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P. 41, bk. I. c. vi. st. 23, 1. 8, nousled (1590), noursled (1596).

P. 41, bk. I. c. vi. st. 26, 1.5, flers and fell (1596), swift and cruell (1590).

P. 42, bk. I. c. vi. st. 33, l. 9, woods (1596), wods (1590).

P. 42, bk. 1. c. vi. st. 39, 1.7, he (1596), she (1590).

P. 43, bk. I. c. vi. st. 47, 1.8, to fight (1590), two fight (1611).

P. 45, bk. 1. c. vii. st. 12, 1. 9, stound (1596), stoond (1590).

P. 45, bk. I. c. vii. st. 13, 1. 8, smoke (1596), smok (1590).

P. 45, bk. 1. c. vii. st. 18. 11. 4, 5, braught, naught (1590), brought, nought (1596).

P. 45, bk. I. c. vii. st. 20, 1. 3, that (1590), the (1596).

P. 46, bk. I. c. vii. st. 22, 1. 9, sight is omitted in 4to. 1590, but is found in the 4to. 1596.

P. 46, bk. I. c. vii. st. 29, 1. 4, glitterand (1590), glitter and (1679).

P. 47, bk. I. c. vii. st. 32, 1. 18, whose (1609), her (1590).

P. 47, bk. I. c. vii. st. 37, 1. 7, trample (1596), amble (1590).

P. 47, bk. I. c. vii. st. 37, 1.8, chauft (1596), chaust (1590).

P. 48, bk. I. c. vii. st. 43, 1. 5, ronne. The 4to. 1590 has come, which is amended in Faults escaped in the Print.'

P. 58, bk. 1. st. 35, 1. 4, griesie (1590), griesly (1611).

P. 59, bk. 1. c. ix. st. 42, 1. 7, holds. The 4to. 1590 reads hold. st. 46, 1. 7, falsed (1596),

P. 59, bk. I. c. ix. falsest (1590).

P. 60, bk. I. c. ix. (1590).

P. 60, bk. I. c. ix. lier'd (1611).

st. 52, 1. 1, saw (1596), heard

st. 52, 1. 3, reliv'd (1590), re

P. 60, bk. 1. c. ix. st. 53, 1. 2, feeble (1590), sely (1596), silly (1609).

P. 60, bk. I. c. ix. st. 53, 1. 6, greater (1596), greter (1590).

P. 62, bk. 1. c. x. st. 20, 1. 5. Dry-shod, &e. This line is found in fol. 1609, but is omitted in the 4tos, P. 63, bk. I. c. x. st. 27, 1. 6, His blamefull body in salt water sore (1590), His body in salt water smarting sore (1596).

P. 64, bk. I. c. x. st. 36, 1. 4, their. The 4to. 1590 reads there.

P. 65, bk. I. c. x. st. 52, 1. 6, Brings. The 4to. 1590 has Bring.

P. 65, bk. 1. c. x. st. 52, 1. 6. them (1590) ?him or for traveiler (1. 4) read travellers. P. 66, bk. I. c. x. st. 57, 1. 5, pretions, adopted from the errata in Faults escaped in the Print." The text of the 4to. 1590 has piteous, which is retained by the fol. 1611.

P. 66, bk. I. c. x. st. 59, 1. 2, frame. The editions of 1590, 1596, 1609, 1611, read fame, though P. 48, bk. 1. c. vii. st. 47, 1.3, hands (1596). frame is among the errata in Faults escaped in The 4to. 1590 reads hand. the Print.'

P. 49, bk. I. c. vii. st. 52, 1. 4, That. All the early editions read that, but? the.

P. 49, bk. I. c. viii. Arg. 1. 3, that gyaunt (1590, 1596), but the gyaunt is among the errata.

P. 49, bk. I. c. viii. st. 1, 1. 6, through (1596), thorough (1590).

P. 50, bk. I. c. viii. st. 7, 1. 6, wise. The 4to. 1590 reads wist, which is corrected in Faults escaped in the Print.'

P. 51, bk. I. c. viii. st. 21, 1. 5, their ? his, i. e. Argoglio's (Church).

P. 51, bk. I. c. viii. st. 21, 1. 7, powre (1596), poure (1590).

P. 51, bk. I. c. viii. st. 22, 1. 4, right (so in all old editions). Most modern editions read left. P. 51, bk. I. c. viii. st. 24, 1.6, his (1596), her (1590). P. 53, bk. I. (Upton).

c. viii. st. 44, 1. 4, delight, ? dislike

P. 54, bk. I. c. ix. Arg. 1. 2, bands (1596). The text of the 4to. 1590 reads hands, but bands is in Faults escaped in the Print.'

