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We cannot make language learning easy but we can make it interesting.

We can be of special help to the self-taught student. We have prepared a little thirty. six page list of books suitable for students of all ages and at all stages of progress.

This list shows at a glance what Dictionaries, Grammars, etc., are available at prices to suit all pockets. There is also a section showing simple children's books and the school readers which are actually used in the French schools. The simple text of these is invaluable for the beginner.

Texts published in French with an accompanying English translation for use by students are also indicated.

For the advanced student there are lists of hundreds of books by Classical and Modern authors at microscopic prices.

Books by DESCARTES, MOLIÈRE, RACINE, ROUSseau, voltaire, BALZAC, BAUDELAIRE, DE MUSSET, CHATEAUBRIAND, CORNEILLE, MAUPASSANT, FLAUBERT, DAUDET, ZOLA, and a hundred others are available at prices from 3d. upwards. So, also, is the work of such writers as BAZIN, BORDEAUX, BOURGET, BOYLESVE, CLARETIE, MARGUERITTE, PREVOST, REGNIER, RICHEPIN, THEURIET and other interpreters of the spirit of modern France.

If you have any interest in the French language or literature, send for a copy of our list, post free to any applicant. A postcard will suffice, addressed to:


46, Fleet Street, London, E. C. 4.

Liste available of books in other languages if desired. THE LANGUAGE LEARNER'S LIBRARY.

Special Courses for foreign students.

HOLIDAY COURSES (July 4th to September 30th).

French Language: Phonetics (theoretical and practical); practice in speaking and reading (small colloquial classes); exercises in grammar; dictation; translation (oral and written) and composition; history of the French language. French Literature and Civilization: History of French literature; "explications" of modern French writers; introductory courses to French literature, philosophy, science and art of to-day, to French social and political life. Visits to schools, monuments, factories, etc...

German Language and Literature: Phonetics; practice in speaking; grammar; dictation; translation and composition. Introductory lectures to modern German life and literature.

Fees: For French: 4 weeks, 80 fr.; 6 weeks, 120 fr.

8 weeks, 150 fr.; 12 weeks, 180 fr.

For German: 4 weeks, 60 fr.; 6 weeks, 80 fr.

8 weeks, 100 fr.; 12 weeks, 120 fr.

Special fees for students taking both French and German. EXCURSIONS in the Vosges, the Rhine Valley, etc... SPORTS: rowing, football, tennis, etc...

During the academic year, a course of lectures including French language, literature, conversation and history is arranged at «L'INSTITUT D'ÉTUDES FRANÇAISES MODERNES » for foreign students.

20-25 lessons per week.

Supplementary information to be got from the


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