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Remonftrances from his loyal Subjects. Thus happily have our GREAT ANCESTORS provided for the Freedom and Security of their Pofterity, in compofing a Frame of Government of the Excellencies of all the other known Forms, without any of their Evils; Monarchy, Ariftocracy and Democracy fo conftituted, as may beft ferve to balance and to fupport each other, and to promote the Ends of the Inftitution, the good Government of the Community, without any Danger of Tyranny, or Anarchy.

ON this matchlefs Frame of Government, every true Briton will ever look with due Reverence, and an exulting Heart. Here, he will find juft Motives to prompt him to glory in, and to emulate, the Virtues of thefe GREAT PATRIOTS, that left him fo invaluable an Inheritance, as LiBIRTY; and hence, he muft learn, that without a competent Share of thefe paternal Virtues, his Legitimacy may well be queftioned to the hazarding the irrecoverable Lofs of that Inheritance. Hither then, let the difloyal Male-content bend his Eye, and he muft fee when there is juft Caufe, as well as against whom, to let his Indignation or Difaffection rife. Let him not prefume to judge of the Measures of Government, without the ftricteft Regard to thefe Principles nor rafhly determine aught from partial Appearances. Let him not confound one Part of the Adminiftration with the other; nor condemn the one for the Mifconduct of the other. Every Member, that thinks the Community aggrieved, has an undoubted Right, and is bound in Duty, to enquire into the Nature and Caufe of the Grievance, and if he finds it real, fhould ufe his Might to procure a speedy, legal Redrefs. But, the TRUE PATRIOT will ever be dif tinguished from the fpurious, as the REAL, from the pretended Mother, by this, that the former will labor by all just and lawful, prudent and rational Means, to restore and preServe the Whole; whilft the later will have Recourfe to Falfehood, Diffimulation and Violence; and, rather than fail, will fubmit, nay, contend, to have the Conftitution torn in funder, to gratify his finifter Views. The wife and good Man, when injured, will fairly demand Reftitution according to Law, before he can think of having Recourse to any Degree of Violence. The wife and loyal Subject will remonftrate against, and petition for Redress of, public Grievances. But, the froward and disloyal will gladly run into Faction, and every Measure, that tends to bring all into Confufion; fuch will conftantly strike at all Superiors, right or wrong, indifcriminately, either publicly or pri


vately, directly or indirectly, and, upon bringing the public Administration into general Contempt, will found his Hopes to overturn the whole Frame of Government. By thefe, judge of mine Intentions and Sentiments.

BUT, why fhould I mention disloyal Male-contents to You, when it cannot be fufpected, without unjustly impeaching the Wisdom and Loyalty of the CITIZENS of London, that fuch unworthy Men could find Footing in YOUR COUNCILS, or even within your Walls? -You will pardon the Digreffion then, MY GOOD LORD and GENTLEMEN, When I declare, I am left no Room to question your strict and inviolable Regard to the Conftitution of your Country and City. On the contrary, if I may judge from fuch Parts of your Civil Oeconomy, as may be fupposed to fall under mine Observation, I am perfwaded, there are Men of as exalted Virtue and true Patriotifm in London, as ever adorned the Councils or fhone in the Camps of Britain. But, of all, that a free Subject may fee laudable among You, there is nothing that strikes mine Eye more pleafingly, than feeing the Force and Authority of the Civil Power, fo fhamefully languid, în fome Parts of thefe Dominions, revived and kept up in priftine Strength and Vigor among You. To avoid offending the Modefty of one of your eminent Members, as well as the Imputation of Flattery, I am forced to omit mentioning the refpectful Name of that GREAT and WORTHY OFFICER, who lately let the World fee, what fome corrupt Members thought, or would have thought, impoffible, that the CIVIL POWER was able to execute its most rigorous Decrees, and, in all Refpects, to fupport itfelf, without the Interpofition of a military Force. It is an Inftarice of your Happiness, that the Fame of this PATRIOT may fail of being handed down to Pofterity, with that Eclat, in which it would have been, had he lived to exert his free Spirit in a Reign lefs obfervant and lefs tender of the Civil Rights and Liberties of the Subject; but, the generous Regard, You have payed to the Merit of this and every other diftinguished Citizen, fhews, that You can never fuffer fuch thining Virtues to be ungratefully buried in Oblivion *.