P. 55, bk. I. c. ix. st. 9. 1. 3, the (among the errata in Faults escaped in the Print.') Ed. 1590 reads that, a lection which Church defends.

P. 56, hk. I. c. ix. st. 12, 1. 9, on (from Faults escaped in the Press'). The text has at.

P. 56, bk. I. c. ix. st. 17, 1. 8, prowes (1590), prowesse (1609).

P. 58, bk. I. c. ix. st. 32, 1. 7, glee (1590), ? fee (Church).

P. 58. bk. 1. c. ix. st. 33, 1. 3, cliff in errata, clift (1590).

P. 58, bk. 1. c. ix. st. 33, 1. 3, ypight (1596), yplight (1590).


P. 67, bk. 1. c. x. st. 62, 1. 4, As wretched, &c. (1590). The 4to. 1596 reads Quoth he, as wretched and liv'd in like paine.

P. 67, bk. I. c. x. st. 62, 1. 8, And bitter hattaðles, &c. (1590), And battailes none are to be fought (1596), P. 67, bk. I. c. x. st. 62, 1. 9, they (1590) is omitted in 1596 and 1611.

P. 67, bk. I. c. x. st. 65, 1. 3, face (1590), place (1596).

P. 68, bk. 1. c. xi. st. 3. This stanza is not found in the first 4to., but is in second 4to. 1596.

P. 70, bk. I. c. xi. st. 22, 1. 1, his (1590), ? the (Church).

P. 70, bk. I. c. xi. st. 26, 1. 6, swinged (1590), singed (1609).

P. 71, bk. I. c. xi. st. 30, 1. 5, one. The 4tos. read its though one is in Faults escaped in the Print.' Mr. Collier says there is no authority for reading one.

P. 71, bk. I. c. xi. st. 37, 1. 2, yelled (1609), yelded (1590).

P. 72, bk. 1. c. xi. st. 41, 1. 4, Nor (1609), Fər (4tos. 1590, 1596).

P. 73, bk. I. c. xi. st. 54, 1. 7, poyse (1590)? ROYAL. P. 75, bk. I. c. xii. st. 11, 1.2, too (1596), to (159). P. 75, bk. I. c. xii. st. 11, 1, 4, gossibs (1590), gos. sips (1596).

P. 75, bk. 1. c. xii. st. 17, 1. 4, note (1590), note 1596).

P. 77, bk. I. c. xii. st. 32, 1. 6, wylie (1596), wiely (1590).

P. 77, bk. I. c. xii. st. 34. 1. 2, raine, adopted from the errata. The text of the 4to. 1590 has faire. Church thinks that faine = faigned or feigned is a good reading.

P. 77, bk. 1. c. xii. st. 34, 1. 3, improvided (1590), unprovided is found in some modern editions. P. 77, bk. I. c. xii. st. 36, 1. 7, bains (1590), banes (1596).

P. 78, bk. 1. c. xii. st. 39, 1, 9, sprite (1590). Some later editions, as 1611, read spreete.

P. 78, bk. 1. c. xii. st. 40, 1. 9, His (1590), Her (1596).

P. 79, bk. п. Prol. st. 2. 1. 8, Amazon. The fol. 1609, following the text of 4to. 1590, reads Amazons, but Amazon is among the errata in Faults escaped in the Print.'

