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1322. On the fifteenth day of the last month of his term of service, each Medical Cadet will report the fact to the medical officer in charge, whose duty it is to report the same to the SurgeonGeneral, together with a report of the general character and competency of the Cadet.

1323. The Secretary of War will appoint from the enlisted men of the army, or cause to be enlisted, as many competent hospital stewards as the service may require, not to exceed one for each post.

1324. The senior medical officer of a hospital requiring a steward may recommend a competent non-commissioned officer or soldier to be appointed, which recommendation the commanding officer shall forward to the Adjutant-General of the army, with his remarks thereon, and with the remarks of the company commander. And, as the object of these more permanent appointments is to procure the services of a more competent body of hospital stewards, no soldier nor citizen must henceforth be recommended for appointment who is not known to be temperate, honest, and in every way reliable, as well as sufficiently intelligent, and skilled in pharmacy, for the proper discharge of the responsible duties likely to be devolved upon him.

1325. When no competent enlisted man can be procured, the medical officer will report the fact to the Surgeon-General.* Applications and testimonials of competency, from persons seeking to be enlisted for hospital stewards, may be addressed to the SurgeonGeneral.

1326. The commanding officer may re-enlist a hospital steward at the expiration of his term of service, on the recommendation of the medical officer..

1327. Hospital stewards, whenever stationed in places whence no post return is made to the Adjutant-General's office, or when on furlough, will, at the end of every month, report themselves by letter to the Adjutant-General and Surgeon-General, as well as to the medical director of the military department in which they may be serving; to each of whom they will also report each new assignment to duty, or change of station, ordered in their case, noting carefully the number, date, and source of the order directing the same. They will likewise report monthly, when on furlough, to the medical officer in charge of the hospital to which they are attached.

*The current wants of the service may, however, be supplied by a detail from the command, on the recommendation of the medical officer, of a soldier to act as temporary steward, thus affording the means of a careful probation of all soldiers so detailed, who are ambitious of one day deserving a permanent appointment. Stewards thus detailed at posts, or with a body of troops of more than four companies, will receive the pay "and allowances of a sergeant of ordnance; and at all other posts, or with smaller bodies of troops, the pay and allowances of a first sergeant of infantry. (See Act July 5, 1838.)

1328. The accounts of pay, clothing, &c., of hospital stewards must be kept by the medical officers under whose immediate direction they are serving, who are also responsible for certified statements of such accounts, and correct descriptive lists of such stewards, to accompany them in case of transfer-as, also, that their final statements and certificates of discharge are accurately made out, when they are at length discharged from service.


1329. The following amount and kind of transportation for the sick and wounded may be provided for troops on marches and in campaigns against Indians:

1. For commands of less than five companies, to each company, one two-wheeled ambulance.

2. For a battalion, of five companies, one four-wheeled and five two-wheeled ambulances.

3. For a regiment, two four-wheeled and ten two-wheeled ambulances.

1330. The following schedule of transports for the sick and wounded and for hospital supplies will be adopted for a state of war with a civilized enemy:

1. For commands of less than three companies, one twowheeled transport cart for hospital supplies, and to each company one two-wheeled ambulance.

2. For commands of more than three and less than five companies, two two-wheeled transport carts, and to each company one two-wheeled ambulance.

3. For a battalion of five companies, one four-wheeled ambulance, five two-wheeled ambulances, and two twowheeled transport carts. For each additional company less than ten, one two-wheeled transport cart.

4. For a regiment of ten companies, two four-wheeled ambulances, ten two-wheeled ambulances, and four two-wheeled

transport carts; and for greater commands in proportion. 1331. Ambulances will not be used for any other than the specific purpose for which they are designed, viz. the transportation of the sick and wounded; and those hereafter provided for the army, will be made according to a pattern to be furnished the Quartermaster's Department by the Surgeon-General.

1332. The transport carts must be made after the models of the two-wheeled ambulances (their interior arrangement for the sick excepted), and to have solid board flooring to the body.

