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One nurse to every ten fick, one fifteenth of a dollar per day, or two dollars per month. Labourers occafionally.

The duty of the above officers.

The director to furnish medicines, bedding, and all other neceffaries, to pay for the fame, fuperintend the whole, and make his report to, and receive orders from, the commander in chief.

Surgeons, apothecary, and mates, to vifit and attend the fick, and the mates to obey the orders of the phyficians, furgeons and apothecary.

Matron. To fuperintend the nurfes, bedding, &c.

Nurses. To attend the fick and obey the matron's orders.

Clerk. To keep accounts for the director and ftore-keepers.

Store-keeper. To receive and deliver the bedding and other neceffaries by order of the director.

The Congress then proceeded to the election of officers for the hofpital, when Benjamin Church was unanimously elected, to be director of, and phyfician in, the hofpital.

Refolved, That the appointment of the four furgeons and the apothecary be left to Doctor B. Church.

That the mates be appointed by the furgeons.


That the number of mates do not exceed


That the number be not kept in constant pay, unless the fick and wounded should be fo numerous as to require the attendance of twenty, and to be diminished as circumftances will admit, for which purpose the pay is fixed by the day, that they may only receive pay for actual fervice.

That one clerk, two ftore-keepers, and one nurse to every ten fick be appointed by the director.

Upon motion made, refolved, That the paymafter give bond with two fureties, in the fum of fifty thousand dollars, for the faithful performance of his office.

That the bond be made payable to the fame perfons, to whom the bonds of the Continental treasurers are payable.

James Warren, Efq; was then unanimously elected paymaster general.

Refolved, That the paymaster in the New York department give bond to the fame perfons as above directed, with two fureties, in the fum of 25,000 dollars, for the faithful performance of his office.

Adjourned till to-morrow at 8 o'clock.
FRIDAY, July 28, 1775.

Met according to adjounrment.

Ordered, That Mr. M'Kean, and Mr. the form of bonds for the

Wilfon, prepare

continental treafurers to execute.


The Congrefs then proceeded to the election of a Paymafter for the Forces in the New-York department, when Jonathan Trumbull, jun. Efq; was unanimously elected to that office.

The Address to the People of Irelandheing again read by paragraphs, .was agreed to as follows:

To the People of Ireland. From the delegates appointed by the United Colonies of New Hampshire, Mafachusetts-Bay, Rhode-Ifland and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, the Lower Counties on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina and South Carolina, in General Congress at Philadelphia, the 10th of May, 1775•,

Friends and Fellow Subjects,

AS the important conteft, into which we have been driven, is now become interesting to every European ftate, and particularly atfects the members of the British empire, we think it our duty to address you on the fubject. We are defirous, as is natural to injured innocence, of poffeffing the good opinion of the virtuous and humane-We are peculiarly deûrous of furnishing you with a true ftate of our motives and objects; the better to enable you to judge of our conduct with accuracy, and determine the merits of the controverfy with impartiality and precifion.


However incredible it may appear, that, at this enlightened period, the leaders of a nation, which in every age has facrificed hecatombs of her braveft patriots on the altar of liberty, should prefume gravely to affert and, by force of arms, attempt to establish an arbitrary fway over the lives, liberties, and property of their fellow fubjects in America; it is nevertheless a moft deplorable and indifputable truth.

Thefe Colonies have, from the time of their first fettlement, for near two centuries, peaceably enjoyed thofe very rights, of which the Minifty have, for ten years paft, endeavoured, by fraud and by violence to deprive them. At the conclufion of the laft war the genius of England and the spirit of wifdom, as if offended at the ungrateful treatment of their fons, withdrew from the British counfels and left that nation a prey to a race of minifters, with whom ancient Englifh honesty and benevolence difdained to dwell. From that period, jealoufy, discontent, oppreffion and difcord have raged among all his Majefty's fubjects; and filled every part of his dominions with diftrefs and complaint.

Not content with our purchafing of Britain at her own price, cloathing and a thoufand other articles ufed by near three millions of people on this vaft continent; not fatisfied with the amazing profits arifing from the monopoly of our trade, without giving us either time to breathe after a long though glorious

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glorious war, or the least credit for the blood and treasure we have expended in it ;-Notwithstanding the zeal we had manifefted for the fervice of our fovereign, and the warmeft attachment to the conftitution of Britain and the people of England, a black and horrid defign was formed to convert us from freemen into flaves, from fubjects into vaffals, and from friends into enemies.

Taxes for the first time fince we landed on the American fhores, were, without our confent, impofed upon us; an unconstitutional edict to compel us to furnish neceffaries for a ftanding army, that we wished to fee dif banded, was iffued; and the legislature of New-York fufpended for refufing to comply with it. Our antient and inestimable right of trial by jury was, in many inftances, abolifhed; and the common law of the land made to give place to Admiralty jurifdictions, judges were rendered, by the tenure of their commiffions, entirely dependent on the will of a minifter. New crimes were arbitrarily created; and new courts, unknown to the conftitution, inftituted. Wicked and infidious Governors have been fet over us; and dutiful petitions for the removal of even the notorioufly infamous Governor Hutchinson, were branded with the opprobious appellation of fcandalous and defamatory. Hardy attempts have been made under colour of parliamentary authority to feize Americans, and carry them to Great Britain


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