P. 79, bk. 11. st. 4, 1. 6, thou (1596), then (1590). P. 80, bk. II. c. i. st. 3, 1. 2, food (1590), fevde (1609).

P. 81, bk. II. c. i. st. 12, 1. 9, chalenge (1596), chaleng (1590).

P. 81, bk. II. c. i. st. 16, 1. 1, liefe (1596, 1609), life (1590).

P. 82, bk. II. c. i. st. 20, 1. 2, quit (1590), quite (1596).

P. 82, bk. II. c. i. st. 20, 1. 7, blotted (1596), blotting (1590).

P. 83, bk. II. c. i. st. 28, 1. 3, well becommeth (1590, 1596), ill becommeth (1679).

P. 83, bk. II. c. i. st. 31, 1. 4, on (1596), one (1590).

P. 83, bk. II. c. i. st. 32, 1. 7, must (1596), most (1590).

P. 83, bk. II. c. i. st. 33, 1. 8, thrise is adopted from the errata of 4to. 1590, but these occurs in all old editions.

P. 83, bk. II. c. i. st. 34, 1. 6, steedy (1590), steadie (1609).

P. 84, bk. II. c. i. st. 39, 1. 4, dolour (1590), labour (1596).

P. 84, bk. II. c. i. st. 42, l. 9, stout courage (1590), courage stout (1609).

P. 85, bk. 11. c. i. st. 47, 1. 2, sight (1590), sigh't, (1609).

P. 86, bk. II. c. i. st. 58, 1. 4, frye (1590) ?fryze (Church).

P. 86, bk. II. c. i. st. 59, 1. 2, common (1596), commen (1590).

P. 86, bk. II. c. i. st. 59, 1. 8, great (1596), greet (1590).

P. 87, bk. II. c. ii. st. 4, 1. 3, lieu (1590), ? lore (Church). P.87, bk. II. c. ii. st. 5, 1. 3, hard (1596), hart (1590). P. 87, bk. II. c. ii. st. 7, l. 7, pray (Collier). It is chace in all the old editions.

P. 88, bk. II. c. ii. st. 12, 1. 8, fame (1596), frame (1590).

P. 88, bk. II. c. ii. st. 21, 1. 2, hond (1609), hand (1596).

P. 89, bk. II. c. ii. st. 28, 1. 2, their champions. The 4to. 1590 reads her champions, but 4to. 1596 has their champion.

P. 89, bk. II. c. ii. st. 30, I. 1, there (1609), their (1590, 1596).

P. 89, bk. I. c. ii. st. 30, 1. 3, bloodguiltinesse (1609), bloodguiltnesse (1590, 1596).

P. 90, bk. II. c. ii. st. 34, 1. 9, her (1590), their (1596).

P. 90, bk. п. c. ii. st. 38, 1. 5, forward (1590), ? froward (cf. 1. 7 of st. 38).

P. 91, bk. II. c. ii. st. 42, 1. 6, to hold. All the old editions read to make.

P. 91, bk. II. c. ii. st. 44, 1. 4, enrold. The 4to. 1590 reads entroid, the fol. 1609 introld.

P. 92, bk. II. c. iii. st. 3, 1. 7, heard (1596), hard (1590).

P. 92, bk. II. c. iii. st. 4, 1. 5, A pleasing vaine of glory, &c. (1590), A pleasing vaine of glory vaine did find (1596).

P. 92, bk. II. c. iii. st. 6, 1. 9, Mercy!' loud (80 all old editions), ? Mercy, Lord!'

P. 92, bk. 1. c. iii. st. 11, 1. 4, courser (1596), course (1590).

P. 93, bk. II. c. iii. affeare (1590), their For greatly (in the 1590 has unto.

st. 20, 1. 5, does greatly them haire on end does reare (1596). errata) the text of the 4to.

P. 94, bk. II. c. iii. st. 26, 1. 9, fringe (so all the 4tos.).

P. 95, bk. II. c. iii. st. 35. 1. 4, many bold emprize (590), ?many a bold emprize (Jortin). P. 96, bk. II. c. iii. st. 45, I. 4, one foot (1609), on foot (1590).

P. 96, bk. II. c. iii. st. 46, 1. 9, erne (1590), yerne (1609).

P. 96. bk. II. c. iv. Arg. 1. 3, Phaon (1590), Phedon (1596).

P. 97, bk. II. c. iv. st. 4, 1. 6, loosely (1596), loosly (1590).

P. 98, bk. II. c. iv. st. 12, 1. 3, hong (1590), hung (1609).

P. 98. bk. II. c. iv. st. 12, 1. 8, tonge. The text has tongue, which is altered to tonge in the errata of the 4to. 1590.

P. 98, bk. II. c. iv. st. 13, 1. 6, note (1590), no'te (1609).

P. 98, bk. II. c. iv. st. 17, 1. 6, one (1596), wretch' (1590).

P. 98, bk. II. c. iv. st. 17, 1. 8, occasion (1596), her guilful trech (1590).

P. 98, bk. II. c. iv. st. 17, 1. 9, light upon (1596)," wandring ketch (1590).

P. 98, bk. п. c. iv. st. 18, 1. 5, chose (1590), chuse (1609).

P. 98, bk. II. c. iv. st. 18, 1. 8, Or (1590), Our (160 ).

P. 100, bk. II. c. iv. st. 38, 1. 4, this word was (80) all the old editions), these words were (Hughes's second edition).

