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Note: As pointed out in the note To the Teacher, page 16, this pupils'
book is not complete without the teachers' Manual. These two books
are mutually complementary; together they contain the complete system
of Aldine Language instruction for the grades to which they are adapted.
What this system contains is fully revealed only by the indexes of both
books. This index, of course, refers only to the contents of this book.
Numerals refer to pages.

A Disaster, 279

A Legend, 67

A Patriotic Wish, 70


list of miscellaneous, 369
Mr., 157

of names of months, 153, 368
of names of states, 158, 367
St. (street), 158

using period after, 152, 158, 161,



formal notes of, 319, 321

informal notes of, 314, 316

promote, 32

Adverbs Continued

comparison of, 276, 277

definition of, 268, 362

learning to avoid misuse of, 272,

practice in comparison of, 276,

practice in finding, 277

practice in using suitable, 269,

used to modify adjectives and
adverbs, 270, 271

Æsop, The Hunter and the Lion, 77
Affirmative in debates, 334

Accuracy, exercises tending to ain't, words to use in place of, 24,


Acts, learning to divide plays Alphabet, arranging words in order

into, 135


adverbs used to modify, 271

careful choice of, 243, 244

comparison of, 273-275

definition of, 236, 362

irregularly compared, 275

meaning of adjective, 236

of, 60-62

American Speech Pledge, 21, 71,


distinguishing possessives and
contractions, 190, 191

in contractions, 79, 81, 85, 92, 119
to show possession, 189-191

[blocks in formation]

Bennett, H. H., The Flag Goes | Challenging independent thinking

By, 251

between, among, correct use of, 284
Boastfulness, exercises tending to
discourage, 93


exercises encouraging the reading
of, 21, 86, 116, 168, 169, 188,
247, 355

list of one hundred, to read, 355
Boy Scouts, learning about, 115,

Bravery, exercises tending to pro-

mote, 71, 184, 187

Browning, Robert
Pippa's Song, 69
quotation from, 180

Bryan, William J., quotation, 340
Business letters, learning how to
write, 321-324

lessons in preparation of, 323

Camp-Fire Girls, learning about,
115, 116

Capitals, use of, in writing

first word of quotation, 78, 80,
83, 91

first word of sentence, 44, 49,
80, 82, 84

I, 78, 80, 81, 91

names of days, 153, 161, 162
names of months, 152, 154, 161,

names of persons, 124, 127, 154
names of places, 154, 161, 162

poetry, 119, 147

proper nouns, 223

review of, 363, 364

test in, 303

(See Situations challenging in-
dependent thinking)

Character ideals, exercises tending
to promote

bravery, 71, 184, 187
carefulness, 111

cheerfulness, 69

cleanliness, 348-352

contentment, 69

courage, 73
curiosity, 115
determination, 85
fairness, 74

faithfulness, 147, 148
fearlessness, 342, 343

good citizenship, 340-343, 347,
348, 353, 354

honesty, 71, 187, 348, 352, 353
industry, 147, 148, 348
justice, 341, 343

loyalty, 147, 148, 342, 343
neatness, 341, 343

patriotism, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74,
127, 147-151, 252-254, 340-343
perseverance, 348

self-control, 342, 343
self-reliance, 90, 92
sympathy, 342, 343
thoroughness, 187
thoughtfulness, 307
truthfulness, 187

Character traits, exercises tending
to discourage

dishonesty, 147, 148, 352

disloyalty, 342

laziness, 71

idleness, 147, 148

selfishness, 71


titles, 46, 50, 51, 79, 82, 84, 94, 101 | Citizens, quotations about great

Carefulness, exercises tending to

[blocks in formation]

Grant, 342

Lee, 342

Lincoln, 342

Washington, 341


Citizenship, good, exercises tend- | Compositions

ing to promote, 340-343, 347,
348, 353, 354

Citizenship pledge, inviting, 342
Civics, correlation with, 340-343,
353, 354

Cleanliness, exercises tending to

promote, 348-352

Close, of business letters, 323, 324
Colon, use of, in business letters, 323

following salutation in letter,
161, 162, 194

in letter headings, 159

in writing dates, 154, 161, 162
review of, 210, 211

to mark pauses for meaning, 191,

to separate from rest of sentence
name of person addressed, 89,
91, 119, 120, 127

to separate quotations, 80, 82,
84, 91

to separate words of series, 208-210
yes and no, 90, 91
Comparative degree, learning to
use, 98-100

