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its progress, and compel it to follow their course towards the north-west. The prevailing wind, therefore, in the region southwest of Hemalleh, is from the south-east, and it is from that quarter that our provinces in Bengal receive their rains. But when the wind has reached so far to the north-west as to meet with Hindoo Coosh, it is again opposed by that mountain, and turned off along its face towards the west, till it meets the projection of Hindoo Coosh and the range of Solimaun, which prevent its further progress in that direction, or at least compel it to part with the clouds with which it was loaded.

The effect of the mountains in stopping the clouds borne by this wind, is different in different places. Near the sea, where the clouds are still in a deep mass, part is discharged on the hills and the country beneath them, and part passes up to the north-west; but part makes its way over the first hills, and produces the rains in Thibet. In the latitude of Cashmeer, where the hills are considerably exhausted, this division is little perceived; the southern face of the hills, and the country still further south, is watered; and a part of the clouds continue their progress to Afghaunistaun; but few make their way over the mountains, or reach the valley of Cashmeer. The clouds which pass on to Afghaunistaun are exhausted as they go the rains become weaker and weaker, and at last are merely sufficient to water the mountains, without much affecting the plains at their base.

The above observations will explain, or at least connect, the following facts. The south-west monsoon commences on the Malabar coast in May, and is there very violent; it is later and more moderate in Mysore; and the Coromandel coast, covered by the mountainous countries on its west, is entirely exempt from it. Further north, the monsoon begins early in June, and loses a good deal of its violence, except in the places influenced by the neighbourhood of the mountains or the sea, where the fall of water is very considerable. About Delhi, it does not begin till the end of June, and the fall of rain is greatly inferior to what is felt at Calcutta or Bombay. In the north of the Punjaub, near the hills, it exceeds that of Delhi; but, in the south of the Punjaub, distant both from the sea and the hills, very little rain falls. The countries under the hills of Cashmeer, and those under Hindoo Coosh, (Pukhlee, Boonere, and Swaut,) have all their share of the rains, but they diminish as they go west, and at Swaut are reduced to a month of clouds. with occasional showers. In the same month (the end of July and beginning of August) the monsoon appears in some clouds, showers at Peshawer, and in the Bungush and Khuttuk countries. It is still less felt in the valley of the Caubul river, where it does not extend beyond Lughmaun; but in Bajeoura and Punjeora, under the southern projection, in the part of the Caufir

country which is situated on the top of the same projection, and in Teera, situated in the angle formed by Tukhti Solinaun and its eastern branches, the south-west monsoon is heavy, and forms the principal rains of the year. There is rain in this season in the country of the Jaujees and Torees, which probably is brought from the north by the eddy in the winds; but I have not information enough to enable me to conjecture whether that which falls in Bunnoo and the neighbouring countries is to be ascribed to this cause, or to the regular monsoon from the south-west.

The regular monsoon is felt as far west as the utmost boundary of Mekraun. It is not easy to fix its limits on the north-west with precision, but I have no accounts of it beyond a line drawn through the northern part of the table land of Kelaut, and the northern parts of Shoraubuk, of Pisheen, and of Zhobe, to the source of the Koorum; it falls, however, in very different quantities in the various countries south-east of that line. The clouds pass with little obstruction over Lower Sind, but rain more plentifully in Upper Sind and Domaun, where these rains, though not heavy are the principal ones in the year. On the sea-coast of Luss and Mekraum, on the other hand, they are arrested by the mountains, and the monsoon resembles that of India. In Seweestaun the monsoon is. probably the same as in Upper Sind and Domaun in Boree it is only about a month of cloudy and showery weather it is probably less in Zhobe : and in the other countries within the line it only appears in showers, more precarious as we advance towards the north.


Among the descendants of the sons of Noah, who soon replenished the earth with inhabitants, two families became conspicuous, for their power, influence and numerous offspring: and though both derived their existance from the same Parents yet were they quite opposite in temper, dispositions, and pursuits. Pride, the eldest born, was the favourite of his father, though his

understanding was shallow, and his knowledge superficial; the imperious and commanding air he assumed, his over-bearing manners, and bold loquacity were mistaken by his partial father for superior abilities, and Pride would have embittered the days of his Parents had they not been blessed with a daughter called Humility, who healed the wounds inflicted by Pride by her dutiful and affectionate conduct, and was always employed in contributing to the happiness of all who knew her. When arrived at manhood Pride became acquainted with Vanity celebrated for her fashionable attire, and for the admiration her appearance always excited in those who look only at the exterior. This lady praised his person, commended his taste, whispered familiarly in his ear while in company, frequently joined with those who called his loquacity, eloquence, recommended what would set his persons off to the best advantage, and so ingratiated herself that he offered her his hand contrary to the wishes of his Parents and was accepted. From this union, a numerous progeny sprang. The sons bore resemblance to the Father; the eldest called Selfishness became his favourite and constant companion, which gave umbrage to his brothers. who were named Ingratitude, Cruelty, Envy, Hatred, Malice, and Revenge. The daughters resembled their mother both in person and disposition; Folly and Extravagance were twins, Dissipation, Idleness, Scandal, Conceit, and Ignorance were their names. The family was generally governed by Selfishness, aud the brothers and sisters lived in a state of constant warfare, their parents being partial were neither loved nor respected, and the family exhibited a picture of anarchy and confusion.