P. 101, bk. II. c. iv. st. 40, 1. 3, should (1596), shold (1590).

P. 101, bk. II. c. iv. st. 45, 1.5, that did fight (1590), thus to fight (1596).

P. 102, bk. II. c. v. Arg. 1. 1, Pyrochles, &c. (1590). The second 4to. 1596 reads:Pyrrochles does with Guyon fight, And Furors chayne unbinds; Of whom sore hurt, for his revenge Attin Cymochles finds.

P. 102. bk. II. c. v. st. 5. 1. 9. doe me not much fayl (1590), doe not much me faile (1596).

P. 102. bk. II. c. v. st. 8, 1.7, hurtle (1590), hurle (1596), hurlen (1611).

P. 103, bk. II. c. v. st. 10, 1. 7, enimyes (1596),' enimye (1590).

P. 103, bk. II. c. v. st. 15, 1. 9, who selfe (1590), whose selfe (1609).

P. 104, bk. II. c. v. st. 19, 1.4, shee (1609), hee (1590, 1596).

P. 104, bk. 11. c. v. st. 19, 1. 7, garre (1590), do (1596).

P. 104, bk. I. c. v. st. 21, 1. 7, occasions (1690), occasion (1609).

P. 104, bk. II. c. v. apright (1609).

st. 22, 1. 5, spight (1590),

P. 104, bk. II. c. v. st. 23, 1. 1, that (1590), the (1609).

P. 105, bk. II. c. v. st. 29, 1. 5, prickling (1590), pricking (1596).

P. 105, bk. II. c. v. st. 31, 1.5, In Nemus gayned, &c. (1590), Gaynd in Nemea (1596).

P. 105, bk. II. c. v. st. 32, 1. 6, meriments. All old copies read meriment.

P. 105, bk. I. c. v. st. 34, 1. 8, So he them (1590), So them (1596 and 1609).

P. 106, bk. II. c. vi. st. 1, 1. 7, abstaine (1590), restraine (1596).

P. 106, bk. I. c. vi. st. 3, 1. 4, As merry as Pope Jone (1590), that nigh her breath was gone (1596).

P. 106, bk. II. c. vi. st. 3, 1. 6, That to her might move (1590), That might to her move (1596). P. 107, bk. II. c. vi. st. 12, 1. 9, and throwe her sweete smels, &c. (1590), and her sweet smells throw, &c. (1596).

P. 107, bk. II. c. vi. whils (1590).

st. 14, 1.9, whiles (1596),

P. 107, bk. II. c. vi. st. 14, 1. 9, love lay (1590), loud lay (1596).

P. 108, bk. II. c. vi. st. 18, 1. 7, wave. . . .griesy (1590), waves... . griesly (1609).

P. 108, bk. II. c. vi. st. 21, 1. 8, bonds (1590), bounds (1609).

P. 109, bk. II. c. vi. st. 27, 1. 9, there (1596), their (1590).

P. 109, bk. I. c. vi. st. 29, 1. 2, importune (1590), importance (1596), important (1609).

P. 110, bk. I. c. vi. st. 38, 1. 5, salied (1590), sailed (1609).

P. 110, bk. II. c. vi. st. 43, 1.7, hath lent this cursed light (1596), hath lent but this his cursed light (1590).

P. 111, bk. II. c. vi. st. 48, 1. 6, wondred (1596), woundred (1590).

P. 111, bk. II. c. vi. st. 50, 1.3, liver swell (1596), livers swell (1590).

P. 111, bk. I. c. vi. st. 51, 1. 5, fire too inly (1596), fier inly (1590).

P. 112, bk. I. c. vii. st. 1, 1. 2, to a stedfast starre, ?to the stedfast starre, i. e. the pole-star (Church).

P. 112, bk. II. c. vii. st. 3, 1. 9, fire-spitting (1590), Are-spetting (1609).

P. 112, bk. II. c. vii. st. 4, 1. 4, Well yet appeared (1590), Well it appeared (1596).

P. 112, bk. II. c. vii. st. 5, 1. 6, Ingowes (1590), Ingoes (1596), Ingots (1679).

P. 112, bk. II. c. vii. st. 5, 1. 9, straunge (1596), straung (1590).

P. 112, bk. I. c. vii. st. 7, 1. 3, rich hils (1590), rich heapes (1596).

P. 113, bk. II. c. vii. st. 10, 1. 1, ill besits (1590), ill befits (1609).

P. 113, bk. II. c. vii. st. 12, 1. 9, as great (1596), in great (1590).

P. 114, bk. I. c. vii. st. 19, 1.5, bloodguillinesse (1609), bloodguillnesse (1590, 1596).

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P. 114, bk. II. c. vii. st. 21, 1. 5, internall Payne (1590), infernall Payne (1596). Perhaps infernall Payne infernal punishment should stand in the text. Collier suggests eternal as an amended reading. P. 114, bk. II. c. vii. st. 24, 1. 7, ought (1596), nought (1590). st. 36, 1.4, yron (1596),

