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sects are derived from the same "source. It is, therefore, necessary that you should guard your respective flocks from the perni"cious errors of those who have "swerved from the right way. "You are admonished in the words of our ordination service, 'Never "to cease your labour, your care,

and diligence, till you have done "all that lieth in you to bring all "such as are committed to your "charge unto that agreement in

"that there be no room left for er "ror in religion.'..... Many excel"lent persons have connected them

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has not been inclined to sanction a compounding of creeds; aud although the sentiments put into her mouth by the bulls are fabrications, yet she has declared herself against the fatal schemes of our bibliasts, by forbidding, through a decree of the congregation of Index, all translations of the bible in whatever vulgar tongue they may be, unless approved by the holy see, or accompanied with notes from the holy fa. thers, or catholic authors. But why are catholics, or their spiritual chief," the faith and knowledge of God, singled out for their opposition to the mad schemes of bible enthusi asts? Are they the only class who disapprove of an indiscriminate dis-selves with the bible society, altribution of the scriptures? If Mr. Foster will take a survey among his protestant brethren, he will find as stout declaimers against his "noble association," in the episcopal order" of the establishment, as in any the catholic clergy. Has not Dr. Herbert Marsh been rewarded with a mitre for his defence of the church against popery and bibliasm? Did not the bishop of Lincoln charge his clergy against the evil tendency of the bible societies? The bishop of Ely too has openly avowed his hostility to the spirit of the bibliacs. At the second quadrennial visitation of his diocese in the present year, his lordship delivered a charge, which has been published at the 'request of the clergy. He therein says,




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lured by the specious and flatter "ing prospect of the conciliating effect which this union could not fail, as they supposed, to produce. But, if we examine its proceedings, we shall be at a loss to dis"cover any symptoms of conciliation; on the contrary, the acrimofenious and irritating fanguage which, at the meetings of their

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auxiliary societies, is commonly "used towards those members of "our establishment who have not joined them, affords too plain an "indication of a very different temper: the discord which has "thus been introduced amongst us "is, in my opinion, of itself suffici

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ent to induce every churchman, "whose endeavour it should be to

keep the unity of the spirit în "the bond of peace,' to decline "connecting himself with that society."

Let it not be supposed that we have sufficiently provided for the religion of the poor and unlearned "members of our church, by mere- Now, it is impossible not to be "ly giving them a bible, and ena-struck with the strong concurrence bling them to read it. We are, of sentiment in the language adopt"indeed, persuaded that the doc-ed by this prelate of the established "trines of our established church 's are founded upon the bible; but we also know, that they who in "their religious opinions differ most "widely from us, Anabaptists, Uni"tarians, Socinians, all maintain, "that the tenets of their respective

church and the words which Mr. Foster has imputed to the bishop of Rome. One would almost imagine that a copy of the spurious bulls had been sent to his lordship of Ely, and that he had borrowed this part of his charge from them. What more

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of that ill-fated monarch.
this source originated all the im
pious and indecent frolics of the
anabaptists in Germany the civil
wars of the covenanters and puritans
of Scotland and England the cant❤

the extravagancies of the quakers and the anarchical 'ravings of the fifth-monarchy men. Dr. Fealty, an eminent divine, quoted by Grey in his Answer to Neal's History of the Puritans, complains heavily of the consequences of the pernicious


has the pope or any catholic clergyman advanced against the bible so cieties than we find in the above ex tract, delivered by a protestant bishop ex cathedra? The Ely clergy are exhorted to guard their respective flocks from the "perni-ing hypocrisy of the independentscious errors" of those who have swerved from the right way; the primate of Poland is commended to do the same. The protestant pre late recommends those who have unwittingly joined these societies to decline the connection; the ci-devant archbishop of Malines is ad-liberty of modelling and explaining vised to follow the same steps.the scriptures. He says, Now, if catholics are still to be deprived of the rights and immunities of British subjects, because the pope thinks it necessary to guard the Poles and Flemings against the dangers of Mr. Foster's "noble association," why, on the same principle, should not the bishop of Ely, and all those churchmen who think with him, be likewise disseized of their civil privileges, for cantioning Englishmen to beware of the mis chief likely to ensue from this bril liant" ornament of our times??'To act with consistency and justice, one party ought to suffer on this ground as well as the other. For

my part, I rejoice to see the clergy of the established church awakening to a sense of their danger, and agree with the British critic of last month, "that no good can arise to the church of England (and I will add, to mankind at large) from the exertions of the bible society, but that much evil has already resulted, and that much more may be expected to result, from its opera tions." The downfall of the established church, and the murder of our first Charles, was principally occasioned by the baneful circulation of the scriptures, and the still more baneful doctrine of self-interpretation. From hence sprung all the seditions, tumults, and rebellions, which characterized the reign


is not the meanest artizan, nor the
most illiterate day labourer, but
bolds himself sufficient to be a mast
ter builder in the church of Christ.
I wonder that our doors and walls
do not sweat when such notices as
these are affixed to them: On such
a day such a brewer's clerk exer-
ciseth, such a tailor expoundeth
such a waterman teacheth.”
same author (says Dr. Milner, in
his Letters to a Prebendary,) furs
nishes us with the most extraordis
nary instances that can be conceived
of the prevailing blasphemies, im
pieties, crimes, and follies, proceed-
ing from the unrestrained licence
which every one then claimed of ex-
plaining the scriptures for himself.

