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I sal salme (2.) and understand in un-wemmid wai,
When pou salte come to me ai.

I thorgh-yhode in un-derandnesse of mi hert,
In mid of mi hous in querte.

3. 5 Noght set to be in sight

Bifore mine eghen thing un-right;
Wemmednesses ere doand,

Hated in ilka land.

Noght kleved to me (4.) wicke-hert for pi;
• Heldeand fra me liper noght knew I.
5. 7 Dern like his neghburgh bak bitand,
Him filiyhed with fote and hand.


With proude egh and un-fillandlik hert,
With it ete.I noght in quert.

6. Min eghen to trew of land þat be,
Swa pat pai ai site with me;
10 Gaand in un-wemmid wai,
He served me, night and dai.

7. Noght sal he won me biside,
In mid of mi hous, þat does pride;
þat spekes quednes, noght/righted swa
In sight of min eghen twa.

8. In 11 ughtening slogh with hand
Alle pe sinful of pe land;

a pat 12 for-spille fra Goddes cite
Alle þat wickenes wirkand be.

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dryht' ge-her 2. Domine exaudi

be-cyme perveniat



ge-bed 7 cleopung min to de orationem meam et clamor meus ad te

ne acer du onsiene 3. Ne avertas faciem tuam a

on-haeld to me


dine from me in spe hpelcum dege ge-spenced me in quacunque die tribulor ðin in spe hpelcum dege ic ge-cego

inclina ad me aurem tuam in quacunque die invocavero

Bec hred-lice ge-her mec

te velociter exaudi me

for-Jon a-sprungun

4. Quia defecerunt sicut fumus dies mei et ossa mea sicut

in her-stan

rec spe spe

min dagas mine ban


herste sind

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oblitus sum manducare panem
geamrunge minre æt-felun [ æt-clofodon] ban

gemitus mei adheserunt ossa


from stefne

meum (6.) a voce

min flæsce minum
mea carni meae

gelic ge-porden ic eam stane-gellan in poestenne ge-porden ic eam 7. Similis factus sum pellicano in solitudine factus

in spe spe næht-hrefn husincle sic ut nocticorax in domicilio ic paecade ge-porden ic eam spe spe 8. Vigilavi et factus sum sic ut

spearpa se anga in timbre
passer unicus in aedificio


alne deg edpittun [ hyspton] mec feond mine 7 da de mec 9. Tota die exprobrabant mihi inimici mei et qui me pið me speorun

hergað laudabant adversum me jurabant for-don escan spe spe hlaf

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10. Quia cinerem sic ut panem manducabam et potum meum

mid pope ic ge-metgade

cum fletu temperabam

from onsiene eorres

ebylðu dinre for-don up-hebbende du ge-cnysedés

11. A facie irae et indignationis tuae quia elevans elisisti





2. Laverd, here pe bede of me,
And mi krie mote come to pe.

3. Noght turne pi face fra me; in what kin dai
I be droved, helde pin ere to me ai.

In what kin dai kalle þe,
Swith-like pan here pou me.

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Swifli, H.; Swiftli, E.

crawkan, H.; kraukan, E.

3 For steven of sikinge strange


Klives mi mouth to my flesshe lange, H.

wildernesse, E.

hous heves, H.; in hous evesesse, E.

6 For þat bred als aske I ete, H.
For aske als ware bred I ete, E.

7 Fra face of wragh of mis-liking of þe,
For up-hevande to-gnod thou me, H.
For face of wragh of þe mis-likand,
For pou to-gnod me up-hevand, E.

dagas mine spe spe scua

on-hældun 7ic spe spe


12. Dies mei sic ut umbra declinaverunt et ego sic ut faenum

a-drugade arui

ðu soð-lice

dryht' in ecnisse Borh-punas

ge-mynd 13. Tu autem Domine in aeternum permanes et memoriale

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terrae ejus miserebuntur

on-dredað Biode noman dinre dryht'

alle cyningas

16. Et timebunt gentes nomen tuum Domine et omnes reges eorðan puldur din

terrae gloriam tuam

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majestate sua

ge-locað in ge-beodu dearfena

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ne for-hogað bene e = 4

18. Et respexit in orationes pauperum et non sprevit preces

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ge-locad of heanisse Sæm halgan his dryhten of

20. Quoniam prospexit de excelso sancto suo Dominus de

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Sæt sie segd in sion

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22. Ut adnuncietur in Sion nomen Domini et laus ejus in

ierusale' Jerusalem

12. Mine daies als schadwe helded pai,
And I dried als it ware hai.

13. And pou, Laverd, ert/withouten ende,
And pi mining in strend and strende.

14. pou riseand, Laverd, onon
Salt have merci of Syon;

11 For time of it to have merci,
For þat time 1 com es, witerli.


15. For quemed to pi hine his stanes ai,
"And of land of it haff reuth sal pai.

16. And drede sal genge, Laverd, þi name þat is, And alle kinges of erthe pi blis.

17. For bigged Laverd Syon bidene,
And in his blis it sal be sene.

18. He biheld þe bede of meke pat be,
And par praier noght for sake he.

19. Be writen pese in othre 5 strende al,
And folk pat sal be made loove Laverd sal.

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