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Perfonas Ecclefiafticas, banishing, or apprehendillas proceffando, ban- ing them, or pronouncing niendo, feu fententias or executing any fentences contra illas proferendo against them, without the vel exequendo fine fpe- fpecial, particular and exciali, fpecifica & expref- prefs Licence of this Holy fa hujus Sanctae Sedis Apostolical See; also thofe Apoftolicæ Licentia ; who extend fuch Licences quique ejufmodi licen- to Perfons or Cafes not extiam ad Perfonas & ca- preffed, or any other way fus non expreffos exten- injustly abuse them ; aldunt, vel alias illa per- tho' the Offender should peram abutuntur, eti- be Counsellors, Senators, amfi talia committen- Prefidents, Chancellors, tes fuerint Confiliarii, Vice-Chancellors, or intiSenatores, Præfidentes, tled by any other name. Cancellarii, Vicecancellarii, aut quovis alio nomine nuncupati. §. 20. Item, Excom- § 20. Farther, We municamus et anathe- excommunicate and anamatizamus omnes illos, thematize all thofe, who qui per fe feu alios, di- by themselves, or by others, recte vel indirecte, fub directly or indirectly, unquocunq; titulo feu co- der any Title or Colour lore invadere, deftrue- what foever ballprefume to re, occupare et detinere invade, destroy, feize, and præfumpferint, in to detain in whole or in part, tum vel in partem Al- the City of Rome, the mam Urbem, Regnum Kingdom of Sicily, the Sicilia, Infulas Sardinie Islands of Sardinia and et Corfice, Terras circa Corfica, the Territories Pharam, Patrimonium about Faro, St. Peter's

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vinces, and their Terri

B. Petri in Tufcia, Du- Patrimony in Tuscany, catum Spoletanum, Co- the Dukedom of Spoleto, mitatum Venayfinum, the County of Venofo, Sabinenfem, Marchia, and Sabinum, MarAnconitana, Maffa, Tre- ca di Ancona, Mafbaria, Romandiola, Cam- fa, Trebaria, Ropania, & Maritimas mandiola, Campania, Provincias, illarumque and the Maritime ProTerras & loca, ac Terras fpecialis commiffio- tories and Places, and the nis Arnulforum, Civita- Lands held in fpecial com tefq; noftras Bononiam, mission by the Arnulfi, Cafenam, Ariminum, Be- and our Cities of Bononeventum, Perufium, A- nia, Cæfena, Arimivenionem, Civitatem num, Beneventum, PeCaftelli, Tudertum, Fer- rufium, Avignon, Citrarium, Comaclum, & ta di Caftello, To: alias Civitates, Terras, di, Ferrara, Coma& loca, vel jura ad clo, and other Ciipfam Romanam Eccle- ties, Lands and Places fiam pertinentia, dictx- and Rights belonging to que Romana Ecclefiæ the Church of Rome, and mediate vel immediate fubjected mediately or imfubjecta, necnon fupre- mediately to the faid mam jurifdictionem in Church of Rome; alfa illis, Nobis & eidem those who prefume by diRomana Ecclefiæ com- vers means to ufurp, die petentem, de facto u- sturb, detain, and vex furpare, perturbare, the fupreme Jurifdiction retinere & vexare variis to the faid Dominions be modis præfumunt, nec longing to Us and the non adhærentes, fauto- Church of Rome; alfo res, et defenfores co- their Adherents, Favour Q3



rum, feu illis auxilium ers and Defenders, confilium, vel favorem those who any way give quomodolibet præftan- affiftance, counsel or fa


vour to them.

21. Volentes præ- § 21 Willing that our fentes noftros Procef- prefent proceffes, and all fus, ac omnia et quæ and every thing contained cunq; his literis conten- in thefe Letters, continué ta, quoufque alii hujuf- in force, and be put in exmodi proceffus a Nobis ecution; till other Procef ́aut Romano Pontifice fes of this kind be made pro tempore exiftente and published by Us and fiant aut publicentur, the Pope of Rome for the durare, fuofq; effectus time being.

omnino fortiri.