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Salmon, a preacher at Coventry, taught his people to curse, swear, and commit whoredom. At Dover, a woman cut off her child's head, pretending a particular command like Abraham. Another woman was condemned at York, in March, 1617, for crucifying her mother, and sacrificing a calf and a cock. Other extravagancies were as laughable as these were terrible. Some have killed their cats for catching mice on a Sunday, but scrupulously deferred the execution till Monday, for fear of incurring similar guilt, nay, one Precisian, as he is called, knocked out the head of his barrel of beer for working on the saba


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admitted the allegation of the insanity of the pannel to be fully esta blished, and the jury accordingly acquitted him. During the trial the prisoner is stated to have been quite indifferent as to the proceedings, and was occupied in reading or looking in a BIBLE, which he held in his hand during the whole time.Numerous other instances we may find detailed in the public journals of the dismal and mischievous doings of biblical enthusiasm; and can we wonder then that the catholic cler gy, or any man of unclouded understanding, should endeavour to stop

with so much evil to mankind?Mr. Foster may flatter himself with the foolish idea that the efforts of the bible society will stand forth amidst the glories of our country" as "the brightest ornament of our times;" but before he can get the man of sound religion to join with him, he must eradicate from the page of history the disgraceful and

bath!"" Disgusting and abhorrent as these transactions of the sixteenth century must be to an upright and intelligent mind, similar scenes of folly and wickedness disgrace the age in which we live, notwithstanding we are supposed to be under the influence of "education" and "superior reason." Have we not had to witness the frenetick reveries of Joanna Southcot and her believers? and do we not now behold the ridiculous and eccentric ceremonies of the methodists, jumpers, shakers, &c. Nay, the foreign papers of last April announced the forming of a new sect in Austria, from the read-the progress of a system fraught ing of the bible, whose tenets embraced the equalization of property, and the sacrificing of human beings for the purpose of purifying others from their sins. These mad fanatics, like the protestant reformers, wanted to use violence and coercion to make proselytes of their more reasonable neighbours, who would not listen to their extravagancies; but happily the Austrian govern-horrible transactions committed by ment sent a military force among them, who arrested their founder, one Petzel, and 86 of his followers, and we have heard no more of their horrible atrocities; they having immolated one virgin of 13 years of age, and seven men! To this we niay add a circumstance recorded in REV. MR. GANDOLPHY'S WORKS. The Courier London evening paper Conjoined with the intolerance of the 9th instant. It is there of the forged bulls stands the ap stated, that at the circuit court of probation given by the theologians Justiciary at Inverness, in the pre-of Rome to the controversial ser ceeding week, a man of the name of Adam Mackay was brought to the bar, accused of the murder of a poor old woman on the 1st of Au "An elaborate work, in four vo gust last. The prisoner pleaded lumes, has lately issued from the not guilty; and his counsel stated, press of this country, to which I that he should rest his defence on a "shall now beg leave to direct your total denial, but should that fail, he " attention, A Defence of the should set up the plea of religious" Anclent Faith,' by Dr. Gandol infatuation, which subjected the phy. In general, I feel as strong. accused to occasional fits of insanity."ly as any one the injustice of enThe public prosecutor, after the exa- "deavouring to affix upon a large mination of witnesses, is said to have" party the sentiments of an indi

the disciples of bible self-expound ers, and remove from his observa tion the rapid and lamentable growth of impiety and licentiousness amongst the present generation of Euglishmen.

mons of Mr. Gandolphy. On this subject the learned senator expresses himself thus:

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"established church, and such

hopes and predictions of its down"fall, such views of the British con "stitution, as might well induce a "protestant to pause before he could "admit that principles like these "can safely be admitted into the "guidance of our councils, and the "enactment of our laws."

