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Words are divided into eight classes according

to their uses in sentences.

called the Parts of Speech.

These classes are

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1. A word used as a name is called a noun.

(a) The name of a particular person, place, or thing is called a proper noun.

(b) Names that belong equally to each person or thing of a class are called common nouns.

John, one of my classmates, lost his book in Boston.

"John " and " Boston " are proper nouns.


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Classmates and "book are common nouns.

(c) A noun that denotes one thing is said to be singular, or in the singular number.

(d) A noun that denotes more than one thing is said to be plural, or in the plural number.

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"Boy," "book," tree are singular; "boys," "books,' trees are plural.


2. A word used for a noun is called a pronoun.

Mary tore her dress and mother mended it. "Her" and "it" are pronouns.

3. A word joined to a noun or pronoun to limit or describe is called an adjective.

The first sweet bird of spring has come.

"The," "first," and "sweet" are adjectives.

4. Words that tell what someone or something does are called verbs.

The cannon roared, the bells rang, and the people shouted.

"Roared," "rang," and "shouted" are verbs.

5. An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

So many people read too fast.

"So," "too," and "fast" are adverbs.



6. Words that show relation are called prepo


The book on the table is the one I gave to you. "On" and "to" are prepositions.

7. Words that connect or join other words are called conjunctions.

Tom or John lost the books and pencils.

"Or " and " and " are conjunctions.

8. An interjection is a word thrown in to express strong or sudden feeling.

Hush! hark! I hear a noise!

"Hush" and "hark" are interjections.


Capital letters are used to begin:

1. The first word of every sentence. See the falling snow.

2. The important words in titles.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

3. Proper nouns and words made from them.
America, American.

4. The first word of every line of poetry.
"Oft have I walked these woodland paths
Without the blest foreknowing

That underneath the withered leaves
The fairest buds were growing."

5. The first word of every direct quotation. The soldier said, "My captain, I am ready." 6. Abbreviations.

Gen., Mrs., St., Oct.

7. Initials.

J. T. Brown, M. H. Hunt.

8. The pronoun I.

It is I.

9. The interjection O.

I cannot! O friend, I cannot !

10. Names of God.

Master, Almighty, Father.

11. Names of the months and of the days of the week.

June, Monday.

12. Names of holidays.

Thanksgiving, Memorial Day.

13. Titles of honor or office.

President Coolidge, General Grant.

14. Salutation and ending of letters. Dear Tom, My dear Mr. Dane.

Very truly yours, Yours truly.


1. A period is used:

(a) After a statement.

The book is torn.

(b) After a command.

Bring the book to me.



(c) After an abbreviation.

Mr., P.O., Oct.

2. A question mark is used after a question. When are you going?

3. An exclamation point is used:

(a) At the end of an exclamatory sentence.
How vivid the lightning is!

(b) After an interjection.

Alas! Oh! Pshaw!

4. A comma or commas are used:

(a) To separate from the rest of the sentence:

(1) A direct quotation.

"I cannot say," said John.

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Come," said Tom, "it is time to go."

(2) The name of a person addressed.

John, come to me.

See, Fred, the sun is shining.

(3) Yes, and no the opposite of yes.
Yes, I will go.

No, I must wait.

(4) Words that explain others.

Mars, the god of war, ruled.

(b) To separate :

(1) The parts of dates.

School closed on June 19, 1914.

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