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surveyed the three first monarchies of the world, it leaves Rome, the fourth, triumphant, about a century and half before the birth of Christ, comprehending a period of nearly 4000 years. His biographer remarks—“ ranking in that class of historians who prefer the exercise of judgment in selection to that of genius in adorning, his industry and penetration are highly conspicuous, and his style is the best model of his age. His superior manner of treating Greek and Roman story has justly excited regret, that he has devoted so many pages to Jewish and Rabbinical learning, and that he has not permitted himself a greater latitude, in those more fascinating subjects. If in this great work he has, to use the words of an eminent critic, produced an historical dissertation, but seldom risen to the majesty of history, still the variety of its learning and the elegance of its style, are sufficient to secure him a distinguished rank among the benefactors to our literature."

This work was composed during his imprisonment in the Tower; and furnishes an ho-. nourable proof of the resources he found in his own mind while oppressed by the injustice of his countrymen. There is an anecdote

which seems to imply, that sir Walter continued this history to his own times. It is said, that a few days before his death, Ralegh sent for Walter Burre, the printer of his History, to ask him how the work had sold; who replied," so slowly that it had undone him." Upon which, Ralegh taking a continuation of it from his desk, threw it into the fire, saying to Burre," the second volume shall undo no more; this ungrateful world is unworthy of it." This anecdote, however, rests on insufficient, authority; and is supposed by his biographer to refer to Ralegh's Breviary of the History of England, or some other unfinished work.

The following list of his miscellaneous works I give from Mr. Caley's late Life of him. "The collection of Dr. Birch, in two volumes, 8vo, 1751, in addition to the tracts relative to Guiana, and some smaller pieces, contains

"1. Maxims of State, a Compendium of Government; first published under the title, The Prince. Lond. 4to, 1642.

"2. The Cabinet Council; containing the chief arts of empire and mysteries of state discabinetted, in political and polemical aphorisms, grounded on authority and experience, and illustrated with the choicest examples and

historical observations; first published by the celebrated Milton, in 8vo, 1658.”

I shall select from this work the three following chapters, which contain some hints and observations not to be despised even by statesmen of modern times.

Chap. 11.

Observations intrinsically concerning every Public State in points of Justice, Treasure, and War.

The first concern matter intrinsic; the second touch matter extrinsic. Matters intrinsic are three: the administration of justice, the managing of the treasure, the disposing of things appertaining to war. Matters extrinsic are also three: the skill how to deal with neighbours, the diligence to vent their designs, the way how to win so much confidence with some of them, as to be made partaker of whatsoever they mean to enterprise.

Touching Administration of Justice.

The good and direct administration of justice is in all places a principal part of government: for seldom or never shall we see any people discontented and desirous of alteration, where justice is equally admi


nistered without respect of persons; and in every state this consideration is required, but most of all in countries that do front upon other princes, or were lately conquered. Hereunto the prince's vigilancy, and the magistrate's uprightness, are especially required for oftentimes the prince is deceived, and the magistrates corrupted. It behoveth also the prince to maintain the judges and ministers of justice in their reputation, and yet to have a vigilant eye upon their proceedings; and the rather if their authority do include equity, and from their censure be no appeal. And if their office be during life, and they are men born and dwelling in the same country, all these things are duly to be considered of the prince for as to call the judges into question is as it were to disgrace the judicial seat; so, to wink at their corruptions, were matter of just discontent to the subject. In this case, therefore, the prince cannot do more than by his wisdom to make choice of good men; and being chosen, to hold them in good reputation, so as the ordinary course of justice may proceed for otherwise, great disorder, contempt, and general confusion, will ensue thereof. Secondly, he is to keep his eye open upon their proceedings; and lastly, to reserve unto himself a supreme power of appellation.

Touching the Treasure.

The want of money is in all states very perilous, and most of all, in those which are of least strength, and do confine upon nations with whom they have commonly war, or unassured peace; but most perilous of all to those governments which are remote from the prince or place where they are to be relieved.

The means to levy treasure are four. First, the customs and impositions upon all sorts of merchandise and traffic, is to be looked unto, and advanced. Secondly, the excessive eating of usury must be suppressed. Thirdly, all superfluous charges and expences are to be taken away. Lastly, the doings and accounts of ministers are severally to be examined.

Touching the matter of custom and import, thereof, assuredly, a great profit is in every state to be raised, chiefly where peace hath long continued, and where the country affordeth much plenty of commodities to be carried out, and where ports are to receive shipping.

The moderating of interest is ever necessary, and chiefly in this age, by reason that money aboundeth in Europe, since the traffic into the Indies: for such men as have money in their hands great plenty, would in no wise employ the same in merchandise,

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