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It will prob

spent much of her childhood. ably take the shape of a clock tower in brick and stone, with a bronze bust in a niche below the clock, and a quotation from "Aurora Leigh" and some other suitable inscription.

Mr. Amos K. Fiske, author of "Midnight Talks at the Club," has written another book, which will be immediately brought out by Fords, Howard & Hulbert. It is entitled "Beyond the Bourne: Reports by a Traveller returned from the Undiscovered Country."

Houghton, Mifflin & Co. will issue soon Mr. John Fiske's work on "The Discovery and Spanish Conquest of America."

A monthly entitled University Extension, devoted, as its name indicates, to the promotion of the University Extension movement, has been established in Philadelphia under the management of the American

Society for the Extension of University Teaching. Subscription, three dollars a year.

The Onward Club of the First Unitarian Church of San Francisco has begun the publication of a small monthly periodical to be called the Guidon, which is designed to represent that vigorous church and its many activities. The first number promises well. It is particularly full of news from our twenty-four Pacific Coast churches and mission stations.

The general meeting of the American Social Science Association for 1891 will be held in Saratoga September 1-4. The opening address will be given by Hon. Andrew D. White, LL.D., of Ithaca, N. Y.


will be about twenty papers upon important subjects connected with education, social economy, jurisprudence, and health, followed by discussions. Among the persons of eminence in their various departments who are to read papers are Dr. Walter Channing of Brookline, Mass., Dr. H. L. Wayland of Philadelphia, F. B. Sanborn of Concord, Mass., William G. Talbot of Boston, Charlton T. Lewis of New York, Profs. Jenks of Cornell University and Bemis of Vanderbilt University.

"Comfortings" is the title of a little volume of very beautiful selections made by Rev. Judson Fisher, bearing upon such subjects as Fear of Death, Death a Transition, Death a Release, The Dead still live in their Works, Death of Children, The Future Life, Faith, and Trust. These choice extracts in prose and verse were gathered by Mr. Fisher for his own use at funerals; and, now that he has passed on to the higher life, friends have wished for their publication. They can hardly fail to be of use to other ministers, and also in many homes where bereavement has come. Charles H. Kerr & Co. of Chicago are the publishers.

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Here is Dr. Edward Everett Hale's own account-given to the San Francisco Examiner of the way in which he came to write his famous story, "The Man without a Country"::

"This is the way I came to write about him. It was in 1863, when the country was torn by the Civil War. There was a very exciting election in one of the Middle States. A prominent politician became disgusted with the way affairs were going. He said some very hard things. 'I hate the United States,' he said. 'I wish there was no such country. I'm sorry I was born here. The general in command of the Northern troops sent this emphatic gentleman out of the State. There was some excitement over the episode, and it gave me the idea of my story. I wanted to show what would become of a man who wished he had no country. I wrote the story for the Atlantic, and I did not want my name to appear. I wanted it to seem to be written by a navy officer. By some inadvertence my name was published, however, as the author. There was much discussion over the hero. Some said he was not dead. Some said his mother and sister were living. There were all sorts of denials and counterdenials. The fact is, there was no such man, though there was a Philip Nolan, whose life and adventures were well known in the South."

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Rev. Henry C. Badger has written a pamphlet (printed by Geo. H. Ellis) entitled "Mr. Savage's Unitarian Catechism: Its It is the most radical and Philosophy. severe criticism of this catechism that we have seen. It is written in the interest of what the author regards as a deeper and more spiritual philosophy. It seems to us extravagant and one-sided, doing only imperfect justice to Mr. Savage's real thought; and yet we recognize in it a side of important truth. Its criticism of the sensational philosophy, to which Mr. Savage seems in part to adhere, we believe to be essentially just. Mr. Savage professes to build upon the basis of Herbert Spencer; but, in fact, he constructs a religious house much larger and better than will stand upon a Spencerian basis. This inconsistency in Mr. Savage might well have been brought out much more clearly than it is in the pamphlet. Indeed, the pamphlet does injustice to Mr.

Savage in not being willing to admit that his structure is larger or better than Spencerism. Mr. Badger criticises the catechism as making religion to rest too much on a basis of ratiocination, and not enough on simple faith, trust, love, conscience, spiritual insight, immediate consciousness of God. He also objects to its treatment of sin, pain, and sorrow as too superficial. On these points we think the criticism is true and needed. But, after making full allowance for all shortcomings, we still regard Mr. Savage's catechism as surprisingly good, -one of the most valuable pieces of work done in the denomination for years.


