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"Annual meetings" have been held at several guilds, and with most encouraging results. The societies at Concord, Mass., Dedham, and Waltham, have found them very helpful, and would recommend them to others. It is the custom at Concord for the chairman of the Committee of Arrangements to preside at the annual meeting, which is held in the church, the regular guild meetings being held in the vestry. Such an occasion brings the society before the other members of the larger organization.

We find that several papers are published by the guilds. The society in the Third Church of Dorchester and that in the Dedham church have had papers running for several months. The calendar for the month is given in the Messenger, published by the guild at Dorchester. Articles by members appear, and notes in regard to various topics. Advertisements, of course, are inserted.

five cents.

The subscription price is twenty

The Greenfield Unitarian is published by the Guild of the Good Shepherd in the Unitarian church of that town. The first number is at hand, under date of March.

Attention is called to the agency for Unity Clubs, Guilds, and Temperance Societies, which has been established at 25 Beacon Street, Boston, in the A. U. A. building, the Association having voted $500 for a year as the salary of the agent, Rev. George W. Cooke of Dedham. A circular appears in the Register, and will soon be sent to all churches, wherein the objects of the agency are set forth.

It is not the purpose of those who have brought about this movement in any wise to unite the organizations, but to employ a common agent who can furnish publications and push the interests of each. We believe that the general impression that young people are doing something for the church in the lines represented by these societies will do much erelong to increase the life of our churches.

A pleasant feature of guild work has been the visit of delegations at annual meetings from neighboring guilds. We understand also that members of guilds have read papers at the meetings of other societies.

The Printing Committee of the National Guild Alliance has inserted in the Register columns lists of subjects that have been used at various guilds. It is the purpose of the Alliance thus to furnish a large choice of topics for meetings. This committee will continue to publish essays or papers chosen by the guilds themselves.

It is to be hoped before the year has gone that several new guilds will be added to the list of the Alliance, and others formed at

new places. The essential common feature of all such societies is that they be religious, conduct religious meetings, do charitable work, or otherwise help the church. If any new societies are formed or any people think of the matter, such should write for needed information to Miss Kate L. Brown, Corresponding Secretary, National Guild Alliance, at Hyde Park. The names of the minister and two delegates should be sent, in order to secure membership in the Alliance. B. R. BULKELEY.


The young people of the Second Church, Boston, Rev. E. A. Horton's, have taken a room formerly occupied by a saloon, and have converted it into a brilliantly lighted coffee-room. It is open every evening from 7 to 10, and here congregate thirty or forty men, on the average, to read, talk, smoke,

and play games. The effort is successfully

made to reach those whose homes are dark and miserable. volunteered to take charge of the evenings, Thirty young men have going by twos, to dispense the coffee and give a friendly greeting to the men.


is no attempt to make the movement selfsupporting. Those who have begun this movement believe in the necessity of providing such resorts for the very poorest, and in making them free to all.

Letters have been received from a number of the churches where the February 22d Temperance Service was used, telling of the interest it awakened. Rev. Samuel May of Leicester, Mass., writes:

"It is a very good selection of passages, of hymns, of Scripture; and the whole idea is well carried out. Keep on, and keep at The union, Temperance and Purity,' pleases me especially."


At Milford, N. H., the G. A. R. and Relief Corps and Sons of Veterans took part in the service, and the church was decorated with flags, portraits of Washington, Lincoln, etc.

At Charleston, S. C., after music and recitations, Mr. Whitman, the pastor, said that "intemperance must be put down, not so much by legislation as by the early inculcation of moral and temperate ideas and habits in the minds of the youth of the country, and by the shining example of those who are happily strong enough in themselves to resist the demand of strong drink." Of this service a local paper reported as follows:

"The service of patriotism, with especial reference to temperance and purity, which was held at the Unitarian church last evening, was as pleasing as it was novel. The service was

prepared by the Unitarian Church Temperance Society to be used in all the Unitarian churches of the country on the celebration of Washington's Birthday; and, if the programme was carried out else

where with the spirit and intelligence which characterized the service here last evening, the Society has reason to be gratified with the perfect success of its idea and suggestion."

From Portland, Ore., Andover, N.H., Dorchester, Mass., Quincy, Neponset, and other places, similar reports of successful services have been received.

A well-known Boston physician is using hypnotism with marked success in cases of intemperance.

The Tenth National Temperance Convention has been called by the National Temperance Society to meet at Saratoga Springs during the week beginning July 15, 1891. The Ninth Convention was held in 1881, at the same place. All associations of ministers and churches and temperance organizations are cordially and earnestly invited to send delegates, seven in number, including the presiding officer and secretary.

