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he Psalter of Jesus.

"There is no other Name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved."-Acts iv. 12.

Begin by a devout bowing of the head, or genuflection, at the adorable Name of JESUS.


"At the Name of Jesus let every knee bow, of things in heaven, of things in earth, and of things in hell; and let every tongue confess that our Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father."Phil. ii. 10, 11.

First Petition.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, have mercy on me.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Jesus, have mercy on me, O God of compassion, and forgive the many and great offences I have committed in thy sight.

Many have been the follies of my life, and great are the miseries I have deserved for my ingratitude.

Have mercy on me, dear Jesus, for I am weak; O Lord, heal me, who am unable to help myself.

Deliver me from setting my heart upon any of thy creatures, which may divert my eyes from continually looking up to thee.

Grant me grace henceforth, for the love of thee, to hate sin; and out of a just esteem of thee, to despise all worldly vanities.

Have mercy on all sinners, O Jesus, I beseech thee; turn their vices into virtues, and making them true observers of thy law, and sincere lovers of thee, bring them to bliss in everlasting glory. Have mercy also on

the souls in purgatory, for thy bitter passion, I beseech thee, and for thy glorious name, Jesus.


O blessed Trinity, one eternal God, have mercy on

V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

R. As it was in the beginning, is now, and for ever, world without end. Amen.

Our Father, &c.

Hail Mary, &c.

Second Petition.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, help me.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Jesus, help me to overcome all temptations to sin, and the malice of my ghostly enemy.

Help me to spend my time in virtuous actions, and in such labours as are acceptable to thee.

To resist and repress the motions of my flesh to sloth, gluttony, and impurity.

To render my heart enamoured of virtue, and inflamed with desires of thy glorious presence.

Help me to deserve and keep a good name, by a peaceful and pious living; to thy honour, O Jesus, to my own comfort, and the benefit of others.

Have mercy on all sinners, &c.

Third Petition.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, strengthen me.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Jesus, strengthen me in soul and body, to please thee in doing such works of virtue as may bring me to thy everlasting joy and felicity.

Grant me a firm purpose, most merciful Saviour, to amend my life, and atone for the years past:

Those years which I have misspent to thy displeasure, in vain or wicked thoughts, words, deeds, and evil cus


Make my heart obedient to thy will; and ready, for thy love, to perform all the works of mercy.

Grant me the gifts of the Holy Ghost, which, through a virtuous life, and a devout frequenting of thy most holy sacraments, may at length bring me to thy heavenly kingdom.

Have mercy on all sinners, &c.

Fourth Petition.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, comfort me.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Jesus, comfort me, and give me grace to place my chief, my only joy and felicity in thee.

Send me heavenly meditations, spiritual sweetness, and fervent desires of thy glory; ravish my soul with the contemplation of heaven, where I shall everlastingly dwell with thee.

Bring often to my remembrance thy unspeakable goodness, thy gifts, and thy great kindness shewn to me.

And when thou bringest to my mind the sad remembrance of my sins, whereby I have so unkindly offended thee, comfort me with the assurance of obtaining thy grace, by the spirit of perfect penance, purging away my guilt, and preparing me for thy kingdom.

Have mercy on all sinners, &c.

Fifth Petition.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, make me constant.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Jesus, make me constant in faith, hope, and charity, with continuance in all virtues, and resolution not to offend thee.

Make the memory of thy passion, and of those bitter pains thou sufferedst for me, sustain my patience, and refresh me in all tribulations and adversity.

Make me ever hold fast the doctrines of thy holy Catholic Church, and be a diligent frequenter of all holy duties.

Let no false delight of this deceitful world blind me, no fleshly temptation or fraud of the devil shake my heart:

My heart, which has for ever set up its rest in thee; and is resolved to give up all things for thy eternal reward.

Have mercy on all sinners, &c.

"Our Lord Jesus Christ humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death, even the death of the cross."-Phil. ii. 8.

Hear these my petitions, O most merciful Saviour, and grant me thy grace so frequently to repeat and consider them, that they may prove easy steps, whereby my soul may climb up to the knowledge, love, and performance of my duty to thee and to my neighbour, through the whole course of my life. Amen.

Our Father, &c.
Hail Mary, &c.

I believe in God, &c.


"At the name of Jesus," &c.-Phil. ii. 10, 11, as before.

Sixth Petition.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

enlighten me with spiritual wisdom.

Jesus, enlighten me with spiritual wisdom, to know thy goodness, and all those things which are most acceptable to thee.

Grant me a clear apprehension of my only good, and discretion to order my life according to it.

Grant that I may wisely proceed from virtue to virtue, till at length I arrive at the clear vision of thy glorious Majesty.

Permit me not, dear Lord, to return to those sins for which I have sorrowed, and of which I have purged myself by confession.

Grant me grace to benefit the souls of others by my good example, and to convert those by good counsel who have used me ill.

Have mercy on all sinners, &c.

Seventh Petition.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, grant me grace to fear

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,


Jesus, grant me grace inwardly to fear thee, and to avoid all occasions of offending thee.

Let the threats of the torments which shall befall sinners, the fear of losing thy love and thy heavenly inheritance, ever keep me in awe.

Let me not dare to remain in sin, but call me soon to repentance; lest through thine anger the dreadful sentence of endless death and damnation fall upon me.

May the powerful intercession of thy blessed Mother and all the saints, and, above all, thy own merits and mercy, O my Saviour, be ever between thy avenging justice and me.

Enable me, O my God, to work out my salvation with fear and trembling; and may the apprehension of thy sacred judgments render me a more humble and diligent suitor at the throne of grace.

Have mercy on all sinners, &c.

Eighth Petition.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, grant me grace truly to

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

love thee.

Jesus, grant me grace truly to love thee for thy infinite goodness, and those great bounties I have received, and hope for ever to receive, from thee.

Let the remembrance of thy kindness and patience conquer the malice and evil inclinations of my perverse


Let the consideration of my many deliverances, and thy gracious calls and continued protection through life, shame me out of my ingratitude.

And what dost thou require of me, for and by all thy mercies, but to love thee; and why, but because thou art my only good?

O my dear Lord! my whole life shall be nothing but

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