in this lottery.

Such are the restraints of our situation; as we conceive. But as we have so little means of judging for ourselves; it is possible, we may be under a misapprehension. If so, we shall be glad to be informed of it; or to learn that we are not doomed to our present state of imprisonment for life. It is true, we exist comfortably; and endeavour to appear as charming, and make ourselves as entertaining to each other as possible; but we find it rather a dull business. Yours, LETITIA CHEERFUL.

To the Confidant.

Sir-I TOOK my wife to a large party last week. Our entertainment was splendid, and the company seemed to be generally in excellent spirits. But as it far excelled our last, in brilliance, my madam has been gloomy and excessively peevish ever since. She must either give another, in a style of extravagance which I cannot support, or she will go out no more, or there must be some successful measure adopted, to cure this ridiculous and ruiaous competition. What is to be done?

S. S. L.

To the lovers of Natural Philosophy. Ir is a fact, that if a wheel be so placed that the axis, on which it turns, shall make an angle with the fixed surface under it, say of 45 degrees, when it is set in motion, the friction or pressure on the upper gudgeon will diminish, and that more and more, in proportion as the revolutions are more rapid. That is, the elevated end of the axis will have a tendency to become vertical. What is the cause?

To those who are versed in Natural History.

Has any naturalist accounted for the well known fact, that wild quadrupeds and fowls of a certain species, are generally of a determined, uniform colour; and domestick animals of the same species, are of various colours?


it. No writings are better calculated than

{We are happy to see such observations as the follow-those of the Roman and Grecian poets, histori-
ans, and orators, to produce the glow of ambi-
ing submitted to the publick. Not that we consid- tion in the young mind, to excite magnanimous
er the preliminary remarks, as applicable to our sentiments and generous feelings, and to fill
University. She has long been higher in her requi- the soul with elegant images and happy com-
sitions for admission, than any other in America; binations of thought. I might descant much
and continues to rise, probably as fast as is consist- more largely on the beneficial effects of the
ent with expedience and practicability. It is how. early study of the classicks, if arguments were
ever true, that, even here, we are yet far short of necessary to prove what experience has decided.
the European plan of a University education. In In England the study of the Greek and Lat-
this respect, we believe the scope of this writer in languages has long been made the basis of
perfectly correct. We insert it from a wish to
a liberal education. As soon as the boy has
promote the ambition of the student, and to aid in been taught to join syllables in his own
preparing the publick mind, for further improve-
tongue, he is put to learn his Latin grammar.
At a very early period those who are intended
ments, which we presume will continue to be
for political or professional life are taught to
read, write, and speak these languages. Such
are the occupations of the boy at Eton and
Westminster, nurseries of learning, to which
England is more indebted for the industry and
high attainments of her scholars, lawyers,
statesmen and orators, than to Oxford and
Cambridge. In those seminaries are sown the
seeds of intellectual greatness:
there are
found those habits of industry which when
continued at the university and in the temple,
do more than genius towards the attainment
of professional excellence. At the period
when we begin to prepare a boy for college,
the young Englishman is a finished scholar. It
was an early and thorough acquaintance with
the classicks, which elicited the genius, and
polished and adorned the mind of a Mansfield,
a Blackstone, and a Jones. To those illustri-
ous scholars we are indebted for rescuing the
science of law from the barbarity and obscuri-
ty, the quaintness and pedantry, which former-
ty, the quaintness and pedantry, which former-