P. 115, bk. II. c. vii. dying (1590).

P. 115, bk. I. c. vii. st. 37, 1. 1, when an (1590), when as (1596).

P. 116, bk. II. c. vii. st. 39, 1. 8, mesprise (1590), mespise (1596).

P. 116, bk. II. c. vii. st. 40, 1. 7, golden (1596), yron (1590).

P. 116, bk. II. c. ii. st. 40, 1. 7, But (1596), And (1590).

P. 116, bk. n. c. vii. st. 41, 1. 3, sterne was his looke (1590), sterne was to looke (1596).

P. 117, bk. II. c. vii. st. 52, 1. 6, with which. All the old copies read which with.

P. 118, bk. I. c. vii. st. 60, 1. 4, intemperate (1596), more temperate (1590).

P. 118, bk. II. c. vii. st. 64, 1. 9, of his pray (1590), of the pray (1596).

P. 119, bk. II. c. viii. st. 3, 1. 8, Come hither, hither (1609). Come hether, Come hether (1590). P. 120, bk. II. c. viii. st. 16, 1. 7, tomb-blacke (1596), tomblacke (1590).

P. 121, bk. II. c. viii. st. 25, 1. 1, Which those his cruell foes (from the errata in Faults escaped in the Print). The text of the 4tos. read :Which those same foes that stand hereby,

The folios (1609, 1611) have: -

Which those same foes, that doen awaite hereby. P. 122, bk. II. c. viii. st. 29, 1.7, upheave. All old editions read upreare.

P. 122, bk. II. c. viii. st. 32, 1. 3, lodge (1596), lodg (1590).

P. 122. bk. II. c. viii. st. 35, 1. 5, in his (1590), on his (1609).

P. 123, bk. II. c. viii. st. 37, 1. 3, rayle (1590), traile (1609).

P. 123, bk. II. c. viii. st. 40, 1. 4, so well as he it ought (1590), so wisely as it ought (1609). P. 123, bk. II. c. viii. st. 44, 1. 8, no more (1596), not thore, i.e. not there (1590).

P. 124, bk. II. c. viii. st. 47, 1. 4, swerd (1590), sword (1596).

P. 124, bk. II. c. viii. st. 47, 1. 9, this (1590, 1596, 1609, 1611), he (1679).

P. 124, bk. II. c. viii. st. 48, 1. 8, Prince Arthur (1609), Sir Guyon (1590).

P. 124, bk. II. c. viii. st. 49, 1. 7, tred (1590), treed (?).

P. 125, bk. II. c. viii. st. 55, 1. 3, bowing with. All the old editions read with bowing; but WITH is directed to be deled among the errata in Faults escaped in the Print.'

P. 125, bk. 11. c. ix. st. 4, 1. 5, tefe (1590), life (1679).

P. 126, bk. II. c. ix. st. 6, 1. 9, Arthegall (1596), Arthogall (1590)

P. 126, bk. II. c. ix. st. 7, 1. 5, Seven times the Sunne (1590), Now hath the Sunne (1596).

P. 126, bk. II. c. ix. st. 7, 1. 6, Hath walkte about (1590), Walkte round aboute (1596).

P. 126, bk. II. c. ix. st. 9, 1. 1, weete. All old editions read wote.

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

P. 127, bk. 1. c. ix. st. 15, 1. 3, Capitaine (1609),
Captaine, (1590).

P. 127, bk. II. c. ix. st. 18, 1. 3, woo'd (1596),
wooed (1590).

P. 127, bk. II. c. ix. st. 21, 1.1, them (1596), him (1590).

P. 127, bk. II. c. ix. st. 21, 1. 3, fensible (1590), sensible (1596).

P. 128, bk. II. c. ix. st. 28, 1.4, meate (1590), meet (1679).

P. 129, bk. II. c. ix. st. 37, 1. 8, doen you love (1609), doen your love (1590).

P. 129, bk. II. c. ix. st. 38, 1. 2, mood. editions read word.

All old

P. 129, bk. II. c. ix. st. 38, 1. 9, three years (1590), twelvemoneths (1596).

P. 129, bk. II. c. ix. st. 41, i. 7. Castory (from errata in Faults escaped in the Print'). The texts of 1590, 1596 read lastery.