1333. Horse-litters may be prepared and furnished to posts whence they may be required for service on ground not admitting the employment of two-wheeled carriages; said litters to be composed of a canvas bed similar to the present stretcher, and of two poles each sixteen feet long, to be made in sections, with head and foot-pieces constructed to act as stretchers to keep the polcs apart.

1334. The allowance of hospital attendants in the field will be, for one company, one steward, one nurse, and one cook; for each additional company, one nurse; and for commands of over five companies, one additional cook.


1335. Hospital tents must in future be made according to the pattern of the present tent and of the same material, but smaller, and having on one end a lapel so as to admit of two or more tents being joined and thrown into one with a continuous covering or roof. The dimensions to be these: In length, 14 feet; in width, 15 feet; in height (centre), 11 feet, with a wall 44 feet, and a "fly" of appropriate size. The ridge-pole to be made in two sections after the present pattern; and to measure 14 feet when joined. Such a tent will accommodate from 8 to 10 patients comfortably. 1336. The following will be the allowance of tents for the sick, their attendants and hospital supplies:

[blocks in formation]

1337. Upon the march or in battle, medical officers will habitually be attended by an orderly, carrying a hospital knapsack. This knapsack to be made of light wood and of the ordinary size; to be divided into four compartments or drawers, and to be covered with canvas or other suitable material; the object being to carry in an accessible shape such instruments, dressings, and medicines as may be needed in an emergency on the march or in the field.




War Department, Adjutant-General's Office,
Washington, March 18, 1861.

The uniform, dress, and horse equipments of the army having been changed in many respects since the General Regulations of 183”, de folowing description of them is published for the informiton of all concerned:


1 Aww all wear a frock coat of dark blue cloth, the A two-thirds to three-fourths of the distance from the edge the bend of the knee; single-breasted for captains • Deskphotog double-breasted for all other grades.


Tak Mu vlcerer of the general staff-gilt, convex, with spread pad car and plain borders; large size, seven-eighths of an dacă în pa borrow diameter; small size, one half inch.


20. For othora of the general staff-dark-blue cloth with a gold cord, one eighth of an inch in diameter, along the outer seam.


32. For officers-of best black felt. The dimensions of medium size to be as follows: Width of brim, 31 inches; height of crown, 6 inches; oval of tip, 4 inch; taper of crown, inch; curve of head, inch; the binding to be inch deep of best black-ribbed silk; silk and gold cord with acorn ends; the rim of the hat fasten

ed up on the right side with an eagle attached to the side; three black ostrich feathers on the left side; a gold embroidered wreath in front, on black velvet ground, encircling the letters U. S. in silver-old English characters.


60. For officers of the medical department-medium or emerald green silk net, with silk bullion fringe ends.


For officers of the general staff-dark-blue cloth, one and threeeighth inches wide by four inches long; bordered with an embroidery of gold, one-fourth of an inch wide. For majors-one gold embroidered wreath at each end. For a captain-two bars placed parallel to each other at each end. For a first lieutenantone bar at each end.


War Department, Adjutant-General's Office,
Washington, April 8, 1861.


Asst.-Surgeon Lewis A. Edwards to be Surgeon, February 19, 1864, vice De Leon, resigned.

Asst.-Surgeon John F. Hammond to be Surgeon, February 25, 1861, vice Moore, resigned.


Surgeon Samuel P. Moore, February 25, 1861.
Surgeon David C. De Leon, February 19, 1861.
Asst.-Surgeon George K. Wood, January 1, 1861.
Asst.-Surgeon William A. Carswell, March 25, 1861.
Asst.-Surgeon James H. Berrien, March 17, 1861.


War Department, Adjutant-General's Office,
Washington, May 4, 1861.

Plan of Organization of the Volunteer Forces in the Service of the United States by the President:

Infantry-Each regiment will be organized as follows: One Assistant-Surgeon, one Hospital Steward.

Regiment of Cavalry-One Assistant-Surgeon, one Hospital Steward.

Each Brigade will consist of: one Surgeon.

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