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direction for that purpose signed by the official liquidator of the said society, and countersigned by the registrar of the said County Court, or under an order to be made by the Judge of such Court.

Dated this

day of

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G. H.,


72. Notice (or Advertisement) of Meeting of Creditors or Contributories. Notice is hereby given that the Judge of the said Court has directed a meeting of the creditors [or contributories] of the above-named society to be summoned pursuant to the above statutes for the purpose of ascertaining their wishes as to [state the object for which meeting called unless notice is by advertisement in which case say, certain matters relating to the winding-up of the said society] and that such meeting will be held on day the day of 18-, at noon, at in the county of at which time and place all the creditors [or contributories] of the said society are requested to attend [and if so add, The said Judge has appointed H. T. of &c. to act as chairman of such meeting]. Dated this day of

o'clock in the




R. P. H., Official Liquidator.

73. Appointment of Proxy to vote at a Meeting of Creditors or Contributories. I, W. S. of -, being a creditor [or contributory] of the above-named society hereby appoint of as my proxy to vote for me and on my behalf at the meeting of the creditors [or contributories] of the said society summoned by direction of the Judge of the said Court to be held on the

18, and at any adjournment thereof.

As witness my hand this day of

Signed by the said W. S. in the

presence of J. M. of &c.


[The proxy paper must bear a penny stamp.]

day of

W. S.

74. Memorandum of Appointment of a Person to act as Chairman at Meeting

of Creditors or Contributories.

in the

The Judge of the said Court has appointed Mr. H. T. of &c., one of the creditors [or contributories] of the above-named society to act as chairman of a meeting of the creditors [or contributories] of the said society, summoned by direction of the said Judge, pursuant to the above statutes, to be held on day the day of, 18, at o'clock in the noon, at county of- and to report the result of such meeting to the said Judge. The said meeting is summoned for the purpose of ascertaining the wishes of the creditors [or contributories] of the said society as to [state the object for which meeting called] and at such meeting the votes of the creditors [or contributories] may be given either personally or by proxy.

Dated this


day of 18-.

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75. Chairman's Report of Result of Meeting of Creditors or Contributories. I, H. T., the person appointed by the Judge of the said Court to act as chairman of a meeting of the creditors [or contributories] of the above-named society summoned by advertisement [or notice] dated the day of and held on the in the county of hereby report to the said Judge the result of such meeting as follows:The said meeting was attended either personally or by proxy, by creditors to whom debts against the said society have been allowed amounting

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in the whole to the value of £- [or, by contributories holding in the whole- shares in the said society, and entitled respectively by the regulations of the society to the number of votes hereinafter mentioned].

The question submitted to the said meeting was whether the creditors [or contributories] of the said society approved of the proposal of the official liquidator of the said society that &c. [as the case may be] and wished that such proposal should be adopted and carried into effect.

The said meeting was unanimously of opinion that the said proposal should [or should not] be adopted and carried into effect [or the result of the voting upon such question was as follows:

The under-mentioned creditors [or contributories] voted in favour of the said proposal being adopted and carried into effect :

Name of creditor [or contributory].


Value of debt [or
number of shares].

Number of votes conferred on each contributory by the regulations of the society.

The under-mentioned creditors [or contributories] voted against the said proposal being adopted and carried into effect:

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76. Memorandum of Sanction of Judge to Accepting Bill of Exchange. The Judge of the said Court has sanctioned the drawing (accepting, making, or endorsing) of this Bill of Exchange [or promissory note] by the official liquidator on behalf of the said society.

Dated the

day of


G. H., Registrar.

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77. Memorandum of Agreement of Compromise with a Contributory. Memorandum of agreement entered into this day of 18-, between R. P. H. of &c., the official liquidator of the above-named society of the one part, and S. B. of &c., one of the contributories of the said society, of the other part.

Whereas the said S. B. has been settled on the list of contributories of the said society as a contributory in respect of shares in the said society And whereas by an order made by the Judge of the said Court dated the -day of, 18-, a call of £- shares was made on all the contributories of the said society, and there is now due from the said S. B. to the said society, the

sum of £

in respect of the said call: And whereas the said S. B. has proposed to pay to the said official liquidator the sum of £ by way of compromise and in satisfaction and discharge of the said sum of £- and of all liability whatsoever as a contributory of the said society: And whereas the said official liquidator having investigated the affairs of the said S. B., and believing that such compromise will be beneficial to the said society, hath in exercise of the power for that purpose given to him by the above statutes agreed to accept the same, subject to the sanction of the said Judge and to the conditions and agreements hereinafter contained: Now it is hereby agreed by and between the said parties hereto :


1. That the said official liquidator shall before the

day of


apply to the said Judge to sanction this agreement of compromise. 2. That upon this agreement being sanctioned by the said Judge the said S. B. shall within days next after such sanction pay to the said official liquidator the said sum of £- and when thereto required shall do and execute all such acts and deeds as may be necessary for transferring or surrendering and releasing to the said official liquidator on behalf of the said society or in such manner as the said Judge may direct the said shares held by the said S. B. in the said society and all claim and demand whatsoever which the said S. B. has or may have against the said society in respect of the said shares or in the distribution of the assets of the said society or otherwise howsoever.

3. That the said sum of £ and the transfer or surrender and release of the said shares and interest of the said S. B. as aforesaid shall be accepted by the said official liquidator as and be deemed and taken to give to the said S. B. a full and complete discharge from all calls and liabilities, claims and demands whatsoever which the said society or the official liquidator thereof now has or may hereafter have or be entitled to against the said S. B. in respect of his being or having been the holder of the said shares or otherwise as a contributory of the said society.

