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Culvering, culverin, a sort of cannon, 347

Cumbrous, troublesome, 14

Curats, curiels, cuirasses, 318, 382

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Curelesse, hard to be cured, incurable, 217, 386, Dempt. See Deeme

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Depart, to divide, separate, remove, 133, 176; de-
parture, 195

Depeinct, depeincten, to paint, 455
Depend, to hang down, 145, 446
Deprave, to defame, 330

Dernful, mournful, 564. See Dearnelie

Dernly, secretly, 227; grievously, severely, 157
Der-doing-performance of daring deeds, 113

Derring-doe, daring deeds, warlike deeds, 101, 383.

Derth, scarcity, 20

Deryce, to draw away, transfer, 22

Descrie, descry, to perceive, discover, 94, 100, 233;
reveal, 392

Descrive, to describe, 94, 420
Desine, to denote, 245

Daze, to dazzle, dim, 13, 51, 573; to confound, 194 Despairefull drift, hopeless cause, 146

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describe, talk, 160, 268, 405, 447. Devized, paint- Dispredden (pl.), spread out, 29

ed, 83. Devized of, reflected on, 380

Decoyr, duty, 475

Dew, due, 125, 818. Dewfull, due, 427
Dewelap, palear, 449

Diapase, diapason, 127

Diapred, variegated, 588
Difference, choice, 154
Diffused, scattered, 352

Dight, to order, to arrange, prepare, dress, deck,
28, 82, 159, 273; mark, 150

Dilate, to spread abroad, enlarge upon, 150, 175
Dinting, striking, 410

Dint, scar, dent, 11; 'dolors dint'=pang of grief,


Diriges, dirges, 517

Dirk, to darken, 449; darkly, 474
Disaray, disorder, 97

Disaccord, to withhold consent, 372

Disadvaunce, to lower, to draw back, 242, 248
Disaventrous, unfortunate, unsuccessful, unhappy,
48. 273, 291, 353. Disaventure, mishap, misfor-
tune, 59, 373

Disburden, to unburden, 107

Discharge, to acquit oneself of, account for, 425
Discide, to cut in two, 232
Disciple, to discipline, 229

Disclaim, to expel, 213

Disprofesse, to abandon, 220

Dispurvayaunce, want of provisions, 212
Disseise, disseize, to dispossess, 70, 434
Disshivered, shivered to pieces, 232
Dissolute, weak, 201

Distayne, to defile, 205
Distent, beaten out, 112
Disthronize, to dethrone, 136
Distinct, marked, 374

Distraine, to rend, 153

Distraught, distracted, 246, 495; drawn apart, se-
parated, 266

Distroubled, greatly troubled, 176
Dite, dighte, to make ready, 51
Ditt, ditty, song, 107

Diverse, distracting, diverting, 16, 87

Diverst, diverged, turned off, 175

Divide, to play a florid passage in music (Kitchin), 34
Divinde, deified, 545

Divorced, separated by force, 22
Doale = dole, destruction. 314
Documents, instructions, 62
Doe, to cause, 45

Doffe, to put off, 175. 208, 405

Dole, doole, sorrow, grief, 147, 218, 262, 268, 471,
549. Doolefull, sorrowful, 109

Dolor (dolour), grief, 164, 268

Disclose (pret. discloste), to unfold, transform, 76, Dome, doome, doom, judgment, censure, 59, 251,

176; set free, disengage. 254

Discolourd, many-coloured, 30, 213, 223
Discomfited, disconcerted, 160

Discommend, to speak disparagingly of, 322
Discounsell, to dissuade, 148

Discoure, discure, to discover, 129, 165
Discourse, shifting, 398

Discourteise, discourteous, 161

Discreet, differing, 152

Discust, thrown or shook of, 160

Disease, to distress, 87, 89; uneasiness, 184, 385,
404. Diseased, ill at ease, afflicted, 375
Disentrayle, to draw forth, to cause to flow, 244,
259, 339

Disgrace, deformity, 357

Disquizement, disguise, 255

Dishable, to disparage, 104

Disleall (disloyal), perfidious, 102, 235
Dislikeful, disagreeable, 278

Disloignd, separated, 281

Dismall, fatal, 114

Dismay, to subdue, defeat, grieve, disquiet, 158,
177, 233, 234; defeat, ruin, 305, 408. Dismayfull,
terrifying, 350

