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United States' stocks......


Amount of Stocks belonging to the Navy Pension Fund, with the cost and nominal value thereof, on the 16th November, 1832.

Nom. value. $227,984 92

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$231,621 41
167,900 00

167,900 00

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17,592 78

On all other stocks

19.872 69

$37,465 4

The interest accruing to the fund during the year 1832, will be—
From United States' stocks ........................................................................

Making the income for the year ................ .... .................................

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The amount of stocks redeemed and paid by the United States, December 4, 1832, is $786,905 84 Which amount has been invested in the stocks above enumerated, and $167,900 in the stock of the Bank of the United States, per act of 10th July, 1832.

Number of Pensioners on the Navy Pension Roll from each State res pectively, prior to the act of 28th June, 1832. and also the number of Pensioners from each State. respectively, placed on the roll in accordance to the provision of that act.

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On the 13th day of October 1831, the date of the last statement (See Vol. X p 249,) the funds belonging to it consisted of-Stock in the Maryland five per cent. $46,000 00; Stcok in the Corporation of Washington 1,951 81; Making the sum of 47,961 81; Yielding an interest of five per cent. per annum,

On the 9th December, 1831, it was necessary, to meet the claims of pensioners, to dispose of stock of the Corporation of Washington amountVOL. XI.


ing to 1,961 81; which left the sum of 46,000 00. And, on the 7th June, 1832, the amount of 1,563 48, in the Maryland five per cents, was dis posed of to meet the payments due on the 1st July next ensuing. Leav ing a balance of 44,436 52, in the Maryland five per cents. After pay ing the amount due to pensioners up to the 1st July, 1832, the salary of the secretary, and incidental expensses chargeable to the fund, there re mained the sum of 1,100 dollars, which was invested in stock of the Bank of the United States at its par value, according to the act of 10th July, 1832.

The amount, then belonging to the privateer pension fund on the 16th day of November, 1832, is-in the Maryland five per cents. $44,436 52; in the stock of the United States' Bank 1,100 06; Amounting to $45,536 52.

The number of pensioners on the roll is-from the State of Maine 4; Rhode Island 1; Massachusetts 15; New York 9; Pennsylvania 1; Maryland 5; Total 35.

The income of the fund is considered at 2,298 82, per annum, and the annual claims upon it are estimated at 2,800 00; leaving a deficit of 501 18.


An ACT for the reliet of certain Surviving Officers and Soldiers of the Army of the Revolution.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That each of the surviving officers of the army of the revolution, in the continental line, who was entitled to half pay by the resolve of October twenty-first, seventeen hundred and eighty, be authorized to receive, out of any money in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the amount of his full pay in said line, according to his rank in the line, to begin on the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, and to continue during his natural life: Provided, That, under this act, no officer shall be entitled to receive a larger sum than the full pay of a captain in said line.

*SEC 2. And be it further enacted, That, whenever any of said officers has received money of the United States, as a pensioner, since the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, aforesaid, the sum so received shall be deducted from what said officer would, otherwise, be entitled to, under the first section of this act; and every pension to which said officer is now entitled, shall cease after the passage of this act.

*SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That every surviving non-commissioned officer. Musician, or Private, in said army, who enlisted therein for and during the war, and continued in its service until its termination, and thereby became entitled to receive a reward of eighty dollars, under a resolve of Congress, passed May fifteen, seventeen hundred and seventy eight, shall be entitled to receive his full monthly pay in said service, out of any money in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated; to begin on the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, and to continue during his natural life: Provided, That no non-commissioned officer, musician, or private, in said army, who is now on the pension list of the United States, shall be entitled to the benefits of this act.

SEC 4. And be it further enacted, That the pay allowed by this act shall, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, be paid to the officer for soldier entitled thereto, or to their authorized Aitorney, at such places

*The 2d and 3rd sections of this act, are not intended to apply to invalid pensioners. See acts of May 31, 1830, and July 14, 1832.

and days as said Secretary may direct; and that no foreign officer shall be entitled to said pay; nor shall any officer or soldier receive the same, until he furnish to said Secretary satisfactory evidence that he is entitled to the same, in conformity to the provisions of this act; and the pay, allowed by this act shall not in any way be transferrable, or liable to attachment, levy, or seizure, by any legal process whatever, but shall enure wholly to the personal benefit of the officer or soldier entitled to the same by this act.

