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flected a moment what he was about, could possibly allow himself to be guilty of a single act of the kind, much less to indulge in the practice.


8. All PRIVATE CONVERSATION, PERING, during a lecture, is a violation of good manners, as well as an infraction of an express law of the institution with which you are connected. I have known some students, who had an infirmity of this kind, which appeared altogether invincible. They seemed not to be capable of sitting five minutes in the Lectureroom without whispering with all whom they were near enough to annoy in this manner. Whether they approved or disapproved, comprehended, or were unable to comprehend, what was said, it was equally the subject of this private communication. Sometimes, however, it had a respect to matters altogether foreign from those of the lecture. The mischiefs of such a practice are serious. It is manifest that while the individual is whispering to his neighbour, he cannot possibly attend to what is uttering, at the moment, from the Professor's chair. It is also manifest, that the neighbour whom he addresses, is equally taken off, during the same time, from that attention which is due to his Instructor. Now the sentence, or sentences, thus lost may be essential to a connected view of the subject. Of course, both the whisperer,

and the unfortunate whisperce, on such occa sions, will be likely to understand it very imperfectly, to say the least. Accordingly, I

have always remarked, as a general fact, that your habitual whisperers were the poorest students in the classes to which they belonged; and that, when the day of examination came, they were seldom found to understand with accuracy any subject which was brought before


As to the pain which this practice cannot fail to give to the Lecturer himself, I forbear to urge it; as a student whose feelings allow him to commit such an indelicacy, will not be likely to pay much respect to those of a Professor. Yet such pain will inevitably be inflicted on the mind of a conscientious man, who is really interested in the improvement of his pupils.

Some who do not whisper, do worse. They scribble on pieces of paper what they have to say; hand them to the individuals whom they wish to address; and solicit from them answers in the same manner. This is worse, because it takes up more time, on both sides, to write a sentence, than it would to utter it orally; and, of course, to accomplish every such communication, a larger amount of attention must be withdrawn from the appropriate duty of the


Never allow yourself, therefore, on any occasion whatever, either to whisper, or to circulate billets, in the Lecture room, unless in a case of absolute necessity In forty-nine cases out of fifty, what is communicated in this way, might be just as well left until the lecture is ended; and the inability to wait, almost always arises either from weakness of judgment, or puerile impatience Not only avoid doing any thing of this kind yourself; but do not allow others to whisper, or to hand billets to you. If any make the attempt, repel it, by saying"I wish to attend to the lecture."

9. Some, who do not allow themselves to whisper, are in the habit of frequently WINKING, NODDING, OR SMILING, to one or more of those around them, to express either their approbation, or their doubt, of something which has been said. I have known this to be so much the habit of a few students, who have, at different periods, passed through our Seminary, that they rendered themselves really conspicuous by it. They, no doubt, meant that it should be considered as a mark of attention and talent; but I believe it seldom failed to receive a very different construction on the part of all sober minded observers As the practice in question is chargeable with most of the evils mentioned in the preceding section, I shall not repeat the

detail but would observe, that he who wishes to avail himself most completely of all the advantages of the Lecture room, ought to learn the art of sitting, with fixed attention, and unmoved countenance, throughout the whole of its exercises, and of giving no encouragement, even by a look, or by the least response of the favourable kind, to those who act a different part.

10. Never place yourself in the Lecture-room IN A LOUNGING OR RECLINING POSTURE. There are those who, though enjoying all the vigour of youth and health, appear never to be easy a moment but when in a posture partly recumbent. If they be seated on a bench, or any seat which admits of it, they raise their feet, and place them horizontally, and even stretch themselves at full length, as if preparing for a nap. Can any one who reflects a moment fail of perceiving that this manifests ill breeding of a pretty gross kind! There are few cases in which any one ought to allow himself to sit, or rather lie, in such a posture, in the midst of his equals only; but to do it in the presence of any one whom he regards as his superior, is really an outrage on decorum. If you sup

pose that I go too far in this statement, rely on it, you altogether mistake. It is universally so viewed by well-bred people. And you may rest assured that gentlemen whose good opinion

you would think worth possessing, have severely remarked on some few instances which they have personally witnessed of the unseemly postures to which I refer. Learn, then, at all times, and quite as rigidly in the Lecture-room as in the parlour, to sit upright, and in the posture of respectful attention. Decorum to your companions, and especially to the Professor who may be addressing you, requires it; a regard to your health requires it; a proper care to avoid drowsiness requires it. Whenever a young man finds that to be comfortable he must lean, and lounge, and find some support for his back, and his feet, it is high time to feel that his habits call for immediate, and resolute correction.

11. Closely allied to the foregoing faults is another, which I have often observed with pain: -I mean the habit of LEANING FORWARD, while seated in the Lecture-room, AND RESTING THE HEAD ON THE BACK OF A CHAIR, OR BENCH, IN FRONT, AS IF FOR THE PURPOSE OF SLEEP.

When you place yourself in this posture, you will be apt. contrary to your own intention, to be betrayed into drowsiness. Even if this consequence do not follow, your fellow students know not but that you are sleeping. And your Professor must, of course, be subjected to the pain of doubting whether at least one of his auditory be not insensible to all he is saying.

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