Dismayd=mismade, deformed, 141

Dismayl, to take off a coat of mail, 109

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Doubt, fear (also to fear), 183, 348, 349, 369, 379; a
matter of doubt, 352. Doubtful, fearful, 39, 112, 158
Doubted, redoubted, 477

Drad, dred, dread, dreaded, feared, 84, 101, 226,
227, 240, 345, 423; an object of reverence, 11,
269. DREDDEST, most dread, 239

Draft, drift, aim. purpose, 152, 236
Drapet, cloth, 128

Draught (draft), stratagem, aim, 136, 265
Drare, drove, 506

Dread, fury, 103. Dreadful, fearful, 159

Dreare, Drere (Dreriment), grief, sorrow, dreadful
force, 22, 50, 53, 149, 178, 347, 256, 272. Drerihed,
drearyhood, dryrihed, dreariness, affliction, 157,
162, 166, 225, 535

Drent, drowned, 118, 145

Dresse, to dispose, adorn, 220, 284, 480
Drevill, a slave, 236

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Dispart, to divide, 274

Droome, a drum, 59

Droupe, to droop, 134

Drousy-hed, drowsiness, 18

Dispence, to pay for, 25; expense, 128; abundance, Drouth, drought, 118

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Drover, a boat, 282

Droyle, to work sluggishly, 514

Drugs, dregs, 85

Dumpish, heavy, 236

Duraunce, bondage, 186

Durefull, enduring, 283

Duresse, confinement, 269, 292

Dye, lot, destiny, 211

Earne, to yearn, 12, 41, 293, 452; to be grieved, 213
Earst, erst, first, sconest, previously, 51, 70, 83. 165,
477; at earst, at length, 295; at present, 485
Easterlings, men of the East (Norwegians, Danes,
&c.), 138

Eath, ethe, easy, 95, 290, 535

Edge, to sharpen, 237

Edifye, to build, inhabit, 15, 157, 495

Eeke, eke, to increase, 37, 166, 199, 241; also, 459
Effierced, made fierce, inflamed, 220

Eforce, to oppose, 164

Emplonged, plunged, 213
Empoysoned, poisoned, 187, 189
Emprise, emprize, enterprise, attempt, 98, 116, 307,


Empurpled, purple-dyed, 150, 195, 227
Enaunter, lest, 450, 459

Enbosome, to fix firmly, 148

Enchace, enchase, to adorn, embellish, 76, 127, 280,
518; to honour with befitting terms, 253; en-
grave, 380; dart, 347

Encheason, reason, cause, occasion, 83, 460

Efforced, efforst, forced, constrained, compelled (to Encomberment, bindrance, 400
vield), 119, 228

Effraid, scared, 13

Encroche, to come on, 450

Endamage, to damage, do harm, 422

Eft, afterwards, again, forthwith, moreover, 82, Endangerment, danger, 302
98, 123, 243, 402

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Elfe, fairy, 112

Els (elles), else, elsewhere, otherwise. 37, 122, 189
Embace, embase, to bring or cast down, humiliate,
195, 361, 388, 574. Embaste, debased, dishonoured,
157, 209

Embar, to guard, confine, 21, 48, 219
Embassade, ambassador, 598

Embassage, embassy, message, 208
Emballeil, to arm for battle, 102

Embaulm, to anoint, 266

Embay, to bathe, 56, 63, 84, 124, 151; bask, 534

Embay, to bind up, 94

Embellisht, adorned (with flowers), 449
Embosome, to foster, 99

Endevourment, endeavour, labour, 515
Ender, to endow, 32

Endite, to censure, 422

Endlong, from end to end, continuously, 211, 213
Endosse, write on the back, endorse, 353, 555
Endure, to harden, 270

Ene, once, 485

Enfelon'd, made fell or fierce, 337
Enfested. See Infest

Enfierce, to make fierce, 97
En forme, to fashion, 386

Enfouldred, hurled out like thunder and light) ing,


Engin, wiles, deceit, contrivance, 99, 161, 212
Engirt, surrounded, 602

Englut, to glut, fill, 89

Engore, to gore, wound, 159, 185, 277, 392
Engorge, to devour, glut, 145

Engraffed, engraft, implanted, fixed, 164, 236

Emboss, to overwhelm, press hard, 57, 158, 225; to Engrained, dyed, 449
surround, enclose, 25, 70, 381

Embosse, to adorn, ornament, array, 158, 162, 248
Embor, to arch over, to curve, bend, 56, 537
Embowell, to take out the bowels, 196
Embower, to take shelter, 507