The Theologische Literaturzeitung for April 4, 1891, the organ of Profs. Harnack and Schürer, contains a review of Dr. Ezra Abbot's "Critical Essays" by the latter, which will be of special interest to the friends of this painstaking American scholar. Dr. Schürer praises the work of Mr. Abbot in the highest terms for its exact and exhaustive character; every student must take account of it. But, in treating of the problem of the Fourth Gospel,

the reviewer holds that Mr. Abbot was too

much under the influence of the "apologetic tendency," and that, while very thorough respecting details, he failed to exercise a clear historic insight in his discussion of the question.

Andover Review.-In the number for April, 1891, Prof. H. G. Mitchell, Boston University, discusses the meaning of Isaiah's prophecy respecting the child Immanuel, chapter vii. 14. Apologists have long used this as a prediction of Jesus. Prof. Mitchell takes the more rational view "that Isaiah's prophecy refers to the immediate future; that, therefore, if it was fulfilled in any proper sense, it must have been fulfilled toward the beginning of the reign of Ahaz." The article is very interesting, and encouraging, too; for it shows that a more wholesome spirit is beginning to prevail in Biblical study even in America. In the June number, 1891, Prof. Steenstra of the Cambridge Episcopal Theological School considers the question, "Can there be no Davidic Psalms in the Psalter?" in a very calm and fair spirit, going over the negative arguments presented by Reuss and Kuenen. While freely admitting that little can be from David, he concludes that it is probable that he was a great poet and that some products of his genius have been preserved in the Psalter.

In the Jewish Quarterly Review for January, 1891, Dr. Claude G. Montefiore discusses in a long article of forty pages "Recent Criticism upon Moses." He assumes the truth of the new criticism: "Moses bore

little, if any, share in the compilation of the five books which bear his name. The religion of Moses has become purely a matter of inference." Dr. Montefiore's article treats chiefly of the origin of the Decalogue as explained by modern scholarship, and in places he takes issue with Kuenen, Wellhausen, and Stade. This essay, which shows the present tendency of Biblical science, is well worth a careful study.

In several numbers of Revue des Etudes Juives at the close of 1890, M. Isidore Loeb presents an exhaustive study of the Psalms, in order to show that they were produced by a Jewish fraternity interested in advocating the cause of the righteous poor against the cruelty and oppression of the rich; and that they were all written between the Exile and the time of the Maccabees.

The two series of noteworthy articles, so far this year, in the Expositor have been: (1) "A Survey of the Synoptic Question," February-June, by Dr. W. Sanday of Ox


He reviews the positions held by Drs. Holtzmann, Resch, and P. Ewald with general approval, using language that will surprise his conservative friends. His conclusion is that the original sources of the two documents now gospel history were lost, the brief tract by Matthew in Hebrew, and the proto-Mark which preserved the teachings of Peter.

From these our pres

ent Mark was first compiled. Then from the three our Greek Matthew, and afterwards Luke. The author seems too much inclined to push the date of our Gospels back to an earlier time than the facts warrant. (2) "The Aramaic Gospel," by Prof. J. T. Marshall of Manchester, who argues for an original document or documents written in Aramaic as the source of the Synoptics: he also claims that Paul made use of this written record. Prof. Marshall apparently sheds much light upon many texts as they now stand before us, by showing what modifications were introduced by translation from Aramaic to Greek. Both these and Dr. Sanday's article are very suggestive, and they strike very heavy blows against the old theories of infallible text and plenary inspiration.

In the first number of Theologische Studien und Kritiken for this year are two very important articles: (1) "A Discussion of the Meaning of 'Kapper,' as used in the Old Testament," by Dr. A. Schmaller of Heilbronn. He shows that the Hebrew idea of "atonement" was radically unlike the Christian dogma of redemption, and therefore it follows that the sacrificial scheme as applied to Jesus by church theologians has no support in the Jewish doctrine of sacrifice, a position toward which scholars have for some time been tending. (2) An article by Prof. L. Weiss of Göttingen on Mark's Gospel, in which it is argued, from the language of its parables, that our present Mark

is not the original work, but an enlarged and revised edition of the first Gospel bearing this name.

The Theologisch Tijdschrift, the organ of the Moderns in Holland, is always valuable. In the November number, 1890, Dr. Loman passes favorable judgment upon the theory advanced by Dr. A. Resch,-in his Agrapha, Leipzig, 1889,-that the most primitive sources of information respecting Jesus are the quotations in the oldest apostolic literature, including Paul, which were taken from works now lost, that antedate the oldest of our Gospels,- -a position which, if sustained, will set the problem of the age of our Gospels in a new light.