§ 22. In fine, none may

922. Cæterum a prædictis fententiis nul- be abfolved from the aIus per alium quam per forefaid Cenfures by any o Romanum Pontificem, ther than by the Pope of nifi in mortis articulo Rome, unless he be at the conftitutus, nec etiam point of death, nor even tunc, nifi de ftando Ec- then, unless he giveth cau clefiæ mandatis et fatis- tion to ftand to the comfaciendo cautione præ mands of the Church, and ftita, abfolvi poffit, e- give fatisfaction. In all tiam prætextu quarum other cafes none shall be ab vis facultatum et indul- folved, not even under torum quibufcunque pretence of any Faculties perfonis Ecclefiafticis, or Indulgences granted fecularibus, et quorum- and renewed by Us and vis Ordinum, etiam the faid See, and the DeMendicantium et Mi crees of any Council, by litarium, regularibus, Words, Letters, or any

etiam Epifcopali vel a- other Writing, in general lia majori dignitate or in particular, to any præditis, ipfifque ordi- Perfons Ecclefiaftical, Senibus & eorum Mona- cular, and Regular of a fteriis, Conventibus, & ny Orders, even of the Domibus ac Capitulis, Mendicant and Military Collegiis, Confraterni- Orders, or to any Perfons tatibus, Congregatio- invested with Episcopal, nibus, Hofpitalibus, et or any greater Dignity, locis piis, necnon Lai- and to Orders themselves cis, etiamfi Imperiali, and their Monafteries, Regali, et alia, mun- Convents, Houses and dana excellentia fulgen- Chapters, to Colleges, tibus, per Noset dictam Confraternities, Congre Sedem ac cujufvis Con- gations, Hofpitals, and cilii decreta, verbo, literis, aut alia quacunque Scriptura in genere et in fpecie concefforum et innovatorum, ac concedendorum et innovandorum.

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Pious Places, as alfo to Laymen, although they bould be Emperors, Kings, or eminent in any other fecular Dignity.

23. Quod fi forte a § 23. If by chance aliqui contra tenorem ny fhall against the tenor præfentium talibus ex- of thefe Prefents, de facommunicatione et a- to, prefume to bestow the nathemate laqueatis, benefit of Abfolution upon vel illorum alicui abfo- any such involved in exlutionis beneficium im- communication, and apendere de facto præ- nathema, or any of fumpferint, eos excom- them; we include them municationis fententia in the Sentence of innodamus, gravius Excommunication, and



contra eos fpiritualiter fall afterwaads proceed et temporaliter, prout more feverely against them expedire noverimus pro- both by Spiritual and temceffuri.

poral Punishments, as we ball think most conveni



24. Declarantes ac 24. Declaring and proteftantes quamcun- protesting that no Abfoluque abfolutionem, eti- tion, altho' folemnly made amfi folennitur per Nos by Us, ball comprebend, faciendam, prædictos or any other way avail the excommunicatos fub aforefaid excommunicapræfentibus compre ted Perfons comprehended henfos, nifi prius a præ under these prefent Let miffis cum vero propo- ters; unless they defist fito fimilia ulterius non from the premiffes with a committendi, deftite firm purpose of never comrint, ac quoad eos, qui mitting the like thing; nor contra ecclefiafticam li- thofe, who, as was before bertatem, ut præmitti- faid, have made Statutes tur, ftatuta fecerint, ni- against the Ecclefiastical fi prius ftatuta, ordina- Liberty; unless they first tiones, conftitutiones, publickly revoke thefe Stapragmaticas, et decreta tutes, Orders, Constitutihujufmodi publice re- ons, Pragmaticks and Vocaverint, et ex Ar- Decrees, and caufe them to chivis feu Capitulari- he blotted and expunged bus, locis aut libris, in out of the Archieves, Rolls, quibus annotata reperi- and Registers wherein they untur, deleri et caffari, are preferved, and farther ac Nos de revocatione certify Us of this revoca hujufmodi certiores fe- tion: moreover, that by cerint, eos non compre- any fuch Abfolution, or hendere

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