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20. To prepare, through the medium of his Ministers, an estimate of the annual expenditure, and to report the application of the preceding estimate.

XIX. It shall not be lawful for the Supreme Director:

1. To command the Armed Force, or to absent himself from the Territory of the Republick, without leave of the Senate.

2. To nominate any Officer to the effective command of a Corps, of and superior to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel: the proposing and nomination of which must receive the consent of the Senate.

3. To take cognizance of judicial matters, whether relating to the Police, Government, or any other Department.

4. To deprive any one of personal liberty for more than 24 hours, or to inflict corporeal punishments.

5. To suspend, on any pretext, the assembling of the National Chamber, immediately after the Veto of the Senate shall have been pronounced.

6. To grant employments, without the particular exercise of his Ministry acknowledged by the Law, to extend their number, or to dis tribute money, on any other ground than that of actual service or legal retirement.

7. To suspend the Electoral Assemblies.

8. To despatch Diplomatick Agents, either with Powers or an Offcial Character, to Foreign Countries, without the consent of the Senate. 9. To create commissions, with emolument or salary, without the consent of the Senate.

10. To issue any order without the signature of his Ministers; be being responsible if it be obeyed under any other form.

XX. At the expiration of his office, the Supreme Director shall deliver to the Senate a Report on all the operations of his Administration, to the end that, together with the notes and observations thereon of the Senate, it may be printed, and, the name of the Director being inscribed on the Electoral Lists, the Assemblies may declare (in the same form as in the Elections) how far his conduct may be deemed meritorious.



XXI. There shall be, for the present, three Ministers, Secretaries of State, for the directorial despatch of business.

XXII. Each Minister shall be personally responsible for the acts which he shall have signed alone, and all of them for those which they shall have signed in common.

XXIII. Every organick instruction drawn up by the Directory, on the acts which shall have been sanctioned by the Senate, relating to Foreign Affairs, shall be considered in concert with the Council of State, and shall have the signature of the respective Minister of State,

without which requisite it shall not be executed. Should any extraordinary case demand one of a secret nature, the Minister who issues the instruction and signs it shall be personally responsible for the same.

XXIV. To be a Minister, it is necessary to be a Citizen, to be 30 Years of age, to be of good repute, and to have a well-known competency.

XXV. No Minister shall absent himself from the Country until the expiration of 4 months, after the termination of his office.

XXVI. To render the responsibility of a Minister effective, the Senate shall declare when there be cause for the institution of legal proceedings against him, the Supreme Court of Justice adjudging it afterwards, on principles of prudence and discretion, with reference to what is purely of a ministerial nature.

XXVII. The business and interior organization of each Department shall be settled by a regulation, prepared by the Government, and sanctioned by the Senate.



XXVIII. There shall be a Council of State, composed of two Ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice, an Ecclesiastical Dignitary, a Military Chief, an Inspector of Fiscal Rents, and the two officiating Directors of National Economy, who shall receive no other emolument than the Salary attached to their employment. The Ex-Directors are Members of this Council.

XXIX. The Council of State shall be consulted:

1. Respecting those Projects of Law which cannot be submitted for the sanction of the Senate without the previous assent of the Council of State.

2. Respecting the nomination of Ministers of State, the Council having the right of proposing their dismissal.

3. Respecting the Estimates of Fiscal Expenses, which must annually be laid before the Senate.

4. Respecting all matters of superior importance.

XXX. The Council shall meet in the House of the Director, on two appointed days in the week, and on extraordinary occasions, when called by the Supreme Director, who shall always preside over it.

XXXI. The Council shall be divided into 7 Sections, each Section being entrusted to a particular Member, who shall prepare and explain the business to be expedited.

XXXII. The Sections are:

1. Interior Government, Justice, Legislation, and Elections. 2. Commerce and Foreign Affairs.

3. Publick Instruction, Morals, Services, National Merit, and Ecclesiastical Affairs.

4. Fiscal and Publick Finance.

5. War and Marine.

6. Mines, Agriculture, Industry, and the Arts.

7. Publick Establishments, and every description of Police.

XXXIII. A Book shall be kept in the Council of State, in which all the decisions given by the Director shall be registered. In the consultations on the nomination of Ministers of State, each Councillor shall record his personal vote with his name.

XXXIV. The Councillors shall be permanent, unless they be removed or superseded by the Supreme Director.



XXXV. There shall be a permanent Body, with the title of the Conservative and Legislative Senate.

XXXVI. It shall be composed of 9 individuals, elected Constitutionally, for the space of 6 Years, who may be re-elected at any period.

XXXVII. To be a Senator it is necessary:

1. To be 30 Years of age.

2. To possess a Property, the value of which is not less than 5,000 dollars.

3. To have been a Resident during three Years immediately previous to the Election, unless the person should have been absent in the employment of the State.

