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To imprefs ftrongly the inevitable confequences arifing from a profecution of the fame fatal Plans of Conduct, viz.

Lofs of the Continent of America.
Weft India Islands.

Eaft India Poffeffions.
African Settlements,
Gibralter and Minorca.
Mediterranean Trade.

Fleet and Army in America.
Expenditure of Forty Millions.
General Defpondency.

National Bankruptcy,

Rebellion at Home.

General Attacks.

Byron's late Departure.

No Fleet fent to block up D'Eftaign
in the Mediterranean,

National Honour loft in foliciting
Mediation of Spain.

No timely Reinforcements fent to
Lord Howe.

No Admirals nor Generals will ferve.
American Commiffioners Procla-

Spain equipping.

Flat bottomed Boats preparing.

Inequality of the Fleet.

Total want of Credit.


Saratoga Convention.
Sacrifice of Burgoyne.
Quarrels with Generals.
Characters Blafted-

Ruined Undone-
Whispering Gallery.

Private Powers to American Com-

Affection for Johnstone.

Chief Mover in the American War.
Author of Calamities.

Lofe his head.



Ignorance of the Rules of the House,
Dangerous Principles.

Refpect to noble Families.

Speedy Rife to Greatness.
Confinement to Forms.


THAT Mr. B-ke he directed to trans mit a copy of the foregoing plan, in a large round hand, to Mr. L-e, that he may attend. Mr. D―g with it at his Chambers to-morrow evening at Seven; Mr. L-e having informed the Select that Mr. D-g is engaged to Lady Milford's ball at Nine at Night.


THAT a subscription present of fifty guineas be given to Mr. Almon on the head of general Services, and that he be af fured of the place of Patent Stationer to both Houses of Parliament, upon condition that he continues to introduce the feveral Speeches of Oppofition, with his amendments, in the Political Regifter, and to misrepresent and curtail thole of Administration.


The Rebellion in America has certainly had an effect upon my fair country women. -I impute the increase of inconftancy to it. Having been the first, they are determined not to be the laft to rebel.The Ladies have for some time past held a Congrefs here. They have their General Washington in his Grace of Dorfet, their Arnold in one Fawkener, their Lee in good Colonel Cofmo, their Lord Stirling in His Grace of Queensbury, their Predent Hancock in the Prince their Horatio Gates in every woman's Horatiotheir Ambaffadors Franklin, Lee, and Adams, in the perfons of Stepney, Carlifle, and Norton; nor is their wanting the refpective Aids du Camps in Byron, C Gardiner,

Gardiner, and Fitzpatrick. The Ladies will enter into no treaty without a Declaration of Independence, and would rather accept Foreign Alliances upon that ground, than acknowledge the Supremacy of Great Britain. Having long imbibed the Conftitutional Principle that Reprefentation and Taxation fhould go together, they declare they will not bear any burthens but those impofed upon them by Representatives of their own Election. The well-difpofed Aimables are obliged to submit to the Rules which this Congreffional Ton have founded, and continue to fupport; and like many a worthy in America, whilst he submits and places his confidence in the trust that tyranny in its nature can be but of short duration, the innocent maiden here, fearful of defamation, courts its kindness to avoid its venom.


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-NE objects, 1st,

To declarations of the impoffibility of contending with any part of the world, or with all of it.

2dly, To the Independence of America. 3dly, To the withdrawing the army from that country.

4thly, To the idea of want of men→→→→ Streets full of them.

5thly, To the idea of want of moneySquares, buildings, fine houses, gaming. C 2


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