P. 129, bk. II. c. ix. st. 42, 1. 1. cheare (1596), cleare (1590). If the reader prefers cleare (the reading which Collier prints and defends), he must take it as a substantive in the sense of clearness, serenity.

P. 130, bk. II. c. ix. st. 48, 1. 3, these (1596), this (1590).

P. 130, bk. II. c. ix. st. 49, 1. 4, reason, (so all copies). Mr. Collier says that in Drayton's copy of the fol. 1611 reason is altered to season.

P. 130, bk. II. c. ix. st. 52, 1. 9, th' house (1609), the house (1590).

P. 132, bk. II. c. x. st. 6, 1. 6, For safety that (1590), For safeties sake that (1596).

P. 132, bk. I. c. x. st. 7, 1. 7, liveden (1590), lived then (1596).

P. 132. bk. I. c. x. st. 7, 1. 9, sternnesse (1596), sterness (1590)

P. 133, bk. II. c. x. st. 15, 1. 9, munificence (1596), munifience (1590).

P. 133, bk. II. c. x. st. 19, 1. 5. upon the present
Houre (1590), in that impatient stoure (1596).
P. 133, bk. II. c. x. st. 20, 1. 2, to sway (1590),
of sway (1596).

P. 14, bk. II. c. x. st. 24, 1. 8, it mote (1596), he mote (1590).

P. 184, bk. II. c. x. st. 30, 1. 2, weeke (1590), wike (1609).

P. 134, bk. II. c. x. (1590).

st. 31, 1 1, too (1596), to

P. 135, bk. II. c. x. st. 34, 1. 7, then (1590), till (1596), when (1609).

P. 135, bk. II. c. x. st. 41, 1. 1, Gurgiunt (1590), Gurgunt (1596).

P. 136, bk. II. c. x. st. 43, 1.1, Sisillus. copies read Sifillus.


P. 137, bk. II. c. x. st. 53, 1. 2, in great (1590), with great (1609).

P. 138, bk. II. c. x. st. 65, 1. 9, have forst (1590), enforst (1596).

P. 140, bk. II. c. xi. st. 9, 1.9, they that Bulwarke sorely rent (1596), they against that Bulwarke lent (1590).

P. 140, bk. I. c. xi. st. 10, 1. 2, assignment (1590), dessignment (1596).

P. 141, bk. II. c. xi. st. 11, 1.4, dismayd (so all editions, ancient and modern) but ? mis-mayd. i. e. mis-made, made amiss, mis-shaped, ill-shaped (Child). If this conjecture be right, and it is extremely


plausible, the comma after ape should be deled. ened), and that Some like to houndes, some like to Church thought that dismayd=dismayed (frightdismayd will refer to feends of hell, cf. ghastly apes,' should be read as in a parenthesis, so that spectacle dismayd,'' F. Q.' bk. III. c. iii. st. 50, 1. 3. P. 141, bk. II. c. xi. st. 13, 1, 2, is (1590), was (1596).

P. 141, bk. II. c. xi. st. 13, 1.5, assayed (1590), assayled (1596).

P. 142, bk. II. c. xi. st. 21, 1. 8, there... there (1609), their... their (1590).

P. 143, bk. II. c. xi. st. 30, 1. 9, survire (among texts of the 4to. 1590, and folios 1609, 1611 read the errata in Faults escaped in the Print '). The


infest (1590).
P. 143, bk. II. c. xi. st. 32, 1.5, unrest (1596),

P. 145, bk. II. c. xii. Arg. 1. 1, by (1596), through

(1596), through passing (1590).
P. 145, bk. II. c. xii. Arg. 1. 2, passing through

P. 146, bk. II. c. xii. st. 8, 1. 4, hoars (1590), hoarse (1596).

P. 146. bk. II. c. xii. st. 13, 1. 9, Apolloes temple (1590), Apolloes honor (1596).

earnest (1590).
P. 147, bk. 11. c. xii. st. 21, 1. 1, heedful (1596),

(Child), monoceros (1590).
P. 147, bk. if. c. xii. st. 23, 1. 9, monoceroses

(1609), sea the resounding (1590),
P. 148, bk. II. c. xii. s. 27, 1. 4, sea resounding

upstarting (1596).
P. 149, bk. II. c. xii. st. 39, 1. 8, upstaring (1590),

migtest (1590).
P. 149, bk. II. c. xii. st. 43, 1.7, mightiest (1596),

forsee (1590).
P. 150, bk. II. c. xii.

