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[The words are taken from the Lesson-" The Coronation of the Conqueror."]

corona-tion, the act of crowning (Lat. corōna, a wreath, corona-re, to crown); crown; coron-et, a small crown, a noble's; córon-al, a crown ["of towers "]; coról-la, the small crown of a flower, the petals; corollary [a gratuity of flowers], an inference easily drawn from what is proved; colonel, the crown-chief officer-of a regiment; córoner, a crown-officer.

conqueror (Lat. con, quaero, I seek after), one who gains by earnest seeking; conquest; so request; inquest; query, an inquiry; quest, a search; question.

Christmas, mass or feast for Christ's birth; Michaelmas, mass or feast of St. Michael (29th Sept.); Candlemas, Mary's feast, so called from the many candles used (2d Feb.); Martinmas, the mass or feast of St. Martin (11th Nov.).

cross (Lat. crux, crucis, a cross); cruc-i-fy, to fix on a cross (Lat. figo); crus-ade, expedition made by those with cross on breast; ex-cruci-ate, to torture as on a cross; cruise, to cross the sea. minster monasterium, a monastery, place of religious retirement (Greek monos, alone, sole); monk (monachus, single or alone); monachism, the monastic life; mon-arch, the sole ruler; monopoly, sole power of selling; mono-gram, a single letter.


[The words are taken from the Lesson-" England."]

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in-spire, to breathe into [the mind or soul] (Lat. in and spiro, I breathe); ex-pire=ec-spire, to breathe out; a-spire ad-spire, to breathe towards, to covet; so con-spire; per-spire; re-spire; transpire trans-spire; spir-it, breath; spir-acle, a breathing hole. eag-er, keen, ardent (Lat. acer, sharp or sour); vin-egar, sour wine; acerbity; acrid; ague; compare meagre, lean (Lat. macer, lean); and acre, a field, a measure of land (Lat. ager).

sceptre, originally a thing to lean on, then a mark of age, then of royalty (Gr. sceptron, from skepto, I lean); so throne, orig. a seat, then a seat of honour (Gr. thronos, a seat).

in-satiate, that cannot be satisfied (Lat. in, not, satiare, to satisfy, satis, enough); sati-ety, fulness; satia-te, to satisfy; sate; assets (ad satis), sufficient to pay with, debtor's effects.

cor-morant, the sea-crow, a ravenous bird (Lat. corvus marinus). prey (Lat. praeda, plunder); praeda-tory, given to plundering; depredate, to plunder; depredator; depredation.


[The words are taken from the Lesson-" The Mocking Bird."]

home-ly home-like, like home, plain, familiar; home = AngloSaxon ham; ham-let, a small village; compare names of towns ending in ham; home-stead, the place of a mansion-house. gaud-y, showy, from gaud, an ornament (Lat. gaudium, joy); joy; en-joy; re-joice; jew-el is also probably from gaudium. brilliant, sparkling like a beryl stone (Lat. beryllus, a beryl). en-title, to give a title to (Lat. titulus, an inscription on an altar, &c.); title; titul-ar, in title only, nominal; titul-ary, one having the title only.

no-tice (Lat. notitia, knowledge, stem no or gno, know); note, that by which a thing is known, a mark; not-able, worthy of being known; not-i-fy, to make known to; no-ble [well known], of high rank, generous; i-gnoble-in-gnoble, not noble, mean.


[The words are taken from the Lesson-" The Bloom on Character."] beauty (French mas. beau, pretty; fem. belle; Lat. bellus, dimin. of bonus); beau, a fine man, fond of dress; belle, a handsome woman; bel-dam [a fair woman], a hag; em-bellish, to beautify. flower (Lat. flos, floris, a flower); Flor-a, goddess of flowers; flor-et, a small flower; floral, relating to flowers; florid, abounding in flowers; flor-in, a coin of Florence marked with a flower (lily); flour, the flower of wheat; flour-ish, to flower or blossom; fleurde-lis, the French national emblem.

bead, orig. a prayer, a ball for counting prayers, any small ball (Ang. Sax. bid, to pray); beads-man, one employed to pray for others; bead-roll, list of dead to be prayed for.

heaven (Ang. Sax. hebban, to heave) that which is lifted up, or the lofty place; compare Scot. lift, the sky or air; heav-y, hard to lift; upheave, to heave up [stones, ashes, &c.].

pic-ture (Lat. pictura, the art of painting-pingo, stem pig, I paint); paint; pig-ment, colour; de-pict, to paint fully.


[The words are taken from the Lesson—“ William the Conqueror."] duke (Lat. dux, ducis, a leader, duco, I lead); duc-al, belonging to a duke; duchy, duke-dom, the territory of a duke; duc-at (duk-at), a coin struck by a duke; doge, the duke or chief magistrate of Venice; duct, a leading- or conducting-pipe, so con-duit (kún-dit) = conductus; ad-duce, to lead or bring to or forward; so de-duce, e-duce, in-duce, intro-duce, produce; se duce, to lead aside or astray; tra-duce [to lead across], to defame; note also the verbs con-dúct, in-dúct, de-dúct, and the nouns cónduct, pró-duct, re-doubt' re-ductus, a retreat, a retired work. en-dow, to give a dowry to (Lat. dos, dotis, a dowry); dow-ry, what a woman brings to her husband at marriage; dow-er, the portion of the deceased husband's property enjoyed by his widow; dow-ager, a widow with a dower [applied to the widows of kings, nobles, &c.].

scale (Lat. scala, a ladder

scad-la, from scando, I climb); 1. a ladder; 2. a succession of steps, hence a graduated measure; 3. in music, the series of tones; e-scal-ade, to mount by ladders; compare climax, [in writing or speaking] a rising in strength (Gr. climax, a ladder).

act, a thing done (Lat. agere, actum, to do or drive); ac-tor, one who does; so ag-ent; ag-ile, easily moved about, nimble; react, ex-act, trans-act, ag-it-ate, to drive or move often, to keep moving; cogit-ate-co-agitate, to think.