IT has been remarked, that " in this country
the object of a boy at college is not to excel in
classick and scientifick knowledge, but to
pass through a form which is required prepar-
atory to his entering on one of the learned pro-
fessions." It is too true that the honours of
our colleges are often conferred on young
men who would blush, if asked to construe
their diplomas. This prostitution of literary
honours is ascribed to the state of society.
"Americans (it is said) are men of business."
But this is no peculiar trait of the American
character. Why may not the man of business
be engrafted on the scholar as well on this, as
on the other side of the Atlantick? The
English are proverbially men of business.
More than a century ago they were reproach-
ed by their politer neighbours for their habits
of industry which pervaded every rank of soci-
ety. They have been emphatically styled une
the scholar and the lawyer are generally uni- ions of Lord Mansfield reported by Burrows
ted, and not seldom are these combined with and Cowper, the profound lawyer, and the el-
the statesman and orator. The two late pre- egant scholar, are alike conspicuous. The
miers, William Pitt, and Spencer Percival are appearance of the commentaries was a new
illustrious, though not rare examples of such a era in the common law. By this one work
combination of talents in an individual. Our the lucubrationes viginti annorum of the stu-
lawyers and statesmen have as much leisure dents of the English law have been abridged
and not more occupations, than the English. one half. The unshapen mass of prolix learn-
Neither want of time nor magnitude of ex-ing, rudis indigestaque moles of the black letter
pense will account for our deficiency in classi- sages is reduced to beautiful method, and
cal attainments. We do not enter earlier up- adorned by the chastest ornaments of style.
on professional or political pursuits, than the The little treatise of Sir William Jones, has
English and it would cost no more to have a caused the scholar and the lawyer to lament
boy taught to read Cæsar and Cicero, than that he was not permitted to have time and
Webster's third part, or the American Pre- opportunity to complete his own plan of filling
up the outline sketched by Sir William
The whole secret of our shameful deficien- Blackstone. The writings of these eminent
cy in classical learning is, that we keep our lawyers forcibly illustrate the remark of one of
boys at what are called grammar schools for them, that "the sciences are of a sociable dispo
about seven or eight years, under the absurd sition, and flourish but in the neighbourhood of
pretence of teaching them to read, and spell, each other." Let the student who aims at
and repeat grammar rules, when they ought to learning the law as a science, and not merely
be engaged in learning the Greek and Latin as a mechanical trade, to derive honour as
languages. It is even worse than waste of well as profit by his profession, not content
time to keep a boy one eighth part of his life himself with one science or one language.
thumbing over school books, and those often There are doubtless many young men in
written by innovators and corrupters of the America, who would think the reputation of a
King's English, absurdly aiming to establish Garrow, a Dunning, an Erskine, or a Law,
an American dialect. The time, which is thus most desirable. The way to acquire it is to
squandered away, would suffice to make a boy begin their legal superstructure as those men
a proficient in the languages. The study of have done, on the foundation of classical
the classical writers possesses a most impor- learning. Even our country affords some em-
tant advantage in being adapted to the capacity inent living illustrations of the advantages
of a boy at an age, when he cannot well learn which classical learning gives to the lawyer.
any thing else. These studies are admirably New-England justly boasts of the high classi-
calculated to improve the memory, to culti-cal attainments, as well as of the legal erudi-
vate the taste, and awaken and regulate the
imagination. Nature seems to point out the
acquisition of language as the most suitable
occupation for the mind of a child. They fur-
nish amusement without frivolity, and exercise
the infant understanding without overpowering

tion of a Parsons. As a citizen of New-York,
I feel no little pride in referring to our own
Term Reports for legal opinions, which, in
brilliant investigation, profound research, and
elegant illustration are not often surpassed by
those of a Camden or a Mansfield. To au-

thorship indeed, as a profession our pretensions are small. But as the use of the English language is not within the definition of treason, and cannot be interdicted even by a nonintercourse with the mother country, we may continue to get our intellectual supplies from her, although the war should continue. But to preserve our character of even secondchop English, as we are called by the Chinese, it is necessary to reform our system of education, and unite the substance to the forms of learning. A little learning is a more dangerous thing, than our first reflections would suggest. Lawyers of "little learning" commonly supply the want of it by low stratagem, or knavery in the disguise of cunning. They are vultures that gnaw the vitals of society, In their hands, the law, instead of being the "harmony of the world," is its torment and scourge. The only way of making the profession honourable and useful, is to make it learned. It is the obvious tendency of knowledge and of classical literature in particular, to destroy low desires and grovelling propensities, and to humanize the heart and polish the mind.

If there is any force in the foregoing observations, is it not important to reform our system of education? And would that be an insurmountable task? Why might not the regents of the University put the academies in this state on the footing of Eton and Westminster, and other great schools in England. Let all books except the Greek and Latin classicks be banished from those institutions, and let a course of classical studies be prescribed for the several forms or classes of boys. Then let our colleges require a ready knowledge of the classick writers as the terms of admission. Such a regulation might for a few years diminish the size of the catalogue; but their diplomas would confer more honour on the graduates, and the alumni would in due time raise the reputation of their alma mater. This change in our system would be as favourable to the interest of science, as to that of classical literature. As the boy would gain a competent knowledge of the languages at school, the business of the young man at college would be to furnish his mind with science; thus, without increasing the expense or extending the time allowed for a liberal education, the graduate at our colleges would acquire a just title to the "Jura privilegia, Dignitates, Honores, et insignia quae hic aut uspiam gentium ad gradum Baccalaurealem evectis concedi solent.” PHILOLOGOS.

LETTERS TO LEINWHA, Teacher of Morality in the Recesses of Latinguin, from a Wanderer in the West.