of regular adjectives, how to
form, 274

list of adjectives irregularly com-
pared, 275

list of adverbs irregularly com-
pared, 277

of adjectives, 98-100, 273-275
of adverbs, 276, 277

[blocks in formation]


oral, 31, 34, 38, 59, 71, 75, 76,
86, 88, 97, 108, 114, 121, 134,
141, 185, 186, 188, 204, 205,
206, 306, 310, 332, 335, 337,
342, 349

subjects for, 256

(See also Descriptions and stories)
written, 89, 90, 101, 103, 104,
105, 113, 116, 123, 136, 141,
150, 161, 162, 168, 181, 186,
188, 194, 204, 207, 214, 216,
220, 242, 246, 247, 248, 255,
270, 278, 286, 290, 292, 306,
311, 312, 315, 316, 318, 319,
320, 321, 322, 324, 326, 330,
332, 333, 336, 342, 347, 350,


definition of, 289, 363
illustrations of, 287-289
meaning of conjunction, 288
often misused, 291, 292
practice in avoiding misuse of,

practice in combining sentences
with, 290, 291

used to connect words, 287,

used to join sentences, 288-

Conkling, Roscoe, on Grant, 342
Contentment, exercises tending to
promote, 69
can't, 85, 92

distinguishing from possessives,
190, 191

don't, 79, 81, 92

expanding, 90

he'd, 119

I'm, 119

isn't, 85, 92

it's, 233

we'll, 92


learning to use in writing, 201,

practice in making, 145

paragraph in writing, 214, 215
practice in writing, 88, 103, 104
writing original, 216
Copying exercises, teaching by
means of, 59, 64, 84, 122, 139,
144, 146, 147, 149, 178, 179,
180, 181, 226, 234

Correct usage, exercises in
adjectives, 273-275

adverbs, 272, 273, 276, 277
between, among, 284
don't, doesn't, 177-179
in, into, 283, 284

is, are; was, were, 155, 156
less, least; more, most, 276
lie, lay, 264, 265
like, as if, 291
may, can, 266, 267
negatives, 173–176

neither, nor; either, or, 291

nouns, 229, 230

of, off, 285

pronouns, 233, 235, 236
saw, seen, 22, 23, 262, 263
shall, will, 265, 266
sit, set, 264, 265

tense, 121, 122, 150, 151
there are, they are, 154-156
to, at, 284, 285

verbs, 262-265

was, were, 23, 24, 155, 156

went, gone; blew, blown; flew,

[blocks in formation]

writing, 141, 142, 220, 242, 278
Determination, exercises tending
to develop, 20, 21, 25, 85

Correlation of language with Dialogue, making stories from,

flown, etc., 262, 263

without, unless, 291

other subjects

civics, 256, 340-343, 353, 354

geography, 211

history, 153, 154, 256

hygiene, 348-352


Dickens, Charles, selection from

A Christmas Carol, 190

Dictation used to test and teach,48,

81, 95, 125, 154, 166, 192, 303

[blocks in formation]

things to remember in using, Expressions, choice of, 218, 219

62, 63

using as spelling book, 64

Dishonesty, exercises tending to

discourage, 147, 148, 352
Disloyalty, exercises tending to
discourage, 342

Dole, Charles F., The Flag, 147
don't, doesn't, correct use of, 177-



enlarging parts of, 103
finding moral of, 120

lessons in preparation of, 101
rewriting, 104

telling original, 96, 97
what they are, 93
writing original, 101

Dramatization, planning, 57, 58, Fables to study

132, 133

Dramatizing, 59, 133

Eggleston, Edward, Tit-tat-toe from

The Hoosier Schoolboy, 325
Enunciation, exercises for clear,
20, 25, 26, 27, 58, 69, 70, 73,
120, 121, 134, 143, 151, 154,
155, 163, 164, 179, 255, 301,
346, 347

Spring Cleaning (English), 327
The Ant and the Cricket, 117
The Donkey and the Race Horse
(Lessing), 93

The Hunter and the Lion (Esop),

The Wolf and the Crane, 104
Fairness, exercises tending to pro-
mote, 74
Faithfulness, 147, 148

Errors, common. (See Correct usage, Fearlessness, exercises tending to

promote, 342, 343

Everett, Edward, on George Wash- Field, Eugene, quotation, 186

exercises in)

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