Emboyl, to boil (with anger), 97. Emboyled, heated,


Embrace, to brace, to fasten, or bind, 361; to pro-
tect, 203

Embracement, an embrace, 98, 201

Embrave, to decorate, 86, 481

Embreade, embroder, to embroider, 189, 225
Embree, to stain with blood, 189, 400

Embusied, occupied, 265

Eme, uncle, 136

Emeraud, emerald, 150

Emmore, to move, 85, 117

Emong, among, 146. Emongest, amongst, 159, 173
Empale, to enclose, fringe, 535

Empare, empair, to diminish, impair, hurt, 67,
134, 311, 352

Emparlaunce, treaty, 277, 316
Empart, assign, 261

Empassioned, empassionate, moved or touched with
passion, feeling. 22, 210, 219, 342, 536
Empeach, to hinder, prevent, 53, 174, 219; hin-
drance, 113; disfigurement, 151

Empeopled, dwelt, 66

Engrasp, to grasp, 104

Engrace, to bury, 64, 86, 104; to cut. pierce, 197
Engreeve, engrieve, to grieve, to be vexed, 99, 161, 150
Engrosse, to buy up in large quantities, to regrate,
681; to write a large letter, 555
Engroste, made thick, 111, 176, 681
Enhaunse, to lift up, raise, 13, 109, 260

Enlargen, enlarge, to set at large, deliver, 53, 104.

Enlumine, to illumine, 296

Enmore, to move. See Emmove

Enrace, to implant, 187, 409

Enragement, rapture, 602

Enraunge, to range, 367

Enraunged, ranged in order, 191, 603

Enrold, encircled, 91, 147

Enseames, encloses, 289

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Emperce, empierce, to pierce through (pret. em- Entire, inward, internal, 160, 167, 195, 270 ER-

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Equall, impartial, 427

Fault, to offend, be in error, 140, 444
Favour, feature, 331

Favourlesse, not showing favour, 126
Fay, a fairy, 241; faith, 334, 474

Fear, feare, companion, 399; to feare, together, 178
Fear, fearen, to frighten, 147, 176; feared

alarmed by, 401

Fearfull, timid, 421

Feastfull, festival, 409

Feuteously, neatly, 606

Equipage, array, equipment, 68; to array, equip, Feature, fashion, form, character, 54, 240


Ermelin, an ermine, 165

Ermine, skin of the ermine, 161

Erne, to yearn, 96

Errant, wandering, 201

Errour, wandering, 182, 210

Erst, 477.

See Earst

Escher, escape, 401

Esloyne, to withdraw, 29

Expiall, sight, appear ince, observation, 280, 312

Essoyne, to excuse, 29

Estate, state, rank, 369

[ocr errors]

Fee, tenure, 88; pay, service, 409, 553; property,
233, 276

Feeble, enfeebled, 51. Feblesse, feebleness, 271

Feeld (golden), an emblazoned field (of a knight's
shield), 433

Feend, fiend, devil, 70

Feld, let fall, thrown down, 109, 233

Fell, befell, 249; gall, 218

Fell, fierce, cruel, 172, 220, 337. Felly, cruelly, 36,
142, 242. 417. Fellonest, most fell, 239. Fellon-
ous, wicked, fell, 162. Felnesse, cruelty, fierce-
ness, 123, 270, 276

Eterne, eternal, 193. Eternize, to make eternal, 66, Feminitee, womanhood. 193


Eternize, to immortalize, 503

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Feood, feud, enmity, 232

Fensible, fit for defence, defensible, 127, 212
Fere, companion, husband, 60, 247, 308, 418
Ferme, lodging, 184

Ferry, a ferry boat, 108

Fett, to fetch, 131; fetched (rescued), 307
Fleur-de-luce, the iris. See Delice

Feutre, feutre, to place the spear in the rest, to
prepare for battle, 252, 258

Expire, breathe out, 72; to fulfil a term, put an Flaunt, commission, fiat, 523

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Face, to carry a false appearance, 338
Fact, feat, deed, 210

Fail, fayl, to deceive, 222, 293; to cause to fail, 103,
Fain, fayne, giad, eager, 12, 261, 378; faynd, de-
sired, 208; faynes, delights, 358

Fain, fayne, to feign, dissemble, 34, 93; to mis-
take, 264; imagine, 420; 'fained dreadful '=ap-
parently dreadful, 228

