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the particular attention of those only whose resources enable them to command some of the luxuries of life?

This objection is by no means solid. A few of our ministers, especially thos who reside in great cities, and other populous places, have the means of living somewhat splen idly, and are often placed under very strong te platio: s to do so. Some, who are diff rently situated, have a natural and almost irresistible propensity to show and parade, which they strain every nerve to indulge; and there are even those in the sacred profession, who, though extremely poor, are so criminally unwise and prodig l, as to plunge themselves into debt for the gratification of this propensity. Surely a few words. applicable to each of these classes may be neither uns asonable nor useless.

Perhaps the most serious difficulties in relation to this point are those which beset the city clergyman; especially if his pastoral charge include a number of fashionable and wealthy families, and if the provision which they make for his temporal support be, at the same time, pretty liberal. If to these circumstances be added that of his family being strongly predisposed to expensive dress, and gay company, the consequences can scarcely fail of being very unhappy. Not a few ministers, by yielding to temptations of this kind, have grieved


the hearts of the pious; weakened their own hands; and laid up in store for themselves the bitterest, but unavailing, repentance. As you know not the situation in which you may be placed; and as it is desirable that every young minister should be armed be for hand against the temptations which may assail him, I trust you will be willing to listen to a few suggestions, derived from some observation and experience, and offered under the most solemn impression that they are worthy of your serious regard. Rely upon it, that, however unfavourably some of them may now impress your mind, you will hereafter find in them more both of truth and importance, than it is possible for any one to perceive, who has seen so little, comparatively, as you have, of human life.


1. To begin with YOUR OWN DRESS. ever your lot may be cast, whether in the country or in a city, let your dress be always plain, but at the same time, whole, neat and clean. Never make it an object of primary or engrossing attention; but at the same time never neglect it. Even if your residence be ever so retired, never app ar in publick without setting a good example to your flock in this, as well as in every other respect. Recollect that one of the advantages of the Lord's day, and of publick worship, is that they afford, at once, an opportunity and an inducement to lay aside the

dust and dirt of the week, in a physical as well as moral sense, and to appear clad in habiliments which indicate attention, industry, and neatness. And as the minister of the gospel is a publick character, and must necessarily, in a great measure, live in publick, it is desirable that he should appear every day, when he is in company at all, very much as he ought to appear on the sabbath. Let your dress, then, be always simple, unostentatious and economical; but let it not be slovenly. Even if it be coarse,

and you cannot afford to have it otherwise; still let it be free from all disgusting defilement. Imagine not that any degree of piety, or talents will atone for total negligence of this matter. Be assured that, any man who is filthy, or even slovenly in his person, however striking may be his accomplishments in other respects, will find his character and influence depressed in proportion to the degree in which this evil prevails. Such a fault never did, and never will exist, in any case, with entire impunity.

It is the duty of a minister to spend a part of almost every day, if not in publick, at least in social intercourse: and he knows not at what hour he may be called upon to converse with the most polished and ceremonious of his parishioners or neighbours. Now, in conversing with such individuals, it is surely desirable that there be nothing in his person calculated to re

pel them, or to diminish his influence over them nothing adapted to give them an idea of filthiness or vulgarity; but, as far as possible, of the reverse. I am decisively of the opinion, therefore, that some clergymen, who can very well afford to do otherwise, have been entirely too negligent of this matter, in appearing in publick. I was once acquainted with a minister of our church, who was not only in very comfortable circumstances, but rather entitled to be called rich; who was so culpably negligent of his dress, and, on a particular occasion, appeared in habiliments so unworthy of his character, that a pious lady was on the point of procuring a suit of clothes for him, when she learned, to her surprise, that he was not poor, and that he would certainly be offended by an offer of such charity. He was an uncommonly pious, active minister; but he had, as to the point of slovenliness in dress, a constitutional infirmity; which, you can readily perceive, might have drawn both himself and others into a very embarrassing situation.

I trust you will endeavour to guard against any kind of excess on this subject. On the one hand, to see a minister of the gospel finical, or addicted to the love of splendour or finery in dress; to see, in a word, any thing about his person which discovers a special attention to fashion or ornament in clothing, or a peculiar


desire to make a good appearance in this respect, is certainly unworthy of his character. But, on the other hand, to see such a degree of negligence in reference to this matter as is inconsistent with cleanliness, and with a decent respect for those with whom he associates, is equally disreputable, and quite as unfriendly to his usefulness. Why should an enlightened, prudent man allow himself to run into either extreme?


I have already adverted to this subject in the last Letter. But a few additional suggestions in reference to it, in this connexion, may not be entirely superfluous. Not only ought the female part of a clergy man's family to avoid every thing that looks like devotedness to fashionable dress; every thing dazzling, or "dashing," as the popular style is; but no such folly ought to appear, as far as it can be avoided, in the dress of any of his household.

A dis

position to load even his youngest children with tawdry or useless ornament, ought not to be indulged. To make them conspicuous by red shoes, waving plumes, and expensive, showy decorations, of any kind, may gratify parental vanity; but cannot minister to the rational comfort of either parents or children; and may

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