It is thought that the time has come for another general convention of this representative character, and the National Temperance Society (address 58 Reade Street, New York) will have it in charge. Arrangements have been made for a reduction of fare on the principal railroads and at the hotels.

The W. C. T. U. of Boston will hold a reception soon for the city teachers and school committee, at which addresses will be made, bearing upon "Scientific Temperance Instruction" in the public schools.

A World's Temperance Congress will be held in connection with the World's Fair at Chicago in June, 1893. Elaborate preparations are being made to make it one of the most memorable meetings of that interesting time. In addition to reports and histories of American and foreign temperance societies, representatives from abroad will discuss the great economic, scientific, legislative, and educational phases of the temperance reform. Archbishop Ireland of Minnesota is a member of the General Committee. "This World's Temperance Congress will mark an era in the progress of the temperance reform in all civilized countries"

The Order of Good Templars has selected and arranged a three years' course of study for its members, comprising every phase of the temperance question.

The National Advocate says: "While fashion is allowed to perpetuate the social wine-drinking custom at public and semipublic dinners at the clubs and modern 'assemblies,' the saloon will hold its sway for those who, in a less genteel way, incline to indulge in intoxicants. It is the practical alliance between the fashionable winebibbers and the saloon habitués, in the primary meeting, at the polls, and in legislative halls, which, under one plea or another,

perpetuates the evil license system and makes prohibitory legislation difficult both to secure and to enforce."

"He serves his country best

Who lives a pure life and doth righteous deed,

And walks straight paths, however others stray,

And leaves his sons as uttermost bequest A stainless record which all men may read: This is the better way. C. R. ELIOT.

Dorchester, Mass.


The interesting book called "Lux Mundi," which has attracted so much attention the past year in England, was very thoroughly handled at Convocation, and the nature of the discussion speaks well for the spirit of progress in the Established Church. Archdeacon Denison, the very man who took the lead in the opposition to the famous " Essays and Reviews" thirty years ago, comes to the front again, without having learned anything from the past, and solemnly moves a vote of censure on the book. The motion was rejected by an overwhelming majority. The archbishop compared the influence of the book to that of the serpent on Eve, contended for the "absolute supremacy of the Word of God given us by the authority of the Church of England,"-not, says the Christian World, it would seem, by the authority of prophets, evangelists, and apostles, -and declared that it "worshipped Reason, and cut away the anchor of Hope from the Faith of the man taught by his reasoning and so-called Science to doubt God's Word."

The Bishop of Colchester thought that, if any opposition came to the book, it should be from Mr. Gore's (the author's) diocesan, the Bishop of Oxford, who had licensed the book. The venerable archdeacon continued to say that the book contained "all the poison found in Tom Paine's Age of Reason."" The Dean of Gloucester mildly opposed a resolution warning students to be on their guard against any words that might to give even a "partial support to novel theories in connection with the inspiration of the Old and New Testament," etc. This resolution was not seconded. The Archdeacon of Exeter had found the book most useful while preparing lectures for workingmen, and he believed anything helpful in such cases deserved their recognition. With the expression of these sentiments, the discussion closed.


Rev. Dr. Cunningham, rector of St. Mary's, Cambridge, Eng., in a course of lectures Sunday evenings on "The Sects," took up Unitarianism. He said, "The characteristic feature of Unitarianism was that

it had not arisen from a new enthusiasm or a deep moral conviction, but that it was the religious aspect of an intellectual movement." This might be true of the move

ment in England at the time of Priestley;

but we know how deep was the religious fervor and enthusiasm here awakened by Channing and afterward by Buckminster and other men. In speaking of the various denominations, Dr. Cunningham' says, "True Christian fellowship must rest not on mere sympathy as to feelings and conviction, but on participation in the means of grace which Christ has ordained, in order that we may be united in him."

How does Dr. Cunningham know that Unitarians have not partaken of this grace of Christ? Simply because they have cut themselves off from the true Catholic Church and the Apostles' Creed. He adds that "the history of all sects shows that Unitarianism is the goal toward which they have unconsciously set their steps."

We are almost sorry to have him say this out loud, for we know how much this charge frightens our more conservative orthodox brethren at home. Strangely enough, Dr. Cunningham acknowledges "two points in which the strength of Unitarianism lies," which would seem to contradict his former statement that they (Unitarians) are so cold and intellectual, without the means of grace. He says, "There is in many Unitarian writings a passionate earnestness of devotion which is most striking. He instances the hymn, “Nearer, my God, to thee." "They cherish," he continues, "a sense of awe in the presence of God which we may well desire to emulate." Dr. Cunningham, although feeling himself far off from us theologically, has some cordial words to say about joining in good work with all sects, when we can do so without compromising our convictions.