4. To be in the exercise of Citizenship.

XXXVIII. The attributes of the Senate are:

1. To watch over the observance of the Laws, and the conduct of the Authorities.

2. To sanction the Laws proposed by the Directory, or to suspend their sanction until the opinion of the National Assembly shall have been ascertained.

3. To suspend, immediately, the Executive Acts of the Directory, should it perceive in them a serious and dangerous tendency, or a vio lation of the Laws.

4. To watch over the National customs and morals, taking care of education, and that the civick and moral virtues be always distinguished by rewards and honours.

5. To protect and defend individual Rights, under the strictest responsibility.

6. To report meritorious conduct, keeping a register of the services and virtues of every Citizen, in order to present and recommend them to the Directory, and to propose them as deserving persons to the National Chamber.

XXXIX. In virtue of the foregoing Articles it belongs to the Senate: To sanction:

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1. Regulations and Ordinances for every Publick Body or Administration, proposed by the Directory.

2. Declarations of War, or measures against Aggressions, with the previous consent of the National Chamber.

3. Treaties of Peace, and other Treaties with Foreign Nations. 4. Taxes and Contributions, with the previous assent of the National Chamber.

5. Estimates of the Publick and Fiscal Expenses prepared by the Executive.

6. Debts and Foreign Loans, if proposed on any extraordinary exigency, with the previous assent of the National Chamber.

7. The creation or suppression of Offices, and their salaries.

8. The formation of Cities, Towns, and the demarkation of Territories.

9. The ceremonies, objects, rewards, and honours, of National Festivals.

10. Publick Establishments of every description.

11. The ingress, or stationing, of Foreign Troops, or Squadrons, within the jurisdiction of the State, and the manner in which it is to be effected.

12. The departure of National Troops from the Territory of the State.

13. The Land and Sea Forces for each Year, or as Publick urgency demands.

14. To urge the Directory, at any time, to negociate a Peace. 15. To sanction rewards and honours to deserving Citizens. 16. To regulate the Law, Weight, and Mould of the Coinage. 17. To examine and approve the application of the Publick Revenue, every Year, and at any time when it may deem it necessary. 18. To declare and register the Right of Citizenship.

19. To propose to the National Chamber the Persons who are to be declared deserving, in order that the Chamber may confirm the same, if their merits are of an ordinary kind; or to consult the Nation respecting them, if they are of a superior description.

20. To declare when there is cause to institute Criminal Proceedings against any Publick Functionary, who shall, in the mean while, be suspended from office.

21. To sanction the privileges which the Directory shall propose, for the Inventors or Promoters of useful establishments.

22. To sanction the acquisition or alienation of Publick Property. 23. To approve the apportionment of Taxes in the Departments. 24. To exercise the right of Police and Correction in the place of its sittings, and in the district in which it deliberates.

25. To exercise the right, of proposing Laws each Year, during 2 periods of 15 days each: the first to commence at the termination of the month in which the visiting Senate shall conclude its annual visit; and the second, 6 months after the first period. Also, of inviting the Directory at any time to propose such Law as it may consider necessary or suitable to the interests of the State.

26. To consult the National Chamber, in respect of accusations and criminal causes against Senators; who shall be tried by the Supreme Court of Justice, after the National Chamber shall have declared that there is cause for the formation of a process, with the concurrence of the Senate.

XL. The President of the Senate shall be elected annually in the Electoral Assemblies, and the Election must fall on one of the Senators for the time being.



XLI. The Supreme Director shall propose the Law to the Senate, after it shall have been approved and signed by his Council of State.

XLII. The Law being received, the Senate shall sanction it, if it consider it useful, and necessary for the publick good.

XLIII. If it appertain to War, Contributions, or Loans, it shall assemble and obtain the assent of the National Chamber, after which it shall sanction it.

XLIV. Should the Senate consider the Law proposed prejudicial or unnecessary, it shall return the same to the Director with its observations; in which case, the Director may either withdraw his proposition, or transmit it a second time to the Senate, with answers to the objections

XLV. Should the Senate still deem it prejudicial, it shall suspend its sanction, and shall declare its veto, after it shall have consulted the opinion of the National Chamber.

XLVI. A Law, approved by the Chamber, shall necessarily receive the sanction of the Senate; and, if rejected by the Chamber, it shall be considered as not having been proposed.

XLVII. On the occasion of the veto, or the suspension of the Senate, the National Chamber must have been legally convoked.

XLVIII. No Law shall be proposed to the Senate until it has beea discussed three times in the Council of State, and unless it shall have been printed eight days before the discussion. The Senate shall not sanction or return it without three further discussions on the observa tions of the Director.

XLIX. At the two periods of the Year, when the Senate shall possess the right of proposing Laws, the Supreme Director shall

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