THE fairest hopes of man are blasted in a moment, and when he fancies himself secure, at the very summit of felicity, he is most in danger of being hurled from the enjoyment. While I yet write, a pestilence desolates the city; and thousands are swept into eternity, unpaid of their last honours! Death, who outstrips the fleeting feet of Fear, seems impatient of Time, and the only consolation left to the afflicted, is the certainty of following those whom he has taken away. It would harrow up thy heart, Leinwha, son of Tsi-fo-yang, to behold the excess of grief in those, whose minds are not disciplined by philosophy, and who seem in their first paroxysm to forget, that death is the best gift from heaven to man.

.....As all communication with you will be now awhile cut off, and the avenues to the

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SOME dozen years ago, (you may rely the fact on,)

In Concord's neighbourhood,

Say, if you please, at Acton,

An honest farmer by the name of Morse,
Averse to politicks and quarrels,

Yoked up his team, two oxen and a horse,
And went to Concord with a load of wood,
Or, as some say, of barrels.

Morse, having sold his load,

With pocket-full of cash,

Went to a store to buy some trash,

With which his girls and boys might cut a dash,
And left his team,

Standing demurely, And, as 't might seem, Securely,

Beside the road.

Mean while, (the Destinies so dried and cut it,)
A lusty negro, order'd by his master,
Prepar'd, not dreaming of disaster,

To tow a hog across the way, and put it
Into another pen.

Sambo call'd up the order of the day,

In style half way between the Parliament and Pope, By tying round the nose of the minority

A most provoking rope ;

And then, to show a little brief authority,

And do the thing in quite a summ'ry way, He mov'd the previous question to proceed, Which to the hog, who saw no reason why His domicil

Must thus be left against his will, Seem'd very odd indeed.

Sambo said yea,

The hog said nay,

And so it was a tye.

But still the hog, so 's not the point to yield, Kept up the loud debate, and squeal'd ;

Asserting stoutly,

That, while the privilege of speech was his,

He most devoutly

Would never cease

To raise his feeble voice t' oppose

The tying ropes about his nose. Sambo, perceiving things grow worse and worse,

His weaken'd power still growing weaker, Doubting what ways and means to take, Made fast the rope about a stake. His rolling snow-white eyes soon 'spied The listening horse,

(Who ap'd the speaker all along

By doing nought but hold his tongue ;) And thus right eloquent he cried. "Masser speaker,

"Me got a notion

"You make to come along dis hang-back shoat, "By give de casting vote

"On Mr. Sambo's motion."

This said, he took the horse incog,
And hook'd him on to draw the hog.

The hog soon found the motion must prevail,
And that his guide must be a horse's tail,
"The people's will," said he, “must carry sway;"
And 'twixt the horse's heels he made his way;

But still against such double dealing,
He enter'd his protest by squealing.

The horse now thought the very devil
Was plotting more than mortal evil;
And what could be his hind parts umler
Became a matter of great wonder;

So, leaving Sambo in the rear,
Away he sped on legs of fear.

And now the hog, athwart the town,
On this and that side oft was thrown;
And every time, he made a grunt,
And seem'd to say "I won't, I won't."
Sambo perceiv'd disaster on disaster
Begin to thicken as the horse ran faster ;
So, to avoid a flogging from his master,
He left the publick service in disgust,
And to his well tried heels preferr❜d to trust.
But, as he ran, he oft his eyes did cast
Behind to see what would be done at last;
Which, staring wide, as though
They saw a ghost,
"Gave signs of woe

That all was lost."

Sambo farewell!-if aught my verse can do,
Thy fam'd Hegyra all the world shall know.

Meanwhile a multitude proceeded
The way the horse and hog had speeded,
They hurried on 'bout half a mile,
Wondering sagely all the while;
The owners too, like men impress'd,
Were push'd along among the rest ;
But how they came in case so ill
Was what it puzzled them to tell.

And now they came to where the horse
Had left the hog a breathless corse !

But still for fear some sable rogue
Should hook him to another hog,

The horse kept on, to make the matter sure,
And gladly halted at his master's door.

And thus the owner of the hog
Accosted Morse; "You dirty dog!

"I've found you out!

"You dare to hook your horse to my hog's snout!" "Hold," interrupted Morse, "you brazen elf! "You know you hitch'd him on yourself!" Both earnest seem'd alike, and none could tell Which spoke the truth, or counterfeited well. "You've kill'd my hog," said one ;

"You've spoil'd my horse," said 'other; And thus they made a deal of fun

By troubling one another.

"At length they all took sides, and prov'd most clearly,
That all the blame was on both sides, or nearly.