The Expository Times is devoted to the interests of Orthodoxy, and still it often contains valuable contributions. The most notable for some time are three articlesJune-August, 1891-by Canon Cheyne of Oxford, given there as two lectures, on "Possible Zoroastrian Influences on the Religion of Israel." The treatment is popular rather than exhaustive, but interesting. The author looks upon Zoroaster as an historical personage, and believes that the Persian faith did influence Judaism. He treats the same subject in his recently published Bampton Lectures on the Psalms; and it is welcome news that Prof. Darmesteter will devote the next Hibbert Lectures to the Mazdean religion. In the June number Prof. Ryle of Cambridge, in the second of a series of articles on "The Assyrian Chronology and the Days of Creation," asserts the dependence of the Hebrew creation poems upon Assyrian traditions, admits that we must consider "the days" to be ordinary days, and holds that no possible harmony can be brought about between Genesis and geology.

Madison, Wis.

J. H. C.

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The North American Review. The Scientific Basis of Belief. (Aug.) By Robert H. Thurston.

Vampire Literature. (Aug.) By Anthony Comstock.

Goldwin Smith and the Jews. (Sept.) By Isaac B. Bendavid.

Co-operative Womanhood in the State. (Sept.) By Mary A. Livermore.

The Ideal Sunday. (Sept.) By Charles H. Eaton, D.D.

The Forum (September).

Ideals of the New American University. By President David S. Jordan.

The Growth of Technological Education in the United States. By Prof. H. W. Tyler.

A Review of the Higher Education for Women. By Alice Freeman Palmer.

The Andover Review (August). Poetry and Philosophy. By Prof. John Dewey.

Slavery as it appeared to a Northern Man in 1844. By A. P. Peabody, D.D.

Old and New Testament Student (August).
The Religious Ideas of the Book of Eccle-
siasticus. By Prof. Frank C. Porter.
Inorganic Nature in the Poem of Job.
Rev. Albert P. Brigham.


The Unitarian Review (August). Did Jesus claim to be the Messiah? By Prof. J. Estlin Carpenter.

Evolution and the Moral Ideal. Christopher Pearse Cranch.


Dissent in Russia. By Cornelia W. Cyr. Public Opinion in France. By L. Gilard. The Home-maker (August). Sketches in Madison Square. By Charles F. Bridgman.

Nantucketers and their Island. By Nelson Clarke Parshall.

The New England Magazine (August). The State of Vermont. By Albert Clarke. The Literature of the White Mountains. By William Howe Downes.

The Atlantic Monthly (August).
Gen. Sherman. By John C. Ropes.
Six Centuries of Self-government.
W. D. McCrackan.
Browning's Life.


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Programme of Meetings.


4 P.M. Meeting of the Council.

7.45 P.M.

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Devotional meeting, Rev. S. H. Camp. 10 to 10.20 A.M. Meadville Theological School.

Sermon, Rev. Richard A. Arm- Report of Committee on Endowment, with reeommendations. strong of Liverpool, Eng.


9 A.M. Communion, Rev. E. E. Hale, D.D. 10 to 10.30 A.M. Conference called to order. Resolutions in memory of Justice Miller, late President of the Conference. Introduction of new President, Hon. George William Curtis. Organization.

10.20 to 11 A.M. Report of the Committee on Liturgy, Rev. Howard N. Brown, fifteen minutes. Discussions and recommendations from the floor, five minutes each.

11 A.M. Rev. A. M. Knapp, Report on Japan, with recommendations.

11.30 A.M. The Bible in Theology, Rev. W. W. Fenn of Chicago.

12 15 P.M. Business Committee. Election of

10.30 to 10.55 A.M. Report of the Council, by officers, resolutions. Rev. Brooke Herford, D.D., Chairman.

1055 to 11.20 A.M. Report by Rev. Grindall Reynolds, Secretary American Unitarian Associ

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1.30 P.M.


3 to 5 PM. Business session, if needed, for practical recommendations, resolutions, and general business.

7.30 P.M. The Religious Outlook. Hon. Fred. T. Greenhalge and others. Twenty-five minutes each. Closing address by Rev. E. E. Hale, D.D.

An Assistant Secretary will be put in charge of the bell, which will strike one minute before the close of the time allotted to each speaker; and, unless the Conference disapproves of the rule, each speaker will be rung down at the expiration of his time.