Faitour, faytour, cheat, deceiver, vagabond, villain,
32, 234, 362, 459

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Fastnesse, stronghold, 345

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Flatling, flatwise, with the flat side (of the sword), 318
Flaw, a gust of wind,
Fleare, to mock, 519

Fleet, to sail, float, 146, 278, 552; to flit, 206
Flex, flax, 160

Flit, fleet, swift, 100, 222; changing, 161; unsub-
stantial, light, 217

Flit, flitte, to move, change, flee, 19, 222. Flatling,
fleeting, 70; yielding, 119, 161
Flong, flung, 503

Flore, ground, spot, 143, 370
Flout, to mock, deride, 397, 428
Florets, little flowers, 450
Flushing, rapidly flowing, 260
Fodder, grass, 222
Foen, foes, 93

Forle, a leaf (of metal), 27

Foison, abundanc, plenty, 564
Folkmote, a meeting, asembly, 247

Fate, destined term of life, 200. Fatal, ordained by Fon, a fool, 449, 456, 552. Fonly, foolishly. 459

fate, 168, 210

Fond, foolish, doting, 58, 167; fondling, fool, 390,

Fondly, foolishly, 313, 628. Fondness, folly, 459, Found, established, 136

Fond, found, 151; tried, 196

Fone, foes, 20, 172, 358

Food feud, 50, 80

Foolhappie, undesigned, 38

Foolhardise, foolhardiness, folly, 88, 528

For, notwithstanding, 177; for fear of; what for
what sort of? 454

Fordo, to destroy, 355. Fordonne, utterly undone,
ruined, overcome, 37, 172, 250, 277

Foreby, forby, hard by, near, 42, 43, 183; with, 349;
past, 157

Forecast, previously determined, 227
Foredamned, utterly damned, 217

Forelay, to lay before, or over, 94

Forelent, given up entirely, 242

Forelifting, lifting up in front, 69

Forepast, gone by, 232

Fore-red, foretold, 532

Foreshewed, previously instructed, 434

Foundring, toppling, falling, 250

Foy, allegiance, faith, 135

Foyle, repulse, defeat, 93; to defeat, ruin, over-
throw, 136, 351

Foyne, to thrust, push, 103, 124, 244, 317
Foyson, abundance, 564

Fraight, fraught, 473

Frame, to make, form, support, prepare, direct, 20,
52, 56, 157, 158, 159; to put in shape for motion,


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Frett, to consume, 90

Foreside, the side to the fore, external covering, Friend, to befriend, 236, 285

Forsspent, forspent, utterly wasted, 256

Frigot, a little boat, 107
Friskes, gambols, 283

Forestall, to take previous possession of, to hinder, Frize, to freeze, 410

obstruct, 126, 461, 611

Foretaught, previously taught, 45

Forewent, gone before, 467

Forged, false, 21

Fro, from, 114, 405

Frolicke, fained her to frolicke'=desired her to be
cheerful, 372

Fronts, foreheads. 19

Forgery, fiction, deceit, 161; a counterfeit or as- Frorne, frozen, 450

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Forsayd, denied residence, banished, 467

Forslacke, forsloe, forslow, to delay, waste in sloth,

280, 355; neglect, omit, 425; impede, 465
Forstall, forstallen, to prevent, 475. See Forestall
Forswat, spent with heat, 455

Forswonck, tired with over work, 456

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Fry, swarms (of young children), 74
Fry, to foam, 149

Fulmined, fulminated, 163

Fume, to pass away like smoke, 556
Funerall, death, 104

Furniment, furnishing, 245

Furniture, gear, equipment, 157
Fylde, felt, 420

Fyle, to polish, 164

Fyled, kept in files, registered, 394

Gage, pledge, 31, 72, 93

Gain, against (as in gainstrive, 264), 98
Gainsay, denial, 164

Galage (galoche), a wooden shoe, 450
Galingale, sweet cyperus, 534
Gail, bile, 13

Forthink, to repent, be sorry for, 380; to give up, Gallimaufray, hotch-potch, 442

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Forwearie (forwearied), utterly wearie, worn out, Gate, way, procession, 147, 178

Gaudy green, a robe of a light green, 458

Gazement, gaze, 307

Gealosy, gelosy, jealousy, 78, 100

Geare, gere, gear, dress, equipment, 99, 305, 398.
421; matter, affair, 372

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