When Humility had grown to maturity she received the addresses of Benevolence, sanctioned by Parental approbation she accepted his proffered hand, and this happy union was blessed with a numerous and promising offspring, who like the children of Pride, bore a resemblance to their parents. The sons were named Justice, Temperance, Fortitude, Industry, Economy, and Sincerity. Their eldest daughter was called Charity, who with her sisters-Prudence, Modesty, Gentleness, Kindness, Cheerfulness, and Activity, lived in strict union and sisterly affection. Their parents were impartial, and lived with their children as with dear friends, their time was spent both usefully and agreeably, in the intercourse of reciprocal affection, the pursuit of useful knowledge, and in diffusing happiness around.

These two families, though nearly related, were so opposite in dispositions and pursuits that little intimacy could subsist between them, while the esteem and praises often excited and bestowed upon the actions of Benevolence, and his family, awakened the most painful feelings in all the sons of Pride, who agreed to unite their endeavours in extirpating a family they hated: of this they gave so many unequivocal proofs that Benevolence thought

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it would be most conducive to the welfare of his family to accept the often repeated invitation of his intimate friend Retirement, who had frequently offered him the possession of large tracts of uncultivated land, of which he had the disposal. His family heard with pleasure this determination, they were welcomed on their arrival by Peace, Content, Resignation and Hope, the lovely daughters of Retirement, from whom they never after separated, and only paid occasional visits to some friends who retained a warm attachment to the family, and who were sure of a favourable reception under its hospitable roof.

The news of his departure was conveyed to the family of Pride by Disappointment, who seized this opportunity of introducing to their acquaintance Care, Remorse, and Misery, who from this time paid them daily visits, and prevented the possibility of their enjoying any happiness, though possessing all the honours, titles, distinctions, and rewards the world could bestow.


"The doves are censured while the crows are spar'd."

Arietta is visited by all persons of both sexes, who have any pretence to wit and gallantry. She is in that time of life which is neither affected with the follies of youth, or infirmities of age; and her conversation is so mixed with gaiety and prudence, that she is agreeable both to the old and the young. Her behaviour is very frank, without being in the least blameable; and she is out of the track of any amorous or ambitious pursuits of her own; her visitants entertain her with accounts of themselves very freely, whether they concern their passions or their interest. I made her a visit this afternoon, having been formerly introduced to the honour of her acquaintance by my friend Will Honeycomb, (who has prevailed upon her to admit me sometimes into her assembly) a civil inoffensive man. I found her accompanied by one person only, a common-place talker, who, upon my entrance, arose,

and after a very slight civility sat down again, then turning to Arietta, pursued his discourse, which I found was upon the old topic constancy in love. He went on with great facility in repeating what he talks every day of his life; and with the ornaments of insignificant laughs and gestures, enforced his arguments by quotations out of plays and songs, which allude to the perjuries of the fair, and the general levity of woman. Methought he strove to shine more than ordinary in his talkative way, that he might insult my silence. and distinguish himself before a women of Arietta's taste understanding. She had often an inclination to interrupt him, but, could find no opportunity, till the larum ceased of itself, which it did not till he had repeated and murdered the celebrated story of the Ephesian Matron.

Arietta seemed to regard this piece of raillery as an outrage done to her sex; as indeed I have always observed that women, whether out of a nicer regard to their honour, or what other reason I cannot tell, are more sensibly touched with those general aspersions which are cast upon their sex, than men are by what is said of theirs.

When she had a little recovered herself from the serious anger she was in, she replied in the following manner.

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Sir, when I consider how perfectly new all you have said on this subject is, and that the story you have given us is not quite two thousand years old, I cannot but think it a piece of presumption to dispute it with you: but your quotations put me in mind of the fable of the lion and the man. The man walking with that noble animal, showed him, in the ostenation of human superiority, a sign of a man killing a lion. Upon whieh, the lion said, very justly, "We lions are none of us painters, else we could show a hundred men killed by lions, for one lion killed by a man.' You men are writers, and can represent us women as unbecoming as you please in your works while we are unable to return the injury. You have twice or thrice observed in your discourse, that hypocrisy is the very foundation of our education; and that ability to dissemble our affections is a professed part of our breeding. These, and such other reflections, are sprinkled up and down the writings of all ages, by authors, who leave be hind them memorials of their resentment against the scorn of particular women, in' invectives against the whole sex. Such a writer I doubt not, was the celebrated Petronious, who invented the pleasant aggravations of the frailty of the Ephesian lady; but when we consider this question between the sexes, which has been either a point of dispute or raillery ever since there were men and women, let us take facts from plain people, and from such as have not either ambition or capacity to embellish their narrations with any beauties of imagination. I was the other day amusing myself with Lignon's Account of Barbadoes; and, in answer to your well-wrought tale, I will give you (as it dwells

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