SEC 5. And be it further enacted, That so much of said pay as accrued by the provisions of this act, before the third day of March, eighteen hundred and twenty eight, shall be paid to the officers and soldiers entitled to the same, as soon as may be, in the manner and under the provisions before mentioned; and the pay which shall accrue after said day shall be paid semi-annually, in like manner, and under the same provisions. [.Approved, May 15, 1828.]

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, 5th September, 1832.

The Act for the relief of certain surviving officers and soldiers of the army of the revolution." approved on the 15th day of May 1828, and the acts amending the same, will be carried into effect under the following regulations.

Each officer, non-commissioned officer, nunsician, and private, claiming under the above-aenioned act, will transmit to the Secretary of the Treasu ry a declaration made upon sath before some Judge or Justice of the Peace, according to the annexed form marked A; in which he will show how be is entitled to the benefits of the act, by giving as particular an account a he may be able, of his services in the revolution, stating when, u here, in whit manner, under what officers, in what corps, regimen and line he entered or enlisted and served; when, where, and by when he was discharged, and of whom he may at any time have received pay; whether he has received any bounty from the United States, or of either of the States, either in money or land. If an officer he should state whether he received commutation, and of a soldier, whether he received a certificate for the reward of eighty dollars, The applicant will also state whether he has at any time received or applied for a pension from the United States. The clamant's decla ation must be accompanied by the affidavits of two respe table witnesses, as to his iden ity. The act of the Judge or Justice of the Peace who administers the oath must be authe ticated under the seal of the Court The form marked A has ben prepared for the convenience of claimants, but any other form containing the necessary information will be rece ved.

Each applicant will transmit his commission, discharge, or any other paper or document that he may have, shewing him to have been in service, which commission, discharge, or other paper, or document, after being register d, will be returned. If the commission, warrant, or discharge, has been lost or destroyed, he will state that fact, and transmit any corroborative testimony that he may be a' le. If he can prove his service by any witness he should If he cannot, and knows no person living who can testify to his service, he should state hat fact.

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If the evidence transmitted, taken in connexion with that afforded by the public records, prove to be sa isfactory, the amount which may be found due, will be transmitted to the applicant at his residence. He may however, if

he should prefer it, authorize any other person to receive his pay; in which case he will execute a power of Attorney, according to the form marked B, which must be acknowledged before a Justice of the Peace or other Magis'rate authorized to administer oaths, and authen icated under the seal of the Court of the coun y, in the same manner as is already prescribed in regard to declarations But no payment will be made to any such Attorney, until he has made oath according to the form marked C.

In case of the decease of any office or soldier, who has been found entitled to the benefits of this Act, the amount of pay accruing at the time of his de

cease will be paid to his widow, on her making application, and transmitting evidence of her being the widow.

If there be no widow, the amount will be paid to the children, on their trasmitting evidence that there is no widow, that they are the children, and all the children, and are of age. If the children be under age, the money will be paid to the Guardian, on his transmitting evidence that there is no widow, and that he has been appointed Guardian, and that there are no other children If some of the children be of age, and some under age, the money will be paid to those who are of age, jointly with the guardian of those who are under age.

If there be neither widow nor children, the money will be paid to the legal representatives and in that case, the executor or administrator shail transmit evidence of his authority, and that the deceased left neither widow nor children.

The time of the decease of the officer or soldier whose pay is claimed, must be proved, in all cases.

Forms to be used to obtain the amount due to deceased officers and soldiers, have been adopted and can be furnished to claimants, when requested, free of all expenses.

In consequence of impositions that have been practised upon the officers and soldiers of the revolution, this department, finds it necessary to decline all communication with agents, unless they are persons whose character and standing are known to the department. It is unnecessary for the applicant, however, to employ an agent'; as, by transmitting the application, directed to this department, it will he attended to immediately without any expense to the claimant. It is requested that all letters on this subject may be endorsed, "revolutionary claims."

