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forts, will accomplish the enterprise. So it is in study. Impatient haste is the bane of deep intellectual work. A little, thoroughly done, every day, will make no contemptible figure at the end of the year. If I could be sure of your entering completely into the spirit of this principle, I should have no doubt of your accomplishing much.

7. Closely connected with this counsel is another, viz.-THAT YOU LEAVE NOTHING TILL YOU HAVE DONE IT WELL. Skimming over the surface of any subject is of very little use. Passing on to something else, before that which precedes is half understood, is really, oftentimes, worse than useless; because it deceives with the name of knowledge; and because it deposites in the memory, if there be a deposite made there at all, mere abortions, instead of mature births. The instances in which young men, and even candidates for the holy ministry, cheat themselves by indulging in this practice, by running over a task, as eye-servants are wont to do, without performing any part of it well, are as numerous as they are me. lancholy. My dear friend, be not thus unjust to yourself. It is your own interest for which I plead. If you are studying a language, be careful to sift to the bottom the grammatical

aracter, as well as the strict meaning of every

word, before you proceed to another. If you have occasion to ascertain the time or place of any particular event, be sure to examine instantly and thoroughly, and endeavour to form some plan for fixing it firmly in your mind. If you are investigating any important doctrine, be not ready to leave it. Come to it again and again; seeking light from every quarter; and perusing with attention the best books, until you have entered, as far as you are capable, into its profoundest merits. And if compelled, by any circumstance, to leave the subject before you have reached this point, hold it in reserve for another and more satisfactory examination. short, let your motto, and, as far as practicable, your habit, be, to leave nothing till you have thoroughly mastered it. And by mastering a subject, I mean investigating it to the bottom, until you come to a clear view of the fundamental principles on which it rests. For, until you do this, you cannot really be said to understand any subject. On this point, Mr. Locke, in his "Conduct of the Understanding,” (§ 43) makes a remark which I think worth transcrib


ing. "There are fundamental truths, which lie at the bottom, the basis upon which a great many others rest, and in which they have their consistency. These are teeming truths, rich in store, with which they furnish the mind, and,

like the lights of heaven, are not only beautiful and entertaining in themselves, but give light and evidence to other things, that without them could not be seen or known

These, and such as these, are the truths we should endeavour to find out, and store our minds with."

8. With respect to all important subjects, I would advise you to BRING YOUR ACQUAINT

ANCE WITH THEM TO THE TEST OF WRITING. It is wonderful how far the crudeness and inadequacy of a man's knowledge on a given subject, may be hidden from his own mind, until he attempts to express what he knows on paper. He then finds himself at a loss at every step, and cannot proceed without much extension, and no less correction, of his former attainments. Nay, sometimes he finds that he must begin again, from the very foundation, and that he has not really mastered any part of the subject. Now to obviate this difficulty from the outset, in studying every subject, in which it is practicable, make a liberal use of your pen. I believe, indeed, that one of the best methods of becoming accurately and familiarly acquainted with any subject, is to write upon it. It was said of one of the most voluminous writers of the eighteenth century, that, whenever he wished to make himself well acquainted with any branch of knowledge, he wrote and published a book upon it. In writing, he was un

doubtedly wise: in publishing, it may be questioned whether he treated the republick of letters with as much respect as he ought. It was, in fact, palming upon it the immature productions of a tyro, rather than those of a master workman. But without giving the least countenance to the thought of imposing your juvenile lucubrations on the publick; I would earnestly advise you to employ writing, as far as may be consistent with your health, and other engagements, as a constant medium of investigation. I would say, with the learned and pious Dr. Adam Clarke, in his "Letter to a Methodist preacher," before quoted, "Have always some essay or dissertation upon the anvil." And I will add, if no other eye than your own ever see it, the labour bestowed upon it will certainly be more than repaid by its benefit to yourself.

9. Carefully MAINTAIN OLDER IN STUDY. He who does not study upon a plan, will never pursue his studies to much advantage. In our seminary, indeed, order is absolutely indispensable, if you would do any thing; for there is an order in all the publick exercises, to which every student is bound to adhere, and without a substantial adherence to which, he had better be absent from the Institution. Have a fixed time, then, for every study; and, as far as practicable, adhere to it inflexibly. I say,

as far as practicable; for there is such a thing as a student's making himself the slave of his plan, instead of using it as an auxiliary. He may erect it into an end, instead of employing it as a means. His plans were made for him, and not he for his plans. Let your plan of study, therefore, be, at all times, judicious, practicable, and adapted to your situation; such as you will not be compelle frequently to violate. Do not be perpetually altering it; and yet accommodate it, from time to time, to your situation. If you either alter it, or depart from it very frequently, it will soon cease to have any power over you. And here, as in many other cases, you will have occasion for all that DECISION OF CHARACTER, which is so important in a publick man. I could almost venture to prognosticate whether you would do much to purpose in future life, if I o ly knew with what degree of rigour you adhere to your plan of study. If you are unsteady and undecided in regard to this, you will probably be so in every important occupation as long as you live.

10. Let your most important studies bassigned to those hours IN WHICH YOU PERCEIVE


ABLE TO EXERTION. No one rule can be laid down which will suit all. The tastes of different individuals with respect to seasons of study,

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