*I am forry to find myself now obliged to point out the Perfon here glanced at, I mean STEPHEN THEODORE JANSSEN, Efq; who juflly became fo popular as to have been elected, upon the Prefumption of his Patriot Principles, one of the Members of Parlement, an Alderman, a Sheriff, and Lord Mayor of the City; yet, in his Mayoralty, declined prefenting this Addrefs to his Conftituents.

Therefore, it is impoffible, that I fhould imagine You capable of countenancing any of the Measures of fuch weak or wicked Men, as would work a Change in the prefent Syftem of Government in thefe Kingdoms; that I fhould fufpect You infenfible of the Bleffings You enjoy in a free and easy Accefs to your Sovereign, in full Poffeffion of your conftitutional Rights and Liberties, under a juft, equal Diftribution of Laws, and in a proper Influence in the framing or repealing of Laws: This would be no less, than charging You with, what I prefume your Enemies dare not, a Defire to turn back again to the Flesh Pots of Egypt; a Defire to fubjugate your City and your Country in general, to the like lawless and tyrannical Rule, to the fame exceffive and illegal Taxes, Impofitions and Exactions, deftructive Monopolies, merciless Oppreffions, Disfranchifements, Perfecutions, civil Blood-fhed, and general Subverfion of Liberty and Justice, under which You wretchedly labored, during the arbitrary Government of fome late Princes, as before touched on, untill HEAVEN called forth the manly Virtues of your glorious Ancestors, to curb the Infolence and to chaftife the Ufurpation of these perfidious and most impious Rulers, and to rescue and fecure themselves and You from Tyranny, by reviving and eftablishing the NOBLE CONSTITUTION, You at prefent enjoy; a Conftitution conceived in Wisdom, and brought to Life and Maturity by Virtue; a Conftitution, of all others, the most complete, the most perfect; which has long made Britain the Object of the Admiration or Envy of the reft of the World; in short, a Conftitution, which neither Time, nor internal nor external Force, can injure or indanger, while its Members retain the Sense to prize their Liberty, as it deferves, and the Virtue to fupport it properly. Men, blessed with thefe Faculties, which I am perfwaded were never yet wanting in London, will not fuffer themselves to be taken with mere founding, empty Names, and outward and superficial Forms of Things; but, will conftantly contend for the PULIC LIBERTY, upon the ESSENTIAL and UNALTERABLE PRINCIPLES of THEIR POLICY, by which, they must ever be able to preferve and maintain it; but, thofe, who are not fo bleffed, will forfeit their BIRTH-RIGHT, or fell their ineflimable Inheritance, for a Mefs of Pottage, for a Bit of gliftering Tinfel, or a gawdy String or Feather; Names and Forms, without a Spark of the VIVIFYING ESSENCE of the Conftitution, will be fufficient for those, whom Perverseness has blinded, or whom Avarice or Luxury has expofed to Corruption and ever-confequent Slavery.


To promote the one, to wit, VIRTUE and LIBERTY, and to obviate or fupprefs the other, Vice and Slavery, I first wrote and publifhed the following Papers in Dublin, and with the fame Views, I now republifh them here, and thus beg Leave to devote and dedicate them to your Service. If they be found productive of any Good to your Country or City, I cannot fear their being acceptable to You; and, if they be not, You have Judgement enough to discern the Author's Intention and Motives, and Humanity will induce You to pardon the fimple Attempt.