Dame Truth, at last, awhile forsaken,
Resum'd her sway, and prov'd them all mistaken;

Dispers'd the libels, on both horse and hog, Just as the sun dispels a fog.

"O fortunati ambo!"

(I mean the horse and Sambo) Fame shall repeat the tale,

If aught my verse avail

How running sav'd you, each ; Not so the hog's departure, He fell a noble martyr

To the liberty of speech.


THROUGH A grove as I wander'd alone,
Near a lake its deep shadows o'ercast,

I was struck with a heart-piercing moan,
Which came on the inurmuring blast.

I approach'd; 'twas the plaint of a maid,
"And yet I was blameless," she cried;
"O what falsehood, what arts have betray'd!
"But the cold world will mock and deride."

While I listen'd to learn her sad tale,
From behind me a frantick voice broke,
"Have you seen her ?" I turn'd, he was pale,
'Twas her fond, aged father that spoke.

"A sweet daughter, to me constant-hearted,
"In yon cottage 1 tenderly rear'd;
"Her mother has long since departed,
"And she too has just disappear'd."

I cheer'd him, while fault'ring he sped
And address'd her in half chiding tone,
"You alarm'd me—I fear'd you were dead,
"And I live but for you, now, alone."

She look'd-but she knew him no longer,
Still she gaz'd; but her brain wander'd wild ;
He cries, "O some villain has wrong'd her!
And have I then lost thee, my child !"

She talk'd of the moon- -“ it is shaded,”
She said, "but 'twill beam again bright;
"And the wild flowers," she said, "they are faded;"
Then she darted away from our sight.

'Twas too late-from a cliff's dizzy steep
She appear'd but a moment in view;
Just turn'd, ere she plung'd in the deep,
And wav'd us a graceful adieů!

I erected a stone on the spot ;

The mad father, though she is no more,
Now mistakes it for her, who is not ;
And returns still to chide and implore!


MYRA, wouldst thou still possess
Love's dominion o'er my heart,
Ne'er forget the will to bless
Is the true, the only art.

When sorrows press, in smiles array'd
Then gently steal my soul from care ;
Be this thy secret, lovely maid,

To hold my heart and triumph there.





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was Utility. By the law of nature, we should
be absolved from our engagement, if, under
correct management, such management as we
had anticipated, it did not produce good, but
evil: much more, if by abuse of power, altera-
tions in the instrument, or changes in the rela-
tions of the respective parties, not contempla
ted at the time the compact was formed, and
effected against our consent, we are defeated
in our reasonable expectations, and the bles-
sing becomes a curse.

The federal constitution was the production
of much wisdom; but it was not given by in-
spiration. It was a mere bargain between dis-
tinct parties, implying many conditions. That
the conditions are broken, is evident from
our situation; we want no stronger proof; we
are therefore free to continue the relation in
form, or withdraw, as a regard to our own
good and security may prompt.

What may become of the federal constitution, I admit, may perhaps be of little consequence; at least, that is not what we are most interested to maintain: but the integrity of the territory, under a common government.

A FEW years ago, there seemed to exist among all parties, a morbid sensibility, when the possibility of a dissolution of the Union was mentioned. I call it morbid, because one could not utter the terms, whatever he might propose to say on the subject, without exciting a stare of terrour and suspicion on all around him. Men seemed to have wholly forgotten what is the use and end of goverment-How ours became desirable, and how it might cease to be so. Many essays were published by the friends of a perpetuated Union, to show how the measures pursued by our rulers tended to endanger the federal compact; and, I believe, in every instance such men were set down as separatists as recommending the very result they were labouring to prevent. Such likewise was the fate of our publick speakers, among whom, Mr. QUINCY was a striking instance. This gentleman, well acquainted with the purposes for which our federal constitution was planned and adopted, and seeing those purposes abandoned or frustrated by the measures of administration, could but foresee, that men would, sooner or later, awake to their interests; and if the operation of publick measures continued only to injure, oppress, degrade and impoverish a large section of the Union, that this section, acting only as rational beings must be expected to act, would inevitably refuse, at no very distant period, to make further sacrifices, for which they receiv-southern brethren, and we can either defend or ed no colour of indemnification. This apprehension he forcibly expressed in Congress, and was trumpeted throughout the Union, as being an enemy to the federal relation; democrats unequivocally declared him such, and very many federalists implicitly yielded to their misrepresentation.