4. That in case this agreement shall not be sanctioned by the said Judge, it shall cease and determine, and the said official liquidator and the said S. B. shall be remitted to their original rights with respect to each other as if this agreement had not been entered into.

5. That in case this agreement shall be sanctioned by the said Judge, and the said S. B. shall not in all respects perform the same on his part, the official liquidator shall be at liberty with the sanction of the said Judge and without notice to the said S. B. to enforce the performance thereof, or with the like sanction to give notice to the said S. B. that he abandons this agreement, whereupon the same shall cease and determine and the said official liquidator shall be entitled to proceed against the said S. B. to enforce payment of the said sum of £, or so much thereof as shall then remain due and unpaid as if this agreement had not been entered into.

Witness to the signatures of

the said R. P. H. and S. B.

C. D. of

R. P. H., Official Liquidator.
S. B.

78. Affidavit of Contributory in Support of a Compromise of his Liability.

1. I have been settled in the list of contributories of the above-named society in respect of shares in such society.

2. I am unable to pay the sum of £- now due from me in respect of a call of £- per share made upon me by an order dated the day of 18-.


3. Save and except the furniture and effects in my dwelling-house at had not at the time of the order for winding-up the said society dated the day of-- 18-, and I have not since had and have not now any real or personal property of any description.

4. My income for two years last past has consisted and still consists of a salary of £ per annum which I have received from my employer, Mr. E. B. I have no other means of support for myself, my wife and five children.


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5. Besides the said call of £ or thereabouts.

6. On the day of

- I owe to various persons sums amounting to

18-, Mr. R. P. H. the official liquidator of the said society caused an inventory to be taken and a valuation made of the whole of my said furniture and effects.

79. Affidavit of Official Liquidator.

1. S. B. of &c. has been settled in the list of contributories of the abovenamed society in respect of - shares in such society and by an order dated &c. a call of £- per share was made upon him in respect of the said shares. 2. The said S. B. has proposed to pay to me the sum of £ by way of compromise in satisfaction of the sum of £- the amount of the said call and

of all liability whatever as a contributory of the said society.

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3. I have investigated the affairs of the said S. B. and I believe that he is unable to pay the said call and that if I caused him to be made a bankrupt his estate would pay a dividend much less in amount than the said sum of £4. On the day of —, 18—, I caused an inventory to be taken and a valuation made by Mr. E. F. of &c., a licensed appraiser, of the furniture and effects of the said S. B.; such valuation amounts to £- and is now produced

to me and marked A.

5. I believe the statements contained in the affidavit of the said S. B. filed the day of are respectively true and that it will be beneficial to the said society that the compromise proposed by him should be accepted.

80. Sanction of Judge to the Compromise.

[To be written at the foot of the agreement.]

The Judge of the said Court has sanctioned this agreement of compromise. Dated the

day of


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G. H., Registrar.

81. Sanction of the Judge for certain Acts to be done by the Official Liquidator. The Judge of the said Court doth hereby sanction [or has sanctioned] the following proceedings being taken [or acts being done] by the official liquidator of the above-named society, namely [state the proceedings to be taken or acts to be done as] the bringing [or instituting] and prosecuting an action in the name and on behalf of the said society against [or defending] an action brought [or instituted] against the said society by K. M. of to recover a debt or sum of £- alleged to be due from [or to] the said K. M. to [or from] the said Society &c.

Dated the

day of


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82. Summons for Persons to attend at Chambers to be examined.

A. B. of and E. F. of the Court House in

are hereby severally summoned to attend at day of ——————, 18—, at of the


-day the

clock in the -noon, to be examined on the part of the official liquidator [or of W. D. of &c] for the purpose of proceedings directed by the Judge to be taken before me in the above matter. And the said A. B. is hereby required to bring with him and produce at the time and place aforesaid a certain indenture [describe documents] and all other books, papers, deeds, writings and other documents in his custody or power in anywise relating to the above-named society.

Dated this

day of, 18-.

This summons was taken out by Messrs. C. & D. of solicitors for the official liquidator [or for the said W. D.].

83. Official Liquidator's Accounts.

G. H., Registrar. in the county of

The first [or as the case may be] account of R. P. H., the official liquidator of the above-named society, of his receipts and payments and allowances as such official liquidator from the

day of

18-, to the

day of

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I, R. P. H. of

oath and say:

the official liquidator of the above-named society, make

to page

both inclusive in each

1. The account contained from page of the two several books marked with the letters A and B, produced and shown to me at the time of swearing this my affidavit, and purporting to be an account of the receipts and payments by me as such official liquidator from the day of, 18-, to the day of —, 18-, both inclusive, doth contain a true account of all and every sum and sums of money, and of all interest, discount and accretions in respect thereof received by me or allowed to me, or received by or allowed to any other person or persons by my order or to my knowledge or belief for my use or account in respect of the said society (other than and except what is included as received in my former account, or accounts sworn to by me).

2. The several sums of money mentioned in the said account, hereby verified to have been paid and allowed, have been actually and truly so paid and allowed for the several purposes in the said account mentioned.

3. The said account is just and true in all and every the items and particulars therein contained according to the best of my knowledge and belief.

4. W. B. and T. P., who are sureties for me as such official liquidator, are respectively living and resident in Great Britain, that is to say, the said W. B.

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