Thereto (1596).
P. 150, bk. II. c. xii.

st. 47, 1. 6, foresee (1609),

st. 51, 1. 1, Therewith (1590),

Hyacint (1590).
P. 150, bk. II. c. xii. st. 54, 1. 7, Hyacine (1611),

(1590), pure imageree (1609).
P. 151, bk. II. c. xii. st. 60, 1. 5, eurious ymageree

tenderly (1596).
P. 151, bk. II. c. xii. st. 61, 1.8. fearefully (1590),

Thot (1590).
P. 153, bk. II. c. xii. st. 76, 1.8, That (1596),

1596, 1609, 1611), alabaster (1679).
P. 153, bk. II. c. xii. st. 77. 1. 5, alablaster (1590,

the same (1590).
P. 153, bk. II. c. xii. st. 81, 1.4, that same (1596),

P. 154, bk. II. c. xii. st. 83, 1. 7, spoyle (1590), spoyld (1596).

(1590), That fayrest (1596)
P. 155, bk. III. c. i. Prol. st. 1, 1. 2, The fayrest

(1590), your selfe you (1596)
P. 155, bk. 1. c. i. Prol. st. 4, 1. 2, thy selfe thou


errata in Faults escaped in the Priut').
P. 155, bk. I. c. i. Arg. 1. 3, Malecastaes (from
texts of 4tos. 1590, 1596, and folios 1609, 1611, read

P. 160, bk. III. c. i. st. 41, 1.8, lightly (1609), highly (1590).

that (1590).
P. 160, bk. III. c. i. st. 47, 1. 7, which (1596),

P. 160, bk. III. c. i. st. 48, 1. 2, brust (1590),

burst (1609).

P. 161, bk. m. c. i. st. 56, 1. 8, Bascimano (1590), Bascio mani (1609).

P. 162, bk. m. c. i. st. 60, 1. 8, wary (1609), weary (1590).

P. 162, bk. III. c. i. st. 60, 1. 9, fond (1590), fand (1609).

P. 163, bk. m. c. ii. st. 3, 1. 6, too (1596), to (1590). P. 163, bk. III. c. ii. st. 4, 1. 1. She traceiling with Guyon by the way (so all old editions). Upton proposed to read the Redcrosse Knight instead of Guyon. Todd suggested Redcrosse, and Drayton, according to Collier, proposed S. George,

P. 163. bk. III. c. ii. st. 8. 1. 5, Which to prove (1590), Which I to prove (1596).

P. 164, bk. III. c. ii. st. 15, 1.4, allegge (1590), alledge (1679).

P. 164, bk. III. c. ii. st. 16, L. 9, part (1590), point (1609). Mr. Collier says that Todd was a careless collator, yet Todd is right in saying that the folios read point, and Mr. Collier is wrong in asserting that they read part.

P. 166, bk. III. c. ii. st. 30. 1. 5. her in her warme bd (1590), in her warme bed her dight (1596). P. 167. bk. III. c. ii. st. 44, 1. 1, minde (1590), mine (1699).

P. 168, bk. III. c. ii. st. 50, 1. 2, breaded (1590), braided (1609).

P. 168, bk. III. c. iii. st. 1, 1. 1, Most (1590), Oh ! (1699).

P. 169, bk. III. c. iii. st. 3, 1. 1, dredd (1590), drad (1699).

P. 169. bk, nr. c. iii. st. 4, 1. 8, protense (1590), pretence (1596).


P. 179, bk. III. e. iv. st. 40, 1. 6, gelly-blood (1590), jelly'd blood (1611).

P. 179, bk. L. c. iv. st. 43, 1. 4, vauted (1590), vaulted (1609).

P. 180, bk. III. c. iv. st. 46, 1. 2, great (1596), gret (1590).

P. 180, bk. III. c. iv. st. 48, 1. 1, of (1590), of (1596). P. 180, bk. III. c. iv. st. 49, 1. 8, forhent (1590), forehent (1609). P. 181. bk. III. c. iv. st. 59, 1.5, Dayes dearest children be (1596), The children of day be (1590). P. 182, bk. III. c. v. st. 3, 1. 2, till that at last (1590), till at the last (1609).