[The words are taken from the Lesson—“ Japan.”]

probable, likely, that may be proved (Lat. probabilis, from probare, to prove; note also probus, good); prove, to prove, try; proof, what proves or makes certain; probe, to try or examine [a wound]; proba-tion, the act or time-of proving or trying; prob-i-ty, goodness; ap-prove, to regard as good; ap-proba-tion; re-prove, to regard or speak of as bad; re-proba-tion.

history, properly inquiry, then the knowledge obtained by inquiry (Gr. historia, inquiry); histori o|grapher, a writer of history; story, history; note this curtailment of a word, of which the following are also examples: dropsy for hydropsy, surgeon for chirurgeon, cob (as in cobweb) for attercop, a spider, peal (of bells) for appeal; so spec for speculation; cab for cabriolet; tick (debt) for ticket; bus for omnibus.

short, prop. cut off (Ang. Sax. sceran, to cut); shear, to cut; shears, an instrument for cutting; share, a part cut off; share (plough),

the part which cuts the ground; sherd, in potsherd, a broken pot; shore, where sea and land are cut off from one another; shirt short; skirt.


[The words are taken from the Lesson-"Vegetable cells."]

microscope, instrument for looking at small objects (Gr. micros, small, scopeo, I look); micro-cosm, a small world; micro-meter, a measure of very small distances; micro-phone, an instrument for making audible minute sounds-ex. gr. footfall of insects. reveal, to unveil (re, velo, I cover); revelation, the act of unveiling, that which is unveiled; veil, a covering.

secret, adj. set apart, noun, what is hidden (Lat. se, apart, cerno, cretum, I separate); se-crete, to set apart, to hide; se-cretion, the act of separating from a fluid, what is separated; secretary, one intrusted with secrets; crime (Lat. crimen, criminis, a sifting, a charge); incrimin-ate, discrimin-ate, to separate; discern, to separate, to distinguish, to see.

whole hole or hale, sound, complete (Ang. Sax. hal, healthy); hale, healthy; health, the state of being hale or whole; heal, to make healthy; holy, entire or perfect [to God]; hallow, to make or treat as holy; wassail (wes, be, hal, whole or well), a wishing health, a revel.


[The words are taken from the Lesson-" The Benefits of Pain."] benefit, good done (Lat. bene, well, fit, from facio, factum, I do); bene-factor, one who does good to; bene-fice [a good done], the grant of an estate; bene-ficence, a doing good, kindness; other words with bene are: bene-volence, good-will; bene-diction [a speaking well of], a blessing; beni-gn (Lat. benignus = benigenus), of good nature or disposition.

pain (Lat. poena, punishment, pain; punio, I punish); penal, incurring punishment; penal-ty, punishment; im-punity, without punishment; pine, to suffer pain, to waste away under pain. carbon, charcoal (Lat. carbo, carbonis, burning wood); carbuncle, a small coal, a precious stone, a tumour; char, to burn to coal; char-coal, coal made by burning or charring wood: other words are carbonate, carbonic, carburetted.

cannon, a gun (Lat. canna, a reed); cane, a strong reed; canister, a reed basket; can-on [a reed used as a rule], a rule, the genuine books of the Bible, a dignitary of the English Church.

cell, a small room (Lat. cella, a room); cellar, an underground room; cell-ular, consisting of cells; also cell-ulose.


[The words are taken from the Lesson-" The Execution of Lady Jane Grey."]

lady Ang. Sax. hlafdig: hlaf means loaf, and the latter part means either giver or kneader.

lord is either loaf giver or loaf keeper.

husband is either house-band, i.e. the bond which unites the house, or the dweller in the house.

wife, probably woman; or is connected with weave.

im-pute, to reckon to (Lat. im, to, and puto, I think or account); com-pute, to reckon together; count = compt, to reckon; ac-count ac-compt; dis-count, to reckon off; re-count, to tell over; (Lat. puto, originally meant I cleanse or clear) am-putate, to cleanse [trees] round; comp. purus, clean.

doom, judgment (Ang. Sax. dom, from don or do, to fix); deem, to judge; dooms-day, the judgment-day; doomster or dempster, formerly in Scotland the public executioner.

zeal, warmth, earnestness (Gr. zēlos, from zeo, I boil); zeal-ot, one full of zeal; zeal-ous jealous; comp. ferv-ent, from ferv-eo, I boil; ferv-or, warmth; ferv-id, earnest. Yeast may be of same root as zeo, I boil.


[The words are taken from the Lesson—“ Palmyra in its Glory.”]

caravan, a company of travellers (Persian kârwân); caravansary, an inn for caravans; van, a covered waggon, a curtailed word for caravan, see Lesson VI. [van, the front, is from French avant, before.]

elevation, the act of raising up (Lat. e, up, and levo, I raise, I make light); lev-er, that which raises up; leav-en (Lat. levamen, that which raises), that which makes dough rise; Lev-ant, the place where the sun rises, the eastern part of Mediterranean; lev-y, to raise [taxes or troops]; lev-i-ty, lightness.

immense, not measurable, very great (Lat. im, not, and metior, mensus, I measure); mens-ura-tion, the art of measuring; measure; commensurate, measured in comparison with, in proportion with; di-mension, measuring off, size.

character, peculiar quality (Gr. charácter, an instrument for graving or marking, then the mark made, then the peculiar mark of a person or thing); character-ise, to describe by its peculiar qualities.

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