The First Unitarian Church of Philadel

phia has begun the publication of a monthly sermon by its minister, Rev. Joseph May. The yearly series will be mailed for one dollar. Address Mr. D. E. Furness, 2029 Sansom Street.

The Branch Alliance of All Souls' Church, Boston, is printing a series of sermons by Rev. W. H. Lyon for general distribution. The first two are upon "The Preaching of the Cross" and "The Great Experiment."

Mr. Crooker's "Different New Testament Views of Jesus," which appeared in the Unitarian from April to July of last year, and was then issued in pamphlet form, has just been published in a revised and somewhat enlarged edition by the American Unitarian Association. We understand that a

thousand copies have been ordered from London for use in England. It is admirably adapted for Bible-class study.

aged by Prof. Huidekoper of Meadville, Pa., From the Brookes Fund, which is man

senting more than twenty denominations, one hundred and sixty-two ministers, repre

have been furnished with Unitarian books

during the past year.

Rev. M. J. Savage's "Unitarian Catechism" has reached a third edition.

Edward Everett Hale's biography of James Freeman Clarke has just been published by Houghton, Mifflin & Co.

Houghton, Mifflin & Co. have just issued a new and excellent portrait of Lowell, which takes the place of the old one in the Atlantic series. It gives us the Lowell of now instead of the Lowell of twenty years ago, as the old one did.

"A Cup of Cold Water," by Rev. W. C. Gannett, and "The Seamless Robe," by Rev. J. Ll. Jones, in the little volume "The Faith that Makes Faithful," have been translated into the German, and are published by a Berlin house.

Rev. A. P. Putnam, D. D., is giving a course of lectures on "Bible History" at Tufts College, covering the following subjects: Geographical Features of South Asia; The Story of Eden; The Flood; Shem, Ham, and Japheth; The Cushites; Ancient Ethiopia; Chaldea; Babylon; Abraham.

The lectures on "Egyptology," given in America by Miss Amelia B. Edwards, will soon be published, with additional matter and many illustrations. The book will be issued simultaneously in England and the United States.

A Psychic Investigation Association has been organized in Boston, for the purpose of making careful and thorough investigation into the phenomena of Spiritualism. Some of the leaders in the movement are Rev. M. J. Savage, Rev. E. A. Horton, Dr. E. E. Hale, Dr. R. Heber Newton, Mary A. Livermore, B. O. Flower, and Rev. T. Ernest Allen. There can be no question that the subject of Spiritualism ought to be more thoroughly studied than it yet has been.


We name below some of the more important articles in the magazines and reviews of the month:

Unitarian Review (March). The Moral Criterion. By Alfred H. Peters.

Döllinger's Characterization of Pius IX. By E. P. Evans.

True Christianity. By Charles A. Allen.

[blocks in formation]

A Note on Jane Austen. By W. B. S. Clymer.

The Century (March).

The Century Club. By A. R. Macdonough.

The Memoirs of Talleyrand.


Essays, Reviews, and Addresses. By James Martineau. I. Personal: Political. London: Longmans, Green & Co.

A Guide-book to the Poetic and Dramatie Works of Robert Browning. By George Willis Cooke. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Price, $2.00.

Out of Darkness into Light. From the Journal of a Bereaved Mother. By Mrs. M. A. Deane. Shelbyville, Ill.: J. L. Douthit & Son. Price, $1.00.

Socialism of Christ. By Austin Bierbower. Chicago: Charles H. Sergel & Co. Price, $1.00.

Tenth Biennial Report of the Michigan State Board of Correction and Charities (1889-90). Lansing: Robert Smith & Co.

Selections from Ovid. With an Introduction, Notes, and Vocabulary by Francis W. Kelsey. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Painting in Oil. A Manual for the Use of Students. By M. Louise McLaughlin. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co. Price, $1.00.

Pamphlets. First Unitarian Society of Denver, Col., Year Book, 1890-91.-Seventh Biennial Report of the Kansas State Historical Society (1888-90). Topeka: Kansas Publishing House. -Education at the Michigan Agricultural College. By President O. Clute. The Great Experiment and The Preaching of the Cross. Sermons by Rev. William H. Lyon, Roxbury, Mass.-Heartache and Heart's-ease. A Sermon by Charles G. Ames. Boston: Geo. H. Ellis. Price, 5 cents. What to tell the Children about the Bible Legends. By S. J. Barrows. Chicago: Unity Office.


[News items are solicited from all our ministers and other workers. Send them to Rev. J. T. Sunderland, Ann Arbor, Mich., before the 15th of the month.]

The National Unitarian Conference is to hold its next meeting in Saratoga, Sept. 21 to 25, 1891.