P. 184, bk. III. c. v. st. 19, 1. 5, no (1596), now (1590).

P. 184, bk. m. c. v. st. 21, 1. 9, blood. The 4to. 1590 reads flood, (1596) bloud.

P. 185. bk. III. c. v. st. 30, 1. 7, better (1596), bitter (1590).

P. 185, bk. III. c. v. st. 37, 1. 3, did (1590) ? had (Collier). st. 39, 1. 9, his (1596), their

P. 186, bk. III. c. v. (1590).

P. 186, bk. III. c. v. (1596), street lores teene P. 186. bk. III. c. v. living (1596).

st. 40, 1. 4, lores sweet teene (1590).

st. 40, L 9, hiking (1590),

P. 186, bk. III. c. v. st. 44, 1. 5, bountie ? beautie (Collier).

P. 187. bk. II. c. iv. st. 50, 1.8. to all th' (1590), to is omitted in fol. 1609.

P. 187, bk. III c. v. st. 51. 1. 9. let to (1590), let it (1611). Col ier is wrong in contradicting Todd's

P. 171, bk. I. c. iii. st. 23, 1. 5, shall (1590, all assertion that the fol. 1611 reads let it. (1679).

P. 187. bk. III. c. v. st. 53, 1. 9, weare (1609),

P. 171, bk. II. c. iii. st. 29, 1. 1, with (1590), were (1590). where (1596).

P. 188, bk. III. c. vi. st. 3, 1. 9, were (1590), was

P. 172, bk. I. c. iii. st. 35, 1. 1, thy (1590), the (1596). (1596).

P. 188, bk. II. c. vi. st. 5, 1. 3, bare (1596), bore

P. 172, bk. III. c. iii. st. 37, 1. 7, their (1590), (1590). the (1596).

P. 173, bk. II. c. iii. st. 44, 1. 5. yeares (in 1590) is omitted by the 4to. 159 and fol. 1609, and full is inserted to render the line complete.

P. 173, bk. III. c. iii. st. 44. 1. 6, Ere they to former rule, &c. (1596), Ere they unto their former rule (1590).

P. 173, bk. I. c. iii. st. 50, 1. 9, Hee (from the errata in Faults escaped in the Print '). The text of 4to. 1590 reads she, and omits as earst, which are supplied from the fol. 1609.

P. 174, bk. II. c. iii. st. 53, 1. 3, (need makes good schollers) teach (1590), whom need new strength shall teach (1596).

P. 175, bk. III. c. iv. st. 5, 1. 8, she (1596), he (1780).

P. 176, bk. m. c. iv. st. 8, 1. 9, thy (1590), these (1596).

P. 176. bk. III. c. iv. st. 15, 1. 6, speare (1609), speares (1590).

P. 178. bk. III. c. iv. st. 27, 1. 6, fleshly (1596), fleshy (1590).

[blocks in formation]

P. 188, bk. I. c. vi. st. 6. 1. 5, his beames. The fol. of 1609 has his hot beames.

P. 189, bk. III. c. vi. st. 12, 1. 2, aspect. The 4to. 1590 reads aspects.

P. 189, bk. III. c. vi. st. 12, 1. 4, beautie (1590), beauties (1596).


P. 190, bk. III. c. vi. st. 20, 1.5, chaunge straunge. The 4to. 1590 reads chaung straung; the 4to. 1596 has change, strange. P. 190, bk. I. c. vi. st. 25, 1.5, Which as (1609), From which (4tos. 1590, 1596). Church proposed to ¦ read Of which a fountaine, &c.

P. 190, bk. I. c. vi. st. 26, 1. 4, both farre and neare (1596), omitted in the 4to. 1590.

P. 191, bk. III. c. vi. st. 28, 1. 6, thence (1590), hence (1596).

P. 191, bk. III. c. vi. st. 29, 1. 5, Gnidus (1596). Gnidas (1590).

P. 192, bk. III. c. vi. st. 39, .1, and to all (1590), to is omitted in fol. 1611.

P. 192. bk. III. c. vi. st. 40, 1.6, saw. All the old copies read spyde.

P. 192, bk. II. c. vi. st. 42, 1.5, heary (1596), heavenly (1590).

P. 192, bk. III. c. vi. st. 45, 1. 4, And dearest lore (in 1609), omitted in the 4tos.

P. 192, bk. I. c. vi. st. 45, l. 5, Narcisse (1596), Marcisse (1590).

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