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S we worship God in Spirit, or in Heart, we find that the statement of what God is: viz., God is Good, Truth, Life, Love, Charity, Mercy, Spirit, Knowledge, Intelligence, Mind, clears our understanding.

In order to get a better view of what God is, it is desirable sometimes to state what God is not, by way of illustration; so that when we say, God is All, we may understand many things that seem to be, but really are not God.

The more we are accustomed to denying ourself, or what has seemed to be ourself, the broader the sweep it takes, or the more extended our vision of what there is to deny; what things are, that go to make up the seeming.

There seem to be five denials, like the five physical senses,that are to be passed, in order to get an understanding of God. If we had learned the Truth in the first place these denials would not be necessary; but now it seems to help along, if we rub out of our mind certain conclusions which we have been taught, but which are not true at all.

The first one of these denials is,

In God there is no evil,or, In Good there is no evil. God never created any evil, and as God, the Good, is the only Creator, in reality there cannot be any evil.

All the evil there is, is in the seeming or in the imagination of the heart, not in reality.

Jeremiah says, Every man's word shall be his burden. Then the way to free man from his burden is for him to stop carrying it, or stop speaking evil. If our burdens are the words we speak, how very important to learn this early, so that we shall not have to carry heavy burdens; take them off as you would take off your clothes when you wish to rest and refresh yourself.

Take off the burden of evil from your mind, for it grieves man at his heart to think evil. To think any evil at all is a grief at heart. Don't think of evil as real, say it is unreal. If it is unreal say, there is no evil, for what is unreal is false, and who would care to carry the burden of a lie all the time; especially since we have found that every man's word is his burden, and that is the only burden he has.

No one can lay a burden upon man but God or man himself; if God hasn't done it then man must have done so; and if man has put it on himself, man can take it off. Therefore take off this burden that evil is as real as Good, it is not so. There is no evil. There is no room for evil

where God is and God is Everywhere.

God is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient; and if that is so, then there is no place for evil to be in. Put it out of your mind, wash it off from your mind, declare there is no evil, for God is All-mighty and All-powerful, and he beholdeth all there is but he beholdeth not iniquity. His eyes could not be blind to evil if there was any, for there is no such thing as deceiving God.

We may and have deceived ourselves into thinking there was evil, and that it seems more real than Good, but it is a deception of the physical senses, that we deny in order to come into a clear knowledge of God.

Evil, darkness, and ignorance in the scripture are synonymous terms, and when we find that Good, Light, and

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