The annual Universalist "Pastors' Institute" for the West is to be held in Galesburg, Ill., March 30 to April 7. There will be meetings morning, afternoon, and evening, with papers, addresses, sermons, and discussions. Some forty preachers and laymen are down to take parts. The programme is a most inviting one. The quick

ening effect of such an institute should be felt throughout the entire West. Why cannot the Unitarians of the West have such a gathering? Or, better, why cannot there be an institute to include all the Liberal Christian workers of the West, Universalist, Unitarian, and Independent? This is what is needed.

Alton, Ill.-The annual entertainment of the Unity Club given at the Unitarian church recently was very pleasing to the large audience which was present. The programme included music on the piano and violin, vocal music, and recitations, and closed with an operetta entitled "Seven Old Ladies of Lavender Town."

Ann Arbor, Mich.-Prof. W. R. Harper came here a few weeks ago, and held a Bible Institute of three days in the University, under the auspices of the Students' Christian Association. The attendance was large. Much new interest was created in Bible study among the students. Many of the positions taken by Prof. Harper were very advanced, and on the whole the influence of the Institute has undoubtedly been liberalizing. Mr. Sunderland followed the Institute at the Unitarian church with three sermons on the line of work pursued by the Institute, "Old Testament Prophecy," which had a large hearing.

-The visit here of Rev. Rush R. Shippen of Washington, in exchange with Mr. Sunderland, gave great pleasure and satisfaction.

Athol, Mass.-Rev. C. E. Perkins is giving the following series of sermons: The Old View of the Bible; The New View of the Bible; The Infallible Bible: Its Strength, Beauty, and Truth; The Old and the New View of Man; The Old and the New Faith concerning God; The Old and the New Belief concerning Jesus Christ; The Old and the New View of Future Life; The Unities of Religion, or the Agreements of Unitarianism and Orthodoxy; Strength and Weakness of Orthodoxy; The Strength and Weakness of Unitarianism; A Glance at the Future of Religion.




Boston and Vicinity.-Rev. Hawkes, who has been working for a year past in Japan as a volunteer helper in our mission there, and whose work has been very deeply valued, spent a week in Boston lately on his way back to England. gave very interesting and encouraging accounts in private conversations of the condition of affairs in our mission at Tokio, and strongly confirmed all who met him in the conviction that the work there is being well done and should be well supported.

-A new Te Deum for Unitarian churches has just been published here, and is for sale at the A. U. A. rooms. Price, 20 cents. The words are from Dr. Martineau's "Ten Services." The music is by Mr. H. M. Dow, and is very beautiful without being too elab

orate. This will be a very useful addition to our choir music, as the usual wording of the Te Deum is far from appropriate for our Unitarian services.

-It is reported that Rev. John Graham Brooks is going away from Brockton in June, when he intends to leave this country and settle down in Berlin, in order to devote his time for several years to come to economic and social studies. Mr. Brooks will be greatly missed here in Boston, where he has taken such an active part in all matters touching the social and economic problems of the day.


-The Unitarian Sunday School Society has lately published in tract form an essay by Rev. W. H. Lyon, called "The Class a Parish, and the Teacher a Minister." Sunday School Society never did a wiser thing than to print this essay, one of the most helpful and encouraging ever written, which ought to be put into the hands of every Sunday-school teacher in our denomination.

During March Rev. W. H. Lyon gave the second series of his sermons on "The Story of Protestantism." The subjects were: The Puritans in New England, Michael Wigglesworth and the "Day of Doom," Jonathan Edwards, and The American Methodists. -Rev. Charles G. Ames has been giving a course of Friday evening lesson-lectures on "The First Three Gospels," based upon the Gospels themselves and upon Rev. J. Estlin Carpenter's work upon the subject.

Brattleboro, Vt.-The Professional Club, of which Rev. F. L. Phalen is president, have had papers, during the past winter, on "Aspects of the Social Question" as follows: Real and Unreal Problems; Proposed Solutions; Alexander Hamilton: His Times and Associates; Some Phases of the Public School Question; Problems of Immigration; Anarchism, Nationalism, and Profit-sharing; Three Types of Poverty Panaceas. The remaining subjects on its programme for this year are The Law of the Land, and Cæsar's Image and Superscription.

Chelsea, Mass.-Quiet, steady, effective work has been going on in the Unitarian church during the winter. Many new families have taken pews, and entered cordially into the life of the church. Mr. Martin has just finished a very interesting course of morning sermons on "The Idea of God," and is giving a helpful and instructive series of evening talks on the origin of the New Testament.

The Sunday-school is unusually flourishing, the kindergarten department alone numbering about sixty.

Α Post-office Mission has just been formed, the object of which is to circulate liberal literature in the city among the many who have no church home. Miss M. Barnard is president, and is assisted in the

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