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whicn render me contemptible in thy sight, and ought to cover my soul with shame and confusion, instead of pride. and vanity. Check all my vain and aspiring thoughts, and wean me from any fond opinion of my own abilities and excellencies. Strengthen my faith and good resolutions, that I may never purchase the praise of men by mean flatteries and sinful compliances; nor ever entertain their applause, even upon the best account, with too great delight, lest it corrupt the purity of my intentions, and rob me of that reward thou hast promised to all those that glorify thy name. And especially, I pray, make me patiently to bear the indignities I may receive from others because I have deserved them from thee, and because thy; Son has suffered the same upon my account. Grant this O Lord, for the sake of the same thy son Jesus Christ, our saviour. Amen.

A Prayer for the Fear of God.

ALMIGHTY God, whose power is infinite, and whose judgments are to be feared, possess my soul with an holy awe and reverence toward thee, that I may give thee the honour due unto thy name, and never profane any holy thing, nor sacrilegiously invade what thou hast set apart for thy service. I believe that, as thou art infinite in justice, thou wilt not clear the guilty; which should make me tremble at the very thought of whatever offended thee; therefore let me not so misplace my fear as to be afraid of man; but fill my soul with that fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom: that I may thereby bridle all my brutish appetites, and keep myself in a constant conformity to thy holy laws: and this I humbly beseech thee to grant unto me thy servant, in the name of Jesus Christ thy son, our Lord and saviour. Amen.

A Prayer for Trust in God.

MOST merciful God, give me grace in all difficulties and distresses to have recourse unto and to depend on thy power, goodness, and promises. And, as thou hast promised to keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed


on thee, suffer not my heart to be overcharged with the cares of this life; but grant that, having by honest industry and all lawful means done my part, I may cheerfully commit myself to thy providence, casting all my care upon thee; and that seeking first thy kingdom and the righteousness thereof, I may stedfastly trust in thee for such a mea. sure of these outward things as thou, in thy wisdom, seest to be most expedient for my advancement to the kingdom of thy Son; to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen.

A Prayer for our Benefactors.

ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who makest me both to will and to do those things that be good and acceptable to thy divine majesty; I make my humble supplications to thee for all my benefactors. Let thy fatherly hand, I beseech thee, ever be over them; let thy holy spirit ever be with them; and so lead them in the knowledge and obedience of thy word, that in the end they may obtain everlasting life, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who with thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth ever, one God,

world without end. Amen.

Acts of Contrition, with Petitions for Pardon and Grace, that we may reform and amend our lives.

O Lord, remember not the sins and offences of my youth, but according to thy mercy think thou upon me.

For thy name's sake, O Lord, be merciful unto my sin, for it is great.

Enter not into judgment with thy servant, in thy sight shall no man living be justified.

Ô Lord; for

Have mercy upon me, O God, after thy great goodness; according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine offences.

Who can tell how oft he offendeth? O cleanse thou me from my secret faults.

Order my steps in thy word, and let not any iniquity

nave dominion over me.

Show me thy ways, O Lord, and teach me thy paths.

Pity, O Lord, the present frailty of thy servant, and suffer not my blindness to lead me into ruin.

Suffer not my frailties to become habitual, lest I die impenitent, and perish without recovery.

O thou great Physician of souls, cure me of all my sinful distempers, and fix me in an even and constant holiness.

Imprint on my mind this important truth, That the pleasures of sin are short and momentary, but the pain and torment eternal; and that the best that can follow is a bitter repentance.

Almighty Lord God, mortify and kill all vices in me; and so strengthen me with thy grace, that by the innocency of my life, and the constancy of my faith, I may glorify thy great and holy name.

Grant me the true circumcision of the spirit, that, my heart and all my members being mortified from all worldly and carnal lusts, I may in all things obey thy blessed will.

Grant that I, being regenerate, and made thy child by adoption and grace, may daily be renewed by thy holy spirit, till I come to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ unto a perfect man.