IT is mine additional Misfortune to have mine Affairs fo circumftanced, as to require my going into foreign Countries, before I can have the Honor of prefenting You perfonally with thefe Papers. I have therefore directed a Friend to attend upon YOUR LORDSHIP and each of the SHERIFS, with a Copy, as foon as it is printed. But, fearing, from a broken State of Health, and the many Difafters, to which I am expofed, that I may not have the Happiness of attending upon YOUR LORDSHIP and HONORS again, I humbly lay hold of this Opportunity, to teftify my Regard to TRUTH, and my Zeal for the Caufe of LIBERTY,' as well as the high Efteem and Veneration, I bear for your LORDSHIP, and all the worshipful Members of the COMMUNITY of the City of LONDON; and thus, beg Leave to offer You this Addrefs in mine own proper Manufcript, and fubfcribed with my Name *.

I WOULD do more for the GLORIOUS CAUSE, had PROVIDENCE but bleffed me with the Means. But, You must accept the Will for the Deed; fince, nothing is now left, but to offer up my Prayers for the Prosperity of the whole British Dominions.

THAT BRITAIN may, before it be too late, learn and practise those Things, that concern the temporal and eternal Honor and Welfare of her Subjects, abroad, as well as at home; that her Sons may ever inherit thofe paternal Virtues, by which, the national Conftitution was framed and establifhed, and by which alone, it can be preferved and fupported; that every Grace and Bleffing may attend the prefent SOVEREIGN on her Throne; that all her future Kings may fo fully learn the End and Duty of that facred Office,



This Addrefs was prefented in Manufcript the 17th of March, 1750, to Alderman Cockayne, the Lord Mayor, who not choofing to prefent it to his Conftituents, returned it, with the printed Book, delivered to him in the Abfence of the Author, after his return in 1753.

that bears the Image and Superfcription of the MAJESTY of the PEOPLE, and fo duly prize the Rights and Liberties of the Subjects intrufted to their Government, that they may rule by LAWS, not by any Degree or Appearance of arbitrary Power or military Force; that they may neither hold, nor know, any Intereft, oppofite to, or diftinct from, that of their Country; that the wife and auguft Councils of both the present Houses of Parlement may profper; that all fucceding Peers and Bishops may emulate the Virtues, the Piety and Learning of the moft diftinguished of their Ancestors and Predeceffors, in being good Guardians to their Baronies and Sees, free and faithful Counsellors to their Sovereigns, and fhining Lights and Ornaments to the true Religion; that no corrupt or corruptible Member may ever obtain a Seat in either House, or in any of the public or private Councils, nor in any of the Courts of Juftice; that all fucceding Houfes of Commons may be compofed of Men, in all Refpects, fully qualified for their Places, and, for thefe Qualifications onely, chofen and appointed by wife, virtuous and free Conftituents; that all future Members may ever be fenfible of the important Truft_repofed in them at their Election, and never forget the Duty and Service, they owe their Electors, but religiously remember and obferve the just Deference due from the Delegate to the Principal; that they may never be actuated by any Motives or Confiderations to utter Sentiments, that may not be juftly authorised and approved by the moft virtuous and loyal Conftituents, nor ever agree in any Thing, that does not tend to the public Good, and to the fulfilling the great End of their Institution; that the three Estates may ever cooperate, as the Head and Members of one and the fame Body, in perfect Harmony, for the Maintainance of the mutual Honor, Dignity, Power and Profperity of each other, and the Health, Peace, Liberty and general good Government of the great Community committed to their Charge, in fuch a Manner, that their Conduct may always obtain the Approbation of the A LMIGHTY, in the applauding Voice of a virtuous and loyal People here, and in endless Glory hereafter.

THAT thefe TWO KINGDOMS may never be divided against each other, nor have their juft Connection broken by any evil Administration; that they may neither regard nor know any worldly Intereft or Concern oppofite to, or feparate from, each other; but that, like the right and left Hands of one and the fame Body, they may always equally and regularly minifter to the mutual Health and Profperity of


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