"vidual; but this Defence of the "Ancient Faith' comes attended by "some circumstances, which enti"tle it to particular credit. The publication appears to have been "disapproved of, and its circula"tion prohibited, by Dr. Poynter, "the ecclesiastical superior of the "author. Dr. Gandolphy tells us, "that to this he submitted, ex- Here we have another instance of "pecting justice at Rome.' To the fatality of the "compounding" "Rome he accordingly went, went, system which the leaders of the "where his character carried him self-named board have been endea through every difficulty, and he vouring to establish, for the purpose "returned with the approbation of of inducing our adversaries to take his works by the proper autho- them under their protection, and "rity, that authority, without permit them to taste of the flesh-pots "whose approbation the pope him- of Egypt. In touching on one part "self cannot publish!' This auof this passage, I know I tread on thority, it appears, was the mas- very tender ground; but as I am the "ter of sacred theology, and the only catholic bookseller in this me "professor of the sacred scriptures, tropolis who publicly sell the works "at Rome. The former states, of Mr. Gandolphy, and as I know that the author has undertaken many individuals, whom I respect, "to explain and illustrate every wonder at my conduct, justice to point of doctrine which has given myself impels me to say a few words "rise to controversy between catho- on this subject, which otherwise I "lics and protestants; and, as far should have passed over without no" as it is possible to succeed, has tice. In doing this, I shall proba "rendered the articles of catholicbly incur the displeasure of some of faith clearer than the light.' He adds, that, after rigidly exami"ning the whole composition, he is "far from discovering any thing in it contrary to the pure faith and "doctrine of the catholic church.

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"The approbation of the other " censor is still more decisive. He states, that the author has carried the war of controversy into "the fortresses of the enemy; and

my friends, and, I have no doubty the increased wrath of my persecu❤ tors; however, I have only to beg, that the former will give me credit for the purity of my motives, and that the latter will wreak all their vengeance, on me alone, as I only am responsible for whatever may fall from my own pen. It is unnecessary here to remind the catholic public how much they are indebted to the indefatigable labours and powerful writings of the venerable and eminently-gifted vicar-apostolic of the Midland district, in defence of their faith and principles. The forcible arguments of this learned writer, the stubborn facts he ad

in that land, once the fruitful pa "rent of saints, has triumphantly "raised the catholic standard of "victory over his discomfitted and "confuted opponents; and declares, "that multiplied editions of this "work, so worthy to be cased in ce"dar and gold, will be highly ad-duced to support them, and the unvantageous to the catholic church. "This work so sanctioned, exhi"bits such sentiments towards Rome, such feelings towards our

ceasing activity of his capacious mind, gave our opponents no chance of vilifying us without detection.Blending the abilities of a statesman

vility and dishonourable cringing to

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protestant ascendency." About a month after the latter date I commenced this journal, and but a short time elapsed before I had demon strative proof that some of the leading clergy had lent their influence to assist the lay-board in attempting to suppress every work which might be deemed offensive to our protestant task-masters; and thus, by si

tropolis, keep the whole of our body in a state of ignorance as to the in trigues of the latter, except what

with the qualities of a divine, he, stood forth the champion of our ci vil privileges as well as of our religious doctrines; but exercising his great powers with a vigour and integrity which put the wily machinations of our pretended friends of both factions to the blush, our boardmen were threatened with the loss of their advocacy in parliament, unless some means were adopted to prevent that rising spirit in the ca-lencing the catholic press of the me tholic press which Dr. Milner had enkindled and so long maintained, by his unanswerable and unequalled theological and political writings.might be judged by themselves reAlarmed at this disposition of their quisite to be known to promote their senatorial dictators, the board-men selfish views. Threats and intimi entered into a resolution on the 29th da'ions were employed to reduce me of May, 1810, which they renewed into a state of subjection, but with on the same day of the month in out effect: they made no impres 1813, to the following purport, and sion on me, as the dictum of autho caused the same to be inserted in rity, unaccompanied with the voice the public papers at each period :~ of reason, is not calculated to con That we do not consider ourselves vince me of error in matter of opias implicated in, or any ways renion. Foiled in beir expectations, sponsible for, the political opinions, the wealthy layman was employed conduct, or writings, of the right to intimidate such of the clergy as reverend Dr. Milner, vicar aposto- were favourably inclined towards lic of the Midland district." The me, by threatening to withhold reason given by these gentlemen for their pecuniary assistance; and renewing this specimen of their those of the clergy who were op‐ folly is, that it had been publicly posed to me recommended their pestated that they were, and had been, nitents not to read my writings.under the political influence of the Thus stood matters with regard to patriatic and disinterested prelate. my publication, when I found that By whom this idle report was private endeavours had been used to spread we are not informed, but this prevent the circulation of the work much is certain, the tenour of the complained of by Mr. Foster, and learned prelate's writings bore testi-that the clerical individuals who mony of its fallacy, and all who loved the purity and integrity of their religión not only lamented the circumstance, but were desircus of having them under his influence; and much more would it have been to their honour and credit, had they suffered themselves to be directed by his superior knowledge and judg-works in question as arising from the ment. In this case they would not now be placed in that contemptible situation they have unfortunately brought themselves to, by their ser

were engaged in this task did not proceed by the rules of canonical authority, but by brow-beating or cajoling those who were ready to submit to their injustice. Under these circumstances, it was impossi ble for me not to look upon this attempt to prohibit the sale of the

"smothering" system adopted by the board, and seconded by their cle rical auxiliaries, rather than from a sincere desire of guarding the purity

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