Enable me to love my enemies, and to do good to those that hate me, and to pray for them that despitefully use me, and persecute me; in obedience to the command, and in imitation of the example, of my great Lord and master Christ Jesus.

A Prayer for a meek and quiet Spirit.

O FATHER almighty, and God of all comfort, look with thy tenderest pity upon me, a weak and frail creature, who am encompassed about with many and great infirmities. My nature is corrupt, my passions are strong and violent, and I am so prone to peevishness and anger, that almost every slight provocation disorders my mind. This is what I bewail and lament, humbly beseeching thee to pardon all this my sin and folly, and to give me a meek and quiet spirit, a patient and forgiving temper, and an humble, charitable, and christian disposition; that my mind may at all times be quiet and easy, my carriage gentle, kind, and

obliging unto all men; and the whole conduct and deportment of my life such as becomes the disciples of the meek and blessed Jesus; to whom, with thee and the Holy Ghost, be honour and glory, for ever. Amen.

A Prayer for Chastity.

HOLY, holy, holy Lord God of hosts! who art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, whose holy spirit delighteth to dwell in pure and chaste hearts; I most humbly beseech thee to send thy spirit of purity and holiness into my heart, and to preserve me chaste and spotless, clean and undefiled in thy sight; that my body may be a holy temple, and my soul a sanctuary fit for the reception of thy divine holiness. Forgive me all my past impurities, whe ther in thought, word, or deed; reprove in me the spirit of lust; kindle the fire of thy holy love in my heart, and let it comsume all my dross; that I may no more grieve thy blessed spirit by any work of darkness; but after a chaste and religious life here, I may be presented before thy tribunal, washed and cleansed in the blood of the Lamb, and reign with thee for ever. Amen.

A Prayer for Temperance.

O GOD, who madest every thing good, and givest all things richly to enjoy; give me the spirit of temperance and sobriety, that I may use thy creatures in the same measure, and to the same purposes, for which thou hast designed them. Forgive that intemperance, which I have been guilty of in meat, drink, apparel, and pleasure [particularly here mention what you are most guilty of] and never let my body any more be oppressed with surfeiting and drunkenness, or the luxuries of this sensual life. Subduc my appetite to reason and to thy grace, that my table may be no more a snare unto me, nor my food become a temp. tation, a sin, or a disease; but that I may henceforward hunger and thirst after righteousness, and account it my meat and drink to do thy will, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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A Prayer for Patience.

O GOD, who hast told us, that in this world we should have tribulation; grant that my present affliction may work patience, and that I may be submissive under the load thou hast thought fit to lay upon me, whether it be thy immediate correction, or the injuries with which my fellowcreatures endeavour to oppress me: and forasmuch as I suffer no more than the common lot of all sinful mortals, strengthen me, O Lord, that no pains or sufferings ever drive me from thee; but rather be a means to work in me a contempt of this world, a mortification of my lusts, and a patient abiding - of the cross: so that I may finish my course with joy, and, at the last, rest from all my labours and troubles, with the redeemed and blessed of the Lord; which I wait and humbly beg for at thy hands, O most gracious Father, for the sake and in the name of thy son Jesus Christ. Amen.

A Prayer for Diligence.

ALMIGHTY God, who hast commanded man to till the earth, and to provide for his subsistence by his own labour and industry, when thou mightest justly have punished him eternally; enable me to fulfil thy command; and with care, diligence, and honest industry, grant that I may provide for myself and those committed to my charge, by improving the talent thou hast intrusted me with; and that I may make my calling and election sure, by a patient continuance in welldoing: that so labouring in thy work here, I may, not for the merits of my own works, but for the merits of Jesus Christ, rest from my labours in thy kingdom hereafter. Amen.

A Prayer for the Love of our Neighbour.

MOST merciful God, suffer me to exclude none from. my charity, who are objects of thy mercy and tenderness; but grant that I may assist all my brethren with prayers and good intentions, where I cannot reach them by works of mercy. Let me be always ready to embrace all occasions that may administer to their happiness, by assisting

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