LOUIS Mc. LANE, Secretary of the Treasury.


An ACT supplementary to the "Act for the relief of certain surviving Officers and Soldiers of the Revolution.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That each of the surviving officers, nonCommissioned officers, musicians, soldiers, and Indian spies, who shall have served in the continental line, or state troops, volunteers or militia, at one or more terms, a period of two years, during the war of the revolution, and who are not entitled to any benefit under the act for the relief of certain surviving officers and soldiers of the revolution, passed the fifteenth day of May, eigh teen hundred and twenty-eight, be authorized to receive out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the amount of his full pay in the said line, according to his rank, but not exceeding in any case, the pay of a captain, in the said line; such pay to commence from the fourth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, and shall continue during his natural life; and that any such officer, non-commissioned officer, musician, or private, as aforesaid, who shall have served in the continental line, state troops, volunteers or militia, a term or terms in the whole less than the above period, but not less than six months, shall be authorized to receive out of any unappropriated money in the Treasury, during his natural life, each according to his term of service, an amount bearing such proportion to the annuity gran ed to the same tank for the service of two years, as his term of service did to the term aforesaid; to commence from the fourth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty one.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That no person receiving, any annuity or pension under any law of the United States providing for revolutionary officers and sldiers, shall be entitled to the benefits of this act, unless he shall first relinpuish his further claim to such : ens on; and it all payments

under this act, the amour which may have been received under any other act as aforesaid, since the date at which the payments under this act shall commence, shall first be deducted from such payment.

SEC. 3. Aud be it further enacted, That the pay allowed by this act shall, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, be paid to the officer, non-commissioned officer, musician or private, entitled thereto, or his or th ir authorized attorney, at such places and times at the Secretary of the Treasury may direct, and that no foreign officer shall be entitled to said pay, nor shall any officer, non-commissioned officer, musician or private, receive the same until he furnish the said Secretary satisfactory evidence that he is entitled to the same, in conformity to the provisions of this act; and the pay hereby allowed shall no be in any way transferrable or liable to attachment, levy, or seizure by any legal process whatever, but shall inure wholly to the personal benefit of the officer, non-commissioned officer, musician or soldier entitled to the same


SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That so much of the said pay as accrued before the approval of this act, shall be paid to the person entitled to the same as soon as may be, in the manner and under the provisions above men tioned; and the pay which shall accrue thereafter shall be paid semi-annually, in the manner above direc ed; and, in case of the death of any person embraced by the provision of this act, or of the act to which it is supplementary, during the period intervening between the semi-annual payments directed to be made by said acts; the proportionate amount of pay hich shall accrue between the last preceding semi-annual payment, and the death of such person, shall be paid to his widow, or if he leave no widow, to his children. SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the officers, non-commissioned officers, mariuers, or marines, who served for a like term in the naval service, during the revolutionary war, shall be entitled to the benefits of this act, in the same manner as is provided for the officers and soldiers of the army of the revolution. [Approved, June 7, 1832 ]

All the duties which devolve on the Secretary of the Treasury by the foregoing act were transferred to the Secretary of War, by a resolution of Jun 28, 1832.

Applications for pensions to the officers and soldiers of the revolution, under the provisions of this act, amounted, in January, 1833, to 24 260 Of this number it was supposed that one thousand would probably be rejected. The number of claims from each state, were as follows:

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New York

North Carolina 474 South Carolina



New Jersey

862 854

Ke tucky


7 Indiana 57












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The following Table exhibits: I. The whole number of Revolutionary jand Invaid Pensioners in each State, on the 17th of O tober, 1831. II. Th number paid in the 1st quarter, and III The number paid in the 2nd quarter of 1832. IV. The number who have relinquished their former pensions and obtained the benefits of the act of June 7, 1832 V The number who have died during the year ending September 4, 1832. VI. The number added to the rolls since October 17 1831. VII. The whole number on the rolls, November 5, 1832.

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