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[News items are solicited from all our ministers and other workers. Send them to the EDITOR OF THE UNITARIAN, 141 FRANKLIN ST., BOSTON, or ANN ARBOR, MICH., before the 18th of the month.]

Andover, N.H.-Rev. James F. Morton, who has been appointed principal of Proctor Academy, is a graduate of Acadia College, N.S., and of the Newton Theological Institute, Mass., and has taught three years in Colby Academy, New London, N. H.,-two years as principal. Miss Mary Morton, a daughter, has been appointed assistant teacher. Mr. Morton leaves a position as pastor of the Unitarian society at Wolfboro to enter upon his new duties. He was formerly of the Baptist denomination, and served as pastor of a church at Littleton, Mass., and one at South Boston. He has a family of five children, three of whom will come with the family to Andover. Mrs. Morton is a daughter of S. F. Smith, who wrote our national hymn,

"My country, 'tis of thee."

The fall term of the school begins September 7. The trustees of the school confidently commend it to those who wish to place their children under home influence and scholarly training.

Ann Arbor, Mich.-Services were resumed in the Unitarian church the first Sunday in September. The library of the church has been in use during the vacation. Nearly a hundred dollars' worth of new books are being added. The Ann Arbor and the Toledo Unitarian Sunday-schools united in a picnic at Whitmore Lake in July. There is prospect of a very large attendance at the university the coming year.

Boston and Vicinity.-While the vacation season has drawn away from the city nearly all our own ministers, it has attracted hither many visitors from the South and West. On our hottest days Rev. A. D. Mayo, Rev. John Snyder, Rev. George L. Chaney, have apparently found our Northern air fresh and bracing, though the steep ascent by which one gains an entrance to the A. U. A. rooms, up a sun-scorched flight of red stone steps, has been terribly suggestive of an almost forgotten theology. Might not the headquarters of Unitarianism helpfully illustrate our belief in "salvation in this life" by stretching out an awning?

The success of the first six weeks' course of the "School of Applied Ethics," held at Plymouth has been such as to insure an enthusiastic gathering in 1892, when the school will again be held at Plymouth. The interest shown in the department devoted to the study of the "History of Religions" was remarkable. This department was under the direction of Prof. Toy of Harvard University.

Chicago, Ill.—The Chicago Branch of the Women's Western Unitarian Conference has

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October 1, Third Unitarian Church. Subject of paper, "Early Free Thinkers." December 3, All Souls' Church. Subject, "New England Liberal Theology, 1750-1815." February 4, Third Church. Subject, "Channing and his Time, 1815-40." April 7, All Souls' Church. Subject, "Theodore Parker and his Time, 1840-60.

Des Moines, Ia.-Rev. L. A. Harvey of Cincinnati has accepted a call from the Unitarian church of Des Moines.

Fitchburg, Mass.-Rev. Walter F. Greenman has accepted a call to the pastorate of the Unitarian church here, and will be installed on September 2.

Helena, Mont.-Rev. S. M. Crothers writes: "We held our first Unitarian services in Helena last Sunday. I preached morning and evening in the hall used by the legislature, which was well filled. An admirable set of people are working for a church organization, which cannot fail to be successful if they can get a minister."

Helena Valley, Wis.-The annual Helena Valley Grove Meeting was held on August 15 and 16, with preaching by ministers in attendance upon the Tower Hill Ministers' Institute.

Hillside, Wis.-The second Tower Hill Summer Assembly and Fifth Annual Sunday-school Institute were held here August 2 to 16. The Ministers' Institute held a session from 9 to 10.30 each day, and the Sunday-school Institute a session from 11 to 12.30. At the latter the time was given mainly to discussion of the Sunday-school lessons as proposed for the coming year, the discussions being led by Rev. J. C. Learned of St. Louis and Miss Juniata Stafford of Chicago. In the evenings there were a number of lectures and concerts.

Hinsdale, Ill.-Prof. A. W. Gould of Manistee, Mich., has accepted the pastorate of Unity Church of this place.

Hobart, Ind.-The Unitarian society here keeps up its old enthusiasm. Mr. Milsted of Chicago has been engaged for another year. He also preaches at Valparaiso to audiences of five or six hundred, mostly students of the Normal School.

La Porte, Ind.-Mr. Jennings of Toledo preached here on a recent Sunday to a large congregation. He writes: "The society is in a good condition. It has the finest church building in the town. It needs a good man, and will settle one as soon as possible."

Lexington, Mass.-The very desirable opportunity for Unitarians who are parents of having their children during early school life under the religious influence of their own faith is to be made possible here

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