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one who does not make them so, by improper management. If you ask me, what plan I would recommend for keeping the lips, and mouth, sufficiently moist, and for clearing the voice, in the pulpit? My answer is-I would recommend--just nothing at all. Avoid the use of any thing for this purpose. Guard against the

miserable servitude of having a dozen little wants, all of which must be supplied before you can ascend the sacred desk. Endeavour, by temperance and exercise, to preserve in vigour your general health, and then, unless some organick disease should render some application to the mouth or throat necessary, you will do much better without any thing of the kind. The truth is, this is one of the numerous cases in which, the more you make use of the auxiliaries of which I speak, the more indispensably necessary to your comfort they will be likely to become, until you may convert your study into an apothecary's shop, and render yourself a poor, feeble valetudinarian, by the very efforts which you make to avoid the evil. On this subject I speak from experience. In the early part of my ministry, I abounded in the use of prescriptions for strengthening and clearing the voice. I soon discov red, however, that the only effect of them was to increase the difficulty which they were intended to remedy; and to render an increase both in the frequency

and quantity of the applications indispensable. Alarmed at this discovery, I determined to lay them all aside. I did so ; and found, when the first little inconvenience of the privation had passed away, that I was able to do better without than with them. And now, with a delightful independence of all my former little wants, for which I cannot be sufficiently thankful, I usually go to the pulpit more comfortably, without a single medical, or dietetical application, than before with a host of them.

4. Go FROM YOUR KNEES TO THE PULPIT. The more thoroughly your mind is steeped, if I may be allowed the expression, in the spirit of prayer, and of communion with God, when you ascend the sacred desk, the more easy and de. lightful will it be to preach; the more rich and spiritual will your preaching be; the more fervent and natural your eloquence; and the greater the probability that what you say will be made a blessing. Be assured, my dear young Friend, after all the rules and instructions which have been given on the subject of pulpit eloquence, and which in their place have great value-that which unspeakably outweighs all the rest in importance, is, that you go to the sanctuary with a heart full of your subject; warmed with love to your Master, and to immortal souls; remembering too, that the eye of that Master is upon you; and that of


the sermon which you are about to deliver, you must soon give an account before his judgment With these sentiments in full force, it is always desirable, both for your own sake and that of others, that you should enter the pulpit. And I know of no means more likely to produce them, than humble importunity before the throne of grace.

5 Make a point of being AS PERFECTLY PUNCTUAL AS POSSIBLE in attending at the appointed hour for publick service A punctual minister makes a punctual congregation. Whereas if the minister be tardy, or variable, as to the time of his attendance, he scarcely ever fails to induce a similar habit on the part of his parishioners. The consequence of this is, that a considerable portion of them seldom arrive till the service is nearly half over; thereby diminishing their own profit, and disturbing the devotions of those who are more punctual than themselves. With regard to country congregations, other evils, quite as serious, flow from this unhappy practice The people are frequently permitted by the minister to wait for his arrival half an hour, and sometimes longer, after the major part of them are assembled. This interval, instead of being spent profitably, by the mass of the attendants, is commonly passed in vain and unprofitable conversation, if not in that which is of a worse charac

ter; communications take place which render the minds of many wholly unfit for the solemn services which follow, and perhaps lead to injurious engagements, after those services are ended. Thus, in many cases, incalculable mischief is done. I would advise you to accustom the people, by your own example, to absolute punctuality. Endeavour to be always seated in the pulpit a few minutes before the arrival of the time appointed for commencing the service. Begin precisely, at that time, or, at any rate, within five minutes after it, even if you have but a dozen hearers. Wait for no one. If this plan be adopted, and persisted in, and notice given accordingly, you will soon be rid of all trouble from this source: and many precious hours will be saved to yourself, as well as to the people of your charge.

6. Let your mode of ENTERING THE HOUSE OF GOD, AND OF WALKING ALONG THE AISLE, TOWARD THE PULPIT, BE GRAVE, DIGNIFIED, and yet PERFECTLY SIMPLE AND UNAFFECTED. Few things are more unbecoming, than to see an ainbassador of Christ, who enters the sanctuary for the purpose of conducting the devotions of a religious assembly, and of addressing them on the most momentous of all subjects, walking with hurried steps, or in a light, airy manner; looking over the house, as he enters it, as if in search of an acquaintance;

and, perhaps, even bowing to those who are seated near him as he passes. All this I have frequently seen, and never without disapprobation and disgust. How much more suitable, to manifest the spirit and feelings of the pulpit before you enter it to approach it with a deliberate and grave step, with a serious and fixed countenance, and taking but little notice of any external objects around you! Do not, in these circumstances, even accost an individual, if you can easily avoid it. And instead of mounting the pulpit-steps with a rapidity, or an affectation of gracefulness, approaching the artificial skip of a dancing-master, let it be always done with that mixture of gravity and gentleness, which I have elsewhere recommended as so important in every part of clerical manners.


THE PULPIT CORRESPOND WITH THE GRAVITY OF YOUR CHARACTER, AND THE SOLEMN PURPOSE FOR WHICH YOU ASCENDED IT. Let there be no roving of the eyes over the assembly, as if to gratify curiosity, to search for acquaintances, or to indulge vanity at the sight of a crowd. Let there be no adjustment of the dress, as if you were anxious about your personal appearance. Every thing of this kind should be done before you go thither, and afterwards entirely dismissed from the mind. Let there be no abrupt,rapid motions, as if you were hurried or

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