It has been said, that the limits of the United States were too extensive, to be preserved under one government. But there appears to be no force in this objection. The Roman empire was once too extensive; for it was difficult and almost impossible for the arm of government to reach the remote, disjointed parts, to maintain subordination, and prevent encroachments. But young and weak as we were, during the last revolution, the New Englanders found little difficulty in transporting themselves to South Carolina. We fought the battle for our


keep them in order again, when it shall be
necessary. If southern troops should be ne-
cessary, in this eastern quarter, the roads are
good, and there is nothing in the face of the
country to prevent their acting here. Mari-
time force is still more disposable. A Boston
squadron, on any emergency could soon an-
chor in the Missisippi. The extent of the
country can therefore be no objection to a com-
mon government.

The protraction and augmentation of our sufferings has, however, produced a great change in the state of popular opinion. I have heard men of very sober habits express a seri- The distinct interests to be found in differous belief, that if this process of increasing the ent sections of the American empire have been national debt goes on, but a little longer, with urged by others, as an objection to a unity of its present rapidity, this eastern part of the government. A very able writer has recently Union, which has uniformly protested against treated the subject of these collisions, in this this occasion of present. loans, and future bur-paper, in a very striking and impressive manthens which must make slaves of themselves ner. He has not only proved, that they exist and their posterity, will never pay it ! Urder in fact, but that they are to be practically, tracthe pressure of great calamity, the mind nat-ed, in the measures of government, to the very urally seeks some refuge, some hope; and as there appears to be none, from the tyrannical disposition of our rulers, a majority of whom, geographically defined, are inveterately against us, the possibility of relief by dissolving the Union, and establishing distinct governments, is now frequently both suggested and listened to, with a considerable degree of complacency. The writer of these remarks ever was most cordially averse to this idea: not that he is actuated by any bigoted notions of an obligation, which does not exist in nature, to live in misery, and entail it upon our successors, merely because we once agreed to be a united people. The only basis of that agreement,

great disadvantage of one portion of the gov-
erned. It was in vain that an attempt was
made to neutralize them, by the federal con-
stitution. It was in vain that Washington and
Adams so administered the publick concerns,
as that, amidst all the bickerings of party, no
charge was made, or could be made of sacrifi-
cing the common good to the interests of north
or south. Party spirit was soon displayed;
but the plea of difference of opinion in specu-
lative politicks, and on the general operation of
particular measures, was then used to conceal
that desire of control, which has since guided,
what are falsely called the councils of the na-
tion; and made Congress, at Washington, to

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us, a foreign power. As every man in this section of the Union must feel, that this is positively our present situation, I shall not waste paper and time to enumerate the many evidences which might be adduced, to prove it. Every list of Yeas and Nays, in Congress, on any great question, affecting our interests shows to a demonstration, that we are a province within the republick, enjoying a voice in the management of our concerns, heard only to be silenced; and a representation answering no purpose so effectually, as to show the world our degradation; by no means in talent, or in the justice of our cause, but in political consequence.

It cannot be surprising, that men of spirit, indeed any men, thus suffering wrong and disgrace, in the first burst of indignation, should be disposed to separate, and should say, let us then leave them to themselves, and let us establish a government of our own, by which our rights will be secured; our liberties and our prosperity be restored.

If there were no other alternative, this expedient would undoubtedly be judicious, and, in event, predominate, over the venal opposition of those ministerial satellites, among us, who are bribed out of the common feelings of citizens, and serve themselves by aiding to ruin those around them. But there are many reasons to recommend a different policy; and these I shall submit on a future occasion.


Ir ever a Peace takes place between Great Britain and the United States, it will probably terminate in stipulations, the effect of which will be more favourable to her interests with respect to seamen, than that state of things which has hitherto existed.

By the abuse of the right of impressment, it is true that some native Americans have been forcibly dragged into the British service. We use the strong terms of those, who have been bitter in their complaints on this subject, for we are disposed to meet the fact in its most obnoxious character. The number has been but few; yet if they were but a hundred, it is a hundred too many. The nation had a right to their services, and they had a right to personal freedom.

It is to be remembered, however, that this abuse was never countenanced by any act of the British government; the wrong has grown out of individual outrage, and would undoubtedly have been effectually remedied, long since, if we had desired that, and that alone; if we had not persevered in asserting claims, extending beyond the rights of our own citizens, and very injurious to Great Britain.

But, if we view the question abstractedly from the rights of the subject and citizen, I believe it must be acknowledged that Great Britain, as a nation, has been ten times as much injured as the United States, with respect to this famous dispute concerning seamen for I presume there is not an American, in any degree acquainted with the facts, who will not admit, that we have had ten British born subjects